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电视节目编排是频道运作体系中的重要部分,科学合理的节目编排对于提高电视台的市场竞争力具有重要作用。本文从电视观众、电视传媒的特质及市场对电视节目编排的影响因素进行了分析,并由此对电视节目提出了相应的编排策略。  相似文献   

电视节目编排艺术探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
电视节目编排是一门节目组合的艺术,又是一门时间分配的艺术;是提高电视节目收视率、打造电视台形象的关键环节之一。要想锁定受众目光、增强电视宣传效果,就要将节目合理地、科学地、艺术地去设计、整合和编排。  相似文献   

本文论述了一个实用的电视节目综合业务管理系统的开发研究。该系统全面地实现了电视节目带的进销存、自拍节目进度及费用的全程跟踪、节目购销管理、节目播出编排的计算机网络管理,并能依据节目收视率的变化及时地调整节目编排,从而大大地提高了电视台的知名度及相应的广告收入。该系统投入运行两年多来,以其功能先进及完善,良好的用户界面且操作简便灵活而深受用户的好评。  相似文献   

电视新闻节目的编排、包装、主持人的播报风格等是使电视节目受到观众的喜爱的重要原因,电视新闻节目编排应遵循必需的原则,在目前新闻内容同质化严重的情况下,提高电视新闻节目的传播效果.  相似文献   

数字移动电视是国际公认的新兴媒体,有着巨大的发展空间。然而我国数字移动电视面临的挑战与机遇并存。本文从四个方面分析我国数字移动电视节目存在的主要问题,针对这些问题提出优化数字移动电视节目的三种途径:一是节目设置必须符合"动众"特点与需要;二是长途移动电视节目以"内容为王",在节目内容上下功夫;三是短途移动电视节目要遵循"编排规律",讲求编排策略。  相似文献   

电视节目编排是一项创造性工作,也是一门综合性艺术。湖南卫视采用带状编排,培养受众的收视习惯;采用对抗编排,彰显频道个性;采用棋盘式编排,丰富节目样式,使其在激烈的媒介竞争中赢得了较高的市场份额,也在一定程度上促进了电视频道品牌形象的强化升级。  相似文献   

王路 《华章》2011,(36)
当前,传媒市场正在加速发展,单个节目之间竞争的时代已经过去,各电视台必须考虑如何整合频道有限的资源,依靠品牌的影响力使其在市场上占据有利地形.本文就如何创新电视频道节目编排新颖度进行了研究,以此不断提高节目质量,从而提高电视节目收视率.  相似文献   

<方圆之间>栏目在长沙电视台政法频道"大法制、大民生、大情感"的频道发展理念下进行全面改版,通过节目选题、节目编排、节目互动等环节,在法制电视节目"杂志化"的发展创新上进行有益的尝试.  相似文献   

电视节目策划编排从狭义上讲,是指电视编辑对各种类型节目在频道中所处位置及播出次序的设置.从广义上讲,是指对节目进行策划设计、优化选择、排列组合的一门艺术,同时,它也是一门对时间利用和分配的艺术.在节目的排列组合和对时间的利用分配中,大大小小、各种类型的节目被编排成合理有序的播出流程.而直播类节目,作为特殊的电视节目,它的策划编排更显示了其特殊性.  相似文献   

在电视节目制作过程中,通过前期的声音,画面以及文字等各方面的努力,到最后需要将他们通过剪辑以及编排融合到一起,最终形成一个完整的电视节目。在后期制作中,其水平的高低直接影响到整个节目的效果,是对前期工作综合性的效果编辑,在这个过程中,编辑所发挥的作用非常关键。所以文章对于电视节目后期制作中编制的思维进行了探讨,为提供高质量的电视节目提供有利的环境。  相似文献   

The purpose of the study was to evaluate an undergraduate distance education (DE) programme based upon adult learners’ perceptions. The study investigated the value of the Human Resource Development programme at the University of Arkansas by examining the students’ reasons for returning to college, their attitudes towards the programme and the impact that the programme has had upon their lives. The respondents viewed DE as the best opportunity for adult students to complete their degrees. Female participants had significantly more positive attitudes towards DE than male participants did. The respondents had positive attitudes towards the learning environment, the instructors in the programme, the cohort design of the programme and the content of the programme. However, there were mixed opinions concerning the economic benefit of participation in the programme.  相似文献   

Using the author's experience as the coordinator of the Canadian Agriculture Lifetime Leadership programme as a case study, this article provides an interpretive essay about programme planning in adult education. Two conceptual frameworks are used to structure narratives of the programme planning process. The first asserts that programme planning is the rational application of a six-step decision-making model. The second claims that programme planning is the political negotiation of personal and organizational interests. Through two autobiographical narratives, this article explores how technical-rational and political models of programme planning further our understanding of adult education practises. In addition to contributing a detailed case study to the literature on programme planning, the article speaks to contemporary empirical and normative debates in adult education.  相似文献   

电视读报节目是近年来涌现出来的一种新型电视资讯节目形态类型。在这类节目中,电视媒体通过对报纸信息的再加工、再整合进行二次传播,很好地将电视易懂、生动的特点与报纸深度,多元的优势结合到了一起,彰显了媒介融合的传播优势。主持人是电视读报节目中一个至关重要的因素。新的文化生态环境、社会心理语境以及电视读报节目自身“声画缺位”等传播特点,决定着该类节目中主持人独特的角色定位。本文就试图从以上这些角度,对电视读报节目中主持人的角色定位进行探讨。  相似文献   

This paper focuses on our experience of researching the influence of ResourceSmart Schools, a sustainable schools programme in Victoria, Australia. Drawing on ideas from programme theory and realist synthesis, we illustrate and reflect upon our approach to conceptualising, investigating and generating evidence about the programme’s impacts and influence in participating schools. This distinction is deliberate: it helps distinguish between efforts to understand the impacts that a programme has within schools (programme impact), and efforts to understand what it is about a programme that is influential in bringing about those impacts (programme influence). Drawing on evidence from our work in this project and the wider literature, we argue for a more nuanced discussion and more sophisticated investigations into the complexities of programme influence, rather than impacts only. Our conclusions suggest key areas of development for our own work, the provision of environmental and sustainability education, and their evaluation and research more broadly.  相似文献   

The lesson learned from a Singapore school improvement programme, which has been running for more than a decade, is that partners collaborating in the programme need to sustain their efforts over a long period of time in order to reap the benefits. The programme incorporates a mentor‐protege relationship to bridge the twin benefits of management education and systemic change. The Singapore experience suggests that research in the local setting is needed for further development of the programme, and that systemic change is obtainable from cumulative effect of the programme. On both counts, time is needed for the programme to reap the benefits.  相似文献   

This study focuses on the discourse of an intercontinental on-line Master’s programme in adult learning, using English as the lingua franca of the programme and involving four collaborating universities in Sweden, South Africa, Canada and Australia. The programme is highly interactive, emphasising communication between students. Taking the variation in participation as the point of departure, a discourse analysis aiming at analysing the contingencies contributing to the pattern of communication in the programme was undertaken. Data consist of a variety of texts on-line web-documents, written notes, and narratives that participants wrote about their lives related to participation in the programme. The use of English as the lingua franca contributed to a mistake anxiety, which for some students was hampering their communication in the programme. Aspects of the material world such as the vast differences in the efforts and costs for participating in the programme were also highly interrelated to the shaping of socio-culturally situated identities among the students and thereby contributing to the variation in frequency in participation. The results show that the official discourse of the programme as a text, with its emphasis on equity, change and development, gets subordinated to the discourses produced and reproduced by the students in the programme as a discursive practice and social practice. The students’ accounts reveal that there are fragments of an alternative discourse emerging, based on mutual concern and friendship, which might suggest a potential for changing the communicative patterns in the programme.  相似文献   

在程序设计时除保证程序本身正确无误,完成预定的功能外,而且要考虑到所设计程序能够防止、或排除、纠正各种外部原因而引起的错误,以免影响程序正常运行.以多年教学实践为依据,给出了ONERROR在FoxBAE程序容错设计中的妙用.  相似文献   

The Open University has been working with the University of Fort Hare on its Distance Education Project since 1997, helping to develop its innovative distance education programme for primary teachers in the Eastern Cape. Recently the OU has been involved in researching the impact of this programme on teachers’ perceptions of their practice and their classroom practice. This case study explores the context in which the programme was developed, the philosophy that underpinned its development, its structure, materials and the role played by the Open University. Using preliminary findings of teacher‐learner perceptions of the programme, the case study examines the effectiveness of the teacher support and their responses to the programme. Initial findings from questionnaires and semi‐structured interviews highlight the cohesive and holistic impact of the programme. The focus on context and culture in developing the programme is seen as significant by all teacher‐learners in challenging and motivating different ways of thinking about their teaching, learning and their practice.  相似文献   

This paper presents a curriculum design approach for a Masters Programme in Telecommunications Management based on demand data obtained from surveying the needs of potential students of the proposed programme. Through online surveys disseminated at telecom companies in Jordan, it was possible to measure the demand for such a programme and to determine the required programme contents and specifications. The curriculum design is based on definition of programme outcomes and on using a house of quality approach (HOQ) to determine the list of courses required in the programme. Surveyed competencies are mapped to a long list of proposed courses in a HOQ in order to determine the importance of each of these courses. A final list of core and elective courses is then developed considering the contribution to programme outcomes and the academic standards.  相似文献   

This paper describes the development of a Dutch online programme called Long Live Love+ focusing on positive, coercion-free relationships, contraception use, and the prevention of STIs, using the Intervention Mapping (IM) approach. All six steps of the approach were followed. Step 1 confirmed the need for a sexual health programme targeting young people aged 15 and over enrolled in higher level secondary education. Step 2 resulted in the production of a series of matrices-of-changes, including detailed programme objectives at the behavioural and the psycho-social level. Step 3 involved the selection of relevant methods and applications. Step 4 consisted of programme development, resulting in a sexual health programme with online and offline components, and including interactive exercises. Step 5 focused on adoption and implementation and included the production of a detailed teacher manual. Step 6 involved detailed planning for the process and effect evaluation and included interviews with teachers and focus group discussions with students to evaluate their experiences of the programme. The inclusion of a linkage group – and especially the inclusion of teachers in the development of the programme – turned out to be essential in terms of developing a programme in line with their context and needs.  相似文献   

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