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The double-deficit hypothesis suggests that deficient skills on two dimensions, rapid naming and phonemic awareness, are associated with poor reading. We studied the reading, spelling, and orthographic skills of Grade 3 children who met our criteria for double asset (DA), single phonological deficit (PD), single naming speed deficit (NSD), and double deficit (DD) groups. Analyses of variance revealed main effects of each factor, oftentimes modified by significant interactions, on the varied achievement measures. All deficit groups performed below the DA children. Compared to children with NSD, children with PD (a) were less accurate decoders, (b) were faster readers, (c) had weaker spelling dictation, and (d) had comparably poor spelling recognition scores. Children with DD showed a mixed pattern of stronger, equal, or weaker skills compared to younger reading level controls.  相似文献   

In this report, we propose a model of spelling acquisition inspired by statistical learning and a frame-like model of orthographic representations: the fuzzy representation model. To provide an initial test of the model’s predictions for inconsistent words, 107 French-speaking children in Grades 1 to 3 were asked to spell words ending with a silent letter. Half of the words ended with the frequent silent t and half with the less frequent silent d. As predicted, children accurately spelled more t- than d-words. Most errors were omissions and substitutions of the silent letter. Consistent with statistical learning, there was some evidence that children used the preceding orthographic context when making substitution errors. The proportion of omissions, however, was not consistent with the statistical properties of French. These findings are discussed in light of the fuzzy representation model, whereby inconsistencies in words are more likely to be underspecified, if represented at all.  相似文献   

This 1-year longitudinal study examined the extent to which morphological awareness, orthographic knowledge, and phonological awareness, along with speeded naming, uniquely explained word recognition, dictation (i.e., spelling), and reading comprehension among 171 young Hong Kong Chinese children. With age and vocabulary knowledge statistically controlled, both morphological awareness and orthographic knowledge were uniquely associated with all three concurrently measured literacy skills, as well as longitudinal measures of specific literacy skills. Naming speed was also uniquely associated with concurrent word reading, as well as all three literacy skills longitudinally, even with their autoregressive effects controlled. Analyses of children's spelling mistakes indicated that 97% and 95% of all errors were either morpholexically or orthographically based at times 1 and 2, respectively. Morphologically based spelling errors were also uniquely associated with all three literacy skills across time. Findings underscore the importance of morphological awareness and orthographic knowledge for Chinese literacy acquisition.  相似文献   

In this study, we investigated the link between the orthographic transparency of a language and the ease or difficulty of acquiring spelling proficiency in that language. The two languages compared are English, with a highly irregular sound-to-print correspondence, and Estonian, a Finno-Ugric language that has one of the most highly regular sound-to-print matches among alphabetic languages. Our study finds Estonian students able to use their early knowledge of stable letter-sound correspondence to attain a high level of spelling proficiency as early as first grade. English students progress more slowly along a predictable pattern of acquiring proficiency based on increasingly more difficult word features. The final indication is that progress in spelling is highly dependent on the orthographic depth of the language being studied.  相似文献   


Variations in the accuracy and stability of a word’s spelling can be used to gauge the quality of its underlying orthographic representation. The Lexical Quality Hypothesis (LQH) contends that words with higher quality cognitive representations should be accessed more efficiently than those with lower quality representations. If this is the case, deviations in spelling accuracy and stability should be reflected in differences in reading times. Here, 90 teenage participants read 30 words; reading times were recorded. After a 2-week delay, the students spelled these same words 3 times each to gain a measure of orthographic quality. In line with the LQH, faster reading speeds were observed for words with higher spelling accuracy and stability, even for words that were not always spelled perfectly. To our knowledge, our findings provide the first empirical support for the notion that orthographic quality exists along a continuum, both within and across individuals.  相似文献   

不同理论派别对拼写或书写知识和能力发展看法不尽相同。拼写发展论从形素对音素表征随时间变化角度出发,提出阶段论观点。Henderson及同事和学生受Read和Chomsky等人的启发,追踪调查英语母语学童创造性拼写现象,发现呈现与阶段性相关的共同特征,从开始涂鸦式,依次经过字母-拼音、单词内部结构、音节词缀的转变,最后是派生关系。在此基础上创建了单词学习法,作为融拼写与语音和词汇于一体的综合性教学法。本文先介绍拼写发展论的演进和主要论点,以及单词学习法的具体应用,然后回顾对该理论和教学法的检验和评价,最后总结了两者对中国外语学习者开展英语拼写教学和研究的启发。  相似文献   


Spelling difficulties often occur in children with developmental language disorder (DLD), the extent and drivers of these difficulties are underspecified. Meta-analyses were conducted to address this gap. We identified child-based factors (age, language spoken, profile of difficulties) and task-based factors (text production or dictation) as potential moderators of the impact of DLD on spelling performance. Thirty-two studies were analyzed, including 984 children with DLD. Large differences between the spelling of children with DLD and their age-matched peers were found. The average mean effect size was ?1.42, 95% confidence interval [?1.60, ?1.24]. Heterogeneity was large. Effect size estimates were larger when participants had additional phonological or reading difficulties than when they did not. No differences were found between participants with DLD and their language-matched peers. The results are discussed with respect to the underlying processes that impact on spelling across languages. Specific recommendations for future studies are made.  相似文献   

This study examined the role of instruction for spelling performance and spelling consciousness in the Dutch language. Spelling consciousness is the ability to reflect on one's spelling and correct errors. A sample of 115 third-grade spellers was assigned to a strategy-instruction, strategic-monitoring, self-monitoring, or control condition representing different types of metacognitive aspects. The results showed that students in all three training conditions made more progress in both spelling performance and spelling consciousness than students in the control condition. With respect to spelling consciousness, only students in the strategy-instruction condition made significant improvement between pretest and posttest. Students made more progress in spelling performance on regular words than on loan words. Students in all four conditions became more accurate at assessing which words they could spell correctly. Students in the control condition more frequently overestimated their spelling ability.  相似文献   

物质世界时空结构上的自相似性(即无穷嵌套现象)证实了自然界的许多性质及其部分运动规律只取决于物质世界自身结构的拓扑性质,而与空间绝对大小无关,因此可利用对已有的“大(或小)物理世界”的认识和物理空间基准量(特征量)选择的自由来预测并进而发现未知的“小(或大)物理世界”的运动规律,这一过程称之为标度分析与变换利用对事物某一标度层次上的认识和具有启迪思维和拓广思路的标度分析与变换方法可以去把握事物各个标度层次上的运动特征.  相似文献   

The Structure of Events and Event Representations: A Developmental Analysis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this study, we investigated how the temporal order and variability of events influence 3- and 5-year-old children's developing event representations. Children participated in 3 different events: a logical-invariant (making fundough), a logical-variable (shape collage), and an arbitrary-invariant (sand play) event. At each age, half of the children experienced the events once prior to recalling the events both verbally and behaviorally; the other half experienced the events 4 times, recalled the events verbally after each experience, and behaviorally reenacted the events only after the last experience. Children verbally recalled more and organized their recall better for the logical events than for the arbitrary event, and these differences remained stable with increasing experience. The sequencing of behavioral recall was also more accurate for the logical events than for the arbitrary event across age and condition, but amount of recall did not differ, with one exception. 3-year-old children in the single experience condition recalled less about the variable event than the invariant events. The results indicate that both the structure of the event and children's representational capabilities influence children's developing representations of events.  相似文献   

A system is described for using a mainframe computer or a microcomputer to analyse children's spelling in written prose according the vocabulary levels set out in the Alphabetical Spelling List (Wheaton, 1977). A variety of possible uses of this system in a number of areas are suggested.  相似文献   

In this article we report on children's (3 to 7 years) and adults'knowledge of grammatical and pragmatic principles of pronoun interpretation. A controlled version of a truth-value judgment task involving sentence-picture matching revealed (i) a continuous role of structure-dependence in pronoun interpretation across the full age range tested; (ii) a significant effect of pronoun directionality (although its exact form changed with development ); (iii) and a growth into adulthood of pragmatic bias in pronoun interpretation. The results contribute to current debates regarding the continuity of principles of "Universal Grammar" and also to issues of research methodology in first language acquisition.  相似文献   

Ninety-three children were tested on a variety of reading-related skills, including Tangel and Blachman's (1992) invented spelling measure, four times over 1.5 years. Results revealed that this measure of invented spelling was 1) stable, 2) highly associated with traditional phonological awareness tasks, and 3) substantially predictive of standardized spelling and word and nonword decoding tests over time. A measure of orthographic processing, as well as phonological processing, was significantly associated with time 4 invented spelling, suggesting that both orthographic and phonological processes are involved in invented spelling. These results indicate that this measure of invented spelling may be an optimal diagnostic tool for researchers and educators interested in predicting subsequent reading ability/disability in early development. Invented spelling administered in early kindergarten may be an even better predictor of subsequent decoding skills than are traditional phonological awareness tasks, for American school children.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Two groups of middle school students were taught U.S. colonial history during a 5-week period using 2 different instructional strategies. In the experimental group, concepts and problem-solving strategies were explicitly taught; in the control group, content was presented using lectures and reading. All students took a pretest and several posttests. Declarative knowledge tasks measured factual content knowledge and domain vocabulary acquisition; procedural knowledge was measured with problem-solving essays. Whereas performance was not statistically different between the 2 groups on the fact tests, significant differences were found on the vocabulary tests and problem-solving essays. These findings support using direct instruction for relational thinking and problem solving with explicit reference to concepts and attributes.  相似文献   

Ninety-three children were tested on a variety of reading-related skills, including Tangel and Blachman's (1992) invented spelling measure, four times over 1.5 years. Results revealed that this measure of invented spelling was 1) stable, 2) highly associated with traditional phonological awareness tasks, and 3) substantially predictive of standardized spelling and word and nonword decoding tests over time. A measure of orthographic processing, as well as phonological processing, was significantly associated with time 4 invented spelling, suggesting that both orthographic and phonological processes are involved in invented spelling. These results indicate that this measure of invented spelling may be an optimal diagnostic tool for researchers and educators interested in predicting subsequent reading ability/disability in early development. Invented spelling administered in early kindergarten may be an even better predictor of subsequent decoding skills than are traditional phonological awareness tasks, for American school children.  相似文献   

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