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踩鸡蛋,是高中物理入门的一个极为直观、生动有趣的实验。笔者将多次实验与观察心得,与大家分享。  相似文献   

对许多高中生来说,北大的湖光塔影构筑了他们美丽的梦想,历经高考拼搏之后能踏入北大,似乎是他们求学路上最大的企盼。可笼罩在“中国第一高等学府”光环之下的北大,往往让不少同学望而却步。一起来看看这些成功跨入北大的学子们的经历吧,从他们身上同学们或许可以得到一些启迪。我们都能上北大@米子  相似文献   

陈方 《学习之友》2014,(10):15-15
北京严查行人闯红灯。一位行人接受记者采访时说:“我开车的时候就骂行人,走路的时候就骂开车的,都不讲规矩,都不像话。”这位行人的“语录”深深印刻在我脑子里。其实我也说过类似的话。 人还是一样的人,只是在交通工具发生变化的时候,看问题的角度也随之改变。这算是典型的“屁股决定脑袋”吧?骑车时你觉得自己的空间被挤压,偶尔占用机动车道并非个人素养问题;开车时你认为这些挤占机动车道的骑车人没有规则意识,竞为城市交通添乱。说白了,其实是每个人都在为自己寻找着借口。  相似文献   

  在一次同学聚会上,班长酸溜溜地调侃我是不是中彩票了,好像我现在拥有的一切不是靠自己的能力而是凭着运气得到的一般。我能理解他的心情。但是,我所拥有的一切并不是靠运气得到的。  相似文献   

2011年,《中学物理教学参考》杂志伴着我国文化体制、新闻出版和教育改革的大潮与时俱进。教育教学类期刊作为教育事业的有机组成部分,义不容辞地要为学生的成长服务,为教师的专业发展服务,为地方和学校教育改革和课程改革服务。2011年,我们在这些方面一直努力着。教育的本质是什么?教育的责任是什么?教育的生命是什么?我们不仅深思着这些宏观理性问题,更关注着实践层面的探索。如研究  相似文献   

今天我以一名小说家的身份来到耶路撒冷。而小说家,正是所谓的职业谎言制造者。当然,不只小说家会说谎。众所周知,政治人物也会说谎。外交官、将军、二手车业务员、屠夫和建筑师亦不  相似文献   

在日本,许多人建议我不要来这里接受耶路撒冷文学奖。甚至有人警告我,如果我坚持前来,他们会联合抵制我的小说。主要的原因,当然是加沙正在发生的激烈战斗。  相似文献   

王冠 《良师》2003,(22)
蚊子等昆虫能站在水面上,你一定见多不怪了,其实这里还隐藏着科学道理呢。让我们从实验中寻找答案吧。实验材料:玻璃杯、大头针、清水。实验过程:把玻璃杯口擦干,往杯里倒水,将满时小心慢倒,水面中部高出杯口而不溢出时停止。把大头针折成钩,缓缓伸入水中再缓缓向上拉;同时眼睛沿水平线看水面,可以看到钩尖把杯表面的少许水提起来了。实验原理:这是水表面的张力在起作用。钩尖提起的是水表面的“水膜”。一杯水是由无数极微小的水分子构成的,杯中间的水分子受力均匀,水面的水分子则不同,水面的水分子处于空气和水的交界面,受杯子内水分子的…  相似文献   

圈圈绕绕,还是回到了你的门前,只是这一次,我更淡定和虔诚。没考上大学的人是不是就没有希望了?有人曾经这么问我。这个时候,我会讲这样一个故事:有一个女孩,物理成绩不好,语文、英语和数学都不错,考高中肯定没问题,可她没去参加中考。  相似文献   

"登火"新思路 人类自身怎样才能登上火星呢?载人火星飞行乃是航天史上空前的壮举.宇航员往返火星一次,至少需要2~3年.就算只有两名宇航员在火星上着陆,预计飞船、燃料、给养的总重量也将超过1000吨.显然,这是当今的任何运载工具都无法胜任的.实施载人火星飞行必须要有新的思路.  相似文献   

一战成名。一夜爆红。多少会让人被冲昏头脑,对涉世未深、血气方刚的年轻人而言更是如此。而当登上《纽约时报》头版,又当选《时代周刊》封面人物时,年仅24岁的林书豪却表现出了超乎年龄的成熟与淡定。哈佛毕业生、NBA明星、天才球员,他的背后光环闪耀。他的前途不可估量。无论是他的成才经历还是他成名后的表现。都是年轻人的楷模。《纽约时报》上有一篇关于林书豪的文章,里面有一句话值得我们牢记:  相似文献   

<正>As long as we walk this earth, one thing we should all discover is this. The more you know,the more you know you don't know. That's a quote~1 from Aristotle, the Greek philosopher who lived over 2,300 years ago. It basically~2 means that no matter how much we learn in school as kids and later in life as adults, we'll find there's always more to learn about everything.  相似文献   

The OECD's recent research initiative, Attracting, Developing and Retaining Effective Teachers ( OECD 2002 ), has highlighted teacher supply and demand as an area of international concern. Using data collected in this area as part of a wider OECD initiative (the PISA 2000 study) an individual‐level analysis was conducted on the views on teacher recruitment and retention of 5416 headteachers, principals and administrators working in secondary schools in 25 countries. The findings showed considerable variation between countries in terms of perceptions of the impact of teacher shortages, inadequacy and turnover. Surprisingly, however, differences in the reports of headteachers working in the same countries were only rarely related to the size, location, or other characteristics of the schools in which they worked. Although there has been considerable previous research into headteachers’ views on this issue, much of this research has been, by necessity, small scale and restricted to a single nation. This article provides a much larger scale perspective and allows international comparisons to be made.  相似文献   

Juxtaposing material from an analysis of the institutional returns to the Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA) for 1995–99 (the 'Ramsden Report') with social and political pressures on the system, the author examines the question of whether or not UK higher education is 'fit for purpose'. He contrasts seven items of strong performance (contribution to economic growth, efficiency, student satisfaction and employability, democratisation and diversity, research quality, 'service' and international reputation) with three key 'tensions' (financial and institutional stability, class participation, and mission convergence). Suggested priorities for action include: a new 'access' agenda, improved market responsiveness, strategic institutional alliances and rationalisation, and action on pay and the profession. The paper concludes with a set of 'hard questions' about the maintenance of interdependence, the 'future–proofing' of collaborative arrangements, the pattern of incentives, and the creation of public confidence in higher education.  相似文献   

As people develop a meaningful understanding of racism, they also experience shifts in their appraisals of self and others as members of an unfairly stratified society. Consistent with the premises of Helms' (1995) racial identity theory, these shifts can be explained as transformational processes that have relevance to matters of morality and peace advancement. Individuals who operate at advanced levels of racial identity development overcome the confinements inherent in a racism Zeitgeist and in so doing, learn to accept themselves and others more authentically. This theory can prove crucial to peace promotion in children because it espouses to nurture the integration of self within the broader spectrum of humanity. Educators who transform their selves can also transform their educational practices by disrupting cycles of socialization that adversely influence children's identity formation. They can also contribute to the creation of new structures of socialization. In this paper, I describe this theory and how it applies to peace education.  相似文献   

Speaking about Title I shortly before he died in July 1996, former Secretary of Education Ted Bell said, [It] is the heart and soul of national policy in elementary and secondary education in this nation. Right now, Title I can truly help drive reform .... But always remember, Title I was created because of poverty. It must often speak for those children who—by themselves—have no voices. (personal communication) In a similar vein, Secretary of Education Richard Riley has spoken of the "new" Title I as a vehicle to assist "the children for whom we have cast a tyranny of low expectations" (personal communication). As the "new" Title I enters its 2nd year of operation, the words of both secretaries serve as a reminder to those of us who administer Title I of the need to reach out aggressively to the "children who have no voices" and recognize that the circumstances of these children vary widely.  相似文献   

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