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Work has been going forward on the development of a frame of reference for locating and invoking digital information services and objects over communication systems and pathways having computational capabilities. An important concept in this context is the notion of a “digital object” as a set of sequences of bits, including a unique identifier for the object called a “handle”. A digital object may incorporate digital works and other digital information in which copyright, patent, trade secret and other rights or interests are claimed, although this need not always be the case. To take full advantage of the global information infrastructure, it is helpful for a commercial enterprise to develop a flexible terminology for thinking about digital information from a copyright perspective; in this regard, the concept of “digital work” is suggested. Clearance of rights and interests in connection with the “contents” of digital objects may be treated separately from compliance with procedures for accessing digital objects viewed as entities that incorporate and identify contents. A suggested legal framework is discussed.  相似文献   

书香中国、谷歌数字图书馆等国内外商业性数字图书馆项目都在探索适合自身的版权解决模式,同时为了自身的商业利益,对自有版权资源的免费使用加以限制。有鉴于此,建议我国公益性数字图书馆在制定版权的解决方式时应突出公益性的特点,开发出更多的免费阅读项目以满足个性化读者的信息需求。  相似文献   

当前,手机已成为继报刊、广播、电视、互联网之后被公众所广泛认知的"第五媒体",即手机媒体。手机媒体内容作为无可置疑的著作权法涵盖客体是手机媒体传播的主要对象,其信息网络传播权因手机媒体传播方式的多样性而受到巨大威胁。手机媒体内容信息网络传播权研究是著作权法学理论应用于手机媒体领域中的一项重要课题。文章以手机媒体内容的作品性为研究基点,探讨其信息网络传播权的内涵与特征,进而界定了常见的侵权行为。  相似文献   

探讨了网络环境下版权保护与数字献浏览权之间的关系,认为过分保护版权人的利益不利于知识信息的交流与传播。应该在保护版权人利益与满足广大社会公众的需求之间寻求平衡点。  相似文献   

借助区块链技术对数字图书馆数字版权进行全链条管理,不仅有助于增强馆方数字资源服务的公正性、经济性与合法性,还可持续提高数字版权主体收益。清华大学数字图书馆基于区块链技术的数字版权管理实践,在管理理念、方法与技术等方面形成了独特的比较优势:创建基于分布式存储技术的版权确权机制,确保数字版权利益相关者权责利对等;应用基于一致性哈希算法的收益分配模式,促进数字版权资源优化配置;打造基于智能合约的数字版权众包式监管平台,有效规制数字版权侵权行为。该做法对提升数字图书馆数字版权区块链管理效能具有重要的启示意义。  相似文献   

[目的/意义]通过对美国孤儿作品版权立法进程的分析,总结其成功的经验,为我国孤儿作品的研究与立法提供参考。[方法/过程]从利益平衡理念、历史演进、利益博弈及路径选择等方面系统梳理美国孤儿作品版权立法的状况,分析其版权立法的特点。[结果/结论]孤儿作品立法应围绕权利许可而展开,基于利益衡平理念,丰富合理使用的制度内涵,实现“勤勉查找”之主观标准客观化,将孤儿作品纳入集体管理制度的管理范围并引入延伸性集体许可制度,以期实现著作权制度所不懈追求的价值理性。  相似文献   

数字图书馆的合理使用问题探析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
李岱素 《图书馆论坛》2005,25(4):229-230
数字图书馆在著作权保护方面遇到了新的问题。对此,我们必须辩证地加以分析:一方面要遵循著作权法的规定,保护着权利人的利益,而另一方面又要协调好权利人和社会公众利益的平衡。通过规范合理使用的规定,限制权利人,有助于促进数字图书馆的发展,最终保护社会公众的利益。  相似文献   

The inextricably linked concepts of “information” and “information communication” are discussed. Information about some entity is defined as details about its properties reflected in material processes and objects or in the response of systems with purposeful activity. It is asserted that information is manifested only in the process of information communication. The steps of this process are considered. In particular, the processes of information transfer studied by C. Shannon are presented as elements of the stage of reflection of information communication. The aspects of “information support” of typical processes of activity, inherent in a particular subject domain, that must be recognized and studied, are determined. The list of the basic concepts connected with the concept of “information” is given.  相似文献   

为落实联合国2030年可持续发展目标,国际图联与一些国际组织共同发起“图书馆致力数字包容”的共同承诺和“行动呼吁”,国内外图书馆界领导及知名专家学者就“图书馆与数字包容”进行了讨论。饶权指出,随着现代技术的发展,数字鸿沟问题日益突显。中国国家图书馆研究提出建设“全国智慧图书馆体系”的工作思路,以期引领带动各级公共图书馆全面实现智慧转型,在促进数字包容方面发挥更加积极的作用;克里斯汀·麦肯齐阐述了国际图联在支持联合国2030年议程和可持续发展目标方面的工作,特别是目标第16条:“构建和平与包容的社会,使人人享有公正,提高政府机构效率和能力,强调政府和图书馆必须成为数字包容的积极推动者”;杰拉德·莱特纳指出,促进数字包容的任何努力都需要考虑三个方面——互联、内容和能力。缺乏任何一个方面,都不可能完全实现数字包容。图书馆作为社区中心的公共空间、内容的储存空间和门户,以及经验丰富的信息素养教育者,在更广泛的政府战略中都可以发挥自己独特的作用;陈超指出,历史和现实、理论和实践早就告诉我们,公共图书馆肩负着促进人类社会包容性发展的义不容辞的使命。为此公共图书馆必须承担起“弥合数字鸿沟,促进数字包容”的社会责任,让每一个人有机会上网、为每一个人赋能、让每一个人能平等获取信息知识;吴建中认为,我国图书馆界应积极配合国际图联的呼吁与倡议,并发出我国图书馆界强有力的声音。第一,大力宣传我国在保障公民获取基本公共文化服务权益方面的政策及举措。第二,积极推广互联网和数字技术在图书馆的应用。第三,继续提升媒介和信息素养服务的质量;于良芝从个人信息世界的概念出发思考数字鸿沟现象及图书馆的作用,揭示了数字鸿沟的复杂性及社会包容与数字包容的互为条件性,认为这为公共图书馆参与数字包容建设开辟了更广阔的空间;肖珑表示,支持国际图联(IFLA)关于数字包容声明的提出,中国高校图书馆应清醒地认识到信息贫富分化问题的存在,并努力缩小地区差距,保护不同群体利益,促进高等教育的内涵式发展;阿曼达·里德与金·汤普森认为,当危机、变革和挑战来临之际,也是我们努力前行之时,并以一所美国图书馆为例,显示了在新冠疫情这样的危机面前,公共图书馆如何满足当地居民需要,支持社区朝着更加数字包容的社会可持续地发展;金武刚认为,图书馆应当加强科普功能,开发新媒体产品,融入公共传播平台,帮助社会民众辨别网络信息真伪,查询获取正确信息,解决数字包容深层次问题;吴丹与刘静基于技术环境变化的背景,以人与技术的交互为焦点,从“技术→人”与“人→技术”两条路径对数字包容内涵进行扩展并提出了图情领域工作的发展策略。  相似文献   

In order to analyze and compare the intellectual structure of information organization research in Japan and Korea, this study has carried out frequency analysis and network text analysis of research articles published in the last two years. Analysis showed that the Japanese information organization area has a high frequency of research centered on the concepts of “catalog” and “classification”. In particular, “catalog” is seen to have a high figure in degree centrality by network text analysis, it can be said that the “catalog” concept has extensive connections with a diverse range of subjects in the area of information organization. On the other hand, the Korean information organization research area showed a high frequency and connectivity of subjects related to “classification” rather than “catalog”. The “classification” concept is seen to have extensive connections with other various subjects in the Korean information organization research area.  相似文献   

刘祥国 《图书馆》2012,(3):89-91,112
信息技术目前已经广泛运用,在这样的时代背景下,图书馆应该做出相应变革,如在不侵害版权人利益的基础上,增加数字图书馆运用版权作品的权利;同时关于版权作品的费用体制也应该适当调整,制定侵权行为的惩罚措施,优化改进著作权团体的管理体制,使版权利益关系符合新时代的要求。  相似文献   

Because of its commitment to keeping the digital contents accessible, institutional repository plays an important role in the long-term preservation of intellectual output of the institution. However, digital preservation in institutional repository is faced with severe legal issues, especially the intellectual property problems. This paper focuses on the copyright issues involved with long-term preservation of digital resource in institutional repositories. It begins with a brief introduction to the relationship between the institutional repository and digital preservation. Based on this background information, the paper analyzes the related laws and regulations in China that affect the long-term preservation of digital resource in institutional repository. Then the authors discuss in details what kind of the copyright risk there may be, if we realize the long-term preservation of digital resource in institutional repositories. There may be different legal hazards, according to the various types of the digital output collected by institutional repository. The paper ends up with several suggestions to avoid the legal risk in digital preservation of institutional repository. Firstly, to utilize fair use is a feasible way. Secondly, also most safely, is to get the permission from the copyright owner. This is involved in the long-term preservation contract and open license.  相似文献   


The writings of Yuk Hui, bringing together both technical and philosophical insights, present a new way of dealing with the digital. The aim of this article is to assess the use of Hui’s theories on digital objects as a critical reframing, looking at the concept of digital records in particular. Two types of ontology are needed in order to understand digital objects according to Hui: (1) ontologies which relates to the technical language and hierarchies of knowledge representation, like metadata; (2) Ontology, which is a question of being-in-the-tradition of Heidegger’s phenomenology, the understanding of what it is to be in the world. Both are needed to account for the nature of the digital object. Further, digital objects are produced and constituted through their relations, which can be divided into discursive (technical and logical) and existential (the understanding of being-in-the-world) relations. Different conceptions of digital records are discussed, in order to find commonalities and possibilities in relation to Hui’s theory. The digital record as a process of becoming, information as affordance, and temporality are related to and structured through the application of Hui’s perspective. The article ends with the contribution of a possible redefinition of digital records: a digital record is constituted and concretised as material by discursive and existential relations that taken together function as a persistent representation. Hui’s theory is suggested as a set of coordinates for further thinking and a method for critical reading of digital records.


STM represents 250 publishing companies and learned societies, and recognizes that the advent of digital networks affects authors, publishers, librarians, and readers. Dialogue between publishers and librarians is essential to creating the sense of partnership and open-mindedness needed to meet the future needs of scholarship and research. Publishers and librarians have complementary roles and responsibilities, serving the same needs and facing similar challenges. The interests of publishers and librarians need to be rebalanced in order to seize the benefits of digital information flow. Legislation provides a framework of copyright, privacy, competition, and consumer law that protects against misuse while facilitating the flow of information from author to reader. If laws need to be amended, such changes should be made on the basis of the mutual agreement of all members of the community. There is much to be achieved without legislative change. Neither publishers nor librarians should shy away from the issues that divide them, especially the scope of fair use and the exchange of copyright information between libraries. A more detailed analysis of the impact of copyright exemptions is needed. The development of a predictable licensing environment and the testing of new business models requires co-operation between publishers and librarians, and leads to better mutual understanding. STM seeks dialogue with libraries and with other members of the research and scholarly communities in order to meet the challenges, opportunities, and expectations created by the digital environment.  相似文献   

数字图书馆版权保护的博弈分析   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11       下载免费PDF全文
数字图书馆的版权保护 ,旨在平衡著作权人、数字图书馆和读者的利益。从博弈理论角度看 ,数字图书馆的版权保护 ,以及数字图书馆向读者收费是必要的 ,应受到法律保护。图 4。参考文献 6。  相似文献   

The “Internet of Things” is a popular buzzword but a poorly understood concept. In short, it refers to everyday objects that can sense the environment around them and communicate that data to other objects and services via the Internet. This column will briefly explain what the Internet of Things is and how it might be useful for libraries. It will also discuss some of the problems with and objections to this technology. A list of currently available Internet of Things examples is also included.  相似文献   

BackgroundDuring the COVID-19 pandemic, students have trouble coping with the available health information regarding the coronavirus in their daily lives because of misinformation.ObjectivesThe aim of this study was to evaluate online health information seeking and digital health literacy among information and learning resources undergraduate students at Taibah University during the COVID-19 pandemic.MethodsTo investigate the primary goal, this study used a simultaneous exploratory mixed methods design. Seventeen students participated in phone interviews, and 306 were invited to complete an online survey.AnalysisThe collected data was analyzed using both quantitative (SPSS) and qualitative (NVivo 10) methods.ResultsSearch engines, social media, and YouTube were most often used by the respondents as sources to search for COVID-19-related information. COVID-19 symptoms, restrictions, and the current spread of COVID-19 were the most searched topics by the respondents. Significant and relevant differences emerged for the digital health literacy subscales “information search” and “adding self-generated content”. However, there were no significant differences in the digital health literacy subscale “determining relevance”.ConclusionUsing the internet to provide health information tailored to the needs and interests of students to seek health information online and thereby improve their health literacy.  相似文献   

This article reports on the results of a national survey of academic librarians and library staff (N = 226) in the United States about their awareness of various copyright policies, partnerships with campus groups to address copyright issues, and training needs. A majority of the survey respondents reported that they have answered copyright-related questions in the workplace, yet only 49% (n = 98) of the respondents perceived they were prepared to provide copyright information to library users. Awareness of various copyright policies among librarians and staff members varied, including a reported minimal awareness of the T.E.A.C.H. Act. In addition, survey respondents expressed the desire for more copyright-related training. In light of these findings, the present study extends the existing literature and offers recommendations to help better prepare a “copyright confident” or “copyright responsive” academic library workforce.  相似文献   

The authors discuss the principles of “access for all” in museums, both physical and intellectual access. They explore this question of multisensory processing in neurologically typical individuals, and case studies of two Portuguese museums that experimented with implementation of an “access for all” approach to the presentation of their permanent collections. The study was designed with three phases: addressing architectural barriers to access, preparation of accessible information about space and objects, and testing of alternative formats to convey this information to learn how to meet diverse needs in different ways. Set in the context of research on multisensory learning, this article discusses why an access for all principle is a majority issue as well as a moral and legal concept. It discusses two case studies where an “access for all” museological approach has been applied to access to the collections, with differing success. The discussion focuses on how an “access for all” approach could enhance learning, long‐term memorability and the ‘cultural value’ of a museum experience for all visitors.  相似文献   

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