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Step1.W arm-up1.Do and say.FirsttheT doestheaction ofswim m ing,and thenguidesthe Ssto ask the T“W hatare you doing?”.Ss:W hatare you doing?T:I’m swim m ing.(The T asksa S to do actionand the T asks“W hatare you doing?”.)S1:I’m running.(Ask severalp  相似文献   

教学过程: Step1:Greeting T:Hello,boys and girls!How are you? S:Fine,than kyou.And you? T:I’m fine,too.Thank you. [设计意图:师生亲切交谈,训练小学生日常会话的能力。][第一段]  相似文献   

教学过程Step1.热身运动(Warm-up)1.Enjoy a song:Old MacDonald(sing and dance after the teacher)2.Daily oral practice Dialogues:(日常会话练习)。T:Hello!What’s your name?S1:My name is…T:Nice to meet you!S2:Nice to meet you.too!T:How are you?S3:Fine,thank you./I’m very well.thanks./I’m 0K.(用“开火车”的方式进行上面的会话练习。每节课用2-3分钟的时间进行不同形式的口语会话练习,通过“滚雪球”的复习方式,使学生的会话能力不断提高。)  相似文献   

教学过程Step1.Warming-up 1.Daily talking (1)T:What day is it now? S:It’s Monday. (2)T:What’s the weather like today? S:It’s windy and sunny. T:It’s windy and sunny in winter.T:What season do you  相似文献   

教学步骤 Step 1.Warm-up(1)Greetings T:Hello,boys and girls!May I introduce myself?My family name is Zhang.You can call me Miss Zhang.(2)Free talk T:What do you do? S:I am a student.T:What’s your father’s job?  相似文献   

教学流程 一、运用游戏,进入复习 老师事先弄清楚班上过生的同学,并准备一份小礼物。T:Whose birthday is today? S:I am. T:How old are you? S:I am eleven. T:Happy birthday to you.S:Thank you.  相似文献   

教学过程:Step 1:Greeting T:Hello,boys and girls!How are you?S:Fine,thank you.And you?T:I’m fine,too.Thank you.[设计意图:师生亲切交谈,训练小学生日常会话的能力。]  相似文献   

教学过程Step 1.Warm-up 1.Listen and sing the song"Jingle Bells"(渲染圣诞节的气氛)2.Free talk T:Boys and girls,what day is today?What holiday(节日)is coming?S:It’s Christmas.T:I like Christmas very much.Do you like Christmas?S:Yes,we do.T:When’s Christmas?S:It’s on the 25th of December.T:What do people usually do at Christmas?  相似文献   

T:Now,let’s begin our class.(手势)Stand up.T:Good morning,boys and girls.S(齐):Good morning,Miss Ge.T:Right,I’m Miss Ge.And my English name is Hattie.You may also call me Hattie.(再次打招呼)T:Thank you so much.Sit down,please.T:Boys and girls,do you like games?S(齐):Yes.T:Yes.OK.First,let’s play a game.Opposite.T:When I say up,you can say?S(齐):Close.T:I.(做出口型,轻声说)S(大部分):Your.T:(做出思考的动作)Think it over.I.(做出你的姿势,做出you的口型)  相似文献   

教学过程Step 1.Warm-up 1.Sing a song"Hello!Howare you?"2.Free talk T:Nice to meet you,boys and girls.Ss:Nice to meet you,Miss Chen.T:Hello,伊伊伊.How are you?S:Fine,thank you.T:Now,boys and girls.Our friends are saying hello to us.Let’s listen.(课件播放小动物们的声音:Hello,how are you?)T:Who are they?Do  相似文献   

<正>一、揭题示标1.导入Greatings.T:Hello,boys and girls.S:Hello,Miss Feng.T:How are you?S:I’m fine,thank you.And you?T:I’m fine,too.Thank you.T:Now,let’s look at the pictures and then listen to the chant.2.板书课题Unit 1 I like football.3.出示学习目标。二、学习指导1.先根据图片自主感知课文Page 14-15的内容,圈出生词。(2分钟)2.然后听课文录音,借助图片、录单,自主模仿单词发音同时  相似文献   

教学过程Step1.Free talk T:Today is the 12th of Oct.The double ninth festival is coming,I think it’s your grandparents’favourite holiday,you should respect them and help them do something,OK?S:OK.T:I think your favourite holiday is Children’s Day,yes or no?Do You like Children’s Day?S:Yes.T:Boys and girls,in western  相似文献   

教学过程I.Warm up(Sing and do)T:Hello,everyone!Nice to see you.Do you know me?Who am I?Ss:(学生看PPT屏幕)Miss Mao.T:Right!My Chinese name is Mao Liwei.My English name is Zoe.You can call me Zoe or Mao.OK?Dear class,do you like singing?Ss:Yes!T:Do you like sports?Ss:Yes!T:Great! Let’s sing a happy song and do some sports,OK?Ss:OK!T:I think you should stand up!"",are you ready?1,2,go!(师生一起边唱边做运动)T:How do you feel now?S:I feel happy.T:Really?I really hope you wil  相似文献   

教学背景:本课是2005年学校开出的教研课,我特别选取了人教社第四册第四单元“R ead and write”为教学内容,因为对话中含有对服装、色彩、时间、单元等多种话题了解的要求,也有书写方面教学难点,所以很有代表性,也富有挑战性。经过精心准备,整堂课算是成功,但存在着以下几个问题,值得大家探讨与思考。片段1:老师,我还想说(铃声过后)T:G oodm orning,boys and girls.H ow are you today?S:Fine,thank you.A nd you?T:I’m fine.Look,I w ear new jeans.W hatcoloris it?S:It’s blue.T:D o you like it?S1:Y es,I do.S2:N o,I don…  相似文献   

教学过程 Step 1.Warming up T:Hello,Boys and girls! Ss:Hello,Miss Zhao! T:Hi!My English name is Joyce.What’s your name? S1:My name is Rose. T:Nice to meet you. Ss:Nice to meet you.,too. T:Great.There are four groups in our class.If yourgroup do a good job,I’ll give you a  相似文献   

课堂观摩:1.(多媒体出示Jim跑步的图片)T:What is Jim doing?S:He’s running.请生熟读句型:What is xxx doing?He’s…2.xxx,run,please.(该生做跑步的动作。)T:What are you doing?生边跑边说:I’m running.请生熟读句型:What are you doing?I’m…请该生继续做跑步的动作,T:What is she doing?Ss:She’s running.3.Work in pairs:What are you doing?I’m…S1:What are you doing?S2:I’m…  相似文献   

[案例]《牛津小学英语》4B Unit7“Ata snack bar”T:Oh,today isvery hot.(形象地加上动作,让人感觉热,以此感染学生。)I’m very thirsty.Are you thirsty?S:Yes,Iam.T:W ould you like som ething to drink?S:Allright.T:W hatwould you like?S1:I’d like som e water.S2:I  相似文献   

教学过程 Step1.Leading in (课前播放 MTV "On the way")T:Do you like the music "On the way"? S:Yes. T:I like it , too.What do you like ? S:I like … T:I like drawing.Do you like drawing ? S:Yes./No. T:Look at my drawing. What can you see in it ? S:The red sun. T:It ’ s a riddle.Which cityis it ? S:Danyang. T:  相似文献   

教学过程Step 1.Warming up 1.Greeting T:Hello , boys and girls. Are you ready for class ? Here are some letters , can you read them ?(教师利用大屏幕出示打乱顺序的字母) C:M-L-S-A-N-I-A T:Can you make a word with them ? C:Animals. 2.Brain storming T:What animals do you know ? S1:Sheep.S2:Cat.S3:Dog. … T:Good.Sheep , cats and dogs are live on the farm.Today  相似文献   

教学过程Step 1.Warm up1.Play the flash and singthe song"We study and play".2.Free talkT:Look,what’s this?(PPT呈现一只篮子)Ss:It’ s a basket.T:What’s in my basketnow,guess?Ss guess.T:It’s a basketball.I playbasketball.(师拍篮球)T:Do you play basketball?(PPT:Do you play…? )We’ll learn Unit 10 Do you  相似文献   

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