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The Silk Road has played an important role in facilitating intellectual exchanges and cultural integration between East and West, economic globalization and diversity of human civilizations. In the new era, thanks to ever-closer economic and cultural ties between China and other countries along the Silk Road, this ancient route has been rejuvenated and embraced new development opportunities. Building the Belt and the Road is therefore our inevitable choice following the trend of the development ofthe time.  相似文献   

宗世昊 《寻根》2021,(2):4-8
酒文化在陆上丝绸之路大致按照向南和向西两条路径传播,在酒文化传播的诸多构成要素中,尤以酒与酒具的交流呈现出中原与外域、边塞与内地不同文化之间的碰撞,构成了唐宋丝绸之路酒文化的基础。唐宋时期丝绸之路上的"果酒西传"唐宋时期酒的种类多种多样,按照《唐国史补》的说法,各个地区已经形成了各自的特色酒:"酒则有郢州之富水,乌程之若下,荥阳之土窟春,富平之石冻春,剑南之烧春,河东之乾和、蒲萄,岭南之灵溪、博罗,宜城之九酝,浔阳之湓水,京城之西市腔,虾蟆陵郎官清、阿婆清。又有三勒浆类酒。"  相似文献   

<正>The Silk Road has always remained an exotic region for the people from around the worldThanks to its geographic location,the Silk Road provided perfect oppor...  相似文献   

<正>Opened on December 12, 2011 and after 365 days, the 2012 Year of Chinese Culture in Turkey is closed as a full success on December 04, 2012. Various events during the Year are like a strong "Chinese wind"blowing across dozens of Turkish cities. According to statistics from the Culture Section of the Embassy of China in Turkey, during the Year,  相似文献   

李军 《寻根》2005,(4):16-18
丝绸之路,因中国古代的丝绸而得名,自汉至宋,它一直是中西方商业贸易的主干道。敦煌则是这万里丝路上的一颗璀璨明珠,她身上所散发的幽幽古香、所蕴涵的深厚历史底蕴,直到今天还吸引着全世界探索的目光。  相似文献   

<正>Fujian is also called "Min". Located in Min-nan (Southern Fujian) is the city of Quanzhou, hometown of overseas Chinese, and it was historically referred to ...  相似文献   

杨蕤 《寻根》2021,(2):9-14
梳理陆上丝绸之路发展演变的历史,不难发现,汉唐时期是人们重点关注的领域,也产出了十分丰硕的成果.这不仅因为汉唐是丝路史上的兴盛和巅峰时期,而且留下大量的历史记录、出土文献以及文物考古资料,学术界借此基本廓清了这一时段中西交流的概况和面貌,甚至可以说,丝绸之路业已成为汉唐时期一个重要文化符号.  相似文献   

This article unfurls in the aftermath of an event where three first grade children at a reputable progressive elementary school were found playing slavery during school recess. As word caught on, parents ignited into a frenzy: some railed against the teacher, others demanded an answer, while still others believed this was precisely the meaning of progressive schooling. In swift response, school administrators sent a conciliatory email apologizing for their misjudgment. Slavery, they declared, was too difficult a topic and developmentally inappropriate for such a young age. Guided by critical childhood studies and concepts of difficult knowledge, this reflective article explores how adults drew from developmental frameworks and used children as proxies to protect themselves from the complicated conversation of race and slavery. It unpacks this event through three entry points: encountering difficult knowledge in primary school; the moralization of child development; and the ongoing work inherent to social justice-oriented schooling. It is hoped that readers can take this example into their own teacher education programs and school faculty meetings to query how adults can open up spaces for critical encounters rather than launch accusations when faced with the emotional charge of oppressive histories.  相似文献   

In the end of the 19th Century, Richthofen, a German geographer coined the term Silk Road that refers to the route from China toRome.Then in the early 20th Century, the Silk Road attracted many people of Western countries, such as KozIov of Russia who led an expedition to Inner Mongolia and Tibet, Stein of UK, Pelliot of France, Greenwood and Le Coq of Germany who arrived at Central Asia and Xinjiang for adventure and plundering, and the Otani expedition of Japan reached Tibet. The Western powers only came to look for the Buddhism that founded by Shakyamuni in the 6th Century BC, Buddhist antiques and other artworks with thousands years history in Central Asia, Xinjiang, Dunhuang, etc.  相似文献   

The China-Arab States Forum of Cultural Ministers under the framework of the 3rd Arab Arts Festival took place at the National Mu- seum of China in Beijing on Septem- ber 10. The participants from the offi- cial cultural delegations of China, 10 Arab states and the League of Arab States conducted discussion and ex- changed views on such topics as increas- ing cultural exchange and cooperation, co-building the Belt (the Silk Road Eco- nomic Belt) and the Road (the 21st-cen- tury Maritime Silk Road) in the field of culture, and enhancing people-to-peo- ple communication. Chinese cultural minister Cai Wu and cultural ministers of the 19 participating Arab States ad- opted the Beijing Declaration.  相似文献   

汕头骑楼及"过番"文化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
郑松辉 《寻根》2005,(2):128-130
汕头是我国著名的沿海城市,也是一个民众心态较为开放的桥当,外来的异质文化必然在民居建筑上打下烙印,凸现出鲜明的地域待征,从而与其他地方的民居区别开来。骑楼街就是极富汕头特色的代表性建筑和城市景观之一.是中西市文化交融的结果.也是汕头近代历史的重要见证。  相似文献   

A seminar on the protection of cultural heritage in the maritime Silk Road of South China Sea was held in Haikou, capital city of Hainan province on June 21. Representatives from 37 research institutes, local bureaus for cultural heritage, and museums from across the country jointly released the Common Declaration on the Protection of Cultural Heritage in the Maritime Silk Road of South China Sea.  相似文献   

中国现代性文化传统具有三大鲜明特性:后古典而非古典;杂种而非纯种;远缘杂种而非近缘杂种。从鲁迅等对中国现代文化传统的认识可见,我们只能生存在现代远缘杂种文化中。中国现代性需要探索把远缘杂种性与后古典性结合的道路。殷海光和李泽厚的主张在承认中西有别的前提下寻求中西融汇,但却把中西截然分开再合起来,无法为中西融汇提供充足的理由。今天建设后古典远缘杂种文化需要打破中西、古今分别而考虑多维度融汇与建构,即器道互融、法治情润、人权民本、以义活仁、兴辞立诚、散线化乐。  相似文献   

An examination of experiences as a counselor in the Philippines suggests at least three important domains of difference in the counseling process: the content of problems, modes of relationships and presumed causes of difficulties. Filipino counselees in a university setting struggled with family control, and rebelled against a double standard of morals. They found it difficult to trust a counselor who was not part of the extended family and they attributed their difficulties to external, social rather than intrapsychic factors. In light of these cultural differences counselors must respond to their problems as Filipinos perceive them and explore ways of changing the social environment of the client. This is in contrast to the strategy of North American counselors who seek to change the client's methods of dealing with himself.  相似文献   

陈虎 《寻根》2006,(4):34-40
周公,姬姓,名旦,是西周时期著名的政治家、军事家、思想家,他是周文王的儿子,周武王的弟弟,周成王的叔父。他曾协助周武王伐纣灭商,辅佐周成王而摄政,东征平定管叔、蔡叔、霍叔与商纣王之子武庚的叛乱,营建洛邑,制礼作乐,对中国古代文明的完善和发展起了十分重要的作用。由于周公开创了千秋伟业,被后世尊奉为天下第一圣人——元圣。《尚书大传》中说:“周公摄政,一年救乱,二年克殷,三年践奄,四年建侯卫,五年营成周,六年制礼作乐,七年致政成王。”基本概括了周公的主要历史功绩。  相似文献   

明月 《寻根》2007,(3):18-20
在清朝,汉人以汉文参加科举考试并夺魁,虽甚艰难,但不稀罕,若蒙古人与汉人同应科举而夺魁,则堪称空前绝后,这个人就是崇绮。  相似文献   

郑慧生 《寻根》2005,(3):38-39
在我国古代的神话、传说中,劳动总是被推崇为最高尚的事业,领袖、圣贤、神人无一不是劳动能手:燧人氏领导人民钻木取火,有巢氏领导人民构木为巢,神农氏教民稼穑,黄帝制造兵器,大舜善于耕田,大禹能够治水……就连那生育了人类的伏牺和女娲,也是一手执规、一手执矩。规、矩是工匠们必用的工具,执规执矩,说明他俩是一对工匠。中国人认为人类的祖先是一对工匠,说明中国文化从远古时代起就崇尚劳动。  相似文献   

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