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<正>虎年春晚,刘谦和他的魔术再次成为热门话题。神秘,是魔术独有的艺术魅力。因为神秘,许多人为魔术着迷;也因为神秘,许多人费尽脑汁渴求揭秘魔术。由此却引出一个法律问题:魔术的"隐私"该不该受到保护?  相似文献   

别说舞台上魔术大师出神入化的魔术表演了.就是一个简单的小戏法也会令我们困惑不已。这些令人感到不可思议的魔术是否也曾引起过你的好奇呢?除了好奇之外,你有没有想过自己也能表演一些小魔术呢?  相似文献   

正煎鸡蛋是一道简单、营养的美食。不过,为何本来清澈、透明的蛋清,在锅中煎炸之后就会变成白色的固体呢?这其中是否蕴含着有趣的科学道理?魔术材料硫酸铜、食盐、烧杯、鸡蛋、蛋清分离器、玻璃棒、清水。魔术步骤1.先用蛋清分离器将鸡蛋的蛋清和蛋黄分离。  相似文献   

交互式电子白板使得学生更加容易参与我们的初中历史课堂教学,更加充分的发挥学生的主观能动性,激发学生的学习兴趣和动力,从而提高学生的学习力。白板的魔术笔便于放大图片、文字,吸引学生的眼球;白板的魔术笔便于突出显现重难点,激发学生学习历史的兴趣;白板的魔术笔便于勾画关键词,帮助学生理解历史事件;白板的魔术笔便于标注动画视频,提高学生观看的效果。  相似文献   

如果评选今年央视春晚人气最高的明星,非刘谦莫属。大年三十刚过,他的个人博客访问量就以每天超20万的速度激增;在全国各大书城,与他有关的书籍纷纷跃居畅销书榜首;在以魔术闻名的北京魔术全接触公司的各加盟店中,每天前来购买魔术道具和学习魔术表演的顾客比往年同期多了三四成,单店日最高营业额达3000多元。  相似文献   

川剧中的变脸绝技,常被中国人津津乐道,令外国人不知所以;魔术中的变化,更让人眼花缭乱,摸不着头脑。在动物世界,瞬息间变化体色与体态的也不少。但动物姿态的变化,不是为了表演,而是为了保护自己,获得更多的生存机会。  相似文献   

<正>魔术看来令人不可思议,魔术师是如何"误导"观众的呢?那些魔术手法到底是欺骗了我们的眼睛,还是欺骗了我们的大脑?请看专家揭秘。紧身衣变色真相魔术师是一个操纵人的注意力和意识的艺术家。  相似文献   

本研究采用幸福感指数量表和抑郁自评量表对186名海员进行调查.结果表明:是否已婚、受教育程度及年龄等因素对海员幸福感有显著影响;未婚、本科学历及25岁以下的海员幸福感最高;是否已婚、受教育程度,海龄、年龄等因素对海员的抑郁水平没有显著影响.  相似文献   

你有过被魔术师和他的魔术“蒙骗”的经历吗?有趣的是,魔术不仅是一种娱乐,它其实包含着人类心理学。现在,人们对魔术和心理学之间的相互作用越来越感兴趣了。2005年,世界上历史最悠久的魔术师协会——魔术圈迎来了它的100周年纪念。作为庆典的一部分,7月末在伦敦召开学者和魔术师共同参加的会议。世界各地的魔术师表演他们的绝技,而观众的反应会受到监视以便于分析有关感知、注意力和记忆力的心理学。各种魔术戏法成千上万,而且还在不断创新。物体能“神秘地”出现、消失、移动、变成其他东西或在打碎以后被还原。所有魔术的共通之处是魔术…  相似文献   

先不要将桔子的皮剥开,猜一猜桔子的瓣数。从篮子里挑出你平日喜欢的桔子,先不要剥皮,猜一猜桔子的瓣数。▲准备材料新鲜的桔子5只、篮子、浆糊。▲魔术的做法1.让对方先从篮子里的5只桔子中任意挑1只。“请您从篮子里挑一只桔子吧。”2.把那只桔子放在自己的手心,然后确认一下桔子上是否有被切割的痕迹。“无论从哪个角度看都看不见里面的东西啊。”3.把桔子举在手上,做一个魔术表演的手势。做出一种就像是用精神力量透视桔子的样子。“不要碰这个桔子,猜一猜它的瓣数吧。”假装一边苦想着“嗯?是9瓣吗?”▲魔法公开这个魔术的诀窍就是,摘…  相似文献   

In the first part of the paper, a systematic procedure for constructing high-order magic squares as an extension of the lower-order basic magic squares is developed and demonstrated. For a 2N x 2N magic square, one can start with a basic N x N magic square, say, N = 3,4,5 or 7,11,13. Using small 2 x 2 squares, like (1,2,3,4) or (5,6,7,8), to fill the elements of the basic N x N magic square according to the ordering of the magic square, one develops the 2N x 2N magic square automatically. For a 3N x 3N magic square, one can choose another basic N x N magic square, say, the 4 x 4 magic square. Then, inserting 3 x 3 small squares in the 16 empty spaces according to the ordering of the 4 x 4 magic square, one develops the 12 x 12 magic square. There may be small adjustments in the numbering of (1,2,3,4) in the 2 x 2 small square, or of (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) in the 3 x 3 small square to form the proper 2N x 2N or 3N x 3N magic squares. In most cases, the correct results are obtained without adjustments. For N = 4, 4N x 4N produces the 16 x 16 magic square. For N = 5 or 7, using 2 x 2 small squares produces 10 x 10 or 14 x 14 magic squares. Part II of the paper gives a review of other known procedures for constructing odd and even order magic squares with illustrative examples for 4 x 4, 5 x 5, 7 x 7, 10 x 10, 11 x 11, 13 x 13, 15 x 15, 17 x 17, 19 x 19 and 20 x 20 magic squares. One 18 x 18 magic square is given in Part I. In the Appendix, the G and H squares, given by Moschopulus of Constantinople nearly five centuries ago, are discussed concerning symmetrical and pandiagonal squares. It is shown that H can be modified to form H1 which is both symmetrical and pandiagonal.  相似文献   

It has been known for some 25 years that much improved resolution of NMR spectra of solids can be achieved if the sample is rotated rapidly at a ‘magic’ angle of 54 °44′ to the magnetic field. However, the full potential of the method has been realised only within the past few years, largely because of the technical difficulties of establishing the correct conditions experimentally. It can now be applied to a wide range of problems in chemistry, materials science, and biology.  相似文献   

王厉 《科教文汇》2011,(25):82-83
本文通过分析英国女作家J.K.罗琳的系列魔幻小说《哈利·波特》中的女性形象,结合荣格的原型理论,从三个方面概括了这一魔幻小说中表现出的女性主义特点。指出其不但是传统与现代、幻想与现实的结合,更是象征性、颠覆性和启示性的结合,把文学性和原形性完美地融为一体。  相似文献   

According to Freud “words were originally magic and to this day words have retained much of their ancient magical power”. By words, behaviors are transformed and problems are solved. The way we use words reveals our intentions, goals and values. Novel tools for text analysis help understand the magical power of words. This power is multiplied, if it is combined with the study of social networks, i.e. with the analysis of relationships among social units. This special issue of the International Journal of Information Management, entitled “Combining Social Network Analysis and Text Mining: from Theory to Practice”, includes heterogeneous and innovative research at the nexus of text mining and social network analysis. It aims to enrich work at the intersection of these fields, which still lags behind in theoretical, empirical, and methodological foundations. The nine articles accepted for inclusion in this special issue all present methods and tools that have business applications. They are summarized in this editorial introduction.  相似文献   

鉴于学术界对于交通中心节点的评估识别还存在指标体系考虑因子不足、计算方法导致信息损失等问题,且未见全国层面的区县级精度研究,构建涵盖政治战略、社会经济、交通运输、国土生态等方面共18个指标的中心节点评估指标体系,基于我国全国区县级单元,利用专家赋值法和多维魔方法开展更全面、更详细、更精准的交通节点评估识别,以提高综合交通的整体运转效率,实现交通与国土空间的协同发展。评估识别出687个区县级中心节点并分为3个级别,这些中心节点具有良好的全国性服务与覆盖水平。总体上看,经济越发达、区域面积越大的省份拥有较多的中心节点,土地面积在中心节点筛选中作用凸显;经济较发达、区域面积较小的省份拥有的中心节点占单元总数的比例较高,经济因素的作用更明显。  相似文献   

把健身瑜伽课程引入高校体育的可行性研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
随着舞蹈类运动项目的扩展,一种具有独特魅力的健身项目——健身瑜伽,发展起来并形成一股健身热潮,悄悄地走进大学校园。健身瑜伽能够强身健体、调节身心、舒缓情绪,实践认为对高校学生开设健身瑜伽课程是非常必要的,也是可行的。  相似文献   

Contemporary ICTs such as speaking machines and computer games tend to create illusions. Is this ethically problematic? Is it deception? And what kind of “reality” do we presuppose when we talk about illusion in this context? Inspired by work on similarities between ICT design and the art of magic and illusion, responding to literature on deception in robot ethics and related fields, and briefly considering the issue in the context of the history of machines, this paper discusses these questions through the lens of stage magic and illusionism, with the aim of reframing the very question of deception. It investigates if we can take a more positive or at least morally neutral view of magic, illusion, and performance, while still being able to understand and criticize the relevant phenomena, and if we can describe and evaluate these phenomena without recourse to the term “deception” at all. This leads the paper into a discussion about metaphysics and into taking a relational and narrative turn. Replying to Tognazzini, the paper identifies and analyses two metaphysical positions: a narrative and performative non-dualist position is articulated in response to what is taken to be a dualist, in particular Platonic, approach to “deception” phenomena. The latter is critically discussed and replaced by a performative and relational approach which avoids a distant “view from nowhere” metaphysics and brings us back to the phenomena and experience in the performance relation. The paper also reflects on the ethical and political implications of the two positions: for the responsibility of ICT designers and users, which are seen as co-responsible magicians or co-performers, and for the responsibility of those who influence the social structures that shape who has (more) power to deceive or to let others perform.  相似文献   

The life and works of the English Renaissance polymath John Dee (1527–1609) have been traditionally treated by scholarship in the context of the history of philosophy and science. Only in recent decades have two of John Dee’s most prominent and controversial endeavors - (1) his political philosophy and advocacy of a British Empire (a term he is credited with coining), and (2) his long-standing practice of angelic magic - been reconstructed in their significance to Dee’s worldview. This paper highlights how Dee’s visions of a British Empire and his angelic rituals were not only major landmarks in his corpus, but were intimately interconnected in Dee’s ideology of “Cosmopolitics.” Dee’s “esoteric imperialism” is situated in the context of his intellectual, textual, and political environment, and his angelic magic is identified as fitting within the medieval Solomonic current. It is argued that both ideological trends coalesced in Dee’s vision of an angelic-inspired British Empire.  相似文献   

黄承基 《科教文汇》2013,(16):109-109,111
诗的王国是一种超验性,诗化的意识和感觉具有一种魔化的力量,任何看到的物象都显有灵性。作为诗人,这时候应该到场、出场、在场。人与世界溶浸为一,共同构成世界,诗的世界,便是诗人的世界。  相似文献   

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