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本阐述了多媒体课件的基本概念、多媒体课件开发的基本步骤、常用的课件制作平台以及课件素材的收集制作方法,以使读对多媒体课件的开发有初步的认识和了解。  相似文献   

关于多媒体课件的思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
多媒体课件是利用多媒体计算机把文字、图形、声音、动画、影像等多种媒体综合起来辅助教学软件。它突破了传统媒体的“线性限制”,以随机性、灵活性、全方位、立体化方式把教学内容形象、生动地呈现给学生。优秀的多媒体课件知识密度大、表现力强,能很好激发学生的学习兴趣。实践证明,适时、有效地应用多媒体课件在一定程度上能节约时间、提高课堂效率、做到事半功倍。但任何事物都具有二重性,多媒体课件也不例外,也有许多局限性。因此,在对多媒体课件的认识、实际制作和应用时应克服局限性,充分发挥多媒体课件的积极作用。 一、正…  相似文献   

多媒体教学中课件和堂件是必不可少的,文章结合教育学和心理学的特点,对常见的课件模式适当地分析,归纳出计算机课件设计和制作的一般方法,并指出了课件设计和制作中一些值得注意的问题。  相似文献   

数学课件的开发过程分3个阶段:入门、提高、深入。入门阶段主要用Powerpoint等简单的课件开发工具开发课件;提高阶段主要用几何画板开发课件;深入阶段主要综合利用多种开发工具开发课件。数学课件的再开发过程包括:对已压缩课件进行解压;对已打包的课件文件解包后再修改;对未打包或已解包的课件文件调用相应的开发工具进行修改。  相似文献   

阐述了网络环境下个别化学习课件的设计思路,特点以及它的设计方案和实现的功能。并对课件在设计制作中的关键技术给出了具体的解决方案。  相似文献   

介绍了在制作多媒体课件时如何优化Authorware课件。从前期素材和后期设计制作的优化入手.介绍了减少课件体积的措施,以提高其运行速度。  相似文献   

怎样真正发挥计算机多媒体课件的辅助教学作用呢?笔者认为:关键之一在于课与课件的有机结合。即:课件不仅要结合计算机自身的特点,还要符合课堂教学的实际情况,适应教师的教学心理和学生的认知规律,注意教学成本控制,以及和课堂教学过程中的各个环节紧密结合等。下面结合自己的教学实践和体会,针对课与课件结合的有关问题谈一些粗浅的思考和认识。  相似文献   

计算机辅助教学能节省学习时间、提高学习速度和教学效率;能加深学生的理解、激发学生的学习兴趣,使一些复杂抽象的问题变得简单形象。因此,许多教师纷纷投入到CAI课件的制作当中去,但在制作的过程中往往容易走入误区,造成课件质量不高。本文结合近年来制作课件的一点体会  相似文献   

1.《眼睛》教学课件此课件是江苏常熟高等专科学校教育技术中心张刚要老师制作的初二生物课件。课件的主页面上有五个按钮,分别链接了“眼睛的结构”、“视觉的形成”、“眼睛的调焦”、“远视成因及校正”、“近视成因及校正”五部分内容。在“眼睛的结构”中,作者以细腻的笔法勾画了一个生动形象的“眼睛”,并以动画的形式分别呈现各个部分及位置,可以让使用者过目不忘。在“视觉的形成”中,展示了物体在人眼中形成的一个倒立缩小的实像。而“眼睛的调焦”以动画的形式向学生展示眼睛是一个可调焦的晶状体,会根据物体距离眼睛的远…  相似文献   

用PoerPoint设计MCAI课件   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过分析各种课件开发工具的特点,介绍了使用PowerPoint制作课件的一般过程。从课件模板、模型的选择和课件内容的设计、创意的实现等四个方面进行了阐述,并具体给出了几个制作技巧。  相似文献   

小学教师教学效能感与其归因反应模式的关系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以155名小学教师为被试,探讨了不同教学效能感水平的教师对于不同特点学生学业失败后的反应模式。结果表明,在学生考试失败后,高教学效能的教师对于高努力的学生以及学习困难学生的生气程度较低,给予学生更多的奖励,预期学习困难学生在将来更容易失败;低教学效能教师对于高能力学生和学习困难学生的生气程度较低,给予学生更多的惩罚,预期低能力学生耷将来更容易失败。中教学效能教师的反应模式更接近于低教学效能教师。  相似文献   

Increasing numbers of students with autism are being educated in mainstream schools. However, outcomes for students with autism are poor when compared to typical students and students with other developmental disabilities. In order to better understand facilitators and barriers to success at school for students with autism, research into the attitudes of key stakeholders, educators, parents, people with autism, to inclusion in mainstream schools for students with autism, was reviewed. Key themes emerging included attitudes to inclusion, the characteristics of autism and social communication in particular and interaction with the school environment, and consequent student problem behaviour. Level of knowledge and understanding of school staff emerged as the primary issue with all stakeholders identifying the need for more training. Other support needs identified included the need for structural support, resources and funding. Parents, in particular, identified the need for a collaborative approach to the education process. The findings highlight the need to translate theory into practice to increase capacity in schools to provide effective educational programmes for students with autism.  相似文献   

一个有文化自觉和文化使命感的政府,必然会明确其在根文化传承与创新中的地位和作用,充分发挥政府的职能作用,集中力量加强文化的保护与建设,以历史发展的眼光遏制短期政府行为,以战略的规划理清城市发展前景与功能定位,以凸显文化特色来挖掘城市文化内涵与潜力,以传承和创新来推进文化的发展与提升,以体制和政策来规划引导文化的未来走向与发展路径。  相似文献   

持续发展,需要更新人才理念。确立现代人才理念和人才经营思想,攸关一个国家和城市建设的大计。人才资本是知识经济时代经济增长的核心要素,积极导入现代人才经营理念,以全球眼光审视人才,以创新精神培育人才,以高尚才德对待人才,以科学态度选用人才,以激励方式凝聚人才,大力推进人才创新,是造就宏大的高素质人才队伍、加快城市发展的必由之路、明智之举。  相似文献   

This study investigated the influence of the support services on the test anxiety of students and/or their ability to submit assignments in each of the two disability groups, those with vision impairment and those with intellectual disability, who were placed in specialist and mainstream educational settings in South Australia. Interviews were conducted with 14 students with vision impairment and 9 students with intellectual disability, as well as a total of 10 parents and 8 teachers. The findings unfolded that the support services were found to influence positively the test anxiety experienced by students with vision impairment and/or their ability to submit assignments, but appeared to help students with intellectual disability to a much smaller extent. These findings have implications for mainstream teachers and school support staff working with students with vision impairment and those with intellectual disability, to determine what type and kind of support works for these students and helps them to alleviate their test anxieties.  相似文献   

在中国的旧体诗中,在《诗经》《楚辞》之后,首先发展起来的是汉魏六朝时代的五言诗,唐代人称此为古诗,以别于唐代人按严格体式和韵律写的属于"近体诗"范畴的五言绝句、五言律诗、五言长律。由于五绝、五律诗每句中的5个字是前两字一顿、后三字一顿的句法结构,正是与七绝、七律诗句的后5字构词顿数相同,以至与许多词的五字句顿式一致,所以五言律句的构制,就成了诗词写作合于韵律的必须具备的实践准备条件。在五言诗的写作上,五言绝句的难度更大,因为每首诗只有20个字,且要独立成章,因此必须立意集中,不枝不蔓;文字精妙,难于增减;借端托寓,蓄意深微;意到辞工,不假雕饰。由于五言绝句的体式精微,施展的天地极小,所以历来虽有名篇,却少有独擅此体的名家。  相似文献   

Students with autism may struggle to develop the academic skills necessary for success in school and beyond. Understanding and improving academic skills performance requires appropriate measurement approaches. One such option that has been minimally studied with students with autism is curriculum-based measurement (CBM). Coinciding with the need to study different approaches to academic skills measurement for students with autism was the global pandemic which forced a shift to remote service delivery with little warning. While some autistic students struggled with this shift, others thrived, raising questions about how to further support students with autism in virtual formats. The purpose of this study was to examine the feasibility of using remotely administered CBM for autistic students by studying both the practicality and acceptability of this approach. Five students with autism (Grades 2–5) participated in this pilot study, completing reading, math, and writing CBMs at three time points. Student behavior and assessor fidelity were collected to examine practicality; assessor ratings of usability provided insight regarding the acceptability of the approach. Results indicated that remotely administered CBM is feasible for some students with autism: all participants completed the study tasks with minimal behavioral difficulties, and assessor ratings of acceptability were high.  相似文献   

Mothers with a substance use disorder (SUD) are at risk for maladaptive parenting practices, and have heightened likelihood of having experienced childhood adversity themselves. In addition, parental reflective functioning (PRF), a capacity underlying sensitive caregiving, is often low in mothers with SUD. This study examines the relationship between PRF and aversive (emotional, physical, sexual abuse and neglect) and adaptive (safety and competence) experiences, in different developmental phases (early childhood, latency, and adolescence) in mothers with a SUD. A sample of 43 mothers with small children were interviewed with the Parental Developmental Interview to assess PRF, and they completed the Traumatic Antecedents Questionnaire regarding aversive and adaptive experiences. In addition, we used the Hopkins Symptoms Checklist-10 to control for mental health status and a battery of neuropsychological tests to control for executive functions. Results indicated that adaptive experiences in early childhood were positively related to PRF, and that experience of emotional abuse was negatively related to PRF. When separating the group of mothers in two sub-groups based on PRF level, results showed that mothers with negative to low PRF had significantly more experiences of adversities in early childhood and latency, and significantly less adaptive experiences in early childhood, latency and adolescence, compared to mothers with moderate to high PRF. In addition, mothers with adequate to high PRF reported experiencing significantly more types of adaptive experiences, and significantly less adversities compared to mothers with negative to low PRF. Results are discussed in relation to developmental trauma, resilience, epistemic trust and mistrust.  相似文献   

概括起来看,江泽民同志关于马克思主义中国化的思想特色,主要包括了五个方面:增强马克思主义中国化的实践性,体现马克思主义中国化的时代性,彰显马克思主义中国化的民族性,把握马克思主义中国化的规律性,突出马克思主义中国化的创造性。分析江泽民同志的马克思主义中国化思想特色,对于进一步推进马克思主义中国化,具有积极意义。  相似文献   

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a disorder that predominantly results in behaviours associated with hyperactivity, impulsivity and inattention that are frequently not conducive to successful learning and academic performance. Children who display these behaviours often require extra assistance, adjustments, and accommodations in the classroom in order to achieve their full potential. This article reviews Australian and New South Wales Discrimination, Disability and Education legislation, policy and procedures with respect to the education of students with ADHD. This review illustrates the need to standardise the definition of disability used throughout Australia, and to more firmly clarify an education provider’s responsibilities toward students with disabilities. With more clarity, students with ADHD will be provided with the additional educational and behaviour support they need in order to realise their full potential.  相似文献   

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