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通过对世界优秀乒乓球选手击球时的观察和分析,结合长时间的教学和训练实践,认为头和非持拍手臂在乒乓球击球时起到了维持身体平衡、保持良好的体轴、增大击球力量的作用,提高击球时的稳健性和威胁性。  相似文献   

在乒乓球比赛中,有一些错误和毛病经常容易出现,但同时也很容易被选手们所忽视。对于这些问题,你千万不要以为“瑕不掩瑜”,相反应引起足够的重视。因为,在并非实力悬殊的比赛中,胜负往往取决于双方出现错误的多少,错误出现的越少,胜利的天平就会向你倾斜。反之,获胜的法码就会越来越轻。以下简介5种在乒乓球比赛中常见的错误,有技术方面,也有战术方面,供同仁们参考并指正。1.击球时忽视了头部的稳定在击球时,头部的稳定极为重要。不管你迎击何种来球,在击球前、击球中、击球后的短暂一刻,头部的位置应该是固定的。只有这样…  相似文献   

“静棒击球法”顾名思意,就是槌头在击球时没有后拉动作,是直接向前击打自球的一种击球方法。这样减少了槌头在击球时的后拉前击摆动,所以一旦熟练掌握它,击球的撞击或过门或撞柱率都非常高。“静棒击球法”的站位、瞄准、击球和其他打法基本相同。根据我们的实践,它的击球顺序是:测好距、瞄  相似文献   

大侠 《网球天地》2021,(3):88-99
O在击球区域之外击球时该如何保持身体平衡?1窍门就是“把球当作自己的舞伴”。——如果球偏离了自己的击球区域,也就是说高于胸部或低于膝关节,那么击球之后还能保持身体平衡吗?史密斯:当然可以。高点击球时站位幅度小一些有助于保持身体平衡,低点击球时,站位幅度则可以大一些。但是,在讲授平衡与站位时,有一点经常会被教练忽视,那就是底线相持球中的高点正手和双反应使用开放式站位来处理。低点击球时应使用中间式站位来处理。  相似文献   

在击球时,乒乓球拍会产生一定的形变,其形变的大小反映了球拍受力的大小.运用动态应变测试系统测量了不同技术击球时球拍拍柄根部应变力的大小,结果表明:采用摩擦击球的方式击球,球拍形变幅度较大,获得的形变力也较大;撞击球的方式击球,球拍形变幅度小,震动较大,球拍击球瞬间所受的作用力时间相对较短.  相似文献   

羽毛球击打后场高远球技术是羽毛球技术中一项重要技术,包括判断来球、移动脚步、挥拍击打等技术环节。笔者在教学中发现学生在学习羽毛球击打后场高远球技术时经常出现一些错误,笔者在下面将其一一列出并分析其原因和提出纠正方法。一、常见错误发生的原因1.准备姿势不正确接球前两脚站立位置过于靠前或身体重心过高或球拍放置过低,不利于到后场击球。交叉步技术,往往到达击球点时过晚。3.肘过低过偏击球时肘部过低,肘不正对击球方向,影响了击球质量。4.击球点偏后正确的击球点应该在头的前方,击球点偏后,回到对方的球过高,…  相似文献   

网球单、双手反拍击球技术的对比和实际运用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
网球单、双手反拍击球使用率比较高,但是究竟哪一种击球方式更好,却没有定论。作者试图通过对它们之间方方面面的分析比较,旨在引导从事网球运动时,针对各自的技术特长,而决定应采用哪一种反拍击球技术。  相似文献   

刘萍萍 《羽毛球》2021,(2):94-97
击球点的位置在肩部以上位置时,我方可采用主动击球方式;当击球点的位置在肩部和腰部之间时,我方可采用半主动的击球方式;而当击球位置在膝盖附近时,我方就只能采取被动击球方式了。因此,当球飞行到我方后场区域的低手位置(大约膝盖高度附近)时。  相似文献   

常尚 《乒乓世界》2005,(1):85-85
十岁左右的少儿选手,头脑灵活,已经具备了一定的领悟能力,至少可以将乒乓球运动的一些简单规则、技术术语、握拍法、站位方式等教给他们,而五大击球要素、击球时间和击球点、击球环节和动作结构、击球部位和拍面角度应该是学习的重中之重。  相似文献   

以2000~2001年“步步高杯”全国排球甲级联赛第4轮8个参赛队为统计对象,以中南大学南方排球队4名主力队员为实验对象,将脚击球技术运用到排素比赛中进行比较研究,表明脚击球技术在比赛中有较大的潜力可挖,当球飞行距离较短和起远距离低位球时脚击球成功率高于手击球。  相似文献   

乒乓球的削球打法一直以来都是中国乒乓球打法中的中坚力量,许多乒乓球世界冠军就是用削球打法取得冠军的成就。培养乒乓球运动员时,要注重从青少年开始培养削球打法技巧,这是当前乒乓球训练的重点。培养运动员快速移动能力是培养乒乓球削球打法的重中之重。  相似文献   

It is hypothesized that live playing situations preceding an opponent's strokes in tennis have sufficient significance to provide expert players with anticipative cues to estimate accurately the spatiotemporal characteristics of oncoming ball trajectories. Seven participants (all expert tennis players) had to watch two players opposed in high, moderate, and low tactical significance situations terminated by a stroke delivered by one of the two players in the direction of the participants. The participants' vision was occluded 100 ms after the stroke, and they had to indicate the zone reached by the ball at the moment of its rebound. Results showed that the essential anticipative information is contained in the view of the opponent's stroke movements, whatever the tactical significance of the situation.  相似文献   

世界优秀网球运动员正手击球技术特征分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用文献资料法,影像分析法,逻辑分析等方法,对ATP2008年终排名前6的网球运动员的正手击球技术动作进行了分析。旨在为提高网球选手正手击球技术,使其正手击球成为比赛中强有力的得分武器。  相似文献   

通过对中国乒协“国际援助与发展计划”中欧集训欧洲女子运动员的握拍方法和打法类型的调查和对重点队员的技术统计,结合对中国乒羽中心领导和中欧教练员的访谈,对欧洲现阶段优秀女子运动员的技术发展状况作了深入的分析和研究.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to compare kinetically the roles of the lower extremities in generating trunk rotation in the tennis one-handed and two-handed backhand strokes. Fourteen male collegiate tennis players, seven with a preference for the one- and seven with a preference for the two-handed technique, were recruited as participants. The motion of each backhand stroke was filmed using two high-speed cine-cameras, and the ground reaction forces on the feet were measured separately using two force platforms to determine the joint moments and joint reaction forces at the hip, knee and ankle joints. A significant difference in hip joint moments between the two types of stroke was found in the phase from the start of forward rotation of the pelvis to the start of racket forward movement. For trunk rotation, the one-handed backhand players exerted a large joint moment in the front leg, whereas the two-handed backhand players exerted a large joint moment in the back leg. The exertion of a large hip joint moment in the latter stroke was comparable with the exertion in a forehand stroke reported previously.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to compare kinetically the roles of the lower extremities in generating trunk rotation in the tennis one-handed and two-handed backhand strokes. Fourteen male collegiate tennis players, seven with a preference for the one- and seven with a preference for the two-handed technique, were recruited as participants. The motion of each backhand stroke was filmed using two high-speed cine-cameras, and the ground reaction forces on the feet were measured separately using two force platforms to determine the joint moments and joint reaction forces at the hip, knee and ankle joints. A significant difference in hip joint moments between the two types of stroke was found in the phase from the start of forward rotation of the pelvis to the start of racket forward movement. For trunk rotation, the one-handed backhand players exerted a large joint moment in the front leg, whereas the two-handed backhand players exerted a large joint moment in the back leg. The exertion of a large hip joint moment in the latter stroke was comparable with the exertion in a forehand stroke reported previously.  相似文献   

网球运动是一项技术含量非常高的体育项目,从生物力学的角度来讲,其完美的技术是力量和控制的有效结合,并能将受伤可能性减少至最低程度。网球技术复杂,在练习过程中不仅需要掌握某一个动作的完整技术,而且需要身体的各部位协调做功。正手击球是网球最为基本的一项技术,其结构一般分为准备姿势、引拍、向前挥拍、触球以及随挥五部分。本文主要根据生物力学中人体协调链的原理对其中触球环节的动作进行分析,希望能够弥补目前研究中的一些不足,促进练习者对网球动作更深层次的理解,进而提高其技术水平。  相似文献   

网球是一项技术复杂,大小肌肉群都要参与的运动。正手击球是网球技术中最重要的技术之一,是各种打法都必须具备的主要得分手段。从生物力学角度看影响正手击球技术动作效果的因素很多。因此,从生物力学角度对正手不同动作阶段技术进行分析,完善运动员技术动作、减少运动损伤以及提高运动成绩都有重要作用。  相似文献   


The effectiveness of mental practice was studied when combined with three variables of instruction: audio, visual, and audio-visual presentations of the forehand tennis drive. An adaptation of the Broer-Miller tennis test was administered to 183 subjects prior to and following the training sessions. Subjects were divided into six experimental groups and one control group. Of the experimental groups, one heard, one viewed, and one both heard and viewed a sound filmstrip which described the tennis drive. Three similar experimental groups received parallel instruction but also engaged in 10-min. mental practice sessions immediately following their respective presentations. All six groups met three times a week for a period of 8 weeks. The three experimental groups which also engaged in mental practice showed a significant improvement in the execution of the forehand drive. Among the variables of instruction, audio used in conjunction with mental practice proved to be the most effective method for development of the forehand tennis stroke.  相似文献   

3种最新网球双手反拍抽球技术分析与训练研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
当今网球比赛正流行双手反拍的打法,与20年前相比,有更多的人使用了双手反拍抽球技术。这种打法给没有经验和较弱的运动员增添了信心和力量。对当今网坛3种最新双手反拍抽球技术的握拍方法、发力方式、技术特点、适宜人群及现代化训练方法进行了分析,不同的网球选手应根据自身的特点选择适合自己的双手反拍抽球技术。  相似文献   

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