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目前我国残疾人社会融合现状不容乐观,在政治、经济、文化和社会维度上还存在诸多问题和限制因素。社区成人教育是成人教育发展的新领域,探寻社区成人教育促进残疾人社会融合的独特功能和实现策略,能够有效促进残疾人社会融合的进程。  相似文献   

荷兰开展的成人教育促进弱势群体社会融合成效评估,通过搭建理论框架、建构评估指标体系、编制评估量表等一系列活动,首创成人教育促进弱势群体社会融合成效评估工具——SIT工具,实现了成人教育与弱势群体社会融合的有力对接。荷兰的SIT工具为我国建构成人教育促进弱势群体社会融合成效评估体系提供了参考范式和思维框架。  相似文献   

成人教育:我国城市农民工社会融合的助推器   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
我国城市农民工社会融合程度较低,表现在经济融合层次低、政治融合边缘化、文化归属感缺失以及社会关系网络狭隘等方面。成人教育以其独特的功能和特殊的性质为农民工的社会融合提供了有力支持,其本质,即促进农民工的再社会化。今后,应当继续密切成人教育与农民工社会融合的关系,更好地发挥成人教育促进农民工社会融合的功能和作用。  相似文献   

由于经济结构的调整,欧洲自上世纪末以来出现了贫困人口的“社会排斥”现象,在反社会排斥的实践中社会融合的概念也立即得到了欧洲各国的广泛认同。而欧洲社会的成人教育与培训则有效推动了欧洲弱势群体的社会融合。当前欧洲把成人教育视为解决弱势群体社会融合的重要途径,大力加强欧盟内部成人弱势群体的学习合作与交流。欧洲各国促进弱势群体通过成人教育融入社会的丰富经验,对我国农村弱势群体的社会融合提供了有益借鉴,促进社会融合也应是我国农村弱势群体成人教育的应有之义。  相似文献   

丁辉  李想 《继续教育》2010,24(3):24-26
由于经济结构的调整,欧洲自20世纪末以来出现了贫困人口的“社会排斥”现象,在反社会排斥的实践中社会融合的概念也立即得到了欧洲国家的广泛认同。而欧洲社会的成人教育与培训则有效推动了欧洲弱势群体的社会融合。当前欧洲把成人教育视为解决弱势群体社会融合重要途径,大力加强欧盟内部成人弱势群体的学习合作与交流。欧洲国家促进弱势群体通过成人教育融入社会的丰富经验,对我国农村弱势群体的社会融合提供了有益借鉴,促进社会融合也应是我国农村弱势群体成人教育的应有之义。  相似文献   

农村弱势群体遭受社会排斥、被边缘化的问题日渐显露,并已成为影响我国农村社会稳定、农村经济发展和新农村建设进程的重要因素之一。成人教育是提升农村弱势群体的人力资本,解决和促进农村弱势群体社会融合的有效途径,应通过出台成人教育的政策与措施,大力开展成人学习活动、创设良好的成人教育环境、拓展成人教育的功能、培养农村弱势群体的自强意识等等途径,促进农村弱势群体社会融合。  相似文献   

以结构洞理论为分析框架,分析农村残疾人社会融合影响因素发现:无障碍设施短缺和辅助器具缺失,限制了残疾人活动空间及活动频度,造成了他们网络规模小、密度大,妨碍了他们社会交往的机会,并使他们遭遇"亚群体"排斥;"结构洞"偏向残疾人,信息不对称,影响他们享受社会保障及外出务工的便利。因此,促进农村残疾人社会融合必须树立新的残疾人观,增加无障碍设施和辅助器具,完善农村残疾人社会保障和社会网络。  相似文献   

论残疾人体育运动的发展与残疾人的社会融合   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
残疾人体育不同于健康人体育,它的真正意义在于残疾人的社会复归。通过体育运动不但可以促进残疾人的社会参与意识,还能促使社会重新认识和接受残疾人,最终对残疾人走向社会、实现社会融合起着积极作用。  相似文献   

随着城镇化建设步伐的加快和农民工数量的日渐增多,农民工的社会融合问题受到越来越多研究者的关注,并取得了一定的成果。本文对近五年成人教育促进农民工社会融合研究成果进行梳理,并针对研究存在的问题,提出相应的应对策略。  相似文献   

残疾人的社会融合情况在一定程度上反映了一个国家的发展水平和人民的幸福指数。依托CiteSpace软件,对国内学者关于残疾人社会融合的研究进行可视化分析,系统梳理该领域的研究概况、研究热点及动态演化趋势。结果表明,我国残疾人社会融合研究热点主要集中于残疾人就业、社区康复和社会支持等。研究趋势方面,残障人士社会融合的介入策略和平等共享的理念比较前沿。未来研究者应扩大研究对象范围,关注少数残疾类型人群,关注残疾人就业、社区康复、社会支持等热点主题,注重思行结合,协同合作。  相似文献   

DETAILED INFORMATION about education and social services for disabled children and adults, with emphasis on the hearing impaired population is provided. Information is derived from an extensive series of interviews conducted with representatives of government, international agencies, and private sector organizations, as well as health professionals, educators, and disabled persons. A broad discussion of policy and health services follows an overview of demographic and historical background. Spain's leaders recognize the nation's dependence on human resources to affirm its place in the international community and understand that an educated citizenry ensures the preservation of democracy and functions as an instrument for social transformation. These insights have driven major changes in service delivery to the disabled, including a national project for the integration of disabled children into regular classrooms. The National Centre of Resources for Special Education (NCRSE) is responsible for overseeing the national integration project; provision of inservices to teachers and other professionals; development, adaptation and distribution of curricular materials designed to improve the learning process; adaptation of evaluation instruments for students with special educational needs; and promotion of research in the field of special education.  相似文献   


Students with severe and multiple learning difficulties have traditionally been excluded from mainstream education. Three arguments are put forward for integrating these students: social and humanitarian motives; interpretations of the ‘least restrictive environment’ as one in which interactions with non‐disabled peers are least restricted; and a changing concept of education to include a range of functional skills which provide preparation for adult life. Ways of implementing integration are discussed, including location of special classes in regular schools, integration into regular classes, and partial integration through links between regular and special schools. Although many existing integration programmes appear promising, there has been little systematic research in the area and few attempts at independent evaluations. Fears about potential loss of support services in integration appear to have some justification. Fears about adverse behaviour by non‐disabled peers have proved to be largely unfounded, but opportunities need to be deliberately structured to ensure that positive interactions occur between integrated students and their peers. Long‐term outcomes for students with severe and multiple learning difficulties integrated into regular schools have not been considered.  相似文献   


The article reviews research in four areas: impact of integration on children's self‐concept, attitudes toward physically disabled children, effects on their school achievement and teacher reactions to integration. Research evidence suggests that being together with non‐disabled peers makes the disabled child more aware of his physical impairment and restraints. But there are also signs indicating that psychological factors essential for a positive self‐evaluation are activated to a higher degree in the integrated environment. With respect to attitudes of peers there are some, although not conclusive, results suggesting positive influence of integration. Research on school achievement demonstrates the great variability among the physically disabled pupils, in comparison with which the impact of school placement is relatively minor. Teacher opinions about integration of physically disabled pupils are mainly positive, but if the handicap is severe integration is considered possible only with a rich supply of teaching material, reduced class size and support from specialists. The review concludes with glimpses from reports on practical experience with integration.  相似文献   

This study compared social interaction behavior between nondisabled and disabled students, as a function of the way tasks were structured during a peer integration program. Of the eight pairs of students, four pairs were assigned to an individualistic goal-structured condition; the other four pairs, to a cooperative condition. For nondisabled students, the cooperative condition was associated with more social interaction during activity and free play sessions. For disabled students, the cooperative condition was associated with more social interaction during activity sessions, but not during free play sessions.  相似文献   

Research has indicated that disabled and nondisabled persons experience communication strained by high levels of uncertainty for both communicators. The purpose of this study was to assess the effect of being disabled on the academic progress of disabled college students. It was felt that academic success will be contingent upon positive communication with faculty, fellow students, and university personnel. A questionnaire assessing the campus' social climate, the quality of its programs and instruction, and the students' academic and career expectations was administered to 100 disabled students. Analyses of the data revealed that the disabled students' motivation was significantly related to their level of social alienation, while the students' perceived competence was most related to their level of social adjustment. The theoretical implications of these findings and avenues for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

残疾人社会环境的调查研究——以河北省某市为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本研究以河北省某市中青年残疾人为调查样本,从社会学的角度,对残疾人的社会环境进行调查。结果显示:57.6%的残疾人没有参加医疗保险、养老保险、失业保险中的任何一种社会保险,有一些残疾人甚至根本不知道什么是社会保险;被调查者表示,进行医疗康复所遇到的主要困难依次为:费用过高、康复机构少、疗效差、交通不便;1/3的残疾人对自己目前的生活状况能够保持乐观的心态,但半数以上的残疾人情绪低落;只有8.5%的残疾人认为周边环境的无障碍建设较好;1/5左右的残疾人表示了解政府相关的法律和优惠政策。  相似文献   

This paper reports on the findings of an action research project that took place in a primary school in Cyprus. A professional development programme was devised with contributions from teachers involved in the research. The programme was aimed at helping teachers to map the difficulties they encounter when working with their students on disability-related issues (e.g. attitudes towards disabled children and adults, disabled people’s rights, disabled people’s views about social inequalities). Theoretical concepts from Inclusive Education and Disability Studies informed the design of a programme in which disabled people’s own views and narratives of their lives or significant life incidences (e.g. found in interviews and published work) were used to help teachers confront their preconceptions about disability issues and think of new approaches to discuss disability with their students. The findings suggest that this is a promising approach. These include teachers’ understanding of disability as a social rather than a medical issue, increased confidence in discussing disability issues with students and curriculum enrichment through the use of disabled people’s narratives. This discussion maps the process through which teachers learn and teach using disabled people’s life stories, and draws links with international research and theoretical standpoints.  相似文献   

This article draws on findings from an Economic and Social Research Council funded research project entitled ‘Disabled Students and Multiple Policy Innovations in Higher Education’ (R000239069). It begins with a brief review of theories of social justice and their implications for widening access policies for disabled students. Social justice may be conceptualised in relation to the distribution of social goods and cultural recognition. Related to distribution, data from the Higher Education Statistics Agency are used to analyse the progress which has been made in expanding the number of disabled students in higher education and the wider social characteristics of disabled students. Related to recognition, the article considers changes which have been made at the institutional level to make the academic environment more conducive to the inclusion of disabled students. It is noted that new public management has often been used as the vehicle for achieving social justice goals. Whilst progress has been made in relation to redistribution and recognition, the adoption of managerialist strategies has had some negative effects. For example, dyslexic students who tend to be male and middle class have been the greatest beneficiaries of the expansion, whereas poorer disabled students and those with more significant impairments have been less likely to be included. In addition, the adoption of a categorical approach for the purposes of social audit does not fit readily with disabled students' conception of self.  相似文献   

There has been much debate concerning the pros and cons of special and mainstream education for young people with a disability. This paper adds data to this debate by reporting the educational experiences of 20 high-achievers with congenital disabilities who live in the United Kingdom and were born between 1950 and 1970. It presents personal accounts of the high-achievers' perceptions of how their education, which was either purely in special schools, in mainstream schools or a combination of both, had influenced their transition to adulthood. While those who attended special school considered it to provide a supportive environment that permitted the cultivation of their personalities without the constraints of non-disabled barriers, many others thought it prevented them as disabled children from interacting with non-disabled peers, thus inhibiting social integration between the disabled and non-disabled world. This was the main perceived advantage of mainstream education although problems of physical access meant that some choices were out of reach. The findings highlight how both special and mainstream education can be compatible with career success of individual disabled people. The paper implies that a combination of the two systems may be needed to facilitate disabled students to develop psychologically, socially and cognitively at the rate of their non-disabled peers, and proposes that link schools and partial integration could contribute to the achievement of such goals.  相似文献   

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