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课程·学分·资格·专业——英国开放大学个案研究   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1  
本文采用文献分析法全面分析英国开放大学在课程分类、学分标准、专业设置和选课机制,以及证书/文凭/学位授予资格的要求等方面的经验做法,并结合电大实际,阐述了开放大学的经验做法对电大"课程平台搭建工程"的启示.  相似文献   

论职业资格标准与职业教育的融通   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
帮助受教育者获得职业资格证书是职业教育的重要内容和职责.在目前的职业教育活动中,职业资格标准在课程结构中尚未充分体现;能力目标尚未依靠教学内容负载;质量评估未完全在教学管理的运行中反映.因此,将职业资格标准纳入课程设计,开发专门课程;依据职业标准定位能力项目,拓展实践教学形式;实现劳动、教育、行业部门的密切合作,是职业资格证书纳入职业教育的有效途径.  相似文献   

In this article, we report some experimental results on the behaviour of the flame of a candle kept at the bottom of a glass tube, which is open at the top and closed at the bottom. Thus, the supply of oxygen for the continuous burning of the flame is possible only from the top open end of the tube. We find that the candle burns steadily below a critical tube height. Above this height, the flame oscillates in size, and a further increase in tube height leads to the flame extinguishing quickly.  相似文献   

杨兰 《成人教育》2015,35(7):24-27
学分作为对学习者学习数量的量化表达方式,是随着社会的发展,在教学体系中为了满足学生个性化发展需要,同时为了解决教与学的矛盾而产生的.但随着教学环境的变迁、学习方式的多样化,使得学分的本质内涵在实际运用中已不能合理地体现,现代人文主义教育思想、终身教育思想从本质上冲击着学分的价值内涵.文章从学分的价值内涵着手,分析学分的本质,结合学分在实际应用中价值内涵的不合理性,提出对学分内涵的再思考.  相似文献   

Through an examination of the higher education systems in threecountries (Indonesia, Nicaragua, and Vietnam), the authors explore howthe use of academic credits for monitoring student progress has been andcontinues to be linked to policies and institutions associated withcapitalist, market-driven economic systems. The recent histories ofthese countries and their current social and political contexts areanalyzed in relation to three interrelated themes that have emerged fromthe analysis of the three cases. These themes are: (1) Linkages topolitical and economic systems: higher education as vocationaltraining, (2) Standardization, efficiency, andtechnocracy, and (3) Who controls the curriculum? Inconclusion, the authors suggest that the academic credit system,embedded within a network of other educational practices, hastransformed the university into an institution focused on relativelynarrow, utilitarian aims rather than a more universal pursuit ofknowledge.  相似文献   

黄娥 《成人教育》2018,(8):9-13
随着知识经济时代的到来,建立一套鼓励和支持终身学习的现代教育和培训制度是教育改革和发展的时代要求.资历框架是破除建立终身学习"立交桥"制度瓶颈的重要抓手,是对社会利益重新调整和配置的一种政府手段.其内涵可以从资历系统、终身学习和学分银行几个方面来理解.建立资历框架的主要功能在于:教育标准和职业标准融合,调和教育和劳动力市场供求矛盾;加强人才流动,精确人才配置;打破教育不连续衔接现状,建立开放灵活教育体系;加快教育可视化路线建立,鼓励全民终生学习;支持跨国资历互认,促进国际交流合作.  相似文献   

There are wide variations both between and within countries in the extent and nature of the training required to practise as guidance workers. In some sectors, including the private sector, there are no formal requirements. In general, requirements are more formal in the education (school) sector than elsewhere. In most countries there is no mutual recognition of guidance qualifications between education and labour market sectors, and no facility for progression from non-expert to expert guidance status. The role of government in determining/influencing the content and methodology of training varies from countries where it makes all the decisions to those where it appears to have no involvement at all. Little use is currently made of ICT and distance education to deliver initial and/or recurrent training for guidance workers. A number of recommendations to address these and other issues are made.  相似文献   

Sri Lanka experienced a rapid expansion of population in the first few decades following Independence in 1948. Population growth far outstripped the rate of growth of the economy which remained mostly dependent on primary production for export and domestic consumption. Introduction of universal free education pre-dated political independence and led to rapid school enrolments. In a slow-growth economy, dominated by state enterprises, education became the main avenue of upward social mobility for many underprivileged young people. Increasing competition for education and white-collar employment in the then dominant state sector in the 1960s and the 1970s necessitated policy interventions that were not necessarily fair to all competing social and ethnic groups. In the late 1970s, the policy focus shifted from education to liberal economic reforms aimed at generating economic growth and employment creation. Early gains in terms of economic expansion were slowed down by the ethnic conflict that erupted in 1983 and continues to retard economic development in the country. While the affluent strata continue to gain from the open economic and liberal educational environment in terms of income and lucrative employment opportunities, many young people from lower social strata who possess conventional paper qualifications live in despair looking for scarce white-collar jobs. Those who have resources to invest in overseas training and/or foreign qualifications are in an advantaged position in the competition for private and transnational sector employment.  相似文献   

目前"创新学分"的实施已经成为国内高校发展的一个重要课题。但是对于"创新学分"的理解还存在一些误区,培养方案设置需要改进,管理细则和信息系统的建设有待完善。根据宁波大学实施情况,提出"创新学分"实施的发展方向。  相似文献   

同声传译译员素质及同传预测试析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据同声传译译员的特点,对同声传译译员素质与同传预测进行探讨,并基于工作实践提出提高同传能力的一些可行性策略.  相似文献   

The economic, political and cultural manifestations of globalisation are distinguishable from its underlying causes. The definition of globalisation used in this paper focuses on 'the reduction of obstacles to trade'. A function of both economic policy and technological advance, trade barriers, financial regulations and cross-border communications have been liberalised. These are contributing to change in the composition, control and locus of livelihoods, the skill requirements of livelihoods, and life chances and social mobility of livelihood seekers more generally. Educational qualifications and assessments mediate livelihood creation and livelihood seeking, to different degrees in different contexts. The role of assessment in the certification and selection for jobs interacts with economic globalisation in two main ways. The first is through the impact of globalisation on the composition and volume of livelihoods and the demand of both livelihood creators and livelihood seekers for qualifications. The second is through the reduction of trade and communication barriers on the internationalisation and commercialisation of the assessment and qualification business. The paper concludes with a research agenda that explores these two strands and emphasises the interactions between global, national and local contexts and influences.  相似文献   

This article explores how globalisation has impacted on the demand and nature of qualifications and livelihoods in Zimbabwe. It argues that while economic globalisation has had an influence on the labour market, particularly through economic reforms such as the Economic Structural Adjustment Programmes, colonial legacies continue to influence education and training in Zimbabwe. The article observes that although access to education has increased phenomenally since the attainment of political independence, this has not significantly solved unemployment and the reduction of poverty as new challenges have surfaced. The information and communications technology revolution that characterises globalisation has changed the skill and knowledge requirements for most jobs, leading to the need for continuous retraining and the improvement of one's qualifications. Yet qualifications have no impact on the availability of employment opportunities since these depend on the prevailing economic situation. The article comes to the conclusion that while globalisation has created new opportunities through liberalised economic systems, it has mainly benefited industrialised countries with more stable economies. For developing countries such as Zimbabwe, it has had a negative impact since it has led to retrenchments, weakening of the informal sector, increased consumer prices and a general decline in living standards.  相似文献   

Recent policy statements reveal that the future work-based route to vocational qualifications in the UK will include 'taught knowledge and understanding' as well as competence acquired in the workplace. The intention is to bring National/Scottish Vocational Qualifications into line with the German dual system of apprenticeship, which involves much more academic study. This article seeks to clarify the UK policy by exploring recent developments in the German dual system, and considering two key questions: how to define knowledge and understanding in this context, and how to distribute control of the curriculum between the stakeholders.  相似文献   

专业认证、注册工程师制度与工程技术人才培养   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
工程技术人才的培养涉及政府、企业、专业协会(中介组织)等多个群体,需要经历较长的时间.英美等国实行的专业认证制度、注册工程师制度在监控工程教育质量、保证工程技术从业人员水平的同时,也为工程技术人才的成长提供了规范的路径,为不同利益群体提供了协商的平台,从而对工程技术人才培养起到了重要的作用.  相似文献   

新西兰自上世纪九十年代起,以新西兰教师委员会为管理机构,以一系列法律文件作为支撑,以规范教师资格注册认证机制和健全教师专业准则和标准为主要内容,对教师资格制度进行深化改革,极大地提升了新西兰的教育质量。鉴于此,我国应深化教师资格注册机制、完善教师资格认证制度以及落实教师专业标准来促进我国师资队伍建设。  相似文献   

近年来在高等教育快速发展的大趋势下,大多数高校在负债的情况下办学力求满足社会对高等教育资源的需求。政府利用化解债务的方式解决高校资金上的问题。政府化债后期,高校应在开源节流的基础上加强资金管理,建立有效的债务偿还机制,使得学校健康可持续发展。  相似文献   

学分制下选课管理的研究与实践   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
本文从课程体系、组织管理、选课程序、选课软件、课程考核与实践效果等方面深入研究了与学分制这种新的教学管理模式相适应的选课制的管理,为深化教学改革提供了可借鉴的理论与实践依据。  相似文献   

德育学分制的实施与效果评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高校德育工作的基本职能是对学生进行道德教育.目前,德育教育的整体状况与学生的基本现状尚存在许多不相适应的问题.实行德育学分制为学校德育教育管理体系提供了可行的方式,对完善学生德育评价体系具有一定的借鉴意义.  相似文献   

欧洲资历框架(EQF)是一项联结欧洲各个国家资格体系,促使资格在欧洲不同国家和体系之间互认的共同参考框架和转换器.EQF经过十年多的发展与持续改进,在促进各国交流、建立终身学习型社会、加强各类教育与培训体系之间的联系以及推动劳动力市场发展等方面产生重要影响.同时,EQF在发展过程中也不可避免地面临着诸多挑战,如在质量保障、与其他框架协调、利益相关者参与、等级维度划分、发展更新、术语描述等方面,需要在问题反思的基础上进一步发展和完善,通过建立贯通全过程、连接全要素的质量保障体系,加强与各类教育及其资历框架间的兼容性,提高利益相关者参与程度,多角度、深层次规范框架横纵结构划分以夯实基础,及时发展更新各类要素以提高适应性,统一能力维度的核心要义,从而为发展终身学习型社会与增进国际理解与流动作出更大的贡献.  相似文献   

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