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Peterson successfully links compensatory education program evaluations to aptitude-treatment interaction (ATI) theory and research. This commentary locates AT1 theory and research in the context of the broader framework of instructional adaptation (i.e., perspectives on how instruction can be adapted to individual differences among learners) and discusses related program evaluation issues from this point of view. The discussion calls into question the appropriateness of the term compensatory education (CE) as a catchall for Chapter 1 and other so-called remedial programs.  相似文献   

Professor Peterson's article makes a major contribution to the field of educational psychology by using the aptitude-treatment interaction (ATI) approach to examine the compensatory education (CE) literature. Peterson persuasively argues that aptitude-treatment interactions will occur and that researchers need to be sensitive to these possibilities. Her article stimulates readers to consider the differential needs of various students and also reminds us that some of the structural goals of compensatory education are presently not being achieved. In contrast to the many things I like about this article, I do discuss some concerns. My most basic disappointment was that not enough emphasis was placed on a call for new observational research that examines extant practice in CE programs.  相似文献   

在大力倡导创新教育的今天,重提师生互动并赋予其新的内涵,重要意义显而易见。应该说,真正意义上的师生互动过程,所追求的应是一个文化撞击、兴奋点激活和自主创新的过程。  相似文献   

在大力倡导创新教育的今天,重提师生互动并赋予其新的内涵,重要意义显而易见.应该说,真正意义上的师生互动过程,所追求的应是一个文化撞击、兴奋点激活和自主创新的过程.  相似文献   

合作教育是以健康良好的师生关系为基础、以教师积极推动为前提、以多样化的方式方法来实现、以学生个性发展为目的的一种教育理念,这就要求以"合作教学、激发学生潜能"为特点的教学改革必须重视师生关系的建构、重视教师队伍的建设、重视合作方式方法的研究和探索,否则,合作教学也仅仅是合作而已,起不了提高教育质量的作用。  相似文献   

This feature draws on a 2012 National Research Council report to highlight some of the insights that discipline-based education research in general—and biology education research in particular—have provided into the challenges of undergraduate science education. It identifies strategies for overcoming those challenges and future directions for biology education research.Biologists have long been concerned about the quality of undergraduate biology education. Indeed, some biology education journals, such as the American Biology Teacher, have been in existence since the 1930s. Early contributors to these journals addressed broad questions about science learning, such as whether collaborative or individual learning was more effective and the value of conceptualization over memorization. Over time, however, biology faculty members have begun to study increasingly sophisticated questions about teaching and learning in the discipline. These scholars, often called biology education researchers, are part of a growing field of inquiry called discipline-based education research (DBER).DBER investigates both fundamental and applied aspects of teaching and learning in a given discipline; our emphasis here is on several science disciplines and engineering. The distinguishing feature of DBER is deep disciplinary knowledge of what constitutes expertise and expert-like understanding in a discipline. This knowledge has the potential to guide research focused on the most important concepts in a discipline and offers a framework for interpreting findings about students’ learning and understanding in that discipline. While DBER investigates teaching and learning in a given discipline, it is informed by and complementary to general research on human learning and cognition and can build on findings from K–12 science education research.DBER is emerging as a field of inquiry from programs of research that have developed somewhat independently in various disciplines in the sciences and engineering. Although biology education research (BER) has emerged more recently than similar efforts in physics, chemistry, or engineering education research, it is making contributions to the understanding of how students learn and gain expertise in biology. These contributions, together with those that DBER has made in physics and astronomy, chemistry, engineering, and the geosciences, are the focus of a 2012 report by the National Research Council (NRC, 2012 ).1 For biologists who are interested in education research, the report is a useful reference, because it offers the first comprehensive synthesis of the emerging body of BER and highlights the ways in which BER findings are similar to those in other disciplines. In this essay, we draw on the NRC report to highlight some of the insights that DBER in general and BER in particular have provided into effective instructional practices and undergraduate learning, and to point to some directions for the future. The views in this essay are ours as editors of the report and do not represent the official views of the Committee on the Status, Contributions, and Future Directions of Discipline-Based Education Research; the NRC; or the National Science Foundation (NSF).  相似文献   

Education for All: Policy Lessons from High-Achieving Countries   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper draws upon case studies of countries which universalised primary education early in their development process and rapidly increased secondary enrolments thereafter. It examines the common elements of social, and specifically, education policy among these high achievers, and also evaluates the policy lessons for other developing countries from the experience of these countries. The supply and demand-side factors which help in explaining this success are compared with the situation prevailing in the rest of the developing world.  相似文献   


School based enterprise education and activities are becoming increasingly popular within Australian schools, particularly among students in senior years. However, the objectives of school based business education are still unclear, largely as the demand for activities and courses presently outstrips the development process. As such, the approach taken has centred on the ‘traditional’ style of education, with an overriding concern placed on what can ‘reasonably’ be demanded of students time and resources. This paper outlines the factors contributing to the increased popularity of school based enterprise activities in Australian schools reviewing both past and present teaching methods. An alternative approach to business education is proposed and analysis of the relative merits of this proposal undertaken. The overall objective of the alternative proposed is to remove the artificial environment associated with the approaches employed to‐date. This will require the acceptance of failure as a possible positive outcome and the consideration of issues in a broader social, community and macro‐economic context.  相似文献   

Thomas Huxley more than anyone else was responsible for disseminating Darwin’s theory in the western world and maintained that investigating the history of life should be regarded as a purely scientific question free of theological speculation. The content and rhetorical strategy of Huxley’s defense of evolution is analyzed. Huxley argued that the classification of humans should be determined independent of any theories of origination of species. Besides providing evidence that demonstrated the close relationship between apes and humans, he also argued that a pithecoid ancestry in no way degraded humankind. In his broader defense of evolution he drew on his agnosticism to define what science could and could not explain. Theology made empirical claims and needed to be subject to the same standards of evidence as scientific claims. He maintained that even most scientific objections to evolution were religiously based. The objections to the theory fundamentally remain the same as in the nineteenth century and much can be learned from Huxley to develop effective strategies for educating the public about evolution. Huxley’s own scientific articles as well as his popular writings provide numerous examples that could be harnessed not only for the teaching of evolution, but also for understanding science as a process.  相似文献   

This article presents an analysis of the lessons for programme design and management that were distilled from a recent evaluation of the Worldwide Fund for Nature's (WWF) global educational programmes. The aim of the evaluation was to clarify and document the contribution that education is making to the achievement of the conservation goals of the organisation. Aspects of the findings of the evaluation are presented but these are not the focus of the article. Rather, the emphasis is on the generalisations that can be drawn from an analysis of the evaluation process and the lessons to be learnt from the findings. This emphasis affords this article a degree of currency and utility that goes beyond its immediate value to WWF and may provide ideas and, in places, a vocabulary for thinking about planning and evaluating environmental education programmes, especially within conservation groups and resource management agencies.  相似文献   

Cognitive engineering has led to a consideration of the capabilities and limitations of users in relation to the products of system design. However, there has not been a similar recognition of human limitations in the process of design. One way to improve the products of system design is by making improvements in the process of design and, in particular, by addressing the limitations of designers through scaffolding with the technology that is the object of design. To do this we need to identify what we know about the process of designing for computer-mediated learning systems, and to build an understanding of how the design process might benefit from cognitive strategies and computer technology. Here we survey various approaches to support the design process, in order to identify approaches and opportunities that may inform both fields. Specific suggestions include heuristics for design, and scaffolding the design process through support tools. © IFIP, published by Kluwer Academic Publishers  相似文献   

从PISA试测研究实践的视角看我国大规模教育评价改革   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
学生能力国际评价PISA在教育评价理念、技术、手段和结果报告等方面对我国的大规模教育评价改革都有值得借鉴之处。基于PISA对学生素养、教育整体质量、教育公平评价指标的解析,结合教育部考试中心开展PISA2006中国试测研究实践收获的启示,我国大规模教育评价改革应充分利用现行大规模考试数据评价的资源,建立适合我国国情的教育评价指标体系,关注影响学生成绩差异的相关因素,开展横向对比和纵向追踪研究切实提高教育质量。  相似文献   

职业信息化时代,职教师范生媒介素养教育是一项连接着专业学习与未来职业发展的系统性任务。文章立足于调查研究,将职教师范生教育置于整个师范教育人才培养的总体历程中进行考察,分析探究职教师范生媒介素养发展现状,探析媒介素养教育存在问题的原因,并在此基础上提出通过课程设计、信息安全防护和融媒体传播平台打造等方式,多元化地培养职教师范生利用融媒体提升媒介素养,综合立体地提升职教师范生媒介素养养成的积极性、主动性和参与性。  相似文献   


This short article describes an oral interactive exercise using voice mail. I had two purposes in mind when I devised this exercise. One, to provide students with a chance to hear fellow students describe their work, and two, to demonstrate their skill in judging relevant work of a peer.  相似文献   

Many students pursuing social work and human services courses have experienced adverse childhoods. This article focuses on their learning about self-care, an important skill for future practice. Interviews with 20 undergraduate students with a history of childhood adversity found unmet needs both for conceptualizing self-care and developing strategies to implement self-care in their day-to-day lives. Many cited limited role modeling and little importance placed on self-care during childhood. Teaching self-care is conceptualized as not only a core skill for practice but also an equity issue for students with a history of childhood adversity.  相似文献   

Although the term much used to describe a major sub-region in South Eastern Europe, the Balkans, has unpleasant political connotations, evoking the ultimate in political fragmentation, its peoples share a long common history and many common cultural traits. In particular, there has been the heritage both of Orthodox Christianity and of the Byzantine Empire. Even the coming of the Ottoman Turks was not as divisive as has traditionally been thought. The "pax ottomanica" also brought elements of unity to the area, even attempts at religious syncretism involving Orthodox hesychastic mystics and Muslim Sufi "bekta y i" dervishes. Recently, a Community of the Black Sea nations has come into existence that, extending to the Caucasus, could form a new South-East European-Pontic supranational unifying structure.  相似文献   

Antonio Gramsci and his concept of hegemony are often invoked in current debates concerning cultural imperialism, globalisation and global English. However, these debates are rarely cognizant of Gramsci's own university training in linguistics, the centrality of language to his writings on education and hegemony, or his specific engagement with language politics in his own day. By paying much greater attention to Gramsci's writings on language and education, this article attempts to lay the groundwork for an adequate approach to the current politics of global English.
While Gramsci may have left formal education and his studies in linguistics at Turin University as a young man to become a full time journalist and political activist, he certainly did not 'jettison' his study of language as is commonly implied. It has been widely accepted that Gramsci had an expansive conception of education which would curtail any suggestion that 'education' must be limited to formal schooling or university. Likewise, this article demonstrates the importance of Gramsci's lifelong analysis of language, its role in education and the development of hegemony. It argues that Gramsci's writings on language policy in Italy, specifically la questione della lingua [the language question] and his concern with linguistics, are an integral part of his approach to education and hegemony.  相似文献   

根据大学生成长成才规律以及思想政治教育规律特点,从系统整体原则出发,坚持马克思主义的认识论与实践观,将红色思想、红色文化、社会实践、保障机制四个维度看作一个立体互动、相互协调的有机体,是实施高校大学生红色教育的有效模式。  相似文献   

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