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This study examines the extent to which schools that received Title I funds for schoolwide programs implemented the plans they developed. Findings were that schools implemented some of the plan components, such as hiring Title I teachers and teaching assistants, but that instructional innovations included in the plans were not implemented. The article concludes with recommendations for districts and schools, proposed to promote implementation fidelity.  相似文献   

Despite comprehensive school reform (CSR) model developers' best intentions to make school stakeholders adhere strictly to the implementation of model components, school stakeholders implementing CSR models inevitably make adaptations to the CSR model. Adaptations are made to CSR models because school stakeholders internalize CSR model practices in their own ways. This article focuses on how teachers and school leaders internalize CSR model practices by examining their perceptions of the components of CSR models as well as perceptions of CSR across grades and classrooms. Schools were found to be acquainted, informed, knowledgeable, and fully articulate about their CSR models. Contextual factors, such as teacher turnover, principal leadership, and school priorities, as well as developer supports, accounted for differing perceptions about CSR.  相似文献   

In this review, we explore the extent to which researchers evaluating the efficacy of Tier 2 elementary reading interventions within the framework of Response to Intervention reported on fidelity of implementation and alignment of instruction between tiers. A literature search identified 22 empirical studies from which conclusions were drawn. Results suggest that fidelity of implementation is typically monitored at Tier 2 and that alignment between tiers of intervention is often apparent yet not explicitly stated. However, researchers frequently neglect to report on fidelity of intervention in Tier 1, potentially limiting claims that can be made about the efficacy of subsequent Tier 2 intervention. Limitations and implications for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

Research Findings: We evaluated the fidelity of implementation and the sustainability of effects of a research-based model for scaling up educational interventions. The model was implemented by 64 teachers in 26 schools in 2 distal city districts serving low-resource communities, with schools randomly assigned to condition. Practice or Policy: Although a logical expectation would be that, after the cessation of external support and professional development provided by the intervention, teachers would show a pattern of decreasing levels of fidelity, these teachers actually demonstrated increasing levels of fidelity, continuing to demonstrate high levels of sustained fidelity in their implementation of the underlying curriculum 2 years past exposure. Different profiles of variables predicted separate aspects of sustainability.  相似文献   

介绍了自行研制的基于常规测量线测试系统的新型微波测量线CATS(ComputerAidedTestSystem),着重阐述了系统的工作原理、功能、特点和CATS组件的硬件、软件设计方案。在CATS的基础上,配置相应的微波参数测量软件可实现多种参数的自动测量。该系统对微波实验教学和实际应用均具有较高的实用价值。  相似文献   

文章通过对中心偏测试仪构建了一种理论聚焦评价函数模型,并根据该系统处理图像的特点,提出了一种改进型理论聚焦评价函数;以此为基础,利用自行编制软件对聚焦评价函数进行实验,并对实验结果进行分析。  相似文献   

School-based curriculum innovations, including those in science education, are usually not adequately evaluated, if at all. Furthermore, current procedures and instruments for programme evaluations are often unable to support evidence-based decision-making. We suggest that adopting fidelity of implementation (FOI) criteria from healthcare research can both characterize and narrow the separation between programme intent and actual implementation, which is a mandatory stage of evaluation before determining overall programme value. We demonstrate how such a process could be applied by science educators using data from a secondary school in Singapore that had devised a new curriculum to promote interest, investigative processes, and knowledge in science. Results showed that there were ambivalent student responses to this programme, while there were high levels of science process skill instruction and close alignment with the intended lesson design. The implementation of this programme appeared to have a satisfactory overall level of FOI, but we also detected tensions between programme intent and everyday classroom teaching. If we want to advance science education, then our argument is that applying FOI criteria is necessary when evaluating all curricular innovations, not just those that originate from schools.  相似文献   

教育功能:诠释,梳理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
正确理解教育功能是进一步认识“什么是教育”的关键。目前,我国教育功能研究中最具代表性的两种功能观是个体功能与社会功能观和教育的正、负功能观,前者对教育功能的研究缺乏层次性、动态性和内在统一性,后者则曲解了“功能”的本义,将“功能”与“作用”混同,因而应对教育功能问题的研究进行重新审视,对教育功能重新界定,从而对教育功能进行结构改造,让教育功能的讨论与研究回归到教育本真意义上去。  相似文献   

Developments in ICT have provided teachers with new, sophisticated and increasingly powerful tools with which to explore information and data. Other ICT tools facilitate the creation of new information-rich electronic resources for the classroom. In teaching and learning associated with history a fusion of both sets of opportunities allows learners to explore and analyse the past, identify significant relationships and trends, develop and refine their understanding of important principles and concepts and present their perspectives and conclusions to a potentially global audience.

Exploration et explication du passé - Les ICT et l'histoire

Les développements survenus dans les ICT ont fourni aux maîtres des instruments nouveaux, sophistiqués et de plus en plus puissants avec lesquels ils peuvent explorer l'information et les donnés. D'autres outils des ICT facilitant la création de nouvelles ressources électroniques riche en informations pour la classe. Dans l'enseignement associé à l'histoire, la fusion de ces deux ensembles d'opportunité permet aux enseignés d'explorer et d'analyser le passé, d'identifier les tendances et les relations significatives, de développer et de préciser leur compréhension des principes et concepts importants et de présenter leurs perspectives et conclusions à un auditoire potentiellement global.

Erforschen und Erklären der Vergangenheit - IKT und Geschichte

Durch die Entwicklungen im Bereich der IKT sind die Lehrer mit neuen, hochentwickelten und zunehmend mächtigen Werkzeugen ausgestattet, mit denen auch Daten und Informationen erforscht werden können. Andere IKT-Tools unterstützen die Einrichtung neuer, informationsreicher elektronischer Ressourcen für die Nutzung im Klassenraum. Die Verknüpfung von Lehren und Lernen von Geschichte mit den neuen Möglichkeiten erlaubt den Lernern die Vergangenheit zu erforschen und zu analysieren, signifikante Beziehungen oder Trends zu erkennen, ihr eigenes Verständnis wichtiger Prinzipien und Konzepte zu entwickeln, aber auch ihre Vorstellungen und Schlüsse praktisch global zu verbreiten.  相似文献   

忠实与背叛是翻译实践与理论中长久争论的话题。传统翻译论中的忠实与背叛都是在原文本具有确定的中心意义的条件下探讨的。解构主义影响下的翻译理论也涉及这一问题,但却是在否认文本终极意义的基础上引入的。解构主义翻译观拓宽了我们对忠实与背叛的认识,解释了为何在不同的时代甚至在同一时代都有各种译本存在的事实。在从解构主义的视角说明绝对的忠实只能是我们难以企及的梦想,而翻译只是作为一种创造性的叛逆存在着。  相似文献   

论现代诚信机制的构建   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
诚是为人之本,信是立身之道。了解诚信建设的现代意义,着力从舆论宣传、激励考核、监督约束、领导重视等几个方面来构建诚信机制,是当前诚信建设的重点。  相似文献   

We explored Norwegian primary school teachers' fidelity in their use of Second Step, a social competence intervention program. The investigation examined teachers' (N = 17) use of the program and their perceptions of fidelity of implementation through semistructured interviews. The findings suggest that, to a large extent, teachers adapt the program to their own needs. The rationale for adapting the program is relatedto the needs of pupils, the features of the program, and teachers' individual beliefs and experiences. The extent of implementation at school level appears to influence teachers' fidelity, as teachers who reported implementing the program with greater fidelity were mostly in schools with a formalized approach.  相似文献   

中外翻译界一直视庞德为"叛逆者",认为其译文存在太多误译或创造性翻译,违背了翻译的首要标准忠实。然细观庞德的诗歌翻译理论与实践,庞德有其忠实标准。在其诗歌翻译实践中,庞德努力寻求与原作诗人的心灵契合,强调诗歌语言的能量与细节来再现原作诗人的诗性体验与诗性情感。庞德的这一忠实标准与传统译论的忠实标准有所出入,属于另类忠实,却不失为对诗歌本质的追求,不乏真知灼见。在此意义上,庞德努力寻求诗歌精髓的忠实再现,堪称诗歌翻译的忠实实践者。  相似文献   

翻译不仅仅是一种语言活动 ,从根本上讲是一种文化交流。文章认为 :根据译语读者在解读源语文化中的主观能动性 ,异质文化的客观存在和翻译的目的是为了促进文化交流等因素 ,实现文化传真是可能的 ,也是必要的。  相似文献   

介绍了一种测量风传种子沉降速度系统的设计.系统采用MC9S12XS128单片机为主控芯片,利用两个线性CCD传感器分别采集种子下落过程中的视频信号,通过图像边缘检测算法精确捕捉种子下落过程中的始末两个时刻,利用加权算术平均法计算出种子沉降速度值,同时拟合出沉降高度与速度的曲线.实际测试表明,本系统具有测量精度高、抗干扰能力强、检测效率高、操作简单等优点.  相似文献   

某些句型相同,但功能不同,其原因只能是名词的语义特征不同造成的,从而界定"说明"和"指别":"指别"是以[ 实体]的实证方式回答问题;"说明"是以[-实体]的相关特征方式回答问题.  相似文献   

Fidelity of curriculum implementation (FOI) is an important area of research because of the critical role it plays in understanding how and why curriculum materials work and how they can be improved. This analysis explores written features within the Math Trailblazers curriculum that may influence the ways teachers implement mathematics curriculum materials. In particular, we examine FOI data from prior research in order to identify features within the materials themselves that may influence why teachers adhere to the intended curriculum to varying degrees. This paper reports on our analysis of examining five whole number lessons previously analysed for level of FOI alongside an analysis scale of written curriculum features. Our purpose in this analysis is to examine features of the written curriculum that potentially mediate teachers’ implementation of the materials in line with the intended curriculum. In doing so, our analysis further emphasises the critical role teachers play in curriculum implementation, and thus may provide some insight for curriculum developers as they consider ways in which to design the written curriculum that increase the likelihood that teachers will adhere to the intended curriculum.  相似文献   

文章主要介绍了一种智能汽车测速及倒车警示系统。该系统采用AT89S52单片机为核心控制模块,它结合了实时控制及数据处理技术、超声波的测距技术和传感器技术。系统可以完成汽车测速,可用数码管实时显示倒车时障碍物离车辆的距离,可同时发出警示的蜂鸣声。  相似文献   

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