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This study was designed to provide a general picture of infant vocal-motor coordination and test predictions generated by Iverson and Thelen's (1999) model of the development of the gesture-speech system. Forty-seven 6- to 9-month-old infants were videotaped with a primary caregiver during rattle and toy play. Results indicated an age-related increase in frequency of vocal-motor coordination, greater coordination with arm (specifically right arm) than leg or torso movements, and a temporal pattern similar to that in adult gesture-speech coproductions. Rhythmic vocalizations (consonant-vowel repetitions) were more likely to occur with than without rhythmic movement, and with rhythmic manual than with nonmanual activity, and the rate of vocal-manual coordination was higher in babblers than in prebabblers.  相似文献   

网络一词风行于目前社会,既有形容新社会形态的“网络社会(Network Society)”,也有形容基于互联网而架构的计算机“网络社会(Cyber Society)”,还有形容公司机构之间的组织合作方式的“网络”以及社会学中早已存在的关于社会结构的“社会网络”理论.然而,涉及网络技术对现实社会关系影响的论述却还是少数,本文将从社会结构、组织方式、人际关系三方面梳理关于“网络”的概念,尝试找出各种“网络”话语中的共同点,最后结合当前互联网的发展描述“网络”为人们带来的变化及新传播技术在全球传播时代对社会的影响.  相似文献   

Four-year-olds were tested for their ability to use differences in the spacing among features to recognize familiar faces. They were given a storybook depicting multiple views of 2 children. They returned to the laboratory 2 weeks later and used a "magic wand" to play a computer game that tested their ability to recognize the familiarized faces and their own face based on the spacing of features. Children performed at chance levels. Follow-up studies confirmed that they had attended to internal facial features and validated the stimuli. The results contrast with studies showing some sensitivity to the spacing of features in infants and preschool children; multiple mechanisms of face processing may make use of spatial relations and develop at different rates.  相似文献   

本文尝试从语源学和认识语义学两种不同角度入手来分析汉语方言现象:文章首先以音义关联为线索分析洛阳方言中的“坷漏”、“坷廊”和“康宀良宀”,进而证明三者与“空”和“壳”为同源词。最后部分结合洛阳方言调查,考察该方言体系中“坷漏”和“坷廊”的相关语义,并从认识角度来推测它们的语义发展线索。  相似文献   

逻辑学:从“是”到“蕴涵”   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
“是”是逻辑学研究的一个核心概念,探究“是”这一系词所表示的明晰的逻辑关系一直是逻辑学家们所努力的工作。本文通过对于“是”与“蕴涵”之间联系的历史探索,试图澄清传统逻辑与现代逻辑的历史连续性和内在一致性。  相似文献   

“三农”问题研究要在以往已取得成就的基础上,继续深化、拓展和创新,必须找到新的理论生长点。将“三农”问题置于诸种“关系”中研究,结合新的重大社会实践研究“三农”问题,整合多学科力量研究“三农”问题,是推进“三农”问题研究的三个新的理论生长点。  相似文献   

While previous studies mainly focused on children’s additive and multiplicative reasoning abilities, we studied third to sixth graders’ preference for additive or multiplicative relations. This was investigated by means of schematic problems that were open to both types of relations, namely arrow schemes containing three given numbers and a fourth missing one. In study 1, children had to fill out the missing number, while in study 2, children had to indicate all possibly correct answers among a set of given alternatives. Both studies explicitly showed the existence of a preference for additive relations in some children, while others preferred multiplicative relations. Mainly younger children preferred additive relations, whereas mainly children in upper primary education preferred multiplicative relations. Number ratios also impacted children’s preference, especially in fifth grade. Moreover, the results of study 2 provided evidence for the strength of children’s preference and showed that calculation skills do not coincide with preference, and hence, that preference and calculation skills are two distinct child characteristics. The results of both studies using these open problems resembled previous research results using classical multiplicative or additive word problems. This supports the hypothesis that children’s preferred type of relations may be at play in solving classical word problems as well—besides their abilities—and may hence be an additional factor explaining the mistakes that children make in those word problems. This research line thus seems promising for further research as well as educational practice.  相似文献   

对《全日制义务教育数学课程标准》的数学学习方式进行研究;探讨新时期数学教与学的辨证关系.  相似文献   

本文旨在以钟嵘的"怨"这一概念为核心,通过分析"怨"与"气","怨"与滋味的关系,揭示"怨"这一概念的美学内涵.  相似文献   

运用地理语言学的研究方法考察"蜘蛛"一词在吴语处州方言的地理分布状况,通过语言地图静态的横向地理比较,展示"蜘蛛"一词动态的纵向历史演变过程,并分析其地理和历史的变化原因。  相似文献   

“一山一水一圣人”这一观念成说的形成,与“山”、“水”、“圣人”间内在的和时空上的关联密切相关。前者主要体现在三者对中国古代文化的哺育和发展上,而后者在中国传统古籍有关记载中有着明确的印证。“一山一水一圣人”作为一个抽象概括的观念,对中国社会的影响既有积极的一面,也有消极的一面。  相似文献   

本文从句法语义入手,对“是“字句中“是“的语义性质和“是“字句的句义类型进行了探索.认为“是“语义性质,是由“是“系连的前后项之间的语义关系确定的,“是“在句中具有可延续性、匀质性、无界性等语义特征.根据“是“系连的前后项之间的语义关系,可将“是 名“句分类作指别、等同、存现等句义类型,“是 非名“句可分为等同、陈述、说明等句义类型.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of goal relations on self-regulation in the pursuit of multiple goals, focusing on self-regulated performance, the self-regulatory process, and task enjoyment. The effect of multiple goal relations on self-regulation was explored in a set of three studies. Goal relations were divided into two categories: facilitating goal relations and conflicting goal relations. A facilitating goal relation is a relationship in which the pursuit of a focal goal enhances the attainment of an additional goal, whereas a conflicting goal relation is a relationship in which the pursuit of a focal goal generates conflicts with additional goal pursuits. Specifically, Study 1 tested the general hypothesis that conflicting goals decrease self-regulatory performance, task enjoyment, and the adaptive self-regulatory process, whereas facilitating goals increase them during the performance of the focal goal task. Studies 2A and 2B tested how the extent of facilitating or conflicting relations between goals affects self-regulatory performance, the self-regulatory process, and task enjoyment during the pursuit of the focal goal. The findings of the three studies were consistent with the authors?? hypothesis that facilitating goal relations increase self-regulatory performance and the self-regulatory process, whereas conflicting goal relations decrease them. The author also discuss the implications for self-regulation, intrinsic motivation, and classroom organization.  相似文献   

古今<<虬髯客传>>研究反思   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
史料匮乏与研究方法的简单单一、相对落后,制约了对《虬髯客传》的突破性学术研究。在古今研究家所持的三大主要说解中,“文人游戏”说对历史真实与虚构真实辩证关系认识不足,并不成立的“侠义”说起了严重误导作用,“士”之政治人生追求说有待完善。应对古今《虬髯客传》研究进行深刻反思。  相似文献   

胡锦涛同志关于大革命时期任弼时与“共产国际和陈独秀的右倾错误”作了坚决斗争的提法是26年间陈独秀研究的最大成绩。从“关系”中研究陈独秀,在多元文化中研究陈独秀,从新公布、新发现、新披露的史料中用新观点研究陈独秀,是三个陈独秀研究的新的生长点。  相似文献   

认知神经科学关于智力研究的新进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
认知神经科学是最近几十年兴起的交叉学科,智力一直是心理学研究中的热点问题,认知神经科学兴起后从脑机制的角度对智力进行了大量研究,这些研究主要围绕三个问题展开:(1)运用脑成像技术,从大脑结构和功能两方面对人类智力为什么存在个体差异进行探索;(2)从脑机制层面对智力究竟是"单一结构"还是"多成分结构"进行研究;(3)通过大脑这个中介,进一步揭示遗传、环境与智力之间的关系。认知神经科学关于智力的这些研究,加深了人类对智力的认识,但依然存在一些问题,主要表现在智力概念不够统一、因果关系揭示不够以及结果应用存在困难等三个方面。  相似文献   

通过厘清国家、民族、公民三个支点间的逻辑关系来把握爱国主义的内涵显得尤为必要。爱国主义中的国家概念是民族性和政治性的统一,民族是爱国主义的族群栽体,加强公民教育是现代爱国主义的理性诉求。  相似文献   

This paper considers the relationship betweenpower, gender and curriculum change. Writingfrom a Foucaultian standpoint, the authorconsiders how teachers react to and resist bothimposed and voluntary educationalinnovations. She looks at how subject status,personal identity and career history affect howa teacher is likely to react to a particularproposed change, and how this is affected bygendered power/knowledge relations withinschools. The author concludes that genderedpower/knowledge relations are central to theintroduction and implementation of change, andthat those proposing educational innovationsneed to have a greater understanding of thosewho will be subject to them. This is animportant area in which basic educationalresearch can be of practical utility.  相似文献   

经济学或者政治经济学的名称是在不同的历史时期可以通用的名称,经济学的研究对象是指经济学研究涉及的主要领域和核心内容。应当从现今教科书的定义复归到马克思的定义上去,经济学或者政治经济学的研究对象应该是生产方式以及和它相适应的生产关系和交换关系。从马克思主义经济学和西方经济学研究对象的比较中得到启示,要创建我们自己的“中国经济学”,必须建立一个动态化、国别化的经济学研究对象系统。  相似文献   

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