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四手联弹是一架钢琴上的二重奏,对音乐教育具有独特的意义。当代俄罗斯作曲家与教育家罗伊特尔施坦的儿童钢琴四手联弹作品对钢琴演奏技术要求不高但音乐效果良好。其中《器乐曲调》《歌谣》《器乐曲调》《音不准的街头风琴》《外国电影歌曲》《可是外边在下雨……》《雨过天晴》《火车》《阿拉伯旋律》与组曲《摩拉维亚曲调花环》这10部四手联弹作品虽然各具特点,但均强调趣味性与教育性、经典性与民族性、现代性与可听性的结合。  相似文献   

Dynamic/interactive assessment (DA) has been motivated by the inadequacy of conventional static tests to provide accurate information about the individual's learning ability, specific deficient functions, change processes, and mediational strategies that are responsible for cognitive modifiability. A growing need for DA with young children has emerged recently because decisions about treatment should be made as early as possible. The objectives of this paper are to review the major criticism of the standardized static testing approach, present the theoretical basis of the DA approach, describe current research on DA of young children within educational and intervention perspectives, and suggest some directions for future research. The theoretical foundations of the presented research derive from Vygotsky's sociocultural theory, specifically the zone of proximal development concept, and Feuerstein's mediated learning experience theory. DA has been applied with different clinical and educational groups and was found to be more accurate in reflecting children's learning potential than static tests, especially with minority and learning disabled children. The mediational strategy is also reported as more effective than other intervention approaches (e.g., graduated prompt). The DA approach was found useful in assessing outcome effects of cognitive education programs aimed at enhancing learning how to learn skills. Crucial issues of cost-effectiveness, training, reliability and validity, and generalization are discussed.  相似文献   

当前幼儿教育的理论与实践都存在着过度依赖心理学而相对忽视社会学、文化学等倾向。这种倾向在强调幼儿教育科学化的同时,忽略了幼儿作为特定时期特定地域的群体的文化存在——作为群体的幼儿,受种种宏观和微观环境的影响,表现出具有一定稳定性和普遍性的行为与价值观念。因此,对幼儿的生存状况进行文化学的研究,可以从更广泛和更具有批判性的角度,帮助我们省思教育和幼儿之间的关系。  相似文献   

职业成功评定标准的确立对于促进从业者身心和谐具有现实意义。大多数学者的关注点都在于主客观评定标准的进一步分割和厘定,并未关注两种衡量标准之间的作用与影响。该文针对这一研究短板,突破现有研究范式,采用个案研究的方式,分析了主观职业成功与客观职业成功之间的相互作用,并发现职业发展阶段和社会性因素在二者作用关系中起到调节作用。在分析基础上提出主客观标准相互作用理论模型。  相似文献   

黄波 《教育教学论坛》2020,(10):330-331
被拒绝幼儿是指在群体中受到排挤和拒绝的幼儿。在幼儿成长过程中,幼儿良好的交往行为有利于其健康人格形成。文章运用同伴提名法选出班级内被拒绝幼儿,对其进行行为观察、家庭访谈、与教师沟通等方式了解幼儿交往行为状况并分析其成因,提出改善其同伴交往行为的策略。  相似文献   

近年来,关于婴幼儿归纳推理能力的发展研究受到国际心理学界的重视,其中婴幼儿是否能够基于概念进行归纳推理是一个焦点问题。Mandler等人利用概括化模仿技术对婴儿的归纳推理进行了研究,发现:9-20个月的婴儿的归纳推理受到领域水平的概念类别所限制,是一个基于概念的过程;Gelman等人探讨了类别成员关系、语言标签、心理本质主义在幼儿的归纳推理中的作用,发现:2-4岁幼儿的归纳推理受基本水平的类别成员关系所限制,也是一个基于概念的过程。二者的分歧可以用语言的作用加以解释。  相似文献   

States currently are in the process of developing child and family outcome measurement systems for young children with disabilities to meet federal data reporting requirements for the Part C (Infants and Toddlers with Disabilities) and Part B Preschool Grants program supported through the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act. This article reviews issues related to the use of assessments in providing outcome data, discusses challenges raised in conducting valid assessments with young children for accountability purposes, and outlines decisions states must make related to assessment as they design and implement outcome measurement approaches. Considerations related to the standardized or curriculum-based measures are discussed along with other choices related to the use of assessment for accountability.  相似文献   

One of the aims of ‘equal opportunities’ policies is to encourage teachers into non‐traditional areas. Consequently, the early years of schooling has witnessed an increase in the number of men teachers opting for this age‐group. This article focuses on the experiences of 11 early years male teachers. The findings suggest that men teachers undertaking a non‐traditional career option will do little to effect a positive change in female educational inequalities. It will be argued that individual and institutional patterns of masculinity and femininity are so entrenched that as more male teachers enter nursery/infant education, male power secures an even deeper hold.  相似文献   

A short-term longitudinal design and the probabilistic latent class method of analysis were used to study the development of young children's understanding of death. 99 first and second graders were interviewed individually in the fall and spring. The results support the notion that the subconcepts of death--irreversibility, cessation, causality, and inevitability--need to be studied separately and in relation to one another. Children first understand the subconcepts of irreversibility and inevitability. Development of these subconcepts does not seem to be conditional on each other. However, at least one of these subconcepts must be understood before the child understands the subconcepts of cessation or causality. The pattern of development of these subconcepts is different when the referent object is human versus animal. The overall methodology offers promise in understanding the development of these concepts in young children.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to explore efforts to reform physical education programs and to describe why they might not have been successful in the past. The general education and physical education reform literature is examined with attention to the current standards, assessment, and accountability reform movement prevalent in most states. General themes facilitating South Carolina's effort to gain support for policy initiatives and implement a high stakes assessment program are developed with attention to the political activities essential to gain support for change.  相似文献   

Community assessment is a strategy commonly taught to social work students to identify a community’s strengths and challenges. This article describes the value of using video documentary as part of a community assessment assignment. We identify the advantages of using video documentary in the assessment process and the reporting of findings. We discuss the preproduction, production, and postproduction steps necessary to produce a video documentary and illustrate how such assignments can be incorporated into a social work course. We conclude by identifying the educational benefits accrued to students.  相似文献   

This study explored the nature of mathematics anxiety in a sample of 106 ethnically and linguistically diverse first-grade students. Although much is known about mathematics anxiety in older children and adults, little is known about when mathematics anxiety first emerges or its characteristics in young children. Results from exploratory factor analysis indicated that mathematics anxiety in first grade is a multidimensional construct encompassing negative reactions, numerical confidence, and worry. Negative reactions were related specifically to foundational mathematical concepts whereas numerical confidence was related specifically to computation skill; worry was not related to any outcome. Levels of mathematics anxiety did not differ by sex or language background. Overall, negative reactions and numerical confidence were found to be the most salient dimensions of mathematics anxiety in this sample.  相似文献   

很多人甚至包括从事美术教育工作的人,都认为美术教学只是教美术基础知识和基本技能,并以“训练”学生的基本技能为主。从幼儿园开始,以临摹为主的教学方法大行其道,课堂上老师画一笔,学生就跟着画一笔,因而使得诸如固定的笔墨程式、简笔画、填色画,甚至于描红本之类的书四处充斥。绘画技能过于强化的训练,结果不是培养艺术人才,而是技术工人,创造力成了最缺乏的东西了。孩子们的创造力究竟在哪里?它是在教师的粉笔下,还是在调色碟里?我们说,创造力就攥在孩子们的手心里。其实艺术的创作过程,是通过“观察——想象——发现—…  相似文献   

With the current emphasis on program accountability and appreciation of the importance of early learning and timely identification of delays, early childhood developmental assessment in child care centers is crucial. In Florida, a state that supports local control of child assessment decisions, counties were surveyed to determine the specific tools and formal assessment procedures for children birth to 5 in subsidized child care. Sixty-one counties responded for a 91% return rate. Survey results were examined according to experts’ recommendations for best practices in child assessment. Most counties used multiple tools to assess multiple domains of child development with age-appropriate instruments. Many did not involve parents in the assessment process or use tools connected to the child care curriculum. The survey results underscore the complexity of implementing assessment systems for young children in child care.  相似文献   

针对MPA学位论文评审中的标准不够明晰等问题,依据国家相关规定和MPA专业学位研究生教育的特点,在参考国内外MPA试点院校论文评审工作的基础上,给出了清楚明晰的MPA论文评审指标体系。  相似文献   

对4名高功能自闭症幼儿及对照组的普通幼儿在自然情境中亲子互动的语用交流行为进行为期18个月的追踪研究,结果发现,自闭症幼儿的语用交流行为参与度与普通幼儿无显著差异,但在言语倾向水平与言语行动水平的具体类型上存在差异,主要表现为难以维持或深入某一交流情境以及难以使用高程度交互类型等特征,总体上呈现出"高发起、低交互、表面化"的异常特征.  相似文献   

叙事即叙述故事,是幼儿思维模式的一种本质特征;叙事能力是幼儿必须发展的一种最基本的能力。在没有成人外在压力的自然情境下,个案的叙事能力发展具有如下特征:幼儿叙事能力的发展源于其生活经历;在不同的主题上,同一幼儿的叙事能力差异显著;幼儿早期阅读的内容与能力直接影响到其叙事能力的发展;幼儿的叙事结构基本上遵循时间顺序;幼儿叙述的情节直接反映了其现实生活状况及其情感倾向。因此,成人应示范和鼓励幼儿讲述自己的生活经历,适当引导幼儿关注读物中的内在逻辑,认真对待幼儿在叙事中表现出来的情感。  相似文献   

特殊幼儿融合教育个案研究报告   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文运用个案研究法,通过观察记录、访谈记录、调查问卷、环境分析、教育建议与结果资料分析探讨成功的特殊幼儿融合教育经验,为特殊教育工作者、家长、幼儿园教师提供适当的建议。研究内容包括:特殊幼儿家长需求;普通幼儿家长对融合教育认识及需求;幼儿园教师对融合教育认识及需求;特殊幼儿与普通幼儿互动情况;特殊幼儿融合教育幼儿园所需支持辅助。提出几条建议:体制的保障,特殊教育师资培训,专业人员支持,家庭成员提供支持辅助。  相似文献   

The researchers examined how speech-language pathologists (SLPs) in a small northern California school district assessed Spanish speaking English learning (EL) Latino children suspected of language impairments. Specifically we sought to (1) determine whether SLPs adhered to federal, state, and professional guidelines during initial assessments and (2) identify tests and measures used by SLPs during language assessments. The researchers conducted a records abstraction review of 88 speech-language assessment reports of Spanish speaking EL Latino children. The reports were examined for parameters of best practice as outlined in recent studies. Results indicated that for each report the SLP responsible for assessing the child failed to consider at least one best practice parameter. Although impossible to determine at this stage, it is likely that many of these children were erroneously assessed and subsequently placed in speech-language programs. Findings support the notion that many EL Latino children continue to be inappropriately assessed for language impairments.  相似文献   

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