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In comparing the average scores for men and women on the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT, since revised and renamed as the Scholastic Assessment Test), sex differences in demographic and educational variables that influence test performance are usually ignored. In this study of 69,284 high school seniors (12th graders) who took the SAT in November of 1990, self-reported background information was used to compute adjusted scores for men and for women. On the Verbal section, the difference in observed means was 4.68 points while the difference in adjusted means was 9.87 points. On the Mathematical section, the difference in observed means was 45.38 points but the difference in adjusted means was 33.76 points (a reduction of over 25%). In all comparisons, the mean was higher for men than for women. It is argued that adjusted means may provide more appropriate comparisons of the performance of men and women on the SAT depending on the type of comparison to be made.  相似文献   

高校国家奖助学金育人功能及其实现路径   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文在广泛调研基础上,就国家奖助学金评选标准明确化、评选过程规范化、优秀学生榜样化、教育管理常规化、回报社会自觉化等方面进行了积极探索,以期为高校最大化发挥国家奖助学金的育人功能提供参考。  相似文献   

In this article, we examine two attempts to adjust state mean Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) scores for differential participation rates. We show that both attempts can be rejected because of overly stringest identifying conditions in the estimation equations, as well as because within-state SAT score distributions indicate that the selection model employed is too restrictive. We suggest that attempts to do such adjustments ought to follow five simple rules. Adherence to these rules will foster follow-up checks on untested assumptions. We also suggest that soon-to-be available National Assessment of Educational Progress OIJAEP) state data is a better way to make state comparisons.  相似文献   

教育扩张对于推动我国经济发展具有长远的意义。以往的研究往往忽略了教育扩张的外部性及其对劳动参与率的挤出作用。将这两个因素纳入到增长模型,理论和计量分析表明:(1)教育扩张通过提升人力资本水平和技术外溢,促进劳动力人均产出的增长。(2)教育扩张降低了劳动参与率,使其与总人口人均收入之间呈现倒U型关系。当前我国教育扩张水平距离拐点较远,教育扩张将持续促进总人口人均收入的增长。(3)宏观教育收益率越大、人口增长率越低、退休年龄越高,教育扩张对总人口人均收入的提升作用也越大。在当前我国生育率下降、退休年龄可能延迟的背景下,应当继续实行教育扩张政策。  相似文献   

Probability selection models for Scholastic Achievement Test (SAT) test takers using truncated normal distributions have been independently discussed by Taube and Linden (1989) and Edwards and Beckworth (1989). Holland and Wainer (1990) provided one formalization of the truncated normal selection model, and rejected it based on patterns in state test-taker variances and test score histograms. Their model, however, is fundamentally different from that considered by Edwards and Beckworth; the former hypothesizes that the probability of taking the test is a function of test score, the latter that it is a function of true score. Here, an evolved form of the Edwards and Beckworth model is outlined, and its relationship with earlier models is discussed. It is shown that the arguments of Holland and Wainer are not sufficient to reject this model.  相似文献   

分别在完全样本和删失样本下,当误差为独立或混合序列时,获得了非参数回归函数加权核估计的r阶矩收敛速度.  相似文献   

When a researcher constructs a scale, he or she must choose an appropriate number of intervals for the instrument. This study was designed to provide quantitative information to facilitate such decisions. Data were generated based on formulas derived from the classical true-score model. The number of intervals and the reliability of the data were systematically adjusted to determine their effects on information retention. As expected, information retention approached its maximum value when the number of intervals was about eight or more and reliability was near 1.0. Information retention approached its minimum value when the number of intervals was small and reliability was near zero. Moreover, increasing the number of intervals had a greater effect on information retention when reliability was near 1 .O. Tabled information-retention coefficients are presented as an aid to the practitioner who is selecting or creating scales. In addition, suggestions are offered for selecting a useful number of scale intervals.  相似文献   

The effect of different seating positions on the frequency with which pupils were addressed questions by the teacher was examined in two primary school classes. Baseline observations identified areas in both classes to which a disproportionately high and low number of questions were directed. Utilising a multiple baseline design six pupils in both classes were systematically moved in and out of these areas. Results indicate that location within the classroom is in itself a causal factor in the question distribution pattern. Concomitant measures of teacher location and pupil on‐task levels indicate that changes in these features of the behavioural ecology of the classes did not confound the location effects. Data are discussed illustrating the value of obtaining observational measures on behaviours concomitant with the dependent variable both in order to monitor uncontrolled variables which it is anticipated may confound the experimental effects, and to assist in the identification of other potentially significant ecological setting events within the classroom.  相似文献   

A pool of items from operational tests of mathematical reasoning was constructed to investigate the feasibility of using automated test assembly (ATA) methods to simultaneously moderate possibly irrelevant differences between the performance of women and men, and African American and White test takers. None of the artificial tests exhibited substantial impact moderation, although the estimated mean scaled score differences for the relevant population indicated a modest move in the intended direction: the difference between scaled score means was reduced by about 20% for women and men and about 9% for African American and White test takers. Although many issues in the implementation of this methodology remain to be solved, the consideration of impact in ATA, along with the maintenance of the detailed test plan, appears to be a potential method of moderating possibly irrelevant mean test score differences.  相似文献   

研究了五进制中数字和函数的均值性质,给出了一般情况下A1(N),A2(N),A3(N)的求和公式,并给出了证明.  相似文献   

本文将主要探讨在广义教育技术定位基础上的教育技术学研究教育的独特视角、在教育学科群中的立足依据和独特的贡献。  相似文献   

田华 《铜仁学院学报》2007,1(3):88-89,96
基于遗传算法,采用二进制串对3-SAT问题进行编码,编码设计完全符合遗传算法的特点,在使用遗传算子的过程中不会出现非法编码,数据结构简单,易于实现,通过寻求较好的方式来表达问题及其解,尽可能从易于实现的角度高效率求得评估函数值。  相似文献   

参与式教育方法及其价值承诺   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
"参与式教育方法"是以主体自主、积极参与教育活动为旨趣,以彰显教育民主精神和教育成效为诉求的一种教育方法。它强调教育平等与合作,倡导师生全员参与、全程参与,主张教育者主导性与学生主体性的有机结合。它内在地具有主体性、互动性、合作性、公平性、创新性等特征。它既符合现代思想政治教育发展的趋势,亦契合大学生这一特殊群体思想发展的实际需求,因而应当成为新时期大学生思想政治教育改革的一种新路径。  相似文献   

在基础教育阶段,家长参与教育督导具有必然性,这为区域教育督导工作的改进提供了一个新的增长点。文章认为:学生家长参与教育督导工作,强调评估过程与结果的开放,有利于体现教育督导活动的社会性,促进政府行政行为、学校办学行为和社会教育需求三方的整体聚合,深化区域学校发展性教育督导实践。为此,坚持理论研究与实践探索相结合,在对家长参与教育督导工作进行理性分析的基础上,有针对性地总结以英国为代表的国外经验,分析上海浦东新区学校发展性教育督导中的相关做法,并对完善家长参与教育督导机制提出改进建议。  相似文献   

教育体制改革的方向之一,是使非义务教育特别是高等教育成为产业。“国家调控市场.市场引导企业”的改革模式、教育市场自身的缺陷性、高等教育产业的特殊性等要求高等教育产业必须置于国家的宏观调控之下。我国正在建立的高等教育产业.就是要在国家的宏观调控下,发挥市场机制在高等教育资源配置中的基础性作用,以实现高等教育资源效率最大化的同时.实现高等教育的教育目标。  相似文献   

教育体制改革的方向之一,是使非义务教育特别是高等教育成为产业."国家调控市场,市场引导企业"的改革模式、教育市场自身的缺陷性、高等教育产业的特殊性等要求高等教育产业必须置于国家的宏观调控之下.我国正在建立的高等教育产业,就是要在国家的宏观调控下,发挥市场机制在高等教育资源配置中的基础性作用,以实现高等教育资源效率最大化的同时,实现高等教育的教育目标.  相似文献   


A series of multivariate statistical analyses was used to determine what relationships exist among three demographic variables, the Otis-Lennon Mental Ability Test (OLMAT), and the Stanford Achievement Test (SA T) at Grades 2 and 4. Data were obtained from the second grade classes in 1977-78 (V = 91) and 1979-80 (V = 103), and from the 1979-80 fourth grade class (/V = 91) in a rural middle income school district in southeastern New Hampshire. The best predictor of achievement at either Grade 2 or Grade 4 was the IQ variable alone. The correlations among the SAT subtests led to questions concerning that test’s construct validity and its use for differential diagnosis of educational problems of children. Among the Grade 2 variables, the best predictor of achievement at Grade 4 was the SAT; IQ was a negligible factor. Detailed study of the correlations between the OLMAT and SAT did not support the continued use of the group IQ test as part of the district’s comprehensive testing program; the costs expended cannot be justified by the value of the information obtained.  相似文献   

陈享光 《教学与研究》2000,25(11):19-25
利率水平高低一方面取决于企业利润率水平,另一方面取决于借贷资本的供求关系,而借贷资本的供求关系不仅同非货币部门的储蓄投资活动相联系,而且同货币部门的活动有关.利率具有调节、平衡储蓄和投资,引导资源合理配置的功能.要强化利率的调节功能,必须构建利率合理形成的经济基础.  相似文献   

研究了n进制非零数字之积函数均值的计算公式问题,采用初等方法,运用猜想、归纳、递推的办法.给出积函数均值的定义,得出了Smarandache问题中n进制非零数字之积函数三次均值的精确计算公式.解决了美籍罗马尼亚数论专家F.Smarandache教授著的Only problems,not solutions一书中的部分问题,对于Smarandache问题中的积性函数理论的研究起着重要的作用.  相似文献   

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