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Teacher Classroom Management Skills and Pupil Behavior   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
An experimental group of 20 in service elementary teachers was trained using the Utah State University Classroom Management Protocol Modules, and compared before and after training with a control group of 9 teachers. Although the experimental teachers received more favorable post-training scores on all 13 classroom management behaviors covered in the modules, the differences were generally small and nonsignificant. The level of work involvement and deviant behavior of pupils of the experimental group teachers was also compared before and after the teachers had been trained. In recitation situations, pupil work involvement increased and deviant behavior decreased significantly. In seat work situations, pupil work involvement increased significantly, but no significant changes occurred in deviant behavior.  相似文献   

This article is an account of the decision by an independent school to participate in its local Healthy Schools Scheme. One of the factors that influenced this decision was the value the school gained from a pupil survey. The same survey was used to track the impact of the school's Personal, Social and Health Education curriculum and pastoral work on pupils' experience of the school, and academic achievement. In particular, the authors explore the role of survey analysis and consultancy advice in interpreting survey results and developing school practice. The survey contributed to pupil participation in school development. The use of an external consultant as critical friend was perceived as an aid to school reflection and self-review.  相似文献   


This article is an account of the decision by an independent school to participate in its local Healthy Schools Scheme. One of the factors that influenced this decision was the value the school gained from a pupil survey. The same survey was used to track the impact of the school's Personal, Social and Health Education curriculum and pastoral work on pupils' experience of the school, and academic achievement. In particular, the authors explore the role of survey analysis and consultancy advice in interpreting survey results and developing school practice. The survey contributed to pupil participation in school development. The use of an external consultant as critical friend was perceived as an aid to school reflection and self-review.  相似文献   

Health and fitness are important issues for high school administrators, teachers, and students. Obesity is a growing concern for all ages, and it is particularly relevant for adolescents because they are at a stage in which they may be establishing habits that will last a lifetime. It is also a critical problem at this level because there is frequently limited time for physical education in the high schools. High school faculty can have an important impact by serving as role models for students, reinforcing good health habits, integrating movement into their courses, collaborating with parents and professionals, and sharing ideas about community resources and activities with their students.  相似文献   

The aim of this qualitative case study is to investigate how learning in “democratic participation” is constituted by the social interaction and conversation pattern in school democratic meetings in a Swedish primary school. According to the findings, a pupil control discourse and the Initiation-Response-Evaluation pattern dominates the conversations. The teacher initiates by asking a question, the pupils respond by answering the question, and then the teacher evaluates that response. The findings show no discursive shift from traditional classroom talk to democratic deliberative talk. Instead there is an emphasis on the “right answers” and subordinating authorities rather than deliberative dialogue and democratic participation, which influences pupils to adopt a naïve or a cynical attitude to democracy.  相似文献   

This article assesses whether second-level schools in Ireland, typically covering pupils 12 to 18 years of age, are equally effective in relation to three different outcomes: examination performance, absenteeism and potential drop-out among pupils. The article uses data from a large-scale survey of second-level pupils in 116 schools in Ireland. Analysis is restricted to one cohort: pupils aged 15-16 years who took a nationally standardised examination, the Junior Certificate, in 1994. Multivariate multi-level modelling techniques are used to assess the impact of pupil background and schooling factors on overall examination performance, on absenteeism levels and on intentions to leave school after the exam. Some consistency is found among these different dimensions of school effectiveness: pupil absenteeism and potential drop-out rates are lower in schools which enhance academic progress among pupils. These outcomes are associated with more positive teacher-pupil relations and a more positive academic climate within the school.  相似文献   


It is frequently argued that work relating to key areas of pupils’ personal and social education starts too late, that it takes place after crucial attitudes, perceptions and understandings have already been developed by pupils. Generally the problem is that work does not start until the secondary stage. This paper describes an evaluation of careers work undertaken with Year 4 pupils in a primary school. In this school, a yearly careers week was held when structured activities were organized around talks about their work given by parents. The researcher found that 5 months after the careers work, the Year 4 pupils remembered much of significance. These findings are then related to a number of theories of career development which support such work early in pupils’ careers. The paper concludes by outlining the benefits that careers work in the primary school offers.  相似文献   

Primary school design and technology in the UK is taught, in the main, by non-specialists. This paper considers the influence of teachers on pupil autonomy in primary school design and technology lessons. Teacher interviews and lesson observations provide illustration in this consideration of pupil autonomy. What might at first appear to be a simple cause and effect relationship between teacher direction and pupil autonomy is questioned and a number of possible distinctions considered.  相似文献   

Bystanders can reveal valuable information about bullying to school personnel to take action on it. If they remain reluctant, of course, they frustrate our efforts to stop bullying. But then, why would they get involved if doing so might make them victims of aggression too?
This paper investigates the importance of adaptive shame management in encouraging bystanders to prevent bullying. Data were collected through the Cross-national School Behaviour Research Project from 1452 secondary school students (49% girls) in grades 7–10 (mean=8.42) in Bangladesh. As predicted, students who scored higher on shame acknowledgement (admitting shame, accepting responsibility, making amends) were more likely to intervene to prevent bullying. Those with low shame displacement (blaming or hitting out at others) were also likely to intervene to stop bullying. Implications of these findings pertaining to pastoral staff, counsellors and school teachers working with students to encourage coming forward against bullying are discussed.  相似文献   

Although parental choice of secondary schools is a subject of considerable public and academic interest, there has been relatively little research on the extent to which choice is undermining the traditional role of geographically defined school catchments. This paper, therefore, uses data provided by a case-study local education authority to examine the nature and scale of pupil flows across catchment boundaries. It does so by adopting a form of Geographic Information System as the principal research tool. The results show over a third of Year 7 pupils moving to schools other than their catchment comprehensive. Interestingly, the inner-city catchments were the most permeable: by contrast, children in middle class and rural areas were the least likely to enter a school outside their local area.  相似文献   

学校管理是对人的管理,因而需要关注学生和教师,注重人文关怀和心理疏导。校长需要运用崭新的思想观念,以人文关怀为视角,指导和推进学校管理创新,特别是需要在充分尊重人的基础上,制订学校管理创新策略,由此确保学校管理的各项工作获得顺利推进,以及挖掘每名教师和学生的潜力。  相似文献   

教育是一种社会活动,也是一项庞大的系统工程,而学校管理又是教育活动实施的一个重要环节。近年来,在素质教育的推动下,学生的心理素质问题受到了社会的广泛关注。所以,学校的教育者应走在时代前沿,认识到人文关怀在中学学校管理中的重要性。从人文关怀的具体应用及人文关怀的重要性入手进行分析,并详细论述中学学校管理中人文关怀的新模式。  相似文献   

Much of the coercion used in schools today is exercised in the name of care. But genuine caring, described briefly here, would promote a true, well-informed freedom in our schools. In contrast to the harmful effects of today's coercion, educators can be proud of the humanization that grew steadily in schools over the 20th century. Genuine care will realize and extend the process of that humanization.  相似文献   

论学校信息和学校信息管理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
教育活动是一种信息活动,学校信息的使用是学校教育活动正常进行的基本条件,信息动力是现代学校管理系统和学校教育系统运转和发展的强大动力。学校自身及校外有关系统运动变化所产生的各种有用信息,教职工掌握知识和信息的多少,学校校风,教职员工的爱好、志趣、好奇心等等所产生的推动力是学校教育和管理系统的信息动力的多种存在形式。而学校信息环境的优化是学校信息建设要注意的问题。现代学校的信息管理通常要借助于学校管理信息系统来完成,这个系统是由输入、处理、输出、反馈四个要素有机地组成的一个整体,是由收集、整理学校信息,加工、传输学校信息,贮存、反馈学校信息等基本环节构成的一个信息处理过程。  相似文献   

The goals of this study were to determine the effectiveness of the minicourse model in changing student Teacher behavior and to estimate the effects of the microteaching format and use of videotape feedback within this model. Feedback and practice in the microteaching format were manipulated with four groups of student teachers while a fifth group served as a control.

Eleven behaviors were scored for the four treatment groups on pre-course and post-course videotapes. Eighteen of the resulting comparisons were significant beyond the . 01 level and three beyond the . 05 level in the desired direction. Three of the eleven control group gains were significant at the . 05 level. Treatment groups hat did not receive videotape feedback and did not practice in the microteaching format were not significantly different than groups that did.  相似文献   

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