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论形成性考核的多样性   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
"以人为本"形成性考核多样性方程式是指Phillippe Perrenoud的"对象多样性 以人为本=形成性考核多样性"方程式.在本文中,作者结合嘉兴电大近年来在形成性考核构成模式和管理模式两方面的研究和实践,论述了该方程式在远程开放教育中的运用.  相似文献   

称谓系统是人类用于识别身份、指代称呼对象以及交际中角色关系定位的特定的语言符号系统。从语用学的角度看 ,称谓的使用是一个顺应语境关系变化的动态的选择过程。称谓的可选择性是由称谓本身所具有的变异性、商讨性和顺应性特性所决定的。称谓的选择是一个过程 ,目的是语境关系的顺应 ,即物理语境、社交语境和心智语境的顺应。称谓选择的语境顺应主要体现在群体定势和个体差异两个方面。  相似文献   

Educators around the world are discovering that we have much to learn from each other's educational practices. Focusing on innovative forms of assessment in the United Kingdom, the article describes assessment strategies in mathematics, oracy, science, and foreign languages. These strategies include not only problems in which students select a correct answer, but also practical problems in which students supply answers to open-ended tasks.  相似文献   

This article explores why art education after modernism needs to engage with and assess two forms of knowledge. It distinguishes procedural knowledge or ‘knowing how’ from declarative knowledge or ‘knowing that’, and argues that current classroom practice and more general thinking in art education in the UK confuses evidence of procedural knowledge with evidence for declarative knowledge. A corollary is that assessment evidence for ‘knowing how’, which is shown or demonstrated, is confused with assessment evidence for ‘knowing that’, which requires spoken or written forms of reporting. This conceptual confusion is currently embedded in the national, flagship examination known as the General Certificate of Secondary Education, taken by students at the age of 16, resulting in that examination requiring evidence of understanding the meaning of art in its socio‐historical context while at the same time denying the necessity of written or spoken work to reveal such knowledge. The article advocates a Wittgensteinian, socio‐cultural solution to the confusions of current practice.  相似文献   

文章依据问题提出和问题解决主体的不同组合,将问题解决教学法在课堂中的应用分为四种模式——教师提问教师解决模式、教师提问学生解决模式、学生提问教师解决模式、学生提问学生解决模式,并详细分析每种模式的特征,提出相应的教学策略,以供教育工作者教学和研究参考。  相似文献   

In this article, interactive processes among group partners and the relationship of these processes to problem-solving outcomes are investigated in 2 contrasting groups. The case study groups were selected for robust differences in the quality of their written solutions to a problem and parallel differences in the quality of the group members' interaction. In 1 group correct proposals were generated, confirmed, documented, and reflected upon. In the other, they were generated, rejected without rationale, and for the most part left undocumented. The analyses identified 3 major contrastive dimensions in group interaction-the mutuality of exchanges, the achievement of joint attentional engagement, and the alignment of group members' goals for the problem solving process. A focus on group-level characteristics offers a distinctive strategy for examining small group learning and paves the way to understanding reasons for variability of outcomes in collaborative ventures. These dimensions may usefully inform the design and assessment of collaborative learning environments.  相似文献   

数学解题研究一直是一个十分活跃的领域,数学教育中“问题解决”的提出对于“问题”和“问题解决”都赋予了更为宽广的含义,对数学教育的发展产生了很大的影响。问题与问题解决具有四大功能:掌握知识的功能、认识的功能、教育与发展的功能以及评价的功能。问题解决在教学中有五大作用:理解作用、评价作用、调节作用、发展作用以及增强应用意识作用。  相似文献   

中国七千多年的建筑史,不仅体现了独特的风格,而且具有很高的建筑文化价值,一部分在于因为中国传统民居本质上带有某种现代的特征,在其发展和普及中渐次形成了现代建筑的原型,尤其对现代建筑的发展趋势产生了重要的影响,它们之间的关系主要体现在这几个方面,文化、环境、采光、住宅和公共建筑方面,如何认真地去吸收消化,是解决现代建筑存在问题的根本所在。  相似文献   

Physics is often seen as an excellent introduction to science because it allows students to learn not only the laws governing the world around them, but also, through the problems students solve, a way of thinking which is conducive to solving problems outside of physics and even outside of science. In this article, we contest this latter idea and argue that in physics classes, students do not learn widely applicable problem-solving skills because physics education almost exclusively requires students to solve well-defined problems rather than the less-defined problems which better model problem solving outside of a formal class. Using personal, constructed, and the historical accounts of Schrödinger’s development of the wave equation and Feynman’s development of path integrals, we argue that what is missing in problem-solving education is practice in identifying gaps in knowledge and in framing these knowledge gaps as questions of the kind answerable using techniques students have learned. We discuss why these elements are typically not taught as part of the problem-solving curriculum and end with suggestions on how to incorporate these missing elements into physics classes.  相似文献   

随着体育科学的飞速发展,人们愈来愈重视评价理论在体育教学实践中的作用.将评价理论的基本形式应用于排球普修课的技术教学中,取得了较好的效果.研究结果表明,教师在课前进行"诊断性评价",可以及时地了解学生的现状和初始水平;课中的"形成期评价",可以及时地获得反馈信息,进一步调控教学,改进教法,采取针对性的教学手段;"期末评价",可以为下一轮的教学总结经验.  相似文献   

Those who refuse to accept education as being the mere accumulation of information may gain insight and ideas from Dr. Barnes' discussion of problem solving.  相似文献   

问题解决视野下的信息技术课程与教学   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
信息技术课程的总目标是提升学生的信息素养,从认知心理学角度看,信息素养应定位在基于信息技术的问题解决。本文在阐述问题解决概念、过程与策略的基础上,从问题解决的视野对普通高中信息技术课程的目标、模块设置、知识建构与教学策略进行分析。  相似文献   

动机对问题解决迁移的影响开始受到人们的关注。目标、兴趣、自我效能、迁移动机等因素可能会对迁移产生影响。动机因素会通过影响初始的学习水平、迁移的发起、迁移的坚持等来影响迁移的效果。未来研究中需要对各种动机因素及其影响迁移的机制进行深入、细致的研究。  相似文献   

解题教学是培养学生数学思维能力的重要一环,本介绍了深化解题教学的几条途径。  相似文献   

Contrasts between constructed-response items and multiple-choice counterparts have yielded but a few weak generalizations. Such contrasts typically have been based on the statistical properties of groups of items, an approach that masks differences in properties at the item level and may lead to inaccurate conclusions. In this article, we examine item-level differences between a certain type of constructed-response item (called figural response) and comparable multiple-choice items in the domain of architecture. Our data show that in comparing two item formats, item-level differences in difficulty correspond to differences in cognitive processing requirements and that relations between processing requirements and psychometric properties are systematic. These findings illuminate one aspect of construct validity that is frequently neglected in comparing item types, namely the cognitive demand of test items.  相似文献   

在初中数学竞赛中,常被用来解题的代换法,有以下的三种解题模式。 1 以式代数 在解答一些数字计算与求代数式值的问题时,用代数式代换常数,把数字问题转化为代数式问题,使数字间的特征更加突出,规律  相似文献   

本文介绍了目前最有影响的两种隐喻理解的理论模型———品质归类理论和结构映射理论,并对两种理论及其相关研究进行了比较和分析。  相似文献   

问题解决在线学习活动强调将学习活动置于有意义的问题情境中,通过个人或小组协作的方式来解决问题。问题解决的过程与批判性思维的发展密不可分,批判性思维是问题解决学习活动中重要的认知加工过程。Newman等学者提出的批判性思维模型详细界定了批判性思维的发展层级及其表现,可用于量化分析在线学习活动中的交互文本内容,而话语分析技术可以从质性角度确保交互文本分析的完整意义。通过设计案例并运用这两种分析工具可以揭示出问题解决学习活动中批判性思维发展的特征:一是批判性思维各层级出现的频率是不一样的,各种表现的量化比例可以表明批判性思维发展的层级;二是批判性思维质量与构建问题空间及形成问题解决策略的效果密切相关;三是在问题解决的不同阶段批判性思维发展的过程和互动结构不同。  相似文献   

问题解决心理学的研究模式及研究取向的演变   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在心理学研究中,问题及问题解决是一个愈益受到重视的研究领域。问题解决心理学在研究发展的过程主要经历了问题解决的外部行为研究、问题解决的主体内在知识经验研究、问题解决的信息加工研究、问题解决的信息加工与建构主义相结合的研究等4种模式;其研究取向也随之出现了4个演变特点:从动物到机器到人类到人类个体差异性研究;越来越重视实践性、应用性,特别是教育教学指导性研究;问题解决越来越趋内在、本质化研究;问题解决越来越趋精细化、从静态化走向动态化研究。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to describe the nature of the social interactions during a cooperative writing structure and explore how interactions relate to the quality of the written stories. During a 12-week period, Mexican American and Anglo American students with learning disabilities were videotaped while they wrote stories in ethnically heterogeneous and homogeneous dyads using a simple word processing program. In general, the data suggest that both groups of students were skilled in maintaining positive and assertive reciprocal interactions during writing together, whether paired with a partner of the same or different ethnicity. The students helped one another with spelling; however, there was a negative relation between the total initiation-response exchanges and the length and coherence of the stories. Implications for instruction of second language learners and students with learning disabilities are discussed.  相似文献   

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