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对铁岭市新生代农民工参与体育健身的动机与行为、健身内容与影响因素进行调查分析,认为他们有较强的体育健身意识,重视身体健康,但在意识与行为上存在较大差异,影响其参加体育健身的主要因素是场地器材的匮乏及缺少正规科学的健身指导,提出合理化建议,为顺利推进全民健身工程提供参考依据。  相似文献   

通过文献资料法和调查法,对城市新生代农民工健身行为进行了调查研究。结果发现:新生代农民工参与体育健身活动的频率较低、持续时间较短、活动强度不大,健身活动内容对运动技能和运动场地要求较低,在开放性场地健身活动为主,体育消费水平较低。工作时间较长,缺少健身时间、健身器材和健身运动指导等对新生代农民工健身影响较大。为更好促进城市新生代农民工参与健身活动,需要加大社会支持力度,保障新生代农民工的合法权益;建立政府、社区、企业多层次的体育健身服务体系;加强城市公共体育设施建设和对公众的开放;开展多样化企业体育健身活动和竞赛等。  相似文献   

首先分析了新生代农民工的健身意识、体育在农民工融入城市社会中起的重要作用,接下来从健身条件、消费能力、健身平台三方面分析了新生代农民工体育健身现状及存在问题,指出:政府应该有强有力的政策支持;通过企业工会、社区、公益化社团等建立健身平台;多种渠道筹集资金加大场地设施的硬件保障。  相似文献   

新生代农民工的特点体现在:年龄小、数量庞大,学历水平不断提升,主体意识不断增强,流动性强、职业地位低,消费观念开放,追求时尚。新生代农民工体育特点体现在:动机的多元化,内容多样化、城市化,体育消费积极且理性;新生代农民工体育对于加速农民体育健身工程的宣传,提高农民群体素养,提升农民工体育维权意识和促进城市和谐发展具有重要意义。  相似文献   

通过文献资料、问卷调查与访谈等方法调研湖南省西部地区新生代农民工的体育锻炼情况,从新生代农民工在体育锻炼目的、体育锻炼的内容、时间、场所以及体育消费流向等方面的现状和特征入手,分析影响湖南西部新生代农民工参与体育锻炼的因素,提出改善新生代农民工体育锻炼窘迫现状的途径。  相似文献   

王峰  王驰  陈平条  候广斌 《精武》2012,(13):56-58
通过文献资料法、问卷调查法等方法,以湖南省外出打工的新生代农民工为研究对象,从新生代农民工体育活动动机、体育活动项目与内容、体育活动时间与空间、体育活动形式与组织管理、体育消费,体育活动的效果等方面进行调查与分析,研究表明,新生代农民工存在体育动机不强,体育锻炼的项目单一,体育锻炼时间不长,政府、企业体育锻炼组织不完整,管理欠缺,体育消费低、体育锻炼效果不明显等问题,同时,提出通过政府行为确保新生代农民工的体育锻炼的合法权利,通过企业行为新生代农民工的健康提供条件,通过新生代农民工自身行为提高体育意识,克服心理障碍积极参与体育活动等,以期为促进新生代农民工体育锻炼的发展提供有益的参考。  相似文献   

新生代农民工融入城市体育是由体育大国迈向体育强国进程中急需解决的问题。运用文献资料调研等方法,从城市融入的角度,解析了新生代农民工参与体育的困境。通过实行户籍制度改革,实现身份转变;顺应城镇化进程,完善社会保障体系;缩小城乡差别,实现公共体育一体化;消除心理隔阂,重视体育文化建设;加强社区管理,融入城市社区体育等措施来消解现实困境。  相似文献   

采用问卷调查法、数理统计法等多种方法,对洛阳市城市女性的健康现状进行调查。结果表明:随着女性对体育健身认知的不断提高,会有越来越多的人关注体育,重视体育。同时,女性在家庭中具有举足轻重的地位,对家庭其他成员参与体育活动也有一定的影响作用。  相似文献   

农民工参与体育健身是全面建设小康社会与和谐社会,以及推进全民健身进程中需要关注和研究的社会问题。目前农民工体育责任主体的缺失,处于弱势群体地位。余暇时间少与业余生活的单调、体育消费少和消费结构不合理、社会公共体育设施场地短缺、体育价值观片面和态度消极等是影响农民工参与体育健身的主要社会因素。  相似文献   

江苏省新生代城市农民工体育消费现状调查与分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
运用文献资料法、问卷调查法及数理统计法等,对江苏省新生代城市农民工基本情况、体育消费内容、消费水平、消费时间和消费态度及影响因素等进行调查与分析.结果显示:江苏省新生代城市农民工文化程度以高中为主,月收入多为800-1 200元;消费方式主要以实物型消费为主,劳务型体育消费较高;每年体育消费额集中在51-200元;体育消费意识较低,用于体育消费的时间较少;影响体育消费的主要因素是收入水平、余暇时间、受教育程度、交往的局限性和从众心理.  相似文献   

山东省农村居民体育活动开展现状   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
采用问卷调查法、文献资料法、专家访谈法等方法,对山东省农村居民体育开展现状进行调查研究,旨在系统、全面地了解山东省农村居民体育开展现状并发现存在问题,为进一步深化农村体育改革提供依据.  相似文献   

高等职业教育作为高等教育的重要组成部分,其主要任务是培养生产、建设、管理、服务第一线的高级实用型、技术型人才,而良好的身体形态与机能素质又是他们从业的必备条件.以当前高职生的体育健身参与状况为研究对象,对其体育态度、锻炼的目的与时间安排等几个方面进行了研究.  相似文献   


For the last couple of decades UNESCO has aimed to achieve to a far extent the implementation of the guiding principle of inclusion at all levels in education systems worldwide. The idea that countries ‘should ensure an inclusive education system at all levels’ is also a central objective of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. This Introduction to the Special Issue explores what participation as an aspect of inclusion means in general, and realistically can mean in sport and quality physical education in particular. Sport is introduced as a context in which, unlike in education, the individual choice of a sporting activity on a spectrum ranging from separate activities for persons with disabilities to modified activities designed for all makes it necessary to attribute each approach equal importance and validity instead of discrediting segregated structures and glorifying supposedly inclusive ones.  相似文献   


Organized sport is offered at increasingly younger ages, with many programs geared towards preschoolers, toddlers, and infants. While sport is promoted as an amendable context for healthy development of school-age children, little is empirically known about potential benefits or risks associated with organized sport participation in early childhood. A scoping review of nine electronic databases identified English-language, peer-reviewed, original research articles which addressed psychological, emotional, social, cognitive, or intellectual developmental outcomes of organized sport involvement of children aged 2–5 years; included studies were appraised for quality. Findings offer preliminary evidence that early sport participation is related to primarily positive outcomes (e.g. enhanced social skills, pro-social behaviours, self-regulation), while negative and inconclusive outcomes were also identified. Results suggest limited existing research has primarily relied on parent or teacher proxy-report or assessment, and reinforces that little is known about toddler and preschooler organized sport participation as a distinct form of physical activity, despite pervasive availability of programming, and positive parental perceptions of early enrolment. Additional research with stronger methodological design and rigor is needed; recommendations to enhance the quality of future studies with young children are discussed.  相似文献   

我国户外运动研究现状   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
从户外运动概念的界定与类型、户外运动的组织与经营机构、户外运动参与者、户外运动产业的发展现状、高校户外运动课程的设置五个方面,对我国有关户外运动的研究成果进行综述,以期为今后户外运动的深入研究提供参考依据.  相似文献   


Interventions aimed at increasing the participation of young people with disabilities in recreational sport have had mixed success. The authors draw on in-depth interviews with representatives from State Sporting Associations, local government officers and volunteers within community sports clubs in Victoria, Australia, to examine why some sports clubs are unable or unwilling to translate policy ambitions into practice. The findings indicate how by framing disability provision as ‘too difficult’, ‘not core business’ and antithetical to competitive success, community sports clubs are able to resist policy ambitions to modify existing structures and develop more inclusive practice. Greater priority needs to be given to transformational inclusion objectives and challenging ableism if clubs are to structurally progress the development of participation opportunities for young people with disabilities.  相似文献   


This study examine 53 European elite deaf athletes for their family's hearing status, use of hearing aids, communication preference, education in integrated or segregated settings, family members' encouragement for participation in sports, coach preference (hearing or deaf), and conditions for competitive events with deaf or hearing athletes. These data were gathered through semi-structured interviews administered in the athlete's native language. Deaf athletes reported that when given the opportunity to compete with hearing athletes, it enhanced their opportunity for competition. Participating in sports with hearing athletes played an important role in the integration of deaf athletes into mainstream society. If adaptations to communication can be made in these integrated settings, the ability of deaf athletes to participate in such settings will increase.  相似文献   

This study examine 53 European elite deaf athletes for their family's hearing status, use of hearing aids, communication preference, education in integrated or segregated settings, family members' encouragement for participation in sports, coach preference (hearing or deaf), and conditions for competitive events with deaf or hearing athletes. These data were gathered through semi-structured interviews administered in the athlete's native language. Deaf athletes reported that when given the opportunity to compete with hearing athletes, it enhanced their opportunity for competition. Participating in sports with hearing athletes played an important role in the integration of deaf athletes into mainstream society. If adaptations to communication can be made in these integrated settings, the ability of deaf athletes to participate in such settings will increase.  相似文献   

中国运动生物力学研究现状   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
采用文献法,对入选第十届全国运动生物力学交流大会论文集的153篇论文,从研究选题、研究内容、研究方法、研究人员状况等方面进行统计分析.旨在了解中国运动生物力学研究现状,预测中国运动生物力学发展变化的趋势.结果表明:研究论文选题内容广泛,研究深入,运动技术类的运动生物力学研究占主流;方法学研究与测试仪器研制水平提高;研究对象由过去单一的运动员而拓展到普通人群,研究内容由过去的运动技术诊断拓展到人类健康、大众健身活动;运动生物力学教学研究和教材建设的内容较少;三维高速录像分析是未来运动学研究的主要方法.高水平的同步研究较少,多学科、多种方法的同步研究是运动生物力学研究今后发展的趋势。  相似文献   

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