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Flipped instruction, in which information typically conveyed through in-class lectures is delivered remotely through video or text, is being used increasingly by teachers at all levels. However, there is little research documenting how elementary teachers think about, plan for, and use flipped instruction. In this article, we use data from interviews, class observations, and an analysis of instructional videos to describe an elementary mathematics specialists' efforts to incorporate flipped instruction for mathematics in her fifth grade class. We use this case to highlight how a knowledgeable teacher might use flipped instruction to enhance her teaching, and also describe potential challenges.  相似文献   

In this article, I theorize a specific pedagogical moment as a teacher educator by taking up a particular aspect of phenomenological philosophy – the phenomenological reduction – and a particular conception of pedagogy informed by Bourdieu’s philosophies – nomos and habitus – in order to put them in closer dialog with one another. I also bring the theoretical and conceptual work of other critical and poststructural thinkers – hooks and Boler – to bear on a nagging pedagogical concern I experienced as a teacher educator when one of my students made me painfully aware of something I had missed, creating a landscape for how each may be imagined as not only exercises of teaching but as larger commitments to practice and theory, relationship with learners, as well as relationship with self. This concern became a phenomenological pedagogical moment of self-discovery and defined possibility in the classroom where I learned to shift and suspend pedagogical practices and step back to take a moment to see what had yet to be noticed, a time in which I chose to eat a naked lunch.  相似文献   

Nel Noddings has presented a distinctive view of education that is relational in outlook. Although all of her writing holds implications for social education broadly construed, a subset of it addresses the school subject of social studies directly. This article mainly concerns what Noddings has said and implied about chief constructs of the latter. In particular, I look at (a) critical thinking, (b) what should be taught, and (c) what the foregoing suggest for teacher education. I conclude that her work holds great potential to reconstruct social studies theory and practice.  相似文献   

<正>Introduction In order to find what language teachers use in language classroom,I looked at some English class videos from the internet:Planting by Hui Lin in Guangzhou Longkouxi Primary School;Student Myth by Feng Xiao in Tianjin N0.25 Middle School;Getting Around by Xu Yan in Qingdao Vocational School for Foreign Affairs&Service.These videos of real classes in China were placed on the internet as excellent examples for English  相似文献   

Yan Yang 《Interchange》2018,49(1):69-84
My childhood experience in school was fragmented from my out of school experience where I lived in rural China. School subject matters were reduced to bits and pieces. I excelled in this artificial symbolic world. Progressing from preschool to graduate school, I trained to teach in that world, and gained the opportunity to study at Harvard. My first course there was with Eleanor Duckworth. To put students in close contact with subject matter, and to listen to learners explain what they think, Duckworth's course creates space where learners develop direct relationship with subject matter. Throughout the semester, we record the moon as we observe it, share observations, and discuss questions. In contrast with my prior schooling, we learners are responsible for following our emerging curiosities. Narrating from my moon study in that course, I chronicle how I came to grasp what it means to learn through truly experiencing exploratory learning. Reentering my moon study in researching for this paper became a search for what previous years of my schooling had taken away from me: confidence and dignity as a learner.  相似文献   

Mary Midgley's pamphlet Intelligent Design Theory and Other Ideological Problems has been a widely read contribution to discussions of the place of creationism in schools. In this critique of her account, I outline Midgley's view of the relations between science and religion, her claims about what material can legitimately appear in science lessons, and her account of the nature of religion. I argue that she is mistaken in all three areas, and show that her most plausible reply to these criticisms also fails. Finally, I offer some thoughts on the proper relations between science and religion in the classroom.  相似文献   

Being asked to give the 39th Amy Morris Homans Commemorative Lecture at NAKPEHE is a tremendous honor. While certainly aware of Miss Homans' legacy related to the promotion of women, physical education, and the training of teachers, I admit it has been many years since revisiting details of her life and her work. In order to prepare my comments for this lecture, it seemed critical that I do so, and what a remarkable journey it has been these past months. It allowed me to come to know my own background more thoroughly, recognize where my own beliefs were developed, and understand what I hope is the impact of my work on prospective teachers and subsequently their pupils. Born 100 years almost to the day after Miss Homans, I too am a teacher educator. With this in mind, teaching and teacher education seemed an appropriate focus for this lecture today.  相似文献   

Marta Civil’s paper “STEM learning research through a funds of knowledge lens” can be read as a story about her trajectory as a researcher of everyday and school mathematics over time, grounded in sociocultural historical theory. Building on her work, I explore three issues. First, I address the grounding of STEM research in studies of learning and show what this may imply in the context of multilingualism and transculturism. Second, I explore how funds of knowledge can put into question what counts as science. Third, I discuss some of the methodological challenges the article raises. I conclude with some comments to think with for the future of the STEM field and equitable science.  相似文献   

他离开家时我2岁。我做了父亲,女儿满2周岁时,我望着她,试图想象着离她而去会有怎样的感受。这样的想法令我战栗,希望从一场噩梦中唤醒自己。  相似文献   

《Chinese Education & Society》2013,46(1-2):164-174
The train passes through lofty mountains and crosses gorges, moving forward as fast as wind and lightning. Zhang Daishu, Chairman of the revolutionary committee at Yangjiawan Elementary School in Yanan, an Overseas Chinese who returned to her mother country and who is a member of the Communist Party, looks out the window and watches the scenery as it passes quickly by. Her mind is in turmoil, and her thoughts float from one thing to another. [She thinks about how] she has just traveled thousands of miles to Chongqing from Yanan to visit Tao Duanyu, the "exceptional model" of what had once been the Shanxi, Gansu, Ningxia Border Region; she had been the first teacher at Yangjiawan Elementary School. [Zhang Daishu] would never forget this in her lifetime. On her journey home, she repeatedly encouraged herself, saying, I must inherit and develop the revolution in education undertaken by the great leader Chairman Mao during the Yanan period and its glorious tradition; I must take over the revolutionary tradition, This "model elementary school" was established with the direct involvement of Chairman Mao and the Party's Central Committee, and it must raise even higher the red flag. …  相似文献   

This paper discusses the play interaction of a young child with autism and the strategies adopted by her teachers to facilitate her inclusion in and through play. The data are from an ethnographic case study in an inclusive nursery in the South of England spanning 6 months. The aim was to understand and describe the play of a child with autism in a naturalistic context. Methods included field and video observations and semi‐structured interviews conducted with the parents and teachers. Analysis of the data highlighted the teachers' strategies underpinned by a strong play ethos, a collaborative approach and a supportive curriculum framework. We argue that the case provides helpful data on what teachers can do to enable children with autism to be successfully included through play.  相似文献   

Early in 1972 my pupil Chang Chu-tung became ill and had to stay home for a while. Her mother came to me, "My daughter is so worried that she'll fall behind in her studies that she often cries." I offered to come to her house to give her special tutoring, but that night after I got home, I thought it over and realized that my own time is limited. It would be better to organize others in the class to help her. I told my idea to the class and all the children volunteered. I chose three for the task.  相似文献   

Over the past twenty‐five years as an art teacher I have sought answers to three questions: 1. In what ways and to what extent can drawing practice explore both conscious and unconscious thought processes? 2. In what ways can the participant individuate his or her experience through the practice of drawing? 3. In what ways can drawing form a dialogue between personal philosophy and experience? Refering to my own experience and pedagogy I define some of the historical, pschological and philosophical contexts for my perception of drawing, including comments from my students, in the process making no special distinction between child and adult art. I have studied the evolution of pupil’s drawing practices and particularly those of my own children, as they assert their own perceptions and responses to experience, conceptualising feelings both sensuous and emotional through telling stories and defining realities. Throughout history the will to draw has persisted, its function differing and changing through time and cultural contexts. Beuys commented that everyone can be an artist, if they want to be; can anyone really afford not to draw?  相似文献   

文章着重分析了《齐物论》文中所提出的"吾丧我"这一概念的内涵及其在全文中的作用,力求从"吾丧我"的角度来解析《齐物论》一文的内在理路。认为,"吾丧我"概念中虽然包含了形、心两个方面,但《齐物论》一文主要侧重阐述的是"丧心"的一面。  相似文献   

This paper explores changes to the educational policy-making arena through case study analysis of a Massachusetts law passed in 2012 that limits seniority-based job protections for public K-12 teachers. I use data from interviews with policy stakeholders, observations of public meetings, and policy artifacts to explore struggles over democratic engagement in what unfolded as a highly undemocratic policy development process. Using the policy cycle framework, I explore the ways that political pressure and political discourses shaped the policy development process through various contexts of political struggle. Ultimately, I argue that the case is indicative of what I am calling ‘neo-democratic’ decision-making, in which high-level interest group conflict leads to narrow forms of democratic engagement.  相似文献   

Online courses are increasingly using asynchronous video communication. However, little is known about how asynchronous video communication influences students’ communication patterns. This study presents four narratives of students with varying characteristics who engaged in asynchronous video communication. The extrovert valued the efficiency of making video comments but saw little value in viewing the video comments of her peers. Somewhat inversely, the English language learner valued the video comments of her peers but lacked the ability to fully participate herself. The introverted student valued the flexibility and richness of asynchronous video but spent an inordinate amount of time recording her videos. Lastly, the instructor video messages helped the student with low self-regulation to progress in the course.  相似文献   

Symbolic violence may not be a desirable theory to apply to public schooling—its structuralist limitations render it deterministic, lacking in human agency, and unpalatable to researchers and educators who see schools as viable and productive sites of social transformation. Perhaps for these reasons, it seems little has been written about symbolic violence in schools, and what has been written tends to focus primarily on the symbolic, institutionalized violence imparted by schools and teachers upon students. In this article, I offer a shift in these perspectives. I present symbolic violence as a productive analytical tool in identifying modes of resistance to specific damaging effects of schooling institutions. I also illustrate how symbolic violence victimizes one particularly caring teacher, rendering her compliant in her own victimization, without voice to accurately name her struggles, and—because of her ethic of care—complicit in reproducing damaging institutionalizing practices. Using ethnographic data, I explore symbolic violence via one teacher's reflective, critical narratives. I draw upon the tenets of dialogicality in language to help make more visible the often intangible elements of symbolic violence. And at various points in the article, I discuss the implications of engaging an analytic that ultimately runs counter to my own epistemology, turning to Maxine Greene for insight in the struggle.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Alison Jones finds in the writing of her students who take up post-structuralism, a confused humanism, an illegitimate appearance of a prediscursive self. She attributes this to some aspects of my writing and to the students' failure to understand the structuralist base of post-structuralism. Jones argues that I and her students are guilty of humanism when we use active verbs such as 'positioning' or 'forced choice', or when we try to imagine what agency might be in a post-structuralist framework. In this reply I produce a detailed reading of Jones'. In doing so, I attempt to find how she produced her reading of my writing, and at the same time to extend my understanding of what the 'post-structuralist subject' might be. I attend to this in the dual sense of human beings as subjects, and the subject of post-structuralism as we teach it to our students.  相似文献   

I should like to talk to you about a matter which was a great concern to Ruth Wong, as it is to me – the question of what ‘education’, in the brod sense, can or should do to alleviate the plight of the many millions of the world's children, who, for one reason or another, are unlikely to live full, healthy, productive and happy lives as their more fortunate fellows. ‘Disadvantage’ has been interpreted in many ways. Indeed, each of us has his or her own concept of what constitutes the term, just as each of us has personal ideas about ways of eliminating or minimizing its effects. What I have to say represents my own feelings and opinions. I hope you will forgive me if I begin with some general ideas, one or two of which may seem a little academic, but I think it is important to be clear as a great deal of damage has been done because of confusion of thinking.  相似文献   

The man is a blue collar worker. He tells the story of his nine year old daughter. She said that the only thing she really wanted for Christmas was a pair of Vidal Sassoon Jeans. He explained to her that they really weren't wealthy enough to afford $40 jeans. Maybe Levis would do. “Forget it,” she said. “If I can't have what I want, I don't want anything.”

The man said that they saved up and got her the Sassoon jeans for Christmas. “But you know,” he mused, “she judges the others in her class on what kind of designer jeans they have. They form cliques based on their clothes. It's their way of being somebody, being acceptable, being ‘in’.”  相似文献   

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