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Young people who leave school without obtaining a secondary school certificate bear an increased risk of not completing vocational training and being excluded from stable employment in their working life. However, some of these young people do achieve access to vocational training and employment. Based on a longitudinal study of school-to-work transitions of a representative sample of graduates from Praxisklassen in Bavaria (a course especially designed for potential school drop outs at the lower secondary school – Hauptschule), patterns of transition that lead into vocational training and employment are compared with patterns that end up in exclusion from education, training and employment. Determinants of successful transitions, which can be targeted by pedagogical measures, are inter alia: participation in internships in enterprises during the last year of schooling, help and support received from parents and professional career guidance. However, besides these influential factors, regional labor market conditions are important for a successful school-to-work transition. This close link to the labor market ultimately limits the effects of educational interventions.  相似文献   

This article deals with the disciplinary development of school pedagogy using the example of the development of general didactics theories. Addressing the question of progress in scientific knowledge of general didactics, we examine whether school pedagogy has established typical forms of disciplinary communication. In order to answer this question, we present the findings from a research project on the representations of the concept of didactics in pedagogical reference books. New knowledge from didactical research is rarely reported and the predominance of a few approaches cannot be explained by the availability of more or substantial knowledge. The findings confirm recent research which demonstrates that school pedagogy exhibits structural characteristics of a scientific discipline but makes only limited use of those to maintain typical forms of disciplinary communication.  相似文献   

Teaching science is again receiving increased attention in educational science, didactic and political debates. This review article will present the focal points of research concerning the didactics of science and perspectives for the development of science teaching. It will look at the goals of science education, on the one hand, and at the topics of empirical research and studies concerning a substantive development of teaching and lessons in science, on the other. The contribution closes with an outlook on the implementation of new developments and future perspectives for science education.  相似文献   

Der Beitrag diskutiert aus der Perspektive historischer Sozialisationsforschung gegenw?rtige Bilder vom Kind. Er skizziert die Grundzüge des romantischen Kindheitsmythos um 1800 und analysiert seine Kontinuit?ten in der P?dagogik um 1900 und an der Wende zum 21. Jahrhundert. Er zeigt, dass sowohl dem aktuellen Bestseller von Elschenbroich „Das Weltwissen der Siebenj?hrigen“ (2001), als auch Positionen der zeitgen?ssischen Kindheitsforschung durchaus romantische Elemente zugrunde liegen. Kritisch befragt werden in diesem Zusammenhang sowohl das Konzept der „Selbstsozialisation“, als auch die Annahme vom Verschwinden der Differenz zwischen Kindern und Erwachsenen. Der Beitrag endet mit einem Fazit, in dem Gründe für die Attraktivit?t des Kindheitsmythos aufgeführt sowie Forschungsfragen und -probleme er?rtert werden.  相似文献   

Children and youth consume pictures in a very loose, often in a sophistic way, nowadays. On the other hand educators and pedagogies faced pictures sceptically and refused iconic representations to be a means of acquiring knowledge.

Only when didactically and methodologically used, they claimed as a professionalized option, pictures could be suitful with regard to learning processes.

Pedagogues suspicially feared to loose control rejecting the irritating totality of pictures. Pointing consequently to the didactic use of pictures and images they better should have abandonned the moralistic point of view. They did not–as the history of the “Bewahrpädagogik” shows ‐, and therefore they presented a stereotype, although professional reaction to the problem of images and pictures “intruding”, “penetrating” children's life.

The article shows examples of the pedagogue's rejecting position towards children, consuming images and pictures, stating that their reaction has been a common reflex and a widespread attitude among eudcators.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Die Persönlichkeit, die fast überall positiv verstanden wird, besteht nicht von Geburt an, sondern entwickelt sich unter Einfluß von Anlagen und Umwelt. Die Jugend, die als Übergang zwischen Kindheit und Erwachsenenalter bezeichnet wird, wirft in vielen modernen Industriestaaten Probleme auf, die aus der oftmals schwierigen Suche nach der eigenen Identität resultieren. Identität wird hier als Wechselwirkung zwischen Anlagen und Umwelt verstanden. Der Jugendliche muß auf dem Weg zur eigenen Persönlichkeit vor sich selbst, der Gesellschaft und dem Leben insgesamt bestehen. Die Psychologie definiert die Persönlichkeit als Summe vieler psychologischer Eigenschaften, in denen sich Unterschiede zwischen den Menschen zeigen. Die Entwicklung dieser Eigenschaften ist in Umwelt, Reifung und Handlung des Individuums zu sehen. Sie wird in Ursachen, Bedingungen und Verläufe unterschieden. Als letzten Punkt führt der Artikel verschiedene Aspekte der Bildungsproblematik an. Der Verfasser kommt zu dem Schluß, daß Persönlichkeitsentwicklung zwar Ziel der Bildung sein sollte, dieses Ziel aber aufgrund des heutigen unklaren Bildungskonzeptes nicht erreichbar ist.
Personality, which is a term almost always used in a positive sense, does not exist from the moment of birth, but it develops under the influence of heredity and environment. Adolescence, which is seen as a transition from childhood to adulthood, raises difficulties in many modern industrialized countries as a result of the often arduous search for individual identity. In this context identity is seen as an interaction between heredity and environment. While developing his own personality, the young person has to maintain an integral existence vis-à-vis himself, society and life. Psychology defines the personality as the sum of numerous psychological characteristics, through which differences between people are revealed. The development of these characteristics is to be seen in the environment, maturation and actions of the individual. It can be subdivided into causes, conditions and processes. Finally the article discusses various aspects of the general question of education. The author concludes that the development of the personality should be an aim of education, but that this aim is presently unattainable because of a lack of clarity in the concept of education.

Résumé La personnalité, qui est un terme presque toujours employé dans un sens positif, n'existe pas dès la naissance, mais se développe sous l'influence de l'hérédité et de l'environnement. L'adolescence, que l'on considère comme une période de transition entre l'enfance et l'âge adulte, crée des difficultés dans de nombreux pays modernes industrialisés en raison de la recherche souvent ardue d'une identité individuelle. Dans ce contexte, on entend par identité l'interaction entre hérédité et environnement. Tout en développant sa propre personnalité, l'adolescent doit continuer d'exister par rapport à lui-même, la société et la vie. La psychologie définit la personnalité comme la somme de nombreuses caractéristiques psychologiques, à travers lesquelles se dessinent les différences entre les personnes. On peut observer le développement de ces caractéristiques dans l'environnement, la croissance et les actions de l'individu. On peut les classer en causes, conditions et processus. Enfin, le présent article examine les divers aspects de la problématique de l'éducation. L'auteur conclut que le développement de la personnalité devrait être un but de l'éducation, mais que celui-ci n'est pas présentement réalisé en raison du manque de clarté du concept de l'éducation.

Höchstes Glück der Erdenkinder sei nur die Persönlichkeit (Johann Wolfgang von Goethe,Westöstlicher Diwan)  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Im Rahmen dieses Beitrags m?chte ich die Vielschichtigkeit von erziehungswissenschaftlich motivierter Forschung am Beispiel der Wirkungsweise von Geschlechterrollenstereotypen auf die Gewaltsozialisation m?nnlicher Jugendlicher aufzeigen und dabei auf die Notwendigkeit verweisen, dieser theoretischen Komplexit?t mit einer ebenso hohen empirischen und statistischen Komplexit?t zu begegnen. Strukturgleichungsmodelle werden als geeignete Rechenweisen dargestellt und darin die Thematik der Kausalit?t als eine postulierte Verbindung zwischen Ursache und Wirkung diskutiert. Die Akzeptanz des Prinzips ‚keine Ver?nderung ohne Ursache‘ bildet den Grundsatz einer probabilistischen Kausalit?t und dieser stellt die Grundkonzeption einer empirischen Erziehungswissenschaft dar, die statistisches Anwendungsfeld und Theoriesprache miteinander zu verweben weiss.
Summary An educational science perspective on complexity and causality in the field of socialization to violence This contribution will demonstrate the complexity of educational research. This will be achieved using the example of the effect of young me’s stereotypes for gender roles on their socialization to violence in social contexts. It argues that theoretical complexity must be complimented by an equally high empirical and statistical complexity. structural equitation models are presented as an appropriate method of computation and causality is discussed as a postulated link between cause and effect. The acceptance of the principle „no change without cause“ is the fundamental basis of the concept of probability-bound causality, which, in turn, is the key to an empirical educational science that can interweave the statistical field of application with theoretical discourse.

This contribution investigates the developmental side of organizational learning. It starts out from the hypothesis that those conditions of successful learning and development competency, which can be externally influenced, are indeed independent of specific organizations and can be identified empirically. On the basis of the current results of an empirical investigation in the area of adult education, we will present a detailed profile of the requirements of a learning further education organization consisting of the dimensions organizational leadership, strategy, structure and culture, core competencies and treatment of knowledge and organizational environment. This profile was generated through a three-stepped research process combining theoretical, empirical and developmental approaches.  相似文献   

This contribution investigates the professional self-concept of school heads and the demands on their professional competencies using a standardized survey of 861 school leaders. The paper starts with a sketch of the theoretical basis of the investigation, which is a framework model for school leadership. The initial findings of the research project contradict the concept of a homogeneous group of professionals. Using cluster analysis it is possible to identify five leadership groups, which not only display divergent occupational concepts, but differ systematically in their satisfaction and their experience of stress.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Die fl?chendeckende Einführung der Orientierungsstufe in Niedersachsen war eng mit dem Ziel des Ausgleichs sozialer Benachteiligung verbunden. Bis vor kurzem lagen jedoch kaum Erkenntnisse darüber vor, wie die Wirksamkeit dieser Schulstufe unter den Bedingungen eines obligatorischen Regelangebots einzusch?tzen ist. Im vorlie genden Beitrag wird überprüft, inwiefern es der Orientierungsstufe gelingt, die Bedingungen für eine leistungsgerechte Verteilung der Schüler auf die Schulformen der Sekundarstufe I zu schaffen. Dafür werden die Daten einer aktuellen repr?sentativen Studie an nie ders?chsischen Orientierungsstufen und Schulformen des Sekundarbereichs verwendet. Die empirischen Ergebnisse weisen darauf hin, dass es der Orientierungsstufe einerseits nicht gelingt, ihren Auftrag der individuellen F?rderung und objektiven Leistungsbeurteilung zu erfüllen. Andererseits schafft sie es nicht, korrigierend auf die schichtbedingten elterlichen Bildungsaspirationen einzuwirken.
Summary The Effectiveness of the Orientation-Level in Schools in Lower Saxony in Re-balancing Social Disparities in Educational Participation The introduction of the so-called “Orientation-Level” into the schools of Lower Saxony was originally connected to the goal of re-balancing social disadvantage. Until recently, there was little evidence for judging the effectiveness of this obligatory provision. This paper investigates the success of the orientation-level in creating conditions for an ability-based distribution of pupils between the different schools types at secondary level. A recent representative study of the orientation-level and different school types will be presented. The empirical results indicate that the orientation-level neither fulfils its task of individual support and objective ability assessment nor does it re-balance the different educational aspirations of parents from different social groups.

This review summarizes international empirical studies on criteria for school effectiveness between 1995-2004. The data comes from a special study on this topic for the Dutch school inspectorate and has been re-analyzed for this contribution. In the first section of the paper, effectiveness criteria are reviewed with regard to their role in theoretical models of school effectiveness research. In the second section, empirical studies concerned with school and classroom effectiveness are reviewed with a focus on the effectiveness criteria, which are applied. The results show that the range of criteria is small. Especially regarding school effectiveness there is a tendency towards using pupils’ achievement in school subjects as effectiveness criteria. School factors were mainly investigated using national or regional survey data. The third section of the paper deals with perspectives for future research on school effectiveness, suggesting a broader set of effectiveness criteria.
Tina SeidelEmail:

Research in educational history has opened itself up increasingly in the past years to questions related to “space” The focus of this essay is on the current research category “educational space” and the related concept of “educational landscapes”. Both concepts are presented, beginning with a comparison of similarities and differences from an early modern historical perspective and ending with an analysis of different epochs. The study also expands upon influences of the concept of cultural transfer on the concepts of “educational space” and “educational landscape” and presents a current research project on early modern educational history using both categories.  相似文献   

The paper investigates the relationship between the expansion of higher education and the development of unemployment among higher education graduates by discipline using time series data. Our results find that the overall relationship between higher education and the world of labor is a recursive one. The relative weight of some disciplines among graduates, changes according to labor market needs, but this reaction is not immediate and subject to a delay. Other disciplines however develop independently of employment prospects. The rising proportion of graduates within these disciplines leads to pressures for change on the labor market. In both cases our data shows that the employment system absorbs the expansion of higher education graduates. This happens through a diversification of employment positions in order to accommodate the expansion of higher education graduates.  相似文献   

Several studies show that university students in Germany still have problems in reasoning mathematically although this already should be fostered at high school since the implementation of standards for school mathematics. Mathematical argumentation is a core competence and highly important, especially in academic mathematics. To foster mathematical argumentation at the beginning of university studies, competence models are needed which give more detailed insights in the skills that are necessary for reasoning. As mathematical argumentation is a complex process, especially at the higher secondary level or at university, many little steps are needed to complete a competence model for argumentation at the secondary–tertiary transition gradually. A possible step can be to initially identify several aspects of mathematical argumentation competence that influence the reasoning quality. The empirical basis for identifying those aspects is a cross-sectional study with 439 engineering students who participate in a transition course in mathematics. We address the following questions: (1) how is the quality of student’s reasoning? (2) Which kind of arguments do students use? (3) What resources do students who reasoned correctly use for solving the problems? (4) Does the content of the tasks play an important role? The results show a great influence of the content on the reasoning quality, especially if the content is abstract or concrete. Argumentation quality of students decreases with an increasing level of abstraction of the content. Furthermore, the results reveal that students often use routines for solving the problems. That indicates that procedural approaches still play an important role in school mathematics. If procedures could be used for solving the tasks, students are more successful. Competence models for mathematical argumentation at the beginning of the tertiary level should, therefore, include these factors.  相似文献   

In this paper, we examine current changes in the ethnic and social composition of the preschool and school aged population as well as the consequences these changes may have for educational participation and thus for overall educational attainment in the near future. Based on the micro-census 2008 survey, we identify groups of migrants by region of parents’ origin where children – despite low levels of parents’ education and comparatively few socioeconomic resources – have greater chances of upward educational mobility than non-migrant children. By contrast, children from less educated, nonmigrant families show a much lower tendency to be upwardly mobile, and educational choices are more closely tied to the economic and social background. Thus, our analysis provides evidence that educational background and socio-economic resources in the students’ families are of greater importance for the overall development of educational attainment in Germany than characteristics of migration and ethnicity.  相似文献   

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