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For a tea company, staff mem- bers of its purchase depart- ment are absolutely the busiestwhen spring tea comes to season. They travel from one tea plantation to another, purchasing fresh tea and managing quality control. Ms. Zhang Lanlan, purchasing manager of Bei- jing Wuyutai Co., Ltd., showed me a list of green tea that Wuyutai would purchase for its Beijing shops in the spring season, when she shared with me her experience and channels for tea purchase.  相似文献   

In the chill of the early spring in April, Wuyutai, a century-old tea shop served local customers of Beijing with fresh green tea picked and processed before the Pure Bright Festival. The well-picked and finely-processed green tea sold so well that it ran out of supply. Like what happened in previous years, the tea variety of Dragon Well from the West Lake is the most popular early spring tea among local customers. This tea variety is famous not for its super quality but also for its cultural richness.  相似文献   

More than 100 years ago, a merchant from Anhui founded a tea shop called "Wuyutai" in Beixinqiao in the downtown of Beijing. His name is Wu Xiqing. 124 years have passed from then on and today Wuyutai has emerged as a major brand of Chinese tea industry.  相似文献   

Beijing locals are fond of tea and many of them drink tea as part of their life. Habitual tea drinkers are particular over tea quality and tend to savor jasmine tea from a covered bowl which they consider an elegant way. I was born of a native Beijing family. My grandparents all had a habit of drinking tea, in particular, jasmine tea sold by Wuyutai, a century-old tea brand. In my lifetime I have enjoyed all tea varieties but jasmine tea is my favorite, In autumn, I often drink jasmine tea all day long.  相似文献   

For four consecutive years, contemporary dance performances from UK jointly presented bv the Cultural and Education Section of the British Embassy in Beijing and Milky Way Arts & Communications Co., Ltd., have been staged in Beijing during Chinese New Year celebrations. In the Spring Festival this year, Henri Oguike Dance Company presented its Beijing premiere in Tianqiao Theatre, bringing flesh charm of British modern dance to Chinese people.  相似文献   

Beijing doesn't produce tea but people of old Beijing were fond of flagrant flavor of jasmine tea and developed a habit of drinking jasmine tea every day. Like salt and oil, jasmine tea is a necessity of every family. When a visitor came in old times, the family host would serve him with a lidded cup of jasmine tea. When the tea cup's cover is opened, the whole room would be permeated with fragrant aroma of jasmine flower.  相似文献   

One century may occupy only a page in a history text book, but for the famous Chinese tea shop Wuyutai, that means several generations of contribution and pursuit. One hundred years ago, to Beijing local people, Wuyutai was only one of numerous tea shops run by immigrant businessmen from south China. Now, they say, ““Our Wuyutai has enjoyed a history of more than one hundred years.““ The past century has witnessed this tea brand name‘s integration with Old Beijing.  相似文献   

Not long ago, renowned cartoonist Li Binsheng, at age 83, held his solo folk painting exhibition on old Beijing in Wuyutai Teahouse in Wangfujing, a famous shopping district in Beijing Li is a native Beijinger and a veteran tea drinker and Peking Opera fan. Growing up in the local community of old Beijing, Li knows well about traditions and customs of this historical city.  相似文献   

"Tea quality control is implemented in every stage and every process of our tea making and our test standards are even more rigid than those issued by the state," said Sun Danwei, President of Wuyutai, a century-old tea brand name in Beijing. At the launching ceremony of "Green 100 Action" taking place in the end of last year, representatives from 140 chain shops signed "Green Alliance Contract" at Wuyutai's flagship shop, pledging to guarantee all the tea products Wuyutai sells are 100% up to the national standard. While food safety accidents happened time and again in China, Wuyutai, as a time-honored enterprise, demonstrates a strong sense of responsibility for the society.[第一段]  相似文献   

Against the background of the red imperial city walls in early spring of Beijing,renowned Spanish artist Pablo Picasso sips a mouthful of tea from a Chinese-style cup and gazes at passers-by with his sagacious eyes. That is an image on the thematic poster for the touring Picasso exhibition -- the largest and most valuable ever to visit Asia.  相似文献   

Chinese tea is not merely a beverage variety but also bears rich cultural traditions. Like pastries associated with Chinese traditional festivals, Chinese tea embodies cultural elements that bring it with lingering charms and added values. The famous modem drama "Teahouse" is a perfect example. Perhaps because I was born and grew up in Beijing, I like reading literature about Beijing, in particular, litera .ry works by Lao She. He is one of the greatest writers in modern China who was born of a poor Manchurian family in Beijing. He worked and lived in UK and USA for nearly ten years and committed suicide in 1966 when the Cultural Revolution broke out.  相似文献   

Wuyutai is a time-honored tea brand that enjoys great popularity in Beijing. Its history can date back to 1887 when the brand's founder opened a small tea shop in the capital city of the Qing Empire.Today, this small tea shop has grown to be a flagship company in China's tea industry, with 220 chain stores and annual sales volume of more than RMB500 million.  相似文献   

Wuyutai, a century-old tea brand name, started its business with the sale of jasmine tea and over years, its business scope has been widely developed to include a variety of tea types. In particular, in the recent years, it has evolved into a group corporation through intensified tea processing, chain-store operation and opening flagship stores with cultural elements, witnessing an annual sales volume of up to 600 million RMB yuan (approx. 90 million USD).  相似文献   

Wuyutai, a time-honored brand of Chinese tea shop founded in 1887, has established it- self as China's leading tea company with up to 300franchised chain stores. Its success is owed not only to its motto of"best tea for you as always"and scientific management, but also to its well-trained and devoted staff members keeping abreast of the times. As a key element of its ad- ministrative structure, the Operation Center bridges Wuyutai's headquarters and numerous out- lets. Its operation supervisor An Dongjun is an outstanding staff member in this department  相似文献   

I like drinking green tea. I usually make a cup of tea in the morning. When the tea leaves swell in the boiled water, pure green emerges and fills the whole cup. The green looks like it has blended with the water when all of a sudden it separates from the water. The fragrant and slightly bitter tea instantly moistens and refreshes my throat.  相似文献   

The 40-acre factory compound, huge storehouses, modern production and distribution lines, and hard-working staff members, all these impressed me so much when I took an interview event with Sun Yingbin, logistics manager of century-old tea brand Wuyutai, in its logistics and distribution center in the suburb of Beijing.  相似文献   

Pu'er tea became famous as early as in the Ming and Qing dynasties, Famous tea mountains producing Pu'er tea are Ioacated in Xishuangbanna, a subtropical area in the southern part of Yunnan Province, including Yiwu, Yibang, Jinuo, Gedeng, Manzhuan and Mansa. The tea produced from these six tea plantations have been widely drunk by herdsmen living in plateau areas in Tibet, Qinghai and Mongolia since the Tang Dynasty. For example, the butter tea popular among Tibetan people is made with tea bricks or cakes processed from tea leaves growing in Yunnan. And the reads for the transport of tea by horse caravans are well known as "ancient tea routes".  相似文献   

When elegant images of Chinese porcelain and the huge character of "Cha", meaning "tea", were shown in the hi-tech scroll of Chinese ink painting at the opening gala of the Beijing Olympic Games, the global audience seemed overwhelmed by the brilliant history of Chinese ancient civilization as represented by the miraculous Silk Road through which tea and porcelain accounted for major exports of the Central Kingdom. Recognized as a symbol of Chinese culture, the art of tea has been demonstrated at the Olympic opening ceremony and in the Olympic Village for the first time in history.  相似文献   

On the evening of September 1 6, a reception took place in Wuyutai Tea & Cuisine Restaurant in celebration of Chinese Mid-Autumn FestivaL.The reception was jointly hosted by Beijing Wuyutai Tea Co., Ltd., China & The World Cultural Exchange magazine and Beijing Kangpute Cultural Development Company.  相似文献   

Early in August, on Badaling Pass of the Great Wall in the northern suburb of Beijing, 500 children from Hong Kong and 200 children from Beijing participated in the opening ceremony of “Paint on the Great Wall, Embrace the Olympics”, a large-scale cultural exchange event jointly sponsored by Chinese Cultural Ministry, Beijing Municipality and Hong Kong Civil Service Bureau.  相似文献   

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