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In the tradition of grassroots environmental movements worldwide, activist Buddhist monks in rural Thailand have, since the late 1980s, led a popular movement to protect local forest, water and land resources while at the same time challenging dominant state and corporate ‘economist’ development paradigms. Most famously, these ‘development monks’ (phra nak phathanaa) and ‘ecology monks’ (phra nak anuraksaa) have led local villagers and NGO activists in the symbolic ordaining of large trees and forests (buat paa). They do this in the hope that they will not only protect forests from logging, but also teach local people the value of conserving forest resources. This paper charts the history, philosophy and practice of the activist forest monk movement in Thailand, its contribution to our collective knowledge of adult education in new social movements, and its value to environmental adult education.  相似文献   

Using a distinction first proposed by Alain Touraine between historic and social movements, Ghanem's review of grassroots initiatives in Brazil argues that, despite differences in composition and aims, movements such as the landless rural workers, indigenous groups, and the women's movement in Brazil have attempted to shift the current socioeconomic order toward a new equilibrium – a process that is, however, not yet complete. In Ghanem's view, these movements are best described as historic movements. Addressing their educational aims, the author finds that they tend to fall into two types: (1) the self-provision of knowledge related to the set of problems that gave rise to their movement in the first place; (2) the striving for access to knowledge that is due to them as citizens and yet not given to them by the state. Often, social movements in Brazil are obliged to offer educational services through their own resources, services which are characterized by precarious conditions and which make the right to quality education still a distant dream.  相似文献   

As they say in social media, feminism is ‘trending’; feminist conversations, grassroots movements, and activism mark a fourth wave of feminist practice and theory defined by digital spaces. This article considers the effectiveness of using social media as both a course assignment and as a conduit for civic engagement. I analyse survey results of college students who used the blogging platform Tumblr in their Introduction to Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies courses. Data collected from the participant sample indicate that Tumblr users are connected to viewpoints different from their own and are instilled with a sense of activism they wish to incorporate in their offline lives. In conclusion, social media is a promising tool for social justice, feminist, and/or leadership-focused praxis.  相似文献   

河北作家胡学文的作品执著于对底层民众生存现状及其精神世界的关怀。胡学文的作品具有浓郁的坝上风情,他笔下"目不识丁"的乡村妇女更为理性、明智,坚持一份关于人性的又或是道德的捍卫。在他的作品中,女人比男人背负的更多,更有一种救赎的力量。除了明显的底层性之外,胡学文的小说还具有深刻的社会性。他一点点剥开那些浮华背后的内伤,从容淡定地披露人世百态,表达了他对社会现实的一份批判与质疑。较之同类的作家,胡学文的小说创作更显得成熟沉稳,更具有反思意义和社会批判意义。  相似文献   


This article seeks to introduce Research in translation as a new section of the journal. Its goals are to expand and diversify the flow of ideas in the sociology of education, to make available perspectives and notions from other research traditions to readers from diverse parts of the world, and to enrich the conversations about how these movements transform the ways in which social knowledge about education is produced. This introduction underlines that research is always produced in and as translation between different sets of practices and registers; it also wants to visibilize the craft of translation and its effects in the production of knowledge in an increasingly internationalized, plurilingual academia.  相似文献   

Influenced by Third World Liberation social movements in the United States and abroad, this article applies a serve-the-people concept to service-learning in education. Rooted in pedagogies more traditionally associated with ethnic studies and community organizing, and informed by sociocultural and critical frameworks in education, this article offers insights from school community spaces that serve K–12 youth from different urban working-class neighborhoods. Transformative opportunities for grassroots collaboration, learning, agency, and community reorganizing are explored with implications for students, teachers, teacher educators, and community workers concerned with social justice.  相似文献   

十九大提出创新社会治理、提升国家治理能力,打造共享共商的社会治理格局。本文利用Cite Space软件,对CNKI数据库收录的2007-2017年的237篇期刊论文分析,绘制社会治理创新领域的知识图谱,通过图谱分析表明当前大城市社会治理研究集中于社会治理模式、基层社会治理、社会治理体制创新、治理能力现代化等方面。  相似文献   

Matching the timing of one's movements to the movements of others has been proposed to increase affiliation and prosociality. Although coordinated movements facilitate early social interactions, not much is known about the mechanisms and effects of movement synchrony throughout development. Two studies investigated 12‐month‐olds' (Study 1, N = 40) and 9‐month‐olds' (Study 2, N = 41) preferences for synchronous others in a social as opposed to a nonsocial context. It was found that movement synchrony exclusively guides infants' social choices at 12 months. In contrast, 9‐month‐olds did not show any preferences for synchronous movements in social or nonsocial contexts. Results suggest that movement synchrony is important in guiding infants' social preferences and its effects emerge toward the end of the 1st year of life.  相似文献   

20世纪70年代以来,伴随着绿色政治运动的兴起,逐渐形成了新兴政党绿党。绿党以生态主义哲学为思想理论基础;以生态学、社会公正、基层民主、非暴力四项基本原则为基本价值观;以基层授权制、轮换制、集体领导制、非职业化为基本组织原则,把绿色引入政治,开拓了政党政治的新视野,突破了传统政党的阶级局限性,实现了对传统政党的超越。但,超越不能超脱,绿党要实现自己的绿色政治理想,必须利用国家政权的力量,参政或执政。这就必然要做出妥协,实现向传统政党一定程度的回归。分析绿党对传统政党的超越与回归,分析绿色政治的影响,加深我们对绿党和绿色政治的认识,可以帮助我们更好的理解我国正在大力实施的可持续发展战略。  相似文献   

张世爱 《成人教育》2013,33(5):23-26
高校社会服务伦理是指高等院校在社会服务活动中所产生的道德观念、道德规范以及对社会服务制度和服务行为的价值判断与道德评价。晏阳初的平民教育思想蕴含着丰富的伦理思想,他主张教育活动应以人为本,教人做人;公正平等,面向全民;奉献牺牲,共享共生;联系实际,回应现实。这对我国当前高校社会服务伦理的选择具有一定的启示:在服务目的上,提升素养,教做新民;在服务对象上,面向全民,关注大众;在服务过程上,升华民力,共享共生;在服务原则上,回归生活,教以致用。  相似文献   

在《德意志意识形态》中,马克思关于人的个性的思想完全摆脱了过去抽象意义、自然意义的观点,发现了个性的社会性,并且把个性看成是社会生产、社会关系的产物,认识到个性是由社会关系决定的。要想解放个性,就必须改造现实的个人所处的社会关系,改变“偶然性”,依靠无产阶级的力量,采取现实的革命运动,实现从历史向世界历史的转变,从“偶然的个人”向“有个性的个人”的转变。  相似文献   

Critical Race Theory (CRT) has its origins in legal analysis but increasingly has been used by educational researchers to analyse the continued salience of institutional racism in educational settings. After providing a brief overview of the history of CRT and the educational issues addressed by critical race theorists, I review two books that explicitly engage critical race theory (CRT). Delgado and Stefancic's (2001) primer on the CRT literature provides an important backdrop for situating Guinier and Torres' (2002) ambitious argument for building grassroots social movements around the concept of political race.  相似文献   

农村社区教育是社会治理全面实施的有效载体,也是助推社会治理深入发展的重要内容,在推进基层社会治理转型、增强基层社会发展活力和提高基层社会治理水平等方面意义重大。在社会治理视域下,农村社区教育的理念日趋科学化、主体日趋多元化、方式日趋多样化。为推进农村社区教育发展,需要更新农村社区教育模式,构建农村社区多元主体协同关系,发挥农村社区文化功能。  相似文献   

The importance of alternative forms of information is undeniable in a democratic society. Yet mass media often ignore important issues as well as grassroots struggles and victories. Over the past two decades, citizens of one small Canadian town have initiated a documentary film festival as a means to learn about diverse problems and/or share stories of successful community development and victorious social movements around the world. This sparked a series of documentary film festivals in other small Canadian towns. This article examines a study of two of these documentary film festivals and the learning reported by members of the audience.  相似文献   


Dalit (the ‘downtrodden’) students continue to experience caste-based discrimination, humiliation and dehumanization; illegal practices that are being reproduced in the school system in the state of Odisha, India. Based on a research study organized by the Center for Research and Development Solidarity, an adivasi (original dweller/Scheduled Tribe)-dalit (Scheduled Caste) research organization and 401 dalit students in grades 6–10 attending 16 government schools in a 25-village zone, this paper elaborates on this research initiative. It demonstrates how knowledge democratization, both, as research undertaken with and for dalit students as producers of (caste-resistance) knowledge and as knowledge sharing as mobilization, can simultaneously mobilize wider circles of organized collective action with parents, Village Education Committees (VECs) and local dalit NGOs and movements to address casteism and untouchability in state schools. The paper concludes with some brief insights pertaining to academic and funded research as knowledge democracy and mobilization for social action that are emergent from this caste research and related research and social action addressing land-forest-labour assertions in South Odisha.  相似文献   

The argument in this paper is that action and participatory research developed within the context of social and political movements aimed at promoting democratic relationships and institutions represents a methodological strategy for deconstructing and reconstructing the hegemonic perspective of knowledge and knowledge production. After a brief reflection about the place of social transformation in today's social practice, especially in education, the paper looks at selected traditions of action and participatory research from Europe [England (Tavistock), Scandinavia and Germany] and Latin America (Colombia and Brazil). These experiences, whilst attending to particular social conditions, can be seen as attempts to develop knowledge that promotes and strengthens a shared world view that aims at social justice and recognition of differences.  相似文献   

从社会文化史的角度去检视,1950年代的上海研究必须克服"碎片化"的倾向,并防止跌入"集权主义论"的误区,在知识与方法的转换上有所作为。在"何谓近世中国新上海"的命题下,催生了一系列关于1950年代上海的新问题。对潜藏于社会基层的大量灰色记忆材料的发掘和重读,或许是探寻1950年代上海社会文化的有效路径之一。  相似文献   

面对基层民众日趋强烈的权利意识和对村基层组织不断降低的依赖度,丽水市雅溪镇积极整合镇域政治、经济、社会资源,大胆创新,通过民主选举产生居民自治联合会轮值服务、跨村理事、联合自治,推动基层自治、化被动为主动、变分散为整合、去无序为规范,从注重"民主选举"向统筹"民主选举、民主决策、民主管理、民主监督"过渡。联合自治机制的实践证明,动员一切基层力量汇集社会意见、联系社会组织、调处社会矛盾、强化社会合作,是新形势下基层组织发挥自治功能的有效途径。  相似文献   

This article explores the history and politics of rural school reform in Colombia, focusing on the Escuela Nueva programme. In particular, it assesses the motivations of the Colombian State in promoting a comprehensive reform of its rural schools. We argue that Colombia's unique political context was, in large part, responsible for its novel approach to school reform. As the political context shifted, however, so to did the State's posture to rural schooling. We track the Escuela Nueva programme through three phases (grassroots, formalized and decoupled) to demonstrate how social actors, their interests at a specific point in time, and the distribution of power among them, are crucial elements for understanding the motivation and outcomes of social policy making. In other words, this research portrays education reform as a dynamic process that is continuously shaped and reshaped as political actors and institutions compete for influence and scarce resources in a variable social arena.  相似文献   

思想政治教育视阈下“红段子”现象分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
"红段子"在思想政治教育过程中具有传播对象广泛性、内容新颖性以及载体的便捷性等特点。结合社会学、政治学等相关知识,探索"红段子"发展的主要实施路径,思想政治教育效果的评估标准和具体指标体系,有利于在理论上肯定"红段子"这一思想政治教育载体的时代价值,在实践中指导红色文化有效向多群体宣传,同时优化我国的基层民意表达机制、公民社会建设及社会文化环境。  相似文献   

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