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应用CMMI模型改进软件项目开发流程   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
CMMI(软件能力成熟度)模型集成已经成为软件过程改进的标准模型,本文针对中小型软件项目应用CMMI改进软件过程中出现的问题,结合CMMI各级标准,提出了中小型软件项目应用CMMl模型的实施方案和指导步骤。  相似文献   

This article describes and shares an innovative pedagogical practice that holds promise in contributing to the teaching and learning of proportions in middle school. The teaching and learning of mathematics with understanding framework was used as a vehicle to help 21 seventh grade students reason proportionally. The findings of this unit suggest that the classroom culture, which encouraged the students to make connections between their existing and new ideas and reflecting and communicating their thinking, contributed to their emerging understanding of proportions. The use of an authentic and non-routine task involving liquid measurements also heightened their interest, curiosity and enthusiasm, thereby contributing to their excitement about the mathematics they were learning.  相似文献   

The inherent spatial complexity of the human cerebral ventricular system, coupled with its deep position within the brain, poses a problem for conceptualizing its anatomy. Cadaveric dissection, while considered the gold standard of anatomical learning, may be inadequate for learning the anatomy of the cerebral ventricular system; even with intricate dissection, ventricular structures remain difficult to observe. Three-dimensional (3D) computer reconstruction of the ventricular system offers a solution to this problem. This study aims to create an accurate 3D computer reconstruction of the ventricular system with surrounding structures, including the brain and cerebellum, using commercially available 3D rendering software. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans of a male cadaver were segmented using both semiautomatic and manual tools. Segmentation involves separating voxels of different grayscale values to highlight specific neural structures. User controls enable adding or removing of structures, altering their opacity, and making cross-sectional slices through the model to highlight inner structures. Complex physiologic concepts, such as the flow of cerebrospinal fluid, are also shown using the 3D model of the ventricular system through a video animation. The model can be projected stereoscopically, to increase depth perception and to emphasize spatial relationships between anatomical structures. This model is suited for both self-directed learning and classroom teaching of the 3D anatomical structure and spatial orientation of the ventricles, their connections, and their relation to adjacent neural and skeletal structures.  相似文献   

建筑信息模型(BIM)在国内的开发过程,本质上也是国内工程项目管理理念的完善过程。作为连接策划、设计、施工、运营的重要信息系统,建筑信息模型(BIM)发挥了推动工程各阶段人员交流互动的重要作用。不仅提高了工程的效率与质量,而且体现了建设工程全寿命周期管理的理念。由建筑工程业兴盛起来的建筑信息模型系统,最早是在美国出现,至2007年以后,才开始在国内建设项目中得到运用。国内建筑工程全寿命周期管理水平的提高,固然离不开建筑信息模型(BIM)等科技力量的发展,但更重要的是到实际建筑工程中去不断探索,二者均为国内工程项目管理发展不可忽视的诱导动因,当然也是其研究与创新的重要力量。  相似文献   

高校德育工程的构建是一项复杂的系统工程,涉及到德育教育的方方面面,既有德育理论层面和总体目标内容的规划,又包含德育实践层面和具体工作模式方法的确定。文章旨在讨论我们必须站在世纪的高度,以改革创新的精神把这一事关民族兴旺、事业长存的大事做实、做细的方法。  相似文献   

在虚拟实验室建设中融入游戏化学习概念   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
虚拟实验实是游戏化学习概念进入实际应用的最佳起点。阐述了考虑在虚拟实验室建设中融入游戏化学习概念的原因后,分析了目前虚拟实验室的一些使用情况,探讨了虚拟实验室在加入游戏化学习概念后的一些优势,并提出了初步的构建设想,最后对游戏化虚拟实验室使用可能出现的重要问题作了提醒。  相似文献   

This article proposes the use of virtual realities (VR) in environmental education. It also presents the first results of an application to the phenomenon of eutrophication in lakes. Although our virtual environments are not immersive, they give the opportunity to students and educators to develop their own worlds and understand the population dynamics in a lake. The learning environment can be manipulated and controlled in a powerful way, enhancing students experiences leading to knowledge construction, and sensitizing students to current environmental problems. Our pedagogical approach is to build a theoretical model for virtual learning environments, expanding constructivism and combining it with experiential learning. Our operational and practical approach is to exploit the characteristics of desktop VR systems in virtual learning environments  相似文献   

智能建筑综合布线系统在施工前要进行完善的方案设计。本文主要从设计综合布线系统方案应该遵循的原则与标准,以及设计方案的主要内容和应注意的问题等方面介绍了制作智能建筑综合布线系统方案的方法。  相似文献   

This account of practice encompasses a pilot virtual action learning programme with a small group of learners. This was an 18-month extension to the one-week Leadership Open Programme that the participants had previously completed at the Business School. It includes insights from an evaluation study completed in early 2016. It considers in particular the following issues: the structuring of a virtual event; the significance of maintaining continuity of learning; the need for commonality of reference points about leadership in order to enhance it; the selection of problems by participants; whether leadership development itself is a ‘wicked problem’ and the role and skills required of the tutor to add value to the learning experience. Amongst other benefits, the participants found the chance to build relationships broke down the loneliness of leadership and greatly enhanced their learning. These issues will be explored further in a review planned for early 2017.  相似文献   

It is said that improving movement habits is effective way to solve the problem of obesity. However, there are many people who are unable to form a habit of exercising for reasons, such as "feeling troublesome to go to the gym" and "getting sick of exercise at home due to the monotony". Previous researches have proposed systems that provide virtual reality environment for enjoying interactive exercising. In this paper, the authors describe a virtual tennis system that can control a game mode to let a user maintain an appropriate exercise load based on an estimation of the user's heart rate state. The author has created a Bayesian network model for heart rate state estimation. The probabilities of heart rate states can be calculated by using the model, and then the heart rate state which has the highest probability is selected as an estimation result. The author has evaluated the virtual tennis system experimentally and ascertained the effectiveness of the system to appropriate exercise load maintenance.  相似文献   

This study evaluated the effects of South Korea’s Brain Korea 21 (BK 21) project, a special research funding program designed to build world-class research university. The effects were measured by examining the frequency of article publications in SCI journals during the 1995–2005 period. The results of the analysis indicated that the growth of research publications from Korean research universities was increased significantly following the implementation of the BK 21 project in 1999. In addition, during the period under study, four research universities (Yonsei, Korea, Sungkyunkwan, and Hanyang) were newly emerged. However, the growth rate of research publications was not different from that of the US and Japan, and even less than that of China. Thus, although the BK 21 project contributed to the growth of research publications of Korean universities, the project did not lessen the gap between Korea universities and world-class research universities in the US or Japan in number of publications.  相似文献   

This paper explores how learning and teaching innovations undertaken by externally funded projects, with a fixed remit and lifecycle, can be integrated successfully into institutional educational developments. The example and methods of one particular project, in embedding its work within and relating it to the context of wider, nationally-promoted educational designs, is utilized to illustrate the possibilities for fostering institutional change. Such change relies upon working to promote a climate whose norms support a culture of trust, where team-working can forge a broader ownership of innovation  相似文献   

We describe the efforts of a curriculum development team to create computerized virtual creatures for biology education. The original purpose was to create a virtual frog that biology students could dissect on computer. As the project developed, the vision changed radically. Instead of a virtual creature, the team created a virtual world, Frog Island, that contained a wealth of resources in various media for learning about the biology of frogs. The impetus for the shift from Virtual Frog to Frog Island came from a series of design studies in which the team discovered that the original vision did not match the needs of students and teachers. On the basis of this experience, we make a case for the value of early design studies in the development of educational innovations.  相似文献   


This study was carried out within the framework of a long-term action-research project in schools in Barcelona, Spain, in which a large concentration of pupils come from diverse ethnic backgrounds and are at risk of social exclusion. Specifically, the introduction of the Fifth Dimension (5D) model into these schools is analysed here. 5D is an action-research programme partnership between universities and schools that has been developed by an international network of researchers and is based on a collaborative learning model, supported by information and communication technologies and by the university students themselves. This study focuses on the changes produced in school practices and in the role of teachers. Over a 4-year period, qualitative data were elicited from four primary school using linguistic methods, field notes, interviews and focus group with educators involved in the process. Cultural Historical Activity Theory was used as a framework for analysis of the coded data. The findings highlight the key elements for the change: consistency in the mediating devices (proposed tools and activities), reorientation of classroom interactions into forms of collaboration, the changing roles of the teachers to include design, observation and help, and the development of inter-institutional partnerships based on permanent negotiation.  相似文献   

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