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In the world of nineteenth‐century educators Charles Ange Laisant occupies a special place. Laisant’s training, which was that of the French elite, opened up an administrative career but at the same time he continued to work and publish in the subject area of mathematics. His research demonstrates that he was clearly an accepted member of the scientific world, and he met the most eminent mathematicians of his day. Laisant played a major role in structuring the mathematical community, both nationally and internationally. He participated prominently in the battle that led to a change in the status and teaching of science in many countries in the early twentieth century. He is also one of those individuals who dedicated themselves to the renewal of pedagogy and to the goals of the new education. Yet, Laisant is still largely unknown; perhaps because of the profusion of his activities and interests he remains beyond the limits of traditional analysis. The author has chosen here, after retracing Laisant’s life in all its diversity, to focus on the profound unity of thought that characterised his mind. Laisant’s life as an educator allows us to understand how politics, science and teaching were inextricably linked, and to witness how personalities so diverse, even opposing, could come together to pursue common goals of educational reform.  相似文献   

Le but principal de cet article est de comparer à partir des textes législatifs, des enquêtes ministérielles et européennes, et des revues spécialisées en France et en Espagne les propriétés de deux organisations scolaires singulières nommées «éducation prioritaire» ainsi que les mises en ?uvre de l'éducation physique. En nous appuyant sur l'approche de la construction sociale, nous présentons comment ces deux pays européens organisent cet enseignement dans les milieux défavorisés. Une analyse des aspects visibles du système éducatif à l'aide d'indicateurs généralistes (organisation des études, formation des enseignants, dépenses publiques) aurait laissé envisager d'importantes différences. Cependant, la comparaison à l'aide d'indicateurs «plus fins» des mises en ?uvre de l'éducation physique dans les écoles traditionnelles (poids de l'éducation physique, préoccupations gouvernementales et celles des enseignants, programmes d'enseignement) puis dans les milieux difficiles ZEP et CAEP (choix didactiques et pédagogiques) indique de fortes similitudes. Ces différences de résultats soulignent l'intérêt des analyses comparatives secondaires et la nécessité de considérer des analyses détaillées.

The main aim of this study is to compare two particular school organisations labelled ‘priority education’ in France and Spain, in relation to physical education using laws, ministerial and European surveys, and specialised journals. The social constructivist approach has been used to describe how both these European countries organise the teaching of physical education in under‐privileged environments. The analysis of the visible aspects of these educational systems with general indicators (organisation of studies, teacher education, public expenses) seems to imply differences. However, the comparison using more detailed data in the implementation of physical education in traditional schools (weight of the physical education in the system, governmental and teachers concerns, teaching programmes) indicates strong similarities. In addition, didactic and pedagogic choices in physical education in under‐privileged schools appear to be quite similar. These results underline the interest of secondary comparative studies and the necessity of taking into account detailed analyses.  相似文献   

On aura donc à résoudre, par divers moyens, cette difficulté centrale qui consiste à parler d’une discipline qui n’existe pas encore, mais qui va exister, et pour laquelle il faut bien qu’il y ait, dans les temps de sa genèse, des éléments qui soient en train d’en préparer le surgissement. (Pierre Favre, Naissances de la science politique en France, 1870–1914 (Paris, 1989), p. 14)  相似文献   


Can school increase its productivity? Which is the attitude of teachers to this issue? INRP and University of Paris 5 made conducted survey on the issue, by questionnaire. Among more than 2000 answers to the questionnaire, a sample of 988 has been extracted to accurately represent the heterogeneous spectrum of French secondary school teachers. Individual qualities are considered essential spectrum among the conditions for success. The majority of teachers does not expect school to be able to counterbalance individual differences. Implications of these attitudes for teacher training are then discussed.  相似文献   

Since the end of the 1980s, Brazilian histoty of education bas been redefined by new historiographical currents. The process of redefinition has taken on particular characteristics because of theoretical and institutional factors involved in the evolution of the discipline as afield of research. The new trends run counter to the historiographical model that dominated the post‐graduate programmes in education of the main Brazilian universities since the 1970s. This model originated in the 1930s and 1940s with the publication of reference works for educational history research. The present essay examines the process of reconfiguration of the discipline with a view to evaluating the restrictions that were imposed upon it.  相似文献   


The purpose of this article is to present, some results of recent research into the competence of teachers in the field of educational use of information and communication technology in France.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose to give some results about research done from 1989 to 1993 concerning a written assessment situation in math class (les devoirs surveillés) with high school students (16–17 years old) who are following a science oriented curriculum. In particular, we would like to determine if and how the students are sure of the answers they give and if they verify them.Our research methodology consisted of collecting both test papers and scratch pads from all the students in one class, then of interviewing some of them using the explicatory interviewing technique developed by P. Vermersch.In order to study this specific assessment situation, we use a theoretical framework developed by Y. Chevallard concerning an anthropological approach. Then, we introduce the notions of students' private work, meant to remain unseen and during which the verifications (if any) are done, and of a public trace (the test paper) meant to be shown to the teacher and to be evaluated. From a cognitive and didactic point of view, we want to show the importance of taking into account these two components for the analysis of the students' work in problem solving.  相似文献   

At the beginning of the 18th century, M. de Vallange proposed a wide‐ranging programme to reform education in France. He intended to introduce teaching methods based on John Locke's works and to create a full‐scale system of new educational institutions. The royal institutions called “collèges” were to be abolished and a secular body of academics in charge of the new ones was to be appointed. The new curriculum proposed by M. de Vallange responded better than the former to the requirements of society, the children's capacity for work, and the new intellectual attainments brought about by the scientific progress of the 17th century.

This project formed part of a larger educational trend that, between 1710 and 1740, brought the notion of education closer to the concept of society.  相似文献   

let是一个我们经常会遇到的单词,其基本意思为“让、允许”。但是在日常使用或在考试中,还会考查同学们是否掌握let在句中所表达的多种意思的用法。你都掌握了吗?Let’s go!  相似文献   

Can we learn peace at school? An evaluation of the “Human rights and Citizenship Education” (EDHC) course in post-conflict Ivory Coast – After the post-electoral crisis, the government of Ivory Coast introduced a course entitled “Human rights and citizenship education” (EDHC) to the lower secondary school curriculum to facilitate a societal transition to a culture of peace. This article, which examines the perceptions of course participants and their teachers, is based on a large-scale survey (n = 984), 25 focus groups and course observations carried out in Abidjan. An analysis of the course’s strengths and weaknesses from the point of view of the key players in the education system enables the authors to evaluate its effectiveness. They find that, despite the enthusiasm around this course, its lack of depth is preventing a change of mentality. In addition, the message of peace that the course strives to convey is compromised by school violence.  相似文献   

Cet article aborde l’histoire de l’Association internationale des éducateurs de jeunes inadaptés (AIEJI), une organisation méconnue dans l’histoire de l’éducation spécialisée. Créée en 1951, elle devient un lieu d’échanges pour des éducateurs en recherche de modèles. Elle est constituée dans le contexte de rapprochement franco-allemand, par le biais de rencontres annuelles, notamment initiées par les éducateurs français, qui existent depuis le début des années 1940, exerçant dans des internats récemment ouverts pour accueillir enfants et adolescents placés. De nombreux voyages d’étude structurent les échanges entre éducateurs de pays différents et forment les contours d’une organisation dont l’axe se situe rapidement entre Pays-Bas et France. L’AIEJI contribue aux débats sur le rôle de l’éducateur, entre pédagogue et thérapeute, ce qui ne se déroule pas sans tension ni résistances. Ils rendent compte des évolutions de la conception de l’éducateur et des pratiques et savoirs qui le fondent. L’AIEJI est le lieu où circulent les conceptions issues du case-work, du group-work, de la psychologie sociale, de la sociométrie. Là, se confrontent une vision praticienne du métier d’éducateur, axée sur le groupe et une vision plus technicienne, basée sur la psychologie et les approches psychanalytiques, davantage tournée autour de la prise en charge individuelle. L’AIEJI s’est enfin insérée dans les nouvelles organisations internationales, réussissant à faire reconnaître l’utilité sociale des éducateurs, y compris dans les pays où ils n’existent pas. Ainsi, à la fin des années 1950, l’AIEJI obtient le statut consultatif auprès de l’UNESCO et devient un acteur de l’expertise internationale en matière de jeunesse inadaptée, ce qui correspond à l’extension de son audience.  相似文献   

The Swedish physical education method has had a singular destiny in France. Originally created by the Swedish Per Henrik Ling (1776–1839), it first spread in France thanks to German doctors. From 1902, the Swedish method became the official method of the Ecole normale de gymnastique et d’escrime de Joinville. It caused serious dissension first within the army, between Georges Hébert, a naval officer attempting to spread his own method called ‘Méthode naturelle’, and Emile Coste, a major at Joinville school who was a resolute supporter of Ling’s method; then within Joinville school, where, from 1905, Georges Demeny, renowned physiologist, tried to impose his French method ‘Eclectique’. The three protagonists would use arguments focused on the rationality of the Swedish method to legitimize or criticize it. But this explicit stake based on the validity of the link between a scientific culture – anatomy and physiology – and a physical education method does not mask the implicit stake of real power.  相似文献   

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