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城乡小学英语教师培训差异研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
小学英语教师培训由于面对城乡两大不同的培训群体,两者在诸多方面都存在差异。本文立足重庆,调查研究重庆市主城区及周边农村地区小学英语教师培训现状,剖析两种培训在参训对象、培训需求和培训内容等方面反映出的差别。  相似文献   

农村中小学教学不公平问题、成因及对策   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
教育公平的真正实现体现在教学公平上。农村中小学较之城市中小学,在教学起点、教学过程和教学结果上都存在着事实上的不公平。究其原因,既有经济、社会、文化方面的,也有教育政策方面的。我们要采取切实可行的措施,对症下药,解决农村中小学教学不公平问题,以真正实现教育公平。  相似文献   

"教育是民族振兴的基石,教育公平是社会公平的重要基础。"重庆市城乡教育的差别与公平,主要反映在城乡教育的软件和硬件方面。城乡教育机会不平等、投入不均衡、资源配置不合理等是重庆城乡教育之间差别较大的主要原因。要实现重庆市城乡教育一体化,达到教育公平的目标,需要公平配置教育资源、建立标准化的财政投入机制、平衡城乡师资力量。  相似文献   

对农村教育收益率、农村家庭对孩子质量及其进行人力资本投资迫切性与李先生进行商榷,分析了导致农村家庭人力资本投资少的四点原因:农民收入低;家庭子女多;投资环境差;粗放型农业和升学式教育。  相似文献   

This study examines the teaching gap between rural and urban schools in China from the perspective of teacher professional learning communities (PLCs). Drawing on in-depth interviews with 36 primary school teachers, the study finds striking disparities between rural and urban schools in the working of Teaching and Research Groups (TRGs). These disparities in TRGs result in divergent patterns of instructional capacity building in rural and urban schools. The evidence shows that teaching and teachers are strongly shaped by the school organizational context. It suggests that strengthening school-wide PLCs is an important way of narrowing the rural-urban teaching and learning gaps.  相似文献   

Despite a long-standing concern within the sociology of education for ameliorating educational inequality, the challenge of improving educational opportunities for disadvantaged students remains deeply entrenched. While ‘macro’ issues such as segregation and systemic inequalities in school funding and access to qualified teachers must be addressed as matters of social and educational justice, Basil Bernstein's novel focus on ‘relations within’ education as the site of pedagogic discourse offers teachers and those working inside school systems a particularly powerful vision for promoting more equitable outcomes for students. This paper examines this assertion through a case study of the ‘mixed’ pedagogical practice of a successful teacher in a fifth-grade urban classroom in the United States.  相似文献   

从2010年起,教育部、财政部实施的“中小学教师国家级培训计划”(以下简称“国培计划”)包括“中小学教师示范性培训项目”和“中西部农村骨干教师培训项目”(以下简称“中西部项目”)两项内容。农村中小学教师置换脱产研修是中西部项目的三个重点之一,采用集中研修和“影子教师”相结合的方式,骨干教师在高水平师范院校与优质中小学参...  相似文献   

城乡基础教育均衡发展问题是我国城镇化进程中必须面对的一个重要问题。文章从城乡基础教育均衡发展所遭遇的硬件障碍、软件制约因素及投入体制、投入政策问题等方面入手,对城镇化进程中我国城乡基础教育均衡发展所面临的困境进行了分析,提出均衡发展城乡基础教育的出路:建设标准化学校与合理调整学校布局及规模相结合,外引人才与内部援助乡村教师及提高专业素养相结合,创新教育投入政策与改革投资体制相结合。  相似文献   

近几年来,各级政府在促进城乡义务教育信息化均衡发展方面做出了诸多努力,取得了巨大的成绩,但我国城乡义务教育仍然存在较大的数字鸿沟。我们要通过提高认识、强化农村义务教育学校校长的信息化领导力,加大投入,促使城乡义务教育信息化条件均衡化;加强培训,促进城乡义务教育信息化应用均衡化;开发资源,推进城乡义务教育信息资源服务一体化等策略促进城乡义务教育信息化均衡发展。  相似文献   

农村中小学布局调整必须慎重处理的若干问题   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
如何正确处理集中办学与分散办学、兼顾公平与效率、重点支持集中办学又适当照顾分散的校点、协调区域内经济发达地区与边远贫困地区教育的均衡发展等,是农村中小学布局调整过程中必须高度注意和慎重处理的问题。我们基于对中西部地区的湖北、河南、广西、云南、陕西和内蒙古等6个省(自治区)38个县市177个乡镇中小学布局调整的调查,从理论和实践相结合的角度,对上述问题进行了分析和探讨,并在此基础上提出了如何正确处理这些问题的对策思路。  相似文献   

城乡教育均衡发展战略实施过程中,重庆教育学院中文系对农村语文教师职前职后一体化教育进行了探索。针对学习者师德、专业技能、承担社会责任等方面的素质需求,研制了具有针对性和前瞻性的课程目标,开发了4部被教育部推广和重庆市政府奖励的特色教材,并通过“CEA整合教学模式”的研发运用和系列高规格相关教育科研课题的研究,培养了大批高素质农村语文教师,打造了一支在农村教育、语文教育和职前职后教育方面同时具有一定研究水平的教师教育师资队伍。  相似文献   

This research seeks to contribute to current discussion of gender differences in experience of higher education. Its specific focus is to compare the assessment of various university services by male and female students. The research sample consisted of 9793 students who participated in three University of Western Sydney surveys in 2004 and 2005. The results suggest that, first, female students place higher importance on the majority of the university’s services than do male students; second, as female students advance through their studies, they appear more demanding about the quality of services, while male students remain comparatively tolerant; and third, while all students consider that some areas warrant improvement, this is significantly more so for female than for male students. Specifically, the key areas for improvement from female students’ perspective are the relevance and instructional clarity of the course and efficiency of administration. It is recommended that, considering the current trends in higher education across gender, a sharper focus on these areas for improvement action could help the university ensure equity and better manage competition.  相似文献   


The desire to be close to nature and live in tune with it grew as industrialisation, urbanisation and the impact of technology became increasingly ubiquitous at the turn of the twentieth century. Throughout Europe, model schools were established in rural environments. These private reform schools could not solve the problems of public urban schools. Founded on the initiative of teachers and parents, the Schullandheim (rural school hostel) emerged as a new form bringing urban education and schooling close to nature after the First World War in Germany. Even if related pedagogic activities developed at that time in other countries there is no evidence for comparable institutions. Besides tracing the development of Schullandheime, the article shows how the school hostel idea was embedded in the contemporary educational discussion about the influence large cities had on youth and explores the educational and cultural differences within the school hostel movement through the use of visual material.  相似文献   

为进一步了解新时期城乡教育差异,湘南学院外国语学院"三下乡"实践团采用线上线下相结合的方式开展实践调研活动.旨在了解大中小学生线上学习成效,以便更好推进教学式改革,推进优质教育共享,从而达到教育精准扶贫和城乡教育一体化.  相似文献   

欧洲“新教育运动”与中国“乡村教育运动”之异同   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本通过欧洲“新教育运动”与中国“乡村教育运动”异同的比较,探究了我国“乡村教育运动”中教育理论与实践的特点,以期对现阶段我国教育发展中较突出的一些问题的解决提供些许参考。  相似文献   

重庆市统筹城乡教育,推进师资队伍建设制度改革试验如今已近3年,但实效并不如人意。本文提出"采取重赏政策","实行城乡教师轮回制","教育打假,庸师、劣师‘下课’","‘送下去’,‘请上来’"的对策建议,助推重庆市统筹城乡教育发展,并促进教育公平、优质教育和人民满意教育的早日实现。  相似文献   

中国城市和农村小学教师对融合教育态度的比较研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This study investigated the attitudes of primary school teachers from the selected rural and urban areas in China toward inclusive education. The results indicated that, (1) teachers’ attitudes are composed of three dimensions: positive and negative effects of inclusion, and benefits of segregated special education; (2) most surveyed teachers demonstrated positive attitudes toward segregated special school education while supporting inclusion; (3) rural and urban teachers held significantly different attitudes toward inclusion, and urban teachers were more negative toward inclusion than rural ones; and (4) teachers’ attitudes were not essentially influenced by resources, teaching years or relevant special education training.   相似文献   

在分析陕西省中高职教育衔接的优势、劣势、机遇和挑战的基础上,指出其中高职衔接发展的策略:建立中高职院校间的互动机制;加强适应产业发展的专业建设;构建统一的职业资格体系。  相似文献   

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