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<正>集体备课的过程,应该是一个不断学习和不断提高的过程。所以,集体备课也应该对集体备课的效果和教学中发现的问题不断的进行反思。一、语文学科集体备课中的存在问题语文集体备课主要存在有以下几个方面的问题:1.流于形式。从调查结果来看,在形式上所有的学校都建立了集体备课制度,但在集体备课制度下的内容与形式,活动与效果还有一定的距离。根据我们的调查,不担任主讲的老师对集体备课并不去认真准备,人是集中起来了,可集中在一起并没有发挥出集体的智  相似文献   

怎样让集体备课更吸引教师   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
自实施集体备课活动以来,学校明确规定集体备课活动从规划到实施必须做到时间、地点、人员、内容“四落实”。可是在学校关于集体备课组活动情况的调查中却得到了如下数据:认为集体备课活动对自己业务有提高的仅为10%,认为比较重要的占35%,认为不重要的占55%。面对这个结果,学校领导感到非常意外,他们陷入了沉思:集体备课为什么不受欢迎?  相似文献   

开展集体备课活动是提高思想政治理论课教师课堂教学水平的一个重要途径。而搞好集体备课必须确定备课的内容。本文根据新疆高校的思想政治理论课的实际情况,提出了开展集体备课要注意解决备课的内容,即"备教材"、"备学生"、"备教法"、"备问题"和"备问题"等五个方面。并对五个方面的内容分别进行了阐述,指出只有认真抓好这些内容的备课,并把它深入下去,才能真正提高思想政治理论课的备课质量,教师的课堂教学效果才能体现出来。  相似文献   

集体备课是一项校本教研活动,对提高课堂教学效率以及教师专业成长有着及其重要的作用。当前一些学校在开展集体备课活动时,出现了很多怪现状。本文从集体备课活动计划、目标的制定管理,集体备课活动过程的管理,二次备课及活动评价管理等方面进行了多角度阐释,提出了解决问题的策略。  相似文献   

教师集体备课是以教研组或备课组为单位,组织教师开展集体研读大纲和教材、分析学情、制定学科教学计划、分解备课任务、审定备课提纲、反馈教学实践信息等系列活动,是提高备课质量的重要备课形式。它可集思广益,将个人才智转化为集体优势,共同提高教学质量。时下各地集体备课在很大程度上流于形式,使真正能促进高效课堂的集体备课变成了"热热闹闹走过场"。提高集体备课的实效,精细管理是一条重要的途径。一、加强集体备课活动计划、目  相似文献   

高校思想政治理论课统一性的教材、同一性的培养目标虽为集体备课活动开展提供了充分条件与重要契机,但该活动有效性尚未充分释放出来,原因在于未厘清集体备课的理论根源。我们可以从中华5000多年的“合”文化、近现代协同育人理念及新时代供给侧结构性改革中探寻集体备课活动的理论基石。为让集体备课真正成为加大教研力度、拓展教研思路的可靠路径,除在全员全程中坚持政治性、学理性、针对性、民主性运行原则外,还必须从源头上进行创新性改革,如形成集体崇尚研讨教学的文化氛围、构建侧重教学研究的教师评价体系、建立科学合理的规章制度。  相似文献   

本文阐述了集体备课的重要意义及如何落实教师集体备课程序有效发挥集体备课应有的作用。为保障集体备课活动常态化,学校应制定科学的集体备课评价制度,通过制度化管理,把备课组建成一个直面教学的研究型组织,当越来越多的教师以研究的态度对待自己的教学工作时,职业教育教学质量的普遍提高才能成为现实。  相似文献   

集体备课是以教研组为单位,组织教师开展集体研读大纲和教材、分析学情、制定学科教学计划、分解备课任务、审定备课提纲、反馈教学实践信息等系列活动。集体备课对教师教学理念的提升、教学行为的优化、教学效率的提高起到了实效性的指导与促进作用。  相似文献   

本文从优化集体备课的开展形式、制定"人人发言"的备课制度、注重教学活动本身的灵活性和生成性三个方面提出改善建议,以期在新时期的背景下进一步完善农村初级中学集体备课的实施方略,提高集体备课的实效性。  相似文献   

集体备课就是为了充分发挥集体智慧,促进以老带新,以新促老,集思广益,博采众长,真正实现脑资源共享,使全体教师切实能从整体上了解教材,提高驾驭教材的能力。集体备课的最终目的就是提高课堂效益,促进教学质量的提高。因此.集体备课活动的开展必须以实效为主,克服形式主义。要想使集体备课在教学中发挥更大的作用,就必须把集体备课与其...  相似文献   

备好课是上好课的先决条件,随着教学改革的不断深入,“单兵作战”的备课方式逐步被集体备课方式所替代,集体备课方式在高中英语教学中具有重要的作用。因此,认真探讨集体备课的方式方法,遵循集体备课的基本原则,强化集体备课的意识,是抓好集体备课活动开展的重要内容,也是提高教学质量的重要保证。  相似文献   

“同课异构”教学活动探析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
周庆 《石家庄学院学报》2012,14(4):83-86,114
"同课异构"活动的开展有助于提升教育质量、提高教学效益及教师专业成长。进行"同课异构"活动时,一方面应遵循开放性、真实性、创新性等原则的理性指引,另一方面在实践活动中应避免走入脱离目标过分求"异"、忽视特色轻"异"求"同"、不顾学情"标新立异"等误区。为推动"同课异构"活动有效开展,应进行集体备课,充分发挥教师群体智慧;积极反思,促进教师自我成长;集思广益,多种模式推动活动进行。  相似文献   

This personal narrative describes the efforts of a teacher education institution to understand and introduce teacher leadership into the preparation of teachers. The author provides the history and context of the institution as well as the structures and processes the institution used to achieve these goals. The article concludes with lessons learned from the case.  相似文献   

Despite emphasis and progress in developing collaborative inquiry in computer-supported collaborative learning research, little attention has been given to examining how collective learning can be assessed in computer-supported collaborative learning classrooms, and how students can have agency in assessing their own collaborative process. We propose that assessments should capture both individual and collective aspects of learning and be designed in ways that foster collaboration. We describe the design of student-directed electronic portfolio assessments to characterize and “scaffold” collaborative inquiry using Knowledge Forum?. Our design involved asking students to identify exemplary notes in the computer discourse depicting knowledge building episodes using four knowledge building principles as criteria. We report three studies that examined the designs and roles of knowledge building portfolios with graduate and Grade 12 students in Hong Kong and Canada. The findings suggest that knowledge building portfolios help to characterize collective knowledge advances and foster domain understanding. We discuss lessons learned regarding how knowledge building may be fostered and provide principles for designing assessments that can be used to evaluate and foster deep inquiry in asynchronous online discussion environments.  相似文献   

集体备课是促进教师群体专业发展的有效途径,但在实施过程中.存在目标定位狭窄,内容认识偏颇,操作理念落后,制度执行不力等不足,使得教师的专业发展不尽如人意。因而必须积极改进策略,构建长远目标,加强理论学习,增强科研意识,更新备课理念,强化制度执行,以有效促进教师的专业发展。  相似文献   

马克思关于两个“决不会”的原理,对认识社会形态发展变化中的实际问题是有科学的指导意义的,必须看到当代资本主义的发展还有相当的潜力和生命力,社会主义的实践是在曲折中前进,不同的社会制度将会长期共存,要以更务实的态度对待资本主义制度,把发达国家的“自然历史过程”作为我们的借鉴,以谋求适合我国社会主义制度的发展模式与发展战略,坚定地把发展生产力作为社会主义的根本任务。  相似文献   

We focus on children's approaches to managing group work in classrooms where collaborative learning principles are explicit. Small groups of 8–10 year olds worked on collaborative science activities using an interactive whiteboard. Insubsequent interviews, they spoke of learning to ‘be patient’ and ‘wait’, for multiple social and technical reasons. Conclusions are drawn about how children's dialogue during and after lessons constitutes and develops their collective capacities to deal with frustrations and problems arising for themselves and others. Attention to children's thinking and language about managing group work should promote their future success in collaborative learning.  相似文献   

It is widely held that context is important in teaching mathematics and statistics. Consideration of context is central to statistical thinking, and any teaching of statistics must incorporate this aspect. Indeed, it has been advocated that real-world data sets can motivate the learning of statistical principles. It is not, however, a straightforward task to take a real-world example and incorporate it into a lesson that will teach important statistical principles. This paper considers issues involved in using real data to exemplify statistical ideas and examines pre-service teachers’ attempts to design teaching activities using such data. Pre-service teachers were supplied with a topical data set and asked to plan lessons that would teach some key statistical idea to year 6 students. The lessons were analysed using a hierarchy for teaching statistical literacy, and great variation was found in the level of statistical thinking demanded in the planned lessons. Teachers who had completed a preliminary activity helping them to think carefully about what might be taught from real data in general produced lessons with stronger statistical content. A key requirement for having lessons with deep consideration of statistical ideas is to identify the actual affordances for teaching contained within a data set; the planning process then benefits from explicit attention to making that content evident in the teaching activities.  相似文献   

为了分析国家助学贷款政策变革的制度变迁过程,本文在借鉴制度预期与结果的四项原则框架的基础上,指出目前国家助学贷款面临的核心问题是制度所产生的结果由于参与各方利益博弈总是背离制定者的制度预期。运用此分析框架,本文论证了国家助学贷款要完全满足四项原则,需要消耗巨大的制度资源,其结果会造成非最优制度的实施。并认为我国国家助学贷款政策变革过程是强制性制度变迁,无法保证制度的及时、准确的供给。只有交替运用强制性制度变迁和诱致性制度变迁的方式,使新的国家助学贷款制度供给与需求实现动态平衡。  相似文献   

This paper discusses the findings of a collective case study of two junior colleges in Singapore. It aims to identify and describe the scaffolding strategies used by teachers to engage students in computer‐mediated lessons. For students to engage in the learning process, they need to be equipped with the learning strategies and see the relevance of the concepts and principles presented. By employing methods such as observations, focus group discussions with students and face‐to‐face interviews with teachers, an account of how scaffolding strategies are used in computer‐mediated lessons is generated. The account identifies and describes four categories of scaffolding strategies: orienting activities, peer interactions, prompts and modelling.  相似文献   

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