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Stitching Circuits: Learning About Circuitry Through E-textile Materials   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
Central to our understanding of learning is the relationship between various tools and technologies and the structuring of disciplinary subject matter. One of the staples of early science education curriculum is the use of electrical circuit toolkits to engage students in broader discussions of energy. Traditionally, these concepts are introduced to youth using battery packs, insulated wire and light bulbs. However, there are affordances and limitations in the way this toolset highlights certain conceptual aspects while obscuring others, which we argue leads to common misconceptions about electrical circuitry. By contrast, we offer an alternative approach utilizing an e-textiles toolkit for developing understanding of electrical circuitry, testing the efficacy of this approach for learning in elective settings to pave the way for later classroom adoption. This study found that youth who engaged in e-textile design demonstrated significant gains in their ability to diagram a working circuit, as well as significant gains in their understanding of current flow, polarity and connections. The implications for rethinking our current toolkits for teaching conceptual understanding in science are discussed.  相似文献   

This study describes the effects on student motivation and cognitive learning strategies of an approach involving an undergraduate learner-centered community of learners approach to instruction. Six learning communities were created using the following objectives: integrated courses, active and collaborative learning, and opportunities for learning through information technology and library resources. Instructors attended ten workshops designed to assist them in developing the learning communities according to the objectives of the program. Results indicate significant changes in motivation and cognitive strategy use by the end of participation in the learning community. Within the motivation subscales, students in the learning communities reported significantly higher levels of intrinsic and extrinsic motivation, more internal control of their learning, and self-efficacy, along with significantly lower levels of test anxiety and task value. Within the learning strategies subscales, students reported increases in their use of rehearsal strategies, organization strategies, critical thinking, time management, and the use of peer learning and help-seeking behaviors.  相似文献   

Ongoing research is providing new insights into the biological rudiments of empathy and its neurobiological underpinnings. There is also growing awareness that tablet technology, when used educationally and ethically, can aid adolescents and young‐adults' empathic learning. However, there has been little attempt globally to translate this new knowledge into the learning and teaching of empathy in early years education. This small‐scale study aimed at enhancing 3–6‐year‐olds' empathy by designing a tablet game and evaluating its developmental impact by combining teachers' observation with pre‐electroencephalogram (EEG) and post‐EEG. Children in one Australian preschool, were invited to (1) attend to and perceive emotionally salient events in a story, (2) actively share the emotions of the characters identified, and (3) take others' perspectives, reasoning why a given emotion arises within the context. Repeated measures analysis of both EEG and observation data indicate that interacting with the tablet game enhanced participating preschoolers' empathic learning.  相似文献   

秦少游生当北宋王朝从兴盛走向衰落的时代,统治阶级的日趋腐败,辽和西夏的连年侵扰,促使他从年轻时候起就产生了兴革图强,“扫除烦苛之患”;反对侵略,“收复幽夏故墟”的报国之志。他的五十篇策论,从政治、经济、军事、法制、人才等各个方面提出了治理国家的方略,集中表现了他匡时济世、爱国忧民的精神,值得我们认真探讨和研究。  相似文献   

Aesthetic learning is a major issue in arts education. The ‘method of art’ is often expected to facilitate in‐depth learning not only in the arts but across the curriculum. This article defines aesthetic learning in terms of a conceptual framework based on two dimensions, one representing the goal and the other the means of aesthetic learning. The goal is described as convergent or divergent. Convergent learning is goal‐directed, focused and rational, while divergent learning is explorative, open‐ended and intuitive. The means are described as medium‐specific or medium‐neutral. Medium‐specific learning emphasises the forms of representation, for example words, pictures, algebra, dance. Medium‐neutral learning emphasises instrumental aspects of learning, such as academic achievement or personal development. Combining these dimensions two‐by‐two, the author arrives at a suggested definition of what is meant by learning about, learning in, learning with and learning through the arts. The rest of the article investigates the potential utility of this framework in various contexts and for different purposes. First, the author presents two temporary ‘Culture‐in‐School’ projects. Secondly, the framework is used to study aesthetic learning processes in sloyd (art & craft), based on student teachers’ portfolios in metalwork. Thirdly, the four modes of learning are compared to equivalent modes of teaching: the instructor, the facilitator, the advisor and the educator. Fourthly, there is a discussion on the role of aesthetics in a ‘balanced’ curriculum. Finally, there is an argument on the need for a variety of assessment tools based on the four modes of learning and teaching, such as copying, portfolios, projects and the repertory grid technique.  相似文献   

Aquarium views, or AqViews, offer a glimpse into a split-phase aquatic system that is not normally afforded to terrestrial viewers. Although geologist Henry De la Beche created the AqView prototype two decades before the advent of the aquarium, this graphic type did not become popular until after the Victorian aquarium craze. We investigate the historical development and construct a comprehensive typology of AqViews that can be used by science teachers. We identify variations on the AqView, as well as a broader category encompassing non-aquatic systems, the PhaseView. Our research indicates that horizontal, cross-sectional representation of underwater scenes now appears to be the default position for some textbook authors, artists, and students. In spite of this, we believe AqViews are currently untapped resources for learning in science classrooms, and offer potential for enhancing science instruction, assessment, and visual literacy.  相似文献   

本文结合印染行业中热风拉幅定型机的技术改造,介绍韩国M21公司研制的XTOP触摸屏在热风拉幅定型机门幅控制系统中的使用。  相似文献   

人机界面和PLC在工业控制中得到了广泛的应用,本文简要介绍将信捷TP系列TP460-T型触摸屏与三菱FX2N型PLC相结合,应用于物料分拣系统中。通过PLC及人机界面与机械手的通信,可在人机界面上直接控制机械手动作,实现现场控制的一种全新的图形操作界面,为人机友好交互提供有效和便捷的途径,大大简化操作过程,提高工作效率,降低生产成本。  相似文献   

In three studies, we examined children's geography learning from a physical puzzle and an app designed to mimic the puzzle. In Study 1, 5‐ and 6‐year‐olds were taught Australia's states by an experimenter using a puzzle or were taught by an app. Children learned significantly more states from instruction with the puzzle than when they used the app independently. When children were allowed to bring home the puzzle or app for 1 week in Study 2, total learning between conditions was comparable. Length and frequency of use were related to learning only for puzzle users. In Study 3, children were taught the geography lesson by an experimenter using the app. Children's learning from this social app condition was equal to the social puzzle condition but higher than the solo app condition of the earlier studies, suggesting that learning from digital devices is most successful when supplemented with in‐person social interaction.  相似文献   

This article explores 11- to 16-year-old students' explanations for phenomena commonly studied in school chemistry from an inclusive cognitive resources or knowledge-in-pieces perspective that considers that student utterances may reflect the activation of knowledge elements at a range of levels of explicitness. We report 5 themes in student explanations that we consider to derive from implicit knowledge elements activated in cognition. Student thinking in chemistry has commonly been examined from a misconceptions or alternative conceptions/frameworks perspective, in which the focus has been on the status of learners' explicit conceptions. This approach has been valuable, but it fails to explain the origins or nature of the full range of alternative ideas reported. In physics education, the cognitive resources perspective has led to work to characterize implicit knowledge elements—described as phenomenological primitives (p-prims)—that provide learners with an intuitive sense of mechanism. School chemistry offers a complementary knowledge domain because of its focus on the nature of materials and its domination by theoretical models that explain observable phenomena in terms of emergent properties of complex ensembles of “quanticles” (molecules, ions, electrons, atoms, etc.) The themes reported in this study suggest a need to recognize primitive knowledge elements beyond those reported from physics education and suggest that some previously characterized p-prims may be better considered to derive from more broadly applicable intuitive knowledge elements.  相似文献   

教育部颁布的《全日制普通高级中学课程计划(试验修订稿)》,将“研究性学习”作为“综合实践活动”四项内容之首定为必修课,且占有比较多的课时。“研究性学习”的开设是我国基础教育改革,特别是课程改革深入发展的必然产物。它为以培养创新精神和实践能力为重点的素质教育提供了新思路和生长点;势必引发学生学习方式的深刻变革,为学生个性和创造力的充分发展开辟新天地和新途径。本文拟从现代教学论的视野,对研究性学习的一些主要问题试作探讨。一、研究性学习的基本涵义研究性学习是当今世界性基础教育改革和发展的一个共同关注的…  相似文献   

This article uses the lens of contemporary visual art as a counternarrative to explore the racialization of immigration in the United States and its relationship to education. Drawing on critical race theory, I argue that today several artists use their artistic practice to intervene strategically in the immigration debates. These artistic interventions are pedagogical because they open spaces for students to address the topic of immigration in both secondary schools and universities. As pedagogical sites, these art practices precipitate debate, dissent, and dialogue about immigration in the United States, generating another avenue for civic engagement, which is a crucial component of democracy.  相似文献   

在语言教学中,通过教而学是公认的事实.然而,这还远远不够,仅仅通过教来学习并不能充分活化知识.因此,英语语言教学应注重培养学生语言知识的运用能力.本文通过对非英语专业学生和大学英语教师进行问卷调查的形式找出"教而学"存在的弊端,并提出相应的解决方法.  相似文献   

曾碧 《甘肃高师学报》2013,18(3):135-137
从20世纪中叶认知心理学经历的重大变革出发,对后现代认知心理学的学习理论作详细评价,描述了从认知心理学的联结主义取向发展到认知心理学吸收了联结主义的思想形成了具有后现代主义特色的新的研究取向的过程,阐发了一种后现代认知心理学的新范式,即认知心理学的生成观。  相似文献   

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