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档案行政执法监督是档案工作依法行政的重要保障、我国档案行政执法监督体系尚不完善,文章分析了档案行政执法监督体系存在的问题,并提出了档案行政执法监督体系完善的重点.  相似文献   

中国少数民族档案史既是中国档案事业史的分支,又是中国少数民族史学的部门史.但迄今为止,对这门边缘学科的创建问题尚未引起档案界学人的关注,属于一项填补空白的课题.这项课题难点虽多,但意义重大,亟待开展研究.一、中国少数民族档案史研究亟待开展中国少数民族档案史是一个边缘学科,它既是中国档案史的分支学科,又是中国少数民族史学的部门史,同时又和民族学、人类学、宗教学、史料学、文献学、古籍学、文物学、考古学等学科有着密切的关系,具有明显的跨学科性质,研究中国少数民族档案史,要充分利用中国民族史、民族史料学、边疆考古学等学科的研究成果,深入挖掘古代各民族的档案史料、出土文物,以补充中国少数民族档案史文献资料的不足,并提供实物见证.中国少数民族档案史有着广阔的发展空间,关键问题是如何在前人研究的基础上,对少数民族档案史的整体构架、研究范围、研究视角、研究资料及发展脉络等,进行较为宏观的整合和描述,梳理历史史实,分析历史现象,阐述历史特点,总结历史规律,而系统地收集整理有关少数民族档案史的资料尤其重要.  相似文献   

经典文献是史学尤其是思想史研究的主流资源。档案文献对弥补思想史研究资料之不足具有独特作用,体现在,一是可以弥补思想史链条演变的缺环,二是对于再现已经逝去的思想世界有特殊的价值,三是可以利用档案文献来考察思想与社会的互动。在对思想的文本历程、观念历程和社会历程分析的基础上,我们可以充分利用档案文献的独到优势,使之更好地为思想史研究服务。  相似文献   


Archives are preserved records of human activities. An account of Chinese archival development is as long as the written records of the Chinese history. Oracle bones, bronze ware, and wood and bamboo strips are the three most important recording forms of the early Chinese civilization, as they represented three major stages of archival development in China. Early Chinese archival documents were exclusively administrative records of the state. The basic guiding principles of archival organization throughout ancient China were the essential, imperial orders of the feudal society. This article presents a brief account of the Chinese imperial archives and its administration from the beginning of the Chinese civilization to the end of the Qing Dynasty, the last empire in the Chinese history.  相似文献   

口述历史、口述档案是近年来在档案学术刊物上使用频率颇高的两个词汇,这标志着档案界对口述历史收集工作的关注,反映出档案馆人从事口述历史的文化自觉。最近,糜栋炜先生在《北京档案》[1],从分析口述历史、口述档案两个概念入手,判断口述历史“已经超越了现阶段我国档案工作的边界。”乍一研读其推理,其超越边界的论断也不无道理,但细细思考一下,便发现糜栋炜先生的推断还是错了。关于口述历史、口述档案的概念以及口述历史、口述档案之间的关系,糜栋炜先生说:“口述历史,是通过走访历史事件当事人,或与当事人一起工作、生活过的人,把他们…  相似文献   

本文结合文献计量分析法和文献研读法,对2022年《档案学研究》和《档案学通讯》所刊发的207篇学术论文进行研究力量布局与研究主题分布分析,并与2021年分析结果相比较,发现高等院校仍是档案学研究的主体力量,来自业界的研究力量有所增强。2022年中国档案学研究依旧关注“档案学基础理论”“档案治理”“档案与数字人文”“电子文件”“中国古文书学”等主题,但也涌现了“红色档案”和“档案学科建设与发展”等新主题;研究特点上呈现显著的本土化和跨学科性,但在关注“人”的需求、跨学科的双向互动以及研究深度上仍有待加强。未来中国档案学研究仍需立足中国档案工作的实际和需求,对从西方移植的理论进行本土化、中国化的过滤和处理,对中国传统的档案思想进行创新性转化和发展,同时,基于档案工作、档案事业发展的新实践和新需求,提出新的思想和理论。  相似文献   

Nine years ago, I did not imagine listing gender issues as one of my core research interests. Now I cannot imagine my research revolving around anything else. The way I study gender though, has taken a rather startling turn away from women to focus (sometimes uncomfortably) on men. What follows is an argument about why studying men and masculinities can make us better librarians. I argue that studying men broadly is important, and librarians should explore methods and strategies for studying a specific type of men: well-educated, white men with established careers in libraries. While my narrative is highly personal, it is based on 9 years of research and reflection about how librarians discuss gender and professional identity.  相似文献   

对中国古代档案史丛书史料展开具体研究,有利于展现丛书史料价值的独特性。整体概述、择要介绍丛书史料,归纳得出中国古代丛书保存档案史史料的优势与局限性。谈及丛书史料应用情况,主要对丛书史料的双重属性问题和丛书史料的应用量、应用书籍以及误引书名问题做具体分析。总体来说,丛书中的档案史史料内容较丰富,价值较高,仍有较大发掘空间。  相似文献   

The author, a professor at Simmons College in Boston, Massachusetts, discusses the use of selected archival literature to nurture an appraisal mindset, particularly within the American context. She then addresses in some detail types of appraisal case studies and the variety of ways that they may be used as teaching tools.  相似文献   

A review of the archival literature, including records and information management, indicates that archivists’ have shown over the last two decades an interest in program evaluation. The sparceness of the literature on the subject suggests a gap in an articulate body of knowledge, based on solid theoretical and methodological foundations, for evaluation of archival programs and activities. However, if they have not particularly investigated the subject from a theoretical perspective, archivists have developed in their different organizations and working environment practical knowledge of and experience with program evaluation. In large corporations as well as in public bureaucracies, they have been part of or subjected to specific or generic program evaluation initiatives conducted by internal and external evaluators. But archivists might need now to go some steps further and to look from a critical perspective at what is needed in order to get full benefit from program evaluation.  相似文献   

从历史的角度,探讨在图书馆发展史教学中应当加以更正的几个问题.  相似文献   

This article introduces a group of articles on the history of paper and issues of scarcity in the history of newspapers and news media generally. The articles discussed share a concern with the parallels between paper scarcities in newspaper history and spectrum scarcities in broadcast history. This introductory essay comments on the similarities and differences between the two kinds of scarcity and comments more broadly on the rise and fall of bottlenecks in media systems, paying attention both to how scholars have discussed materialities of media communication and how legacy news media in the digital era have encountered a new competitive landscape.  相似文献   

档案整理编目的高质量是档案馆工作的重要基础,是档案馆工作水平的主要标志之一。目前,面对档案整理编目中存在的诸多问题,一些档案馆又想起了老办法——从区分全宗和全宗内档案分类开始,对馆藏档案重新进行系统的整理与编目。档案馆不比机关、团体和中小企业、事业单位,馆藏档案虽然为数不太多,但也不是一个小数,全部重新进行系统整理编目,必定会旷日持久,给馆内其他工作特别是开发利用工作造成严重影响。况且,由于对全宗理论理解的不同,什么样的单位的档案应为一个全宗,一个单位在不同历史阶段的档案是否划分全宗,各档案馆有所不同,只要做到了从出处立本,确保了同一来源档案的联系和完整,也不需强求统一。因此,对馆藏全部档案重新进行分类整理和编目完全没有必要,应当用新事新办、旧事特办的方法,提高档案整理编目质量,把更多的时间用到开发利用档案资源及档案信息化建设上来。  相似文献   

高校学生档案管理三阶段   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
江泽民同志曾指出:“档案工作是一项基础工作,有很多问题没有档案说不清楚,要狠抓这项工作。如果不重视这个问题,将来我们要负历史责任。”对于一个院校来说,学生档案管理尤为重要,档案管理的好坏直接影响着学校的声誉,也直接影响着学生个人的命运。针对学生档案的部门归属问题,有的学院成立有档案馆或档案室,有的在学生处、教务处等处室下设专门的学生档案管理科,还有的学院直接由各系分管本系学生档案。但目前现实情况是,不管归哪个部门管理,学生档案管理还或多或少地存在一些问题,没有真正做到为学生本人服务,为就业单位服务,为学校服务。有的学校领导不够重视,学生档案内容空洞不全,用人单位不能通过档案迅速了解到学生的各个方面,给用人单位带来不便,有的学校不能及时地将档案传递到用人单位,从而影响了学生的就业上岗。这就削弱了档案的服务功能,没有真正起到档案的服务作用。如何克服这些弊端,我想应该从以下三个环节抓好高校学生的档案管理:  相似文献   

我国台湾地区图书资讯与档案学起源于武昌文华图专。文章采用LDA主题模型分析法,以2009-2018年间出版的1,326篇期刊论文、1,288篇博硕学位论文、342项研究计划、1,271种专书与会议论文集作为研究对象,从文献数量、核心作者、主题分布、主题演化4个方面探讨台湾地区图书资讯与档案学的发展现状与趋势,并从图书馆参考服务研究、电子资源与资讯系统研究、数位典藏研究、数位学习与资讯素养研究、电子书与数位阅读研究,以及资讯需求与资讯行为研究6大研究主题对近10年学科领域发展状况进行详细论述,为海峡两岸学术交流提供参考。研究发现,资讯科技的出现带动了数位典藏、数位学习、数位阅读等数位化研究的发展,推动了图书馆服务项目的转型升级,凸显出以资讯使用者为体、资讯服务为用的学科理念,以及学科研究融入社会的趋势。  相似文献   

历史分期问题是现当代图书馆史研究的核心问题,本文探讨一种“国史”与“图书馆史”融合的历史分期。图书馆史分期与“国史”分期既有一致性也有差异。依据政治因素、经济因素、技术因素和图书馆自身发展的特点,将现当代图书馆史划分为“六阶段”:11949—1956年,新中国图书馆事业创建与初步发展时期;21957—1965年,新中国图书馆事业曲折发展时期;31966—1976年,图书馆事业在“文化大革命”中受到严重破坏的非常时期;41977—1989年,我国图书馆在改革开放中快速发展的新时期;51990—1999年,图书馆向现代化转型时期;62000—2009年,图书馆事业大发展大繁荣时期。这一分期的创新性在于吸纳了“国史”分期的重要标准和依据,同时又从图书馆自身发展的特点和规律出发,以每一阶段图书馆的历史性进步作为图书馆史分期的依据。参考文献16。  相似文献   

Terry Cook 《Archival Science》2005,5(2-4):101-161
Macroappraisal as developed in Canada has had significant currency in archival literature over the past decade, and aspects of its program and ideas have been implemented in other jurisdictions. For the first time, this essay probes the theoretical and practical origins of macroappraisal in Canada since 1950 and why its originators no longer found convincing the predominant status quo on appraisal as articulated by T.R. Schellenberg. The essay then summarizes the theory of macroappraisal as articulated at the National Archives of Canada, and the strategic and program infrastructure developed in the 1990s to turn the new theory into operational reality. As no archival concept is universally locked in time, the evolution and changes in the macroappraisal program, both in theory and strategy, are also analysed in its Canadian home base over its first decade, as well as some internal and external criticisms of it. The essay intends to illuminate the deeper context of macroappraisal, so that an international audience may better understand its strengths and weaknesses. As the author is the principal architect of macroappraisal, the essay consists of equal parts of archival history, theoretical analysis, and personal reflection.  相似文献   

“Macroappraisal, the next frontier” describes a records disposition pilot project which was based on a refinement of the current macroappraisal methodology in use at Library and Archives Canada. Still very much a work in progress, the refined approach builds upon macroappraisal theory and methodology, and this paper presents its application to Fisheries and Oceans Canada, a major federal government department in the Government of Canada. The project focused on providing the institution with total records disposition coverage based on a single archival appraisal and two Records Disposition Authorities. This paper demonstrates the feasibility of appraising records at the mandate level instead of at the function or program level. It also outlines and points to the benefits and advantages of appraising large government institutions intheir totality rather than in smaller, discrete sectors, branches, or divisions. We wish to thank the journal’s readers for their comments on an earlier draft of this article. We also wish to thank Candace Loewen for her insights, comments, and encouragement. Thanks are also extended to our colleagues who commented on various aspects of the project during Library and Archives Canada (LAC) appraisal seminars. Kerry Badgley also wishes to thank Sarah, Paul, and Shannon Badgley for providing a daily reminder of why it is important to document the past.  相似文献   

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