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非专利实施实体的兴起和发展对生产厂商构成了严重的威胁。首先探讨攻击策略,并对构建与命名做出了详细的说明,然后以非专利实施实体案例的方式进行探讨。最后,针对不同的攻击策略提出了相应的建议,旨在给厂商提供参考,帮助厂商迅速地防御非专利实施实体的攻击。  相似文献   

非专利实施实体(Non-practising entities,简称NPEs),主要指自己不生产产品,通过购买或取得重要专利来控告其他企业牟利的公司。自从非专利实施实体出现以来,各界对其的关注度不断提升,也展开了多方面的研究和讨论。综合来看,对其的评价绝大多数是负面的。近年来,伴随着非专利实施实体数量的不断增加及其获利空间的不断提升,关于非专利实施实体之利弊的争论也愈演愈烈。  相似文献   

国际专业咨询机构普华永道日前公布一份题为“近距离关注:专利纠纷诉讼趋势和非专利实施实体日益凸显的影响”的分析报告。文中称.随着美国众多跨国企业面临来自竞争对手以及非专利实施实体(nonpracticing entities,NPEs,即不从事设计、制造和配销产品的专利投机公司.亦所谓的“专利大鳄”[patent troll])的诉讼风险不断增大,近年来美国国内有关专利改革的争议愈加激烈,尤其是由以往按含有侵权技术的商品数量市场价值改为以实际专利技术价值作为赔偿金额核定基准的建议更成为众矢之的。  相似文献   

近年来非专利实施主体的迅速发展对经济社会产生了重要影响,引起了世界各国的关注,我国企业尤其中小企业需要扬长避短应对非专利实施主体的攻势,避免阻碍各产业的技术创新。分析非专利实施主体类型、运营模式及其带来的主要影响,以高智公司为例研究其发展历程、讨论其对国内企业可能造成的影响,借鉴国内外关于规制非专利实施主体的立法和实践等,从而提出建立和完善我国专利运营模式的可行性措施,并对我国专利运营模式未来的发展等方面提出建议。  相似文献   

专利密集型产业的RD绩效评价对我国产业发展具有重要的现实意义。根据多种算法联合界定了我国的专利密集型产业,对专利密集型产业和非专利密集型产业进行了区分;运用DEA-Malmqusit指数法对2008—2011年间我国专利密集型产业和非专利密集型产业的RD绩效变化进行了评价,发现我国专利密集型产业的RD绩效平均增幅低于非专利密集型产业。专利密集型产业的RD绩效较之非专利密集型产业的绩效相对集中,专利密集型产业的RD绩效变化较非专利密集型产业的绩效变化相对平稳,专利密集型产业中不同类型产业的RD绩效增长的动因不同,并据此提出了有关政策和建议。  相似文献   

<正>国际专业咨询机构普华永道日前公布一份题为"近距离关注:专利纠纷诉讼趋势和非专利实施实体日益凸显的影响"的分析报告。文中称,随着美国众多跨国企业面临来自竞争对手以及非专利实施实体(nonpracticing entities,  相似文献   

通俗地说.检索就是对有关信息的查找。专利检索从字面上理解,是对有关专利信息的查找.但实际上.专利检索往往不仅是对专利信息进行查找,通常也要查找相关的非专利信息,包括期刊上的文章、论文和技术标准等。例如.专利局的审查员在对一件发明专利申请进行实质审查时.就要对专利信息和非专利信息都进行检索.如果检索到一篇与该发明专利申请技术主题相同的非专利文献.并且这篇非专利文献在发明专利申请的申请日之前就发表了.这篇非专利文献同样可以破坏该发明专利申请的新颖性或创造性。  相似文献   

随着我国自主创新能力不断增强,专利数量快速增长,如何使专利能够有效实施成为亟待解决的问题。本文以美国曾对专利运营发挥重要作用的非专利实施主体(NPE)为对象,分析了其基本特征和类型,同时针对我国目前专利运营中存在的专利运营模式单一、专利交易市场不成熟等问题进行了阐述,在结合我国专利运营实际情况的基础上,重点分析非专利实施主体对于我国专利运营的影响,并以高校为例阐述了非专利实施主体对我国专利运营的借鉴价值。  相似文献   

当前,中国实体企业利润持续收窄,实体企业纷纷转向投资房地产。本文发现:地方政府经济考核压力以及财政需求,是驱动实体企业进行房地产投资的重要因素。此外,宽松的货币供给,银行业和资本市场的偏好,为从事地产投资的实体企业提供了充足的金融资源,进一步推动了实体企业强化房地产投资的强度。从实体企业房地产投资影响技术创新的传导机制来看,本文发现:房地产投资活动具有明显的”挤占效应“,而无法对企业的资源起到”挤入“的功效。本文基于“驱动—传导”机制,对“实体企业房地产投资—技术创新”活动进行了全面的实证检验。  相似文献   

基于专利地图的竞争对手识别研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以DHA领域为研究对象,基于CMT三维分析框架,以专利地图为主要研究手段,进行国内外主要竞争对手的识别与分析研究,并参考非专利文献调研结果对识别结论进行验证分析。  相似文献   

《Research Policy》2023,52(3):104702
We find that non-practicing entities (NPEs) exhibit a unique legal strategy of sequential rounds: (1) subject to the same patent, NPE plaintiffs file approximately seven follow-on lawsuits after the initial lawsuit; and (2) when a firm is sued by NPEs, the likelihood of its technology peers being sued increases by 14 % in the subsequent year. Defendants' technology peers experience significant market value losses around the lawsuit filing date. Moreover, defendants' technology peers respond to NPE litigation risk by increasing R&D investments to develop workaround technologies. However, the increase in R&D incrementally generates fewer patent citations or patents with lower values. Thus, our results highlight broader wealth effects and corresponding real effects of NPE-initiated litigation on defendants' technology peers. These results provide sharp contrasts to the insignificant wealth and real impacts on defendants' technology peers if litigations are initiated by practicing entities (PEs). The new evidence informs the current regulatory and policy debates pertaining to NPEs.  相似文献   

Timo Fischer 《Research Policy》2012,41(9):1519-1533
Patent trolls, or NPEs, appropriate profits from innovation solely by enforcing patents against infringers. They are often characterized as relying on low-quality patents, an assessment that, if correct, would imply that eradicating such patents would effectively terminate the NPE business. In this paper, we shed light on this issue by empirically analyzing NPEs’ patent acquisitions. We draw on a unique dataset of 392 U.S. patents acquired by known NPEs between 1997 and 2006, which we compare to three control groups of 784 U.S. patents each acquired by practicing firms. We find that the probability that a traded patent is acquired by an NPE rather than a practicing entity increases in the scope of the patent, in the patent density of its technology field and, contrary to common belief, in the patent's technological quality. Our findings thus support recent theoretical propositions about the NPE business model, showing that NPEs procure patents that are more likely to be infringed, harder to substitute for, and robust to legal challenges. The fact that NPE-acquired patents are of significantly higher quality than those in the control group implies that elevating minimum patent quality will not put an end to the NPE business, and suggests that this business is sustainable in the long run. We furthermore discuss the fact that NPEs are peculiar players on markets for technology insofar as they are solely interested in the exclusion right, not in the underlying knowledge. We posit that transactions involving NPEs may only be the tip of the iceberg of “patent-only” transactions, a conjecture with strong implications for the efficiency and the study of markets for technologies. Managerial and policy implications are discussed.  相似文献   

通讯行业专利诉讼倾向研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
近年来,通讯行业专利诉讼案件不断增加,非生产型企业在专利诉讼中扮演着重要角色,给相关企业造成了极大的损失。但是,对于专利权人发起专利诉讼的意愿和倾向,并无量化指标。本文通过定义专利诉讼倾向,测量通讯行业著名生产型企业和部分非生产型企业提起专利侵权诉讼的意愿和倾向。实证研究结果表明,非生产型企业的专利诉讼倾向远远高于生产型企业,专利诉讼倾向与产品类型、公司所在国家和诉讼持续时间等都有相关性。  相似文献   

徐久龄  刘崇跃 《情报科学》2002,20(11):1163-1164
本文论述了专利在企业作为经济发展、技术创新的实体中的作用,大量的数据表明在专利这一意争情报的主要战场上,必须要努力拼搏,突出重围,占领国际竞争的有利地位。  相似文献   

《Research Policy》2019,48(9):103790
Patent scope is one of the important aspects in the debates over “patent quality.” The purported decrease in patent quality over the last decade or two has supposedly led to granting patents of increased breadth, decreased clarity, and questionable validity (in part due to over-breadth). Such patents allegedly diminish the incentives for innovation due to increased transaction costs in the market for technology, more frequent disputes and litigation, trolling behavior, and breakdowns in bargaining. This paper focuses on the patent examination process at the PTO, highlighting the relationship between patent scope and the patent examination process. We develop and validate two measurements of patent scope: independent claim length and independent claim count. These metrics—in contrast to other measurements of patent scope—can be calculated before and after examination and enable us to provide the first large-scale analysis of trends in patent scope changes during the examination process. Our results show that applications with narrower scope are associated with a higher probability of grant and a shorter and less intense examination period in comparison to applications with broader scope. Further, we find that the examination process itself tends to narrow the scope of patents relative to the scope at filing, and that the changes are more significant when the duration and intensity of examination is increased. We explain our metrics and make our data available in a public use dataset, which we hope will encourage more research in the evaluation of patent scope, patent examination, and patent quality more broadly.  相似文献   

《Research Policy》2022,51(7):104517
Examiners’ instructions and academic studies on patent validity determination focus on identification of “blocking” citations that invalidate claims in applications as non-novel or obvious, generally ignoring the non-blocking majority as irrelevant to validity. Recently available datasets allow us to identify, for the first time, “forward” citations received by applications before grant, as well as “backward” citations in those applications, and distinguish those identified by the examiner as blocking (submitted mainly by examiners), as well as non-blocking examiner and applicant citations. Categorical analysis confirms that blocking citations in an application strongly negatively predict its grant, but positively predict grant of the cited blocking applications. Non-blocking applicant and examiner citations in an application equally strongly predict its grant, but do not predict grant of cited applications. We test whether expected value – measured by applicant forward citations to the application prior to its grant – affects probability of grant, with negative results. These findings expand our understanding of the scope of examiners’ and applicants’ roles as mediators of validity-relevant information in applications.  相似文献   

《Research Policy》2019,48(7):1601-1616
This article provides new evidence on the patent trading flows of small and large firms. We document aggregate patterns of patent sales and acquisitions of small and large firms. We also examine the extent to which the initial innovator's and the potential buyers’ prior knowledge stocks in the same technology area and in geographical proximity with a patented invention are associated with the likelihood that the patent is sold, and whether the patent sold is bought by a small or large firm. To do so, we develop a dataset that matches patent sales and information on whether transacted patents are owned by small or large firms following a patent sale.  相似文献   

This paper analyses the causality between inventor productivity and inventor mobility. The results show that the level of education has no influence on inventor productivity. Making use of external sources of knowledge, on the contrary, has a significant effect on productivity. Finally, firm size has a positive impact on productivity. Firm size also influences inventor mobility, although negatively. Whereas existing research implicitly assumes causality to point in one direction, this study ex ante allows for a simultaneous relationship. To deal with the expected endogeneity problem, instrumental variables techniques (IVREG and IVPROBIT) will be employed. Results show that mobile inventors are more productive than non-movers. Whereas a move increases productivity, an increase in productivity decreases the probability to observe a move.  相似文献   

Although downloading music through unapproved channels is illegal, statistics indicate that it is widespread. The following study examines the attitudes and perceptions of college students that are potentially engaged in music downloading. The methodology includes a content analysis of the recommendations written to answer an ethical vignette. The vignette presented the case of a subject who faces the dilemma of whether or not to download music illegally. Analyses of the final reports indicate that there is a vast and inconsistent array of actions and underlying feelings toward digital music downloading. The findings reveal inconsistencies between participants’ recommendations (what the subject should do) and their attitudes and opinions on the matter (what they would do in a similar situation). These inconsistencies support the notion that as technology evolves, it creates discrepancies between the way things are and the way the law expects them to be, leaving society in a muddle, trying to reconcile the two. What remains to be seen is whether the discrepancy in the case of music downloading becomes extreme enough that the law changes to accommodate an increasingly prevalent behavior, or whether new business models will emerge to bridge the gap between legality and reality.  相似文献   

基于吸收能力理论,通过研发合作,企业可以提高其自身的创新效率。本文以深圳中小板上市企业为样本,研究了研发合作是否促进了企业创新绩效的提高?竞争性研发合作和非竞争性研发合作的作用效果是否存在差异?实证结果表明,竞争性研发合作和非竞争性研发合作在研发投入与专利产出之间都起到了正向调节作用,并且,非竞争性研发合作的调节效应要强一些。  相似文献   

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