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在武术教学中,教师利用武术教学时,所掌握的信息(即刻反馈信息和滞后反馈信息),对武术教学进行信息处理。通过学生学习武术动作时的同步反馈信息,在武术课教学中即刻进行反馈信息的处理,帮助学生学习提高武术动作和套路动作技能;再利用学生学习武术后的滞后反馈信息进行统计分析,来修订武术学科教学计划和武术学科课时计划。更好地完善武术学科的教学。  相似文献   

采用教学实验、数理统计等方法,探究不同时机和性质的追加反馈对大学生篮球动作技能学习效果的影响。统计结果表明:提供追加反馈对动作技能的学习具有显著影响(P<0.05);追加反馈的时机对被试动作技能学习和保留的影响均不显著(P>0.05);追加反馈的性质对被试动作技能学习和保留的影响均极显著(P<0.01);追加说明性反馈对动作技能学习有显著影响(P<0.05),且末端追加说明性反馈对动作技能学习有极显著影响(P<0.01);末端追加说明性反馈对动作技能保留影响极显著(P<0.01)。在篮球动作技能学习、保留过程中,教师采用说明性反馈的教学效果优于采用描述性反馈的教学效果;当在末端追加说明性反馈时,教学效果更好。  相似文献   

教师反馈是提升教学效能的核心关键.研究通过梳理教师专业素养的内涵要素,辨析评价和反馈的差异,并结合教师反馈素养的最新研究框架,立足我国教育信息化2.0时代背景下对教师提出的创新教学、引领生态发展的能力素养新要求,编制了教师反馈素养的测评量表,并进行了两阶段数据采集与分析.第一阶段,验证量表的信效度合格性;第二阶段,分析1360位中小学教师的有效数据.研究发现:教师反馈素养包括技术提供反馈、协商完善反馈和促进感知反馈三个子维度;教师反馈素养总体水平不高,特别是在促进感知反馈子维度;教师反馈素养还受到性别与学科的交互作用等因素的影响.研究认为,教师有效反馈是落实当前时代所要求的创新教学生态、深化评价改革的一种关键措施.为此,建议教师教育改革应通过多种途径积极提升教师的反馈素养,通过师生间的有效互动促进学习者的学习投入.  相似文献   

表象训练被广泛应用于体育教学中,在技术动作类体育项目的教学中具有较好的作用。但以往的训练较难让学生在网球项目学习中有比较直观的即刻反馈。本研究发现,采用手机视频拍摄即刻反馈结合表象训练的方法,可有效提高学生在学习网球课程中的技术动作完善和击球的准确性及效果,有利于提高教学质量。且本研究结果也提示该教学方法可以应用于更多的体育课程教学。  相似文献   

反馈是过程性评估的重要组成部分,其必要性和积极作用已被众多学者所认识。但是,现有文献表明,如果未在恰当时机给予学习者有效反馈,其效果往往适得其反,导致学习者产生挫败感,因此需要研究即时反馈和延迟反馈的影响效果。通过对中国英语学习者语法习得过程中教师实施的即时反馈和延迟反馈进行对比实验,可以为教学者发现与学习者相匹配的最优反馈模式提供借鉴。  相似文献   

多媒体技术广泛运用于教育教学实践的今天,摄像反馈教学在体育教学中应用日趋常态化。笔者通过实验,让练习者在学习运动技术前观看优秀运动员的动作技术的视频,再将练习者学习过程中的技术动作拍摄下,利用回放功能发现问题,并且纠正动作。实验后发现摄像教学反馈的教学质量明显优于传统教学方法。而且激发了学生运动兴趣,在高中分项教学中效果良好,深受学生喜爱。  相似文献   

以运动技能学习理论的视角,结合乒乓球动作技能的特点,探讨在乒乓球动作技能教学中实施形成性评价应注重的三个方面:反馈提供;个体差异;技术特征,旨在充分发挥形成性评价在乒乓球运动技能教学中的诊断、改进和激励功能,促进教学,并借此为其他运动技能教学的形成性评价提供参考.  相似文献   

反馈在电子电路中起着很重要的作用,负反馈是放大电路稳定、可靠运行的保障,也是改善性能和技术指标的重要手段。同时正反馈是产生振荡信号的重要条件。熟练准确判断反馈的类型,深入理解反馈技术概念,是电子技术教学中的重点,同时一直是电子技术教学中的难点,在各种教科书中对反馈类型判断方法中,都有着一些常见的办法,笔者在长期的教学实践中总结出一些系统、准确、完整判断反馈类型的教学方法。  相似文献   

体育教学要注重信息反馈,并积极利用有效信息及时调控课堂教学.从调控方式上看,主要是即刻反馈,及时调控;整体反馈,全面调控;内在反馈,自我调控等方式.  相似文献   

书面纠正性反馈一直是国外二语写作领域的研究焦点。旨在探索直接和间接的纠正反馈对条件句准确性的影响和对英语学习者的记忆保留程度的影响。为此,选择了80名年龄在17~19岁之间的非英语专业的英语学习者作为研究对象。通过前测、干预、后测和延迟后测实验结果显示,直接反馈的即时效果优于间接反馈,间接反馈(间接编码和间接非编码)更有可能积极影响学习者的语法准确性。  相似文献   

Automated Writing Evaluation(AWE) program is designed to provide instant scores based on automated writing scoring engine along with diagnostic feedback. Five main AWE programs are introduced, four invented by foreign companies and one by Chinese native company for Chinese students. This paper reviews studies on AWE home and abroad from perspectives of its validity and instructional application. These studies have shown that AWE program should be used as an instructional tool to improve writing skill rather than only as a scoring and feedback engine. So how to implement and integrate AWE program into instructional context and to achieve more desirable learning outcomes while avoiding potential harms should be the focus of study for the future research.  相似文献   

Unbiased reasoning is considered an essential critical thinking skill that students need to possess to face the future challenges in their work and life. Confirmation bias, which is the tendency to selectively attend to information that is consistent with held beliefs, presents a significant thread to unbiased reasoning. An effective strategy to reduce confirmation bias is the ‘consider-the-opposite’-strategy (COS). The central question of this pre-registered study was whether providing elaborative, worked example feedback after COS practice would lead to a better performance on previously practised and transfer tasks than correct-answer feedback. Participants were 132 university students who took a confirmation bias pre-test, watched an instructional video on COS afterwards and next received either worked example feedback or correct answer feedback on practice tasks, practised only, watched the instruction only or received no treatment. Finally, all participants took a learning test assessing their skill to avoid confirmation bias, and a transfer test assessing whether they could apply this acquired skill to problems containing other biases. Results revealed no differences on the learning test between both feedback conditions, but students who received feedback scored significantly higher on the confirmation bias problems than students who did not receive feedback. We carried out our pre-registered analysis plan, but due to the low reliability of particularly the pre-test, we carried out an additional exploratory analysis on subsets of post-test items and a subset of transfer test items. Results on learning revealed the same pattern as the planned analyses. However, we found no differences between any of the conditions on transfer.  相似文献   

Disabled readers and normal beginning readers were compared on requesting help in the form of speech feedback during computer-based word reading. It was also examined whether it is best to give feedback on all words or to allow the disabled readers to choose. Normal beginning readers and reading-age matched pupils with reading problems engaged in reading practice with speech feedback on call for both difficult and easy words. A set of both difficult and easy sums was completed as a control task. Another group of reading-disabled pupils who were also matched on reading level practiced the reading of words with unsolicited speech feedback. In the first two groups the selectivity in requesting help in both the reading and arithmetic task was assessed. All subjects were tested on the reading of both practiced and nonpracticed words. The results indicate that both disabled readers and beginners were very sensitive to sum difficulty but not to word difficulty, though in the present study the students were more selective than in a previous study. The inclusion of more easy words might account for this finding. The beginners requested help only during the first sessions of reading practice, whereas the disabled readers remained dependent on the speech feedback. The reading-disabled pupils did not learn less when the computer unsolicitedly delivered the spoken form of all words than when they were allowed to choose. It is discussed how profits from the different speech feedback procedures by disabled readers might be related to word decoding skill and metacognitive monitoring.  相似文献   

The unskilled and unaware effect refers to the finding that individuals who are less knowledgeable or less skilled in a domain are relatively less able to evaluate their level of skill or effectively utilise feedback relative to individuals who are more skilled. Studies finding deaf students less accurate than hearing students in estimating their English vocabulary knowledge and in judging how much they are learning from material presented via sign language have attributed those results to the unskilled and unaware effect, citing the lack of language fluencies frequently demonstrated among deaf learners. The present study addressed the issue more directly by comparing both deaf and hearing individuals who were more and less skilled in four domains, three linguistic and one nonlinguistic. Results indicated that even individuals who are unskilled in a nonlinguistic domain can evaluate their performance when they are aware of what skilled performance would look like, and that unskilled and unaware effects can be influenced by individuals’ desires to be skilled.  相似文献   

采用实验法,探讨不同频率的追加反馈对运动技能学习效果的影响。结果显示,在运动技能的学习过程中,给予学习者追加反馈有助于学习效果的提高。但是过高频率的追加反馈会减少学习者自身的内部反馈,给运动技能学习效果带来负效应。只有建立一个科学、合理的反馈频率区间值,明确最佳指导运动技能学习的追加反馈频率,才能使运动技能的学习得到最优化控制。  相似文献   


Women are underrepresented in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics subjects with more girls leaving these subjects at every stage in education. The current research used a scenario methodology to examine the impact of teacher feedback on girls’ and boys’ choices to study a specific science subject, engineering. British participants aged 13 (N?=?479) were given scenarios where a new teacher encouraged them to take engineering using person feedback which focussed on their abilities, process feedback which focussed on their effort levels or gave them no reason. Results suggested that both boys and girls were more likely to select to study engineering when they received person feedback rather than process or no feedback. Young people also thought that ability was more important to being successful in science than in non-science subjects.This suggests young people feel that ability is needed to succeed in science subjects and person feedback can lead them to believe that they have this ability. Therefore, teacher feedback which gives ability attributions for possible success could be used to encourage more young people to persist in science. However, the potentially negative longer term outcomes of ability attributions and how they may be negated are also discussed.  相似文献   

大学英语写作应注重反馈环节   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
英语写作是英语教学的一个重要环节,也是衡量学生语言水平的重要标准。本文从我国大学英语写作教学的现状出发,指出大学英语写作教学应注重反馈环节。因为不论是教师的书面反馈还是学生对教师反馈的反馈,它们都对提高学生的写作水平大有帮助。并且在实施反馈教学环节当中,一定要注意反馈的及时性,激励性,启发性和针对性。  相似文献   

To stimulate classroom interactions, this study employed two different smartphone application modes, providing an additional instant interaction channel in a flipped classroom teaching fundamental computer science concepts. One instant interaction mode provided the students (N?=?36) with anonymous feedback in chronological time sequence, while the other showed their feedback by “like” ranking (N?=?26). The behavioural patterns of undergraduates using these two different modes were compared. The results showed that the like-ranked feedback deepened the interaction between asking and answering questions, reduced the number of irrelevant messages, and increased attention to questionable messages. The students using the like-ranking mode also received more encouragement during the flipped classroom discussion activities.  相似文献   

Although there is evidence that teacher emotional intelligence is important for pupil adjustment and learning and for teachers in managing the emotional demands of their work, little is known about the levels of emotional skill of teachers and beginning teachers. Using Mayer and Salovey's emotional intelligence (EI) model and the MSCEIT test of EI, this study investigates how emotionally skilled student teachers are (N = 352). Results show lower than average levels of EI among student teachers, but with important differences between students and across emotional skill areas. The implications of the findings for pre-service teacher education are explored.  相似文献   

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