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A survey of counselor preparation programs was conducted to document the status of grief counseling training in the United States. Respondents gave their opinion about the importance of teaching grief counseling and their reasons for including/not including grief counseling in their curricula. Specific information about the manner in which grief counseling is currently being addressed in counselor preparation programs was also gathered. Results from 135 programs indicated that training in grief counseling is considered important by most respondents, most programs do address grief counseling, and grief counseling is taught primarily by infusing the topic into various courses. Class lecture/discussion was the most frequently reported method for teaching grief counseling. Suggestions for further research on grief counseling training are included.  相似文献   

In a university, leaching and research proceed together. The regular teaching staff are usually assisted by researchers on short-term appointments. Although the individuals in this group are of many different kinds, they form what might be termed the research community. It is suggested that the place of this community in engineering education and its particular concerns deserve closer study. This paper is limited to matters that arose from the implementation of a national scheme to provide better career management for research staff. It includes opportunities to become more effective contributors to the teaching curriculum. The measures required for this are straightforward, but in framing them it seemed to be necessary to compose a charter for research, setting out the rights and obligations that might be appropriate for the research community. As nothing substantial could be found on which to base it, this might be novel. The initial draft is presented here for wider consideration, particularly of its explicit recognition of a role for researchers in the wider educational functions of a university.  相似文献   

美国卡内基高等教育机构分类法的新变化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一、卡内基高等教育机构分类法的历史演变卡内基高等教育机构分类法是由美国卡内基教学促进基金会创立的将美国高等教育机构划分为不同类别的分类方法。卡内基高等教育机构分类法的基本内容包括类型定义、技术注释、总结性信息、背景描述和高等教育机构详表等几个部分。1973年,卡内基教学促进基金会在其主席、前加州大学校长克拉克·科尔(Clark Kerr)博士主持下,按性质和功能对美国的大学作了分类研究,并将该研究报告予以公开出版。报告将美国高等教育机构划分成为博士学位授予大学(包括研究型大学和博士学位授予大学)、综合性大学/学院、…  相似文献   

Distance education has grown rapidly in the United States in recent years. Both private‐ and public‐sector organizations have embraced the practice of reaching their clients, employees, and students at a distance via new technologies afforded them by the telecommunication and computer nexus. Distance education is grounded on technology, and its practice would be difficult, if not impossible, without it. However, reducing the idea to its technological foundations, and losing sight of its social science base has led to a conceptual confusion in the field. This article will illustrate the growth of distance education in the United States, describe the social science paradigm of distance education, demonstrate the empirical evidence of this paradigm, and analyze its ramifications for the field in general, as well as for students, educational organizations, and instructors.  相似文献   

成立于1911年的卡耐基基金会是美国著名的一个慈善机构,20世纪前半叶,它通过创立美国成人教育协会、委托心理学家桑代克开展成人学习能力与兴趣研究、资助出版成人教育著作、帮助成立相关组织等形式,实践基金会的成人教育主张,有力地推动了美国成人教育事业的发展。  相似文献   

在全新的环境下,怎样更好地为社会培养出更多更优秀的教育人才是众多师范高等院校面临的难题。通过合并、结构调整、升格等方式生存下来的综合性大学往往不够重视教师教育,理论和实践严重脱节,职前培训不是特别到位,导致师范毕业生从教时很难迅速地进入教师角色,对教育是一种损失。借鉴英国教师教育的先进经验尤其是其教师教育的亮点——伙伴合作模式,充分发挥大学和中小学的优势来共同培养教师。我国综合性大学教师教育应该在以本校雄厚的学术实力为依托的基础上定位工作目标和重心,理顺理论与实践、教育机构与实习学校等的关系,共同实现教师教育的连贯性和一体化,使实习成为真正提升师范生作为未来教师的基本技能和素质的强有力的手段,来达到改进教师教育现状的目的。  相似文献   

This paper reports on the uses of photography in some research into domestic crafts in Brazil. This research, which included fieldwork and curriculum development components, was carried out with the aim of investigating crafts five women practised in their homes in Santa Maria and celebrating them in art lessons in primary schools. Photography was used in the fieldwork part of the research to collect visual data about the women and their crafts and to develop a visual resource for use by art teachers. In the curriculum experiments it was used by school children to record aesthetic aspects of their homes. This paper reflects on and compares the different kinds of photographs taken by the researchers, the women and the children and some strengths and weaknesses of using photography as a data collection tool in art education research.  相似文献   

Third-age learning is a subset of lifelong learning enjoyed by individuals in the stage of retirement, and often 60 years or older. Community art education (CAE) for learners in the third age commonly occurs in recreational settings, nursing homes, museums, libraries and places of worship. In addition to these informal learning sites, there are CAE programmes developed within postsecondary institutions that provide opportunities for artistic inquiry and instruction. In the following article, we share a case study involving third-age learners conducted in the 2014/2015 academic year. We begin by briefly describing an innovative CAE programme at Concordia University in Montreal, Canada, and then discuss a specific initiative undertaken in cooperation with the University’s alumnae extended education programme. Our study explored large questions about motivation, curriculum and pedagogy, but also focused on major themes in lifelong learning and the individual stories of the participants. One participant, named Reto, is featured in this article, and with his collaboration we offer a co-constructed narrative alongside an analysis of themes including personal development and social inclusion. The insights gained through our study have potential broad applicability for the general area of university–community partnerships and for CAE for the growing third-age population.  相似文献   

以教育博士项目为例,简要回顾了美国教育博士专业学位的发展历程,总结提炼卡内基教育博士项目改革的动因与特征,剖析了改革依循的工作原则与核心概念的内涵,揭示了其目的,即为了保障专业学位研究生教育的独立性与严谨性。认为美国的改革行动对于我国专业学位研究生教育走出一条具有特色、内涵式、高水平的发展道路,具有重要的借鉴价值和现实意义。  相似文献   

美国卡内基高等教育机构分类法于1973年出版,随后修订5次,修订后的每一个版本都保留了最早公布的分类模式,在2005年版里叫做基本分类。自1973年延续下来的基本分类模式的特点是分类类型名称直接用授予学位的层次来命名;分类标准以高等教育的职能为基本依据;分类方法有定量标准和可靠的数据支撑。这些特点为我国高等学校分类研究提供了可以借鉴的思路。  相似文献   

<正>The Tory leadership contender Liam Fox claimed that boys should be taught in single-sex schools.(The Guardian,2005)According to his point,the new debate about the merits and drawbacks of single-sex education becoming increasingly intense in the United Kingdom.Boys and girls should be teaching  相似文献   

Tertiary Education and Management - In the United Kingdom, the higher education landscape has undergone a transformation since the late 1980s as seen in the “massification” of higher...  相似文献   

Britain is a multi-cultural society which now includes some 1 1/2 million people of Asian and Afro-caribbean origin, over 40% of whom were born in the UK. This paper examines whether teacher training institutions have responded to this new situation and suggests as to how such training can be provided.  相似文献   

Market Forces and Standards in Education: A preliminary consideration   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper considers the possible impact of market forces on educational attainment in secondary schools in England and Wales. One of the main arguments made by market advocates in favour of extending programmes of school choice was that this would drive up standards. However, despite 12 years of relevant experience in the UK, it remains very difficult to test this claim. This paper examines some practical difficulties before presenting three possible models for considering changes in educational standards over time. The results are inconclusive, possibly even contradictory. The measures, such as GCSE and A levels, extending back to 1988 and beyond, have clearly increased in prevalence. In terms of these measures, students from state-funded education have also reduced the 'gap' relative to those from fee-paying institutions. However, it is not clear that either of these developments is market related. In addition, there is no evidence yet that these improvements indicate any breakage in the strong link between the socio-economic background of students and their school outcomes.  相似文献   

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