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My favourite animal is a big animal. It‘s heaviest in the world.It can weigh tons.It is heavier than any other animal on the land.  相似文献   

The largest animal ever to live on the earth is the blue whale(蓝鲸)It weighs about 80 tons--more than 24 elephants. It is more than 30 metres long. A newborn baby whale weighs as much as a big elephant.  相似文献   

陈娟 《小学生导读》2008,(10):44-44
1 .Red gids,green gids. Some are thin and some are fat. Their belly 15 eool and their heart 15 warm·They ean keeP you warm in the winter. 2.!t‘5 born in the water. It’5 lust atraid of water. It disaPPears without a traee as Iong 85 it‘5 in the Water.  相似文献   

I have a good friend.Look,there's a little dog on the sofa.lt's my favourite animal. It's white,h looks like a snow ball. It has two big eyes and ears. But its nose and mouth are very small. It's very lovely.  相似文献   

The hippopotamus is a big animal. It feeds on plants. It is a hoofed mammal. It has thick, hairless skin, short legs and a large head with an enormous mouth.The hippopotamus is found in and near lakes and rivers in tropical Africa . The Africans call it 'River Horse'. It swims about with its whole body under water, but it keeps its eyes and nostrils above the water at all times. It does this to breathe and look around while it is swimming.  相似文献   

Role-play is recommended as a useful method to solve the problem of oral English teaching. It ’s much more than a performance and it can be considered as a way to vary the kinds of spoken interaction t...  相似文献   

The Sphinx was a make-belive animal of long ago.It had the head of a person, the body of a lion,and the wings of a bird.The Sphinx lived near a city called Thebes.  相似文献   

My Dog     
My favorite animal is a dog.Its name is Dolly.Dolly has white fur.It has two big eyes and two small ears.My mother knits a blue "sweater" for it.Dolly likes eating meat and bones.It likes playing ball on the grassland.I often play with Dolly on Sundays.Dolly is very naughty.I "hate" and love it.One day,I didmy homework.It was very dirty.It came here and tread my notebook.I was angry  相似文献   

1. Hellen Keller had become deaf andblind at the age of one and a half.Strugglingin the world of silence and darkness, sheacted almost like an animal.It was her friendand teacher Annie Sullivan who led her outof darkness.Later Hellen became a famousAmerican blind writer.  相似文献   

Unit 3随堂通     
SteP一、根据句意及首字母提示,完成单词。l(for seetionA) 1.一Exeuse me.Can you show me your driving 1?一Certai记y.Here you are. 2.肠。k at the a In 51,.It says“.Smoking 15 not the museum.”7.__(Make)kites 15 very interesting·8.跳t me see your__(drive) lieense. 9.He’s即i嗯to_(J ohn)birthday party·10.You should be out instead of__(sit) in.三、选择填空。1 .1 think students shouldn’t罗t their ears 3.一I面nk you are muehs sister. than your一Thoughl’m not elever,I’11卿my best to do it b…  相似文献   

(满分:100分) 1.听力部分(共25分)听句子,选择正确的答语。句子读一遍。(共5分)‘()l·A .1 like pork best of all. B .1 like beef better than Pork.军.1’d like beef,please·()2二A .You went with me. B .It’11 take me half an hour. C .By bus. ()3·A .50叮,you’d better ask that poliee- l】lan- B .Yes,1 know二C .The bus station 15 not very far·()4.A.I’m a visitor·B .1’m from the eount叮. C .Yes,1 am. ()5 .A.1 don’t feel ve叮well·B,1 don’t know. C .1 feel a litile better now.听句子,…  相似文献   

Teens Use Slunmer Vacation to HelP others It’5 not your usual summer vaeation.But it 15 the kind of summer va- eation一1目se.Reaeh out and help止组,and you will get more than you lmaglne·Storyl:Several teens have sPent the Past monthes工volunteers at the Salvation Army in America.They served food to the-生ehildren,eleaned up and helped as assistants.The volunteers止红helped the ehil- dren in their盯m aetivities,seienee projeets and erafts(手艺).“It allows the teen volunteers to see…  相似文献   

一、完形填空(10分) It 15】how some Stofi韶Of monstefsbe-g:n with lirtle or 2 evidenee at all.Thestoryof the Kraken 15 an examPle.A 3 time ago,aman in Norway rePorted seeing a huge animal 4fromtheseaandPu1ldownashiPwithitslong arms.It 15 likely that the sh  相似文献   

My Favourite Animal My favourite animal is a dog.A friend of mine had given it ten years old on my birthday.It is a lovely dog.I call it Tim.After Tim came to my home,I have not folt lonely any more.I can talk and play with it.It seems to be happy when I am happy,and to be sad when I am sad.It is not only my pet ,but also my friend.  相似文献   

The Sun     
The sun is a star. But it doesn't look like a star.It looks much larger than the other stars.It doesn't twinkle(闪烁)as the other stars do.It shines in the daytime,and  相似文献   

例题解析1The earth moves round the s1. When our part ofthe earth turns to thesun,it is d2.When our part oftheearth turnsa3fromthe sun,it isnight.The sun is much bigger than the moon.But sometimesthe moon looks big-ger than the sun,because it is muchn4totheearth.The sun is very bright.It gives very strong15.The moon looksquite bright,but it d6give anylight atall.Thelightfromthemooncomesf7thesun.The moonlooksmuchbiggerandbrighter t8thestars.Butinfactthe stars are a lot bigger and brighter tha…  相似文献   

1.单词拼写根据句意和汉语或首写字母提示,写出句中所缺单词的完全形式。1 .Ag____15 a person who邵ows and takes eare of flowers and Plants. 2 .The house 15 in poore_.It needs to be rePaired. 3 .You’d better do as theP_says,“Don’t put all your eggs in one  相似文献   

Moon Boy     
It was late. I couldn’t sleep. I stood at my window and looked out into the sky. I saw a shiny dot ( 发光的小圆点) land* on my windowsill ( 窗台 ) . It grew* bigger and bigger and turned into a ball of light.* I watched. The ball turned into a body and a face. It was a boy. He was small and white. 文∕Barbara Brennerland  相似文献   

陈折 《海外英语》2012,(12):245-246
Animals are friends of human beings.Both the Chinese and English language contains a lot of words denoting animals.Along with the development of society,animal words gradually got their connotations in both languages.However,because of different cultural backgrounds of English and Chinese,the implied meanings of the same animal are possibly different.The article starts with the discussion on four causes of special connotation of animal words.Afterwards,the paper makes comparison between the cultural connotation of English and Chinese animal words.It mainly dwells on four types to explore the differences:similarity,part similarity,distinction and vacancy in equivalence.A large amount of examples have been employed to show the differences of connotation between English and Chinese animal words.Hopefully,the barriers in intercultural communication can be removed and mutual-understanding between the cultures will be achieved accordingly.  相似文献   

Taekwondo is one of the most systematic and scientific Korean traditional martiaIlarts.It aims to teach more than just physical fighting skills.It is also a discipline that promotes greater harmony with the world around us through training our body and mind. Taekwondo iS the result of a gradual develop-  相似文献   

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