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中基会乃民国时期管理美国退还庚子赔款的机构,将资助中国教育文化事业视为要务.中基会对国立北平图书馆倾注心血尤多,对国立北平图书馆的发展作出了历史性贡献,后人不应忘却.  相似文献   

The National Library of Medicine (NLM) has a broad mission in biomedical information service. There are three major reasons for NLM, as a national institution, having an international program: first, the global nature of disease; second, the international scope of medical literature; and third, the universal goal of better communication. This paper reviews NLM's programs in relation to international medical information exchange: International MEDLARS Centers, collaboration with WHO and PAHO, NLM Special Foreign Currency Program, and development of the NLM collection.  相似文献   

The development of services provided by the National Library of Medicine (NLM), which dates back to 1836, is described. MEDLINE, a database of 10-plus million references and abstracts to the world's biomedical literature, was put on the World Wide Web for free searching in 1997 as a system called PubMed, whose use has grown to over 250 million searches per year. PubMed features a variety of links between MEDLINE references and related information – full-text journal articles, DNA sequence data, medical knowledge bases, etc. – at websites within and outside NLM. PubMed is a major component of a larger NLM system, Entrez, which integrates access to a number of genome-related databases with linking features similar to those of PubMed. The newest linked service, which became a reality in February 2000, is PubMed Central, the National Institutes of Health's free repository for primary research reports in all the life sciences.  相似文献   

The future of the National Library of Medicine will be shaped by a number of scientific, technical, and social influences. Among these are the continuing rapid development of computer technology and storage systems. Artificial intelligence techniques, factual databases, the emergence of medical informatics as a formal discipline, and the development of Integrated Academic Information Management Systems (IAIMS) are also important influences on the direction of the library. Public policy issues will influence the future of NLM--among them, sharing of scientific information between nations and the role of federal agencies in dissemination of information domestically. The formal, long-range plan now being prepared for the library by panels of expert advisers will be a guide for future programs and goals.  相似文献   

As part of a U.S government effort to combat AIDS, the National Library of Medicine (NLM) is expanding its information services in this area. In response to the Health Omnibus Program Extension Act of 1988, NLM has expanded its AIDS Bibliography, enhanced its DIRLINE file with AIDS-related organizations, and developed three new online MEDLARS (Medical Literature Retrieval and Analysis System) databases: AIDSLINE, AIDSTRIALS, and AIDSDRUGS. NLM's AIDS-related programs and services are discussed.  相似文献   

The two decades since the introduction of MEDLARS and the passage of the Medical Library Assistance Act have been especially eventful in the history of the National Library of Medicine. The library's collections and services have grown to keep pace with the expanding health sciences literature and the needs of health professionals. Networking has emerged as an invaluable method for disseminating biomedical information. NLM has assumed new responsibilities for information services in toxicology, pharmacology, and environmental health, and for research and development in biomedical communications. Research now being carried out by NLM has the potential for enhancing the library's archival programs and for improving information dissemination in support of health sciences research, education, and practice.  相似文献   

Recognizing the utility of a regional medical library system in improving the availability of existing and future medical library resources in the country, the Congress included provisions for the support of such a system in the Medical Library Assistance Act. Grants will be made to major medical libraries which have the potential to provide supportive services to other libraries within a geographic area encompassing a major fraction of the nation's health professional manpower. Approximately ten of these regional libraries will receive these grants. Support for the system and consequently the extension of the services of the system will of necessity by implemented in a stepwise fashion. The central function of a regional medical library is to provide back-stopping interlibrary loan service and also to provide access to MEDLARS services for the region. Additional services for the region will include traditional reference service, training, surveillance of regional needs, announcement services, support for programs of continuing education for the health professions, and certain central technical processing for the region.  相似文献   

The future of the National Library of Medicine will be shaped by a number of scientific, technical, and social influences. Among these are the continuing rapid development of computer technology and storage systems. Artificial intelligence techniques, factual databases, the emergence of medical informatics as a formal discipline, and the development of Integrated Academic Information Management Systems (IAIMS) are also important influences on the direction of the library. Public policy issues will influence the future of NLM--among them, sharing of scientific information between nations and the role of federal agencies in dissemination of information domestically. The formal, long-range plan now being prepared for the library by panels of expert advisers will be a guide for future programs and goals.  相似文献   

The two decades since the introduction of MEDLARS and the passage of the Medical Library Assistance Act have been especially eventful in the history of the National Library of Medicine. The library''s collections and services have grown to keep pace with the expanding health sciences literature and the needs of health professionals. Networking has emerged as an invaluable method for disseminating biomedical information. NLM has assumed new responsibilities for information services in toxicology, pharmacology, and environmental health, and for research and development in biomedical communications. Research now being carried out by NLM has the potential for enhancing the library''s archival programs and for improving information dissemination in support of health sciences research, education, and practice.  相似文献   

国立中央图书馆应社会各界之需,适时创设,举措多端,有力地推动了民国教育文化事业的发展。虽然国立中央图书馆存续时间短暂,但它在推动国粹保存、指导全国图书馆事业、积极开展抗战宣传、管理出版品国际交换等方面发挥了重要的作用。  相似文献   

国立中央图书馆筹备处的成立,是南京国民政府建设文化新都的现实要求和国际知识交流的需要,同时也是近代中国中央图书馆思想发展的结果。筹备处存续期间,适值抗战,但该处并不消极,而是在逆境中蓄势,坎坷中奋进。筹备处广泛搜罗文献、规范文献资源建设、影印四库全书、推进抗战事业,在弘扬国学、沟通中西文化中发挥了极其重要的作用。  相似文献   

本文利用网络调查法深入调查了美国国立医学图书馆健康信息服务开展情况。详细介绍了Medline Plus网站线上服务具体内容、网站服务质量的衡量准则和服务特色。以印第安部落健康信息服务推广项目为例总结了美国国立医学图书馆线下推广项目的模式和特色。针对我国公立医学图书馆开展健康信息服务提供了一些启示。  相似文献   

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