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Research in multimedia learning lacks an emphasis on individual difference variables, such as working memory capacity (WMC). The effects of WMC and the segmentation of multimedia instruction were examined by assessing the recall and application of low (n=66) and high (n=67) working memory capacity students randomly assigned to either a segmented instruction (SI) or non-segmented instruction (NSI) version of a multimedia tutorial on historical inquiry. WMC was found to have a significant, positive effect on participants' recall and application scores; however, the use of segmentation mediated the effects of WMC to allow learners with lower WMC to recall and apply equal to those with higher WMC.  相似文献   

目前,各行各业中的农村外出劳动力就业能力虽呈现出逐步上升趋势,但由于许多外出劳动力文化素质低下,受教育程度、劳动技能、传统就业观念和意识等自身因素的限制以及缺乏必要的外出就业保障等因素的影响,就业前景并不乐观.试图从我国农村外出劳动力就业能力的现状及影响因素等几方面进行分析.  相似文献   

教学交往实践:现代教学的本质   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
交往实践是时代哲学的主题,教学交往实践具有教学主体多极性、教学主体与教学客体对立统一性、师生主体与自身客体对立统一性、社体性与教学主体间性对立统一性等特征。现代教学的本质就是教学交往实践,它突破了传统的教学交往和教学本质观,对现代教学理论建设和教学实践的发展在有重要意义。  相似文献   

幼儿园的事故处理,一直是我国法律的薄弱环节。本刊今年的后三期以专页形式发表几篇讨论文章,以期梳理出一些关于此问题的基本思路,供立法工作者参考。  相似文献   

This article reports on a qualitative study on the issues experienced teachers may encounter in everyday teaching practice. Some issues may possibly originate at the beginning of a career and continue to be a struggle during their career. Data were collected among 20 mid- and late career teachers from eight secondary schools. The results showed that at the current moment in their career, respondents of this study particularly recognised three issues: teacher–parent interaction, teaching versus other tasks and private life versus work. Teachers seldom talk about their issues, but more often than not they try to find a solution themselves or put up with the situation.  相似文献   

加入WTO是中国“全面建设小康社会”战略进程中的转机,意味着中国的经济、社会、化、教育融入世界全球化的进程加快,与此同时也潜藏着严峻的挑战。综合国力的竞争,实质上就是人才的竞争。中国的“入世”对我国的教育必然产生广泛而深刻的影响,这种影响的实质就是促使中国的教育更加开放地面向世界.更加积极地参与国际竞争,更加主动地进行国际交流与合作。面对这种扩大的开放性、广泛的国际交流与合作和激烈的竞争态势,必须呼唤国人的教育服务意识,提升教育服务竞争力.在WTO所提供的国际舞台上掌握主动权。教育服务竞争力主要概括为教育服务的市场、教育服务的质量、教育服务的产品和教育服务的发展等四个方面。提升教育服务竞争力的应对策略主要为学会规则、利用规则.引进国际优质教育资源和先进教育理念.调整教育结构。做好引进与教育输出工作。  相似文献   

Higher Education - Despite the academy’s commitment to the idea of meritocratic and fair principles in recruitments, promotions, student admissions and progress, gender segregation and gender...  相似文献   

自由是人的最高价值追求,从亚里士多德到罗恩菲德、从庄子到宗白华,他们都站在各自的角度对自由和创新进行了定义,可见自由和创新是艺术繁荣与发展的关键因素,从这一角度来讲美术教育就是从社本、官本走向人本的过程,这就需要准确的把握美术教育的本质,教育与美术最本真的结合点是美术教育成功的关键。本文根据现有的研究资料,从自由和创新两个维度详细论述了美术教育的本质,并就高校美术教育的开展提出了相应的对策建议。  相似文献   

从水库诱发地震的环境条件出发,结合丹江口水库的实际情况,估计了丹江口大坝加高后的水库诱发地震趋势,最后提出了丹江口水库区安全运行和防震减灾的对策建议。  相似文献   

The article has two parts. Part one deals with some historical developments in the field of special education in Norway. There has been a change in formulated policy from a clearly segregated system, then integration and mainstreaming and now intentions about inclusion as an ideal. The second part is about children with behavioural difficulties and especially children diagnosed with ADHD (Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorders) and how they are treated within the education system. Knowledge about these children’s situation is not very well developed or widespread in the Norwegian education system. The numbers of children with an ADHD diagnosis vary a lot between schools. Both diagnosis and treatment connected to ADHD have been highly controversial in Norway, as in many other countries. The gap between ideals and realities is a striking element in special education in Norway and also for these children. The inclusion criteria have not been met. The reasons for this are discussed.  相似文献   

存现句的使用和戏剧这一文学形式是密不可分的,大量使用存现句是戏剧的言语形式特征之一。戏剧人物对话中的存现句虽然出现的频率不高,但其独特的语用价值是值得我们研究的。  相似文献   

由于法律和司法解释只对生效的自诉案件的判决的检察监督作了具体规定,而对判决生效之前的诉讼程序和检察监督无章可循,是否可行?本从实施这一监督的制度保障、组织保障及程序上的保证论证其可行性。  相似文献   

高等职业教育是近些年新兴起的新型高等教育、一种特殊类型的高等教育,是一种普及的大众化的高等教育,在培养人才的规格、培养人才的模式方面有别于普通高等教育,要办好高职需处理好以学生为本与以教师为本的关系,以教学为中心与加强科研的关系,人文教育与专业教育的关系,各专业课程组合的关系。  相似文献   

校内学生伤害事故处理是适用监护责任约定推定转移还是适用过错责任是一个引起广泛争议的问题 ,而且在立法、司法上也尚未形成统一、明确的认识。监护责任约定推定转移既不符合我国立法本意也不符合法理 ,而且在实践上有不可克服的弊病 ,因此只能适用过错责任原则。  相似文献   

Recently the issue of behaviour difficulties arose at the centre of the educational debate in Cyprus. The purpose of this paper is to propose a new technique for enabling schools to deal with behavioural difficulties through an analysis of critical incidents. First, the paper examines definitions of behaviour difficulties, briefly explores the causes of misbehaviour and summarizes the different theories and methods that have been used for behaviour management. It then defines the new technique by providing its theoretical background, and illustrates how the new method has been used. Using evidence from schools in Cyprus, the paper provides illustrative examples which demonstrate how certain events that happen in the classroom can be analysed in order to provide schools with useful information for developing new ways of facing behavioural difficulties.  相似文献   

The following contribution deals with the conception of Jewish schools in Germany. With regard to the British debate about state funding for religious schools, current developments in the Jewish educational system in Germany will be presented. After this, the constitutional framework for the establishment of denominational schools in Germany will be analysed. The second and major part of the article deals, as a case study, with the Jewish High School in Berlin, which is the only Jewish secondary school in contemporary Germany. In an empirical qualitative approach, the desires and expectations of the pupils in their religious education take centre stage. Before moving to the empirical study, an overview of the history of the Jewish High School, its re‐establishment in 1993 and a profile of the pupils and the school will be provided, in order to understand the special character of this school. The conclusion in the last part raises the question of new directions emerging from a Jewish school which has pupils who are heterogeneous culturally, religiously and socially and which does not react with a strategy of cultural preservation, but with a policy of inter‐religious dialogue.  相似文献   

文章从政治、经济、文化三个领域分析了新时期社会矛盾的主要表现 ,同时对新时期社会矛盾进行了深刻的哲学思考 ,并从三个方面提出了解决新时期社会矛盾的基本途径。  相似文献   

Teachers play an important part in identifying child maltreatment but find dealing with it difficult. This study examines the problems involved with evaluating a countywide training programme on this topic for senior teachers. The course was run 17 times and 60% of the participants attending were sent an evaluation questionnaire three months after taking part. There was a 49% response rate. It was found that the activities undertaken by the participants after the course were a greater reflection of the effort required than of the effectiveness of the course. It is argued that this factor should be taken into account when conducting and interpreting any course evaluation.  相似文献   

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