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Penguins live together, but each pair has a little piece of ground of their own. When a penguin wants to walk through its neighbor's ground, it must ask permission. If it does not do that, it will have to fight. Most of the time, penguins live on the wate…  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to compare the history interests between American and Chinese college students. Research studies have consistently shown that American students have very limited knowledge on their country's history. American college students usually do better than K-12 students, but their scores are still low. To address the issue, it is important to understand their history interest. By conducting a cross-nation comparison between American and Chinese college students, the authors found that American students had lower history interest than their Chinese cotmterparts, but the difference only existed on their positive feeling toward history. Suggestions have been made on how to increase American students' involvement in the history subject.  相似文献   

王楠 《海外英语》2011,(10):357-358
Language researchers have long been working on the language transfer theory since 1970s with an aim to help second language acquisition. Researches on transfer of pronunciation were explored from many aspects, such as phonetics, age, motivation and culture etc. By illustrating the Chinese learners’ improper English pronunciation, it tries to discuss the negative transfer of their mother tongue on the English pronunciation on the theoretical basis of phonetic and phonological differences between the two languages. Based on these studies and analysis, it hopes to arouse the learners’ awareness of the different pronunciation between English and Chinese and their interests in acquiring a native-like pronunciation, and hopefully the teachers will also help the learners have a good knowledge of the difference before they’re affected by the negative transfer of Chinese.  相似文献   

Do you reflect on your teaching by recalling the situation, thinking of what you should have done it instead, and then evaluating it globally? As teachers, we should often reflect on our teaching so that we can improve it. In this article well talk about reflection on teaching. Ⅰ. What does it mean to reflect on one's teaching? In the early twentieth century, John Dewey recognized the fact that most people and most teachers do not know how to use reflection as a tool for changing their classrooms, their lives and our societies.  相似文献   

Passage 1 I have two good friends. They are twins. One day I go to their home after school. They have a very nice bedroom. The room is new. A map of China is on the wall. A nice picture is on the wall, too. In the picture there are hills and a river with a boat on it. A big desk is beside the bed. Two chairs are behind the desk. Their books and pens are on the desk. Their school bags are behind the chairs. They have a cat. It's under the desk. The cat looks like a hat. A light (灯) is on the desk.  相似文献   

The wintry winds had already begunto whistle and the waves to risewhen the Drake and his mate gath—ered their half-grown brood together on the shore of their far northern lake. “Wife.”said he,“it iS now time to take the children southward,to the Warm Countries which they have never yet seen!”Very early the next morning they set out on their long journey,forming a great“V”against the sky in their flight.The mother led her flock and the father broughtup the rear,keeping a sharp lookout for stragglers.  相似文献   

金雪飞 《海外英语》2012,(20):282-284
The Piano Lesson mainly focuses on the conflict caused by two opposite attitudes towards the heirloom-piano.The sister Berniece is determined to keep the piano and guard it,for she considers it as the " sacred icon" of the sacrificial history of her family.While the brother Boy Willie tries every way to sell it,desiring to make a fortune by buying a farm and work on it.Both attitudes have their limitations respectively,which forces the siblings to turn to the traditional way to solve the conflict.They then realize how to use the piano-the symbol of history and cultural legacy.That is to keep it and use it.  相似文献   

A Rude Girl     
Helen lived in a small village two months ago.Her fa-ther had a small farm and worked hard on it with his wife.They didn't have enough food for their family.So they couldnot take the little girl to school.  相似文献   

This article will firstly review literature about the readers’ prior knowledge and its roles in reading comprehension.Secondly,it will explore the kind of prior knowledge which should ESL tertiary students have in their English reading comprehension.Thirdly,the essay will describe a research among the ESL tertiary students from China about their views on the relationship between prior knowledge and reading comprehension.  相似文献   

According to the development of linguistics and language teaching,it can be inferred that various linguistic theories have played a significance role in language teaching.Considering the demands of society on the language teaching,it seems that Systematic-Functional(SF) Grammar benefits more in today’s language teaching.In this paper,the four core ideas of system,multi-levels,functions,and context and their inspirations on language teaching are talked about.  相似文献   

通过问卷调查,比较不同背景变量和环境变量下小学班主任班级管理专业知能差异情形,结果表明,小学班主任班级管理专业知能一般,学校规模对班主任的整体班级管理知能存在显著影响,性别、年龄、学历对班主任的整体班级管理专业知能不存在显著影响,但是在其具体各层面存在显著影响。  相似文献   

This article provides a model for the professional development of elementary science teachers. The model focused on integrating different domains of knowledge into science teaching, including the knowledge of the science curriculum, especially scientific inquiry, teachers knowledge, and students knowledge. The two case studies in this article revealed that the teachers construct their knowledge in a social context. The constant reflections on the experiences helped them to generate alternative teaching approaches. The findings suggest that the model of the project had two functions. First, it provides a useful strategy to help science teachers to bridge the gap between theories of teaching and their own teaching practices. Second, it provides a social learning environment for learning how to teach science.  相似文献   

中国人崇拜战神关羽,实质是对关羽所代表的忠义精神的欣赏,并不是说中国人更喜欢战争;古希腊人对战神阿瑞斯的崇拜时间不长,后来更多的是赞美代表生产和贸易的狩猎女神阿尔特弥斯和赫尔墨斯,这也不是说西方人更热爱和平。中西方对各自战神的不同态度,源于中西方的战神有不同的文化内涵。只有通过文化交流和相互学习,人类文明才有可能和谐相处,避免冲突。  相似文献   

对一个改进的基于中国剩余定理的群签名方案进行安全性分析,指出方案不可抵御伪造攻击,群中心或群中成员即使不知道其他成员的签名密钥也可伪造其签名;同时指出验证者在验证签名有效性的同时也可以判断出签名者,不满足群签名的性质,因此不是一个真正意义上的群签名.  相似文献   

案例研究与具体的教育教学工作相结合,工作、教学与研究一体化,着眼于解决教育教学过程中出现的真实的问题,强调实践与反思,强调合作与分享,最终目标是调整与改进教师的教育教学行为,增加教师的实践智慧;案例研究是开放的,允许研究者从各个侧面对案例作多元解读;案例研究是有限制的,不能指望通过案例研究就能解决所有问题,更不能不顾特定的历史条件、背景而把有限制的对案例的认识和解读推而广之,无限扩大;新一轮课程改革实验区的教育科研应该兼顾好实践性、创造性和指引性,在行动研究的基础上走向案例研究。  相似文献   

备课过程中,一定要“备”学生。然而在实际备课活动中,许多老师却并没有考虑到这一点,对学生学情缺乏深入细致的了解、思考与探究。本文在提倡“备”学生的基础上,提出如何去“备”学生和怎样“备”好学生的建议。  相似文献   

文章立足于声乐美学,提出目前我国歌唱评价中存在的问题及其影响;并以普通观众的审美需要为基础,对歌唱者应具备的演唱素质谈了一点自己的看法并列举了一些具体的做法,希望能对歌唱评价领域产生一点影响,同时对声乐教学以及实践有所助益。  相似文献   

The man is a blue collar worker. He tells the story of his nine year old daughter. She said that the only thing she really wanted for Christmas was a pair of Vidal Sassoon Jeans. He explained to her that they really weren't wealthy enough to afford $40 jeans. Maybe Levis would do. “Forget it,” she said. “If I can't have what I want, I don't want anything.”

The man said that they saved up and got her the Sassoon jeans for Christmas. “But you know,” he mused, “she judges the others in her class on what kind of designer jeans they have. They form cliques based on their clothes. It's their way of being somebody, being acceptable, being ‘in’.”  相似文献   

企业竞争靠实力,实力竞争靠产品,产品竞争靠名牌。本文从调查分析尼奥普兰公司实施名牌战略存在的问题入手,从企业文化角度对金华尼奥普兰客车品牌塑造的相关问题,如进行科学的市场定位,调整原有的宣传内容和方式,赋予它特有的企业文化和人文情怀等进行了探讨。  相似文献   

Our data have shown that physical aggression has an extreme psychological effect on the student body of American secondary schools; it creates a subgroup of youngsters so adversely affected by fear as to merit the often-misused label of socially disadvantaged. This study has discovered that fearful youngsters differ importantly from others by virtue of much more than simple avoidance patterns. More than others, apprehensive youth tend to dislike their school, their teachers, and their fellow students. They see themselves as suspicious of their surroundings and helpless to modify conditions of a game which appears beyond their control.  相似文献   

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