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关于信息管理与信息系统专业若干问题的思考   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
信息管理与信息系统专业是培养具备管理信息系统分析与设计和对系统内信息资源的开发与利用能力的人才。课程设置中 ,管理学、经济学及其分支课程是建立管理信息系统所需知识 ;信息管理学及其分支课程是建立管理信息系统内信息资源开发与利用所需知识。由管理学、经济学、计算机科学和信息管理学等 4门学科知识构成了其全新的边缘性和综合性专业定位。参考文献 9。  相似文献   

科技期刊新媒体传播现状及发展策略   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过分析国内外科技期刊应用新媒体的情况,认为应宏观把控科技期刊新媒体发展脉络,推动科技期刊应用新媒体提升读者的用户体验,增强期刊的互动性,以构建全媒体立体式传播格局,为科研成果的转化提供国际化交流平台。  相似文献   

Integrating information literacy into the academic curriculum has been a core role for the University of Auckland Library for at least 10 years. The role of subject librarians is evolving from that of being service providers to being educators who are active contributors in curricular design in higher education. However, a research project conducted by the Library found that many of its subject librarians were uncertain how to promote the integration of information literacy to academic staff, and that they felt they lacked the pedagogic knowledge and skills to do so. This paper will explore the development of a programme for subject librarians which focuses on the practical aspects of how to integrate information literacy into an academic curriculum. The theoretical basis of the programme is largely based on the doctoral research of Dr. Li Wang who developed a systematic model for integrating IL into an undergraduate programme at the University of Auckland. Elements of the programme are explained and outcomes, after two years of running the programme, are explored.  相似文献   

高校图书馆是高校教育的组成部分,是大学生潜在的课堂,有着潜课程的巨大能量。这是学校任何部门所不能替代的。文章从潜课程的角度出发,对图书馆创新教育进行调查研究,分析研究结果,提出图书馆创新教育的潜课程设计与构建。对提高教育资源的利用率,发挥图书馆的教育优势,推进高校创新教育,具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

Academic librarians have long been responsible for teaching information literacy competencies on college campuses, even as many are hesitant to accept the title of teacher. With inadequate instructional design preparation and one-shot sessions serving as a popular, if limited, instructional medium, librarians' design processes are often developed on the job and infrequently explored in the literature. Previous research has examined specific design models and instructional strategies, but few studies were found that determined how academic librarians select and implement these design decisions within the context of a one-shot. This Delphi study described academic librarians' design processes in an effort to develop practical takeaways for training and design of one-shot sessions using expert consensus. This study found (1) academic librarians find their master's degree curriculum lacking in instructional preparation; (2) participants preferred professional development that allowed for observation and direct experience; (3) consensus centering objectives in design decisions; (4) backward design was a frequently used model due to its ease of use, flexibility, and emphasis on objectives; and (5) the one-shot environment significantly impacted participants' design processes leading to modifications in their teaching. This paper concludes with a discussion of the implications for practitioners and recommendations for future research directions.  相似文献   

新媒体背景下学术期刊信息传播路径探索   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
董德英 《出版科学》2018,26(3):82-85
新媒体背景下,学术阅读的经济形态、信息载体和传播平台都发生很大变化,学术阅读变成服务阅读需求为核心,注重学术信息传播、阅读、思考、分享、互动、评价等,学术阅读呈现浅阅读、碎片化、单篇化的阅读模式.传统学术期刊面临巨大的冲击和挑战,阅读群体在减少,数字阅读成为未来学术阅读的发展趋势.传统学术期刊要利用新兴媒体技术特点和优势,改变学术期刊的单一传播模式,明确服务对象与服务内容,创新服务理念,实现学术信息双向传播,实现学术阅读的规范化、有序化、数字化和社会化.  相似文献   

档案双元价值是由湖北大学覃兆刿教授提出,用以解释档案的管理功能与社会意义,并评价我国档案管理实践活动的理论观点。它是进入新世纪以来我国档案学界在档案学基础理论领域所提出的极具创新意义的观点。随着越来越多的学者开始关注并投入到对档案双元价值的研究中,档案双元价值论也开启了由学术观点向学术理论转型的进程。本文将着力于分析档案双元价值从观念的发源到理论内涵的发现、发展的理论转型过程,并对档案双元价值论的未来发展与可供研究的空间进行阐释与预测。  相似文献   

[目的/意义]通过搜集和分析国内外社交媒体网络谣言的相关文献,以期了解社交媒体环境下网络谣言国内外的研究进展及未来的研究趋势,为网络谣言治理和学术研究提供一定的指导。[方法/过程]本文运用文献分析和知识图谱可视化分析方法,对国内外网络谣言研究的起源和发展、国内外研究热点及未来研究趋势进行对比和可视化分析。[结果/结论]从研究发展趋势看,国内外相关研究成果的数量呈递增态势,国外研究主要围绕网络谣言的传播、社交媒体网络谣言的监测、社交媒体网络谣言的传播原因进行研究;国内研究主要围绕社交媒体网络谣言的传播模型、社交媒体突发事件网络谣言、不同类型社交媒体平台的网络谣言三个方面;从研究趋势看,未来研究会主要围绕区块链技术在社交媒体网络谣言中的治理、机器学习技术在社交媒体网络谣言中应用、老年群体社交媒体网络谣言治理等。  相似文献   

This article attempts to explain the key points of the new financing reform of public service broadcasting in Spain. The following questions are analyzed: controversial points; the new law, private broadcasting, and the telecommunications sector; and the future of public service broadcasting in Spain. Deliberative discussion with 80 participants was conducted evaluating their views regarding public media. The central problem was the role that people feel the RTVE Corporation should play in the future. With that role in mind, participants were asked to evaluate the financial situation of public broadcasting in Spain. The new Financing Law of the RTVE Corporation, based on the immediate cessation of advertising, was passed in August 2009. According to the law, for every new service provided by RTVE, it should be assigned additional funding. It is not clear yet how this process will work in the future.  相似文献   


Many academic institutions are creating electronic libraries and reorganizing technology units, such as computing centers, libraries, media centers, and telecommunications offices, into central administrative reporting structures. Usually, these are larger institutions. This article is a case study of how a smaller academic institution, Carthage College, merged the library and computing center in a short time to create an electronic teaching library.  相似文献   

[目的/意义] 研究北美地区大学图书馆数字学术中心服务创新模式与空间资源配置以及再造过程,为国内大学图书馆转型和发展提供参考和借鉴。[方法/过程] 采用典型案例分析法,对北美地区10所大学图书馆构建数字学术中心情况进行比较分析,概括其服务模式和空间变革的主要方式。[结果/结论] 北美地区大学图书馆数字学术中心是集服务转型与空间变革于一体,提供数字学术研究支持和服务创新集成的新型图书馆空间,它将是未来大学图书馆中最开放、最有创造力和最具创新精神的服务功能。对我国大学图书馆数字学术支持服务的发展有一定的启示意义。  相似文献   

信息共享空间在美国大学图书馆的发展与启示   总被引:112,自引:4,他引:112  
介绍了信息共享空间(Information Commons,IC)的概念、模型、特点与发展,分析了美国大学图书馆IC实施状况,论述了IC对我国大学图书馆服务创新的五点启示:IC已成为大学图书馆发展的新潮流;馆舍建设应融合IC理念;建立结构合理的信息资源体系非常重要;人员素质和结构是提高服务水平的关键;评价与跟踪是提高服务质量的保证。  相似文献   

《Journalism Practice》2013,7(4):446-461
This paper grew out of the authors’ interest in updating the journalism curriculum at AUT (Aukland University of Technology) to better reflect the impact of online media, including social media, on the work of journalists. The challenge for journalism educators is to remain relevant in rapidly changing news and education environments. Our study suggests that while the vast majority of students have some engagement with social media, particularly social networking, and are aware that it can be a powerful tool for journalists, they are still not entirely comfortable with its techniques and they are not experimenting with social media as a production platform as much as we first thought. In short, it appears that they do not have command of professional fluency with social media tools. In response to these findings we have begun to introduce some social media tools and processes directly into the units we teach, in particular: digital story-telling techniques; the use of Twitter and location-based applications; encouraging the ethical use of Facebook etc. for sourcing stories and talent for interviews; podcasting, soundslides and video for the Web, Dreamweaver, InDesign and PHP-based content management systems. We do not see the work to date as the end-point of the changes that we know are necessary, but we are acutely aware of the limitations (structural, institutional and financial) that suggest we should continue with this small-steps approach for the foreseeable future.  相似文献   

高等学校的课程思政建设工作在“全面育人、全员育人和全方位育人”的理念指导下呈现出普及化、品牌化、亲民化等特征,图书情报与档案管理学科理论上的认知不足与实践中的融合不够,迫切需要图情档一级学科专业建设教育教学指导委员会、地方高校、学科建设点和专业教师承担起相应的职责,用好专业特色、做好统筹兼顾、搭好资源平台,以促进学科课程思政建设的可持续、协调与创新发展。  相似文献   

This study outlines the effectiveness of a media literacy curriculum in changing attitudes about media violence through critical discussions and analytical viewing exercises. Ninety-three sixth graders participated in a curriculum focusing on “high-risk” ways of presenting violence in the media. Results of a one-group, pre-test post-test design suggest that participation in the curriculum was associated with an increase in critical attitudes about the topic. Open-ended responses also demonstrated enhanced sophistication in analyzing media violence after the curriculum. The study has potentially important implications for media education and media violence.  相似文献   

The accepted definition of the academic library states its primary purpose of supporting the curriculum and the research of the university faculty and students; however, the essence of the academic library as embodied in its architecture is much more intricate. Academic libraries in Israel are unique in having more intellectual planning processes and more financial support and funding resources.This paper examines the architecture of stand-alone academic library buildings in Israel and their development and evolution over time, especially in the decades after the establishment of the State in 1948. The research investigates their appearance and conceptual reflections, inquiring whether they integrate with the surroundings physically and conceptually or are considered ‘ivory towers.’ Moreover, this paper scrutinizes the influences that affected the architectural environment these libraries came to embody.The discussion on the architecture of academic libraries analyzes the changing influences of Israeli politics and society upon the architectural discourse. Architects were searching for new methods in design, which led to the transition in the architecture of academic libraries: from modesty to complexity in design.  相似文献   

实行学科馆员制度深化文献信息服务   总被引:38,自引:4,他引:38  
文章认为,学科馆员制度是高校图书馆服务创新,深化文献信息服务与管理的新举措。文章指出了建立学科馆员制度的必要性,分析了学科馆员制度的运行架构,并提出了完善这一制度的相应对策与建议。  相似文献   

文摘学科信息共享空间(简称为SIC)是信息共享空间(简称为IC)与深层次的学科化信息服务相结合的服务模式。本文主要构想了学科IC中的新型学科馆员,创新了学科馆员服务,探讨了学科馆员服务的未来发展趋势,最终目的是为了满足高校师生日益复杂多样的信息需求和学习科研需求。  相似文献   

The market position of Public Service Media (PSM) and the programming and services provided have for years been the object of academic media research. Relatively little has however been written about the way the PSM corporations are managed. The article presents a number of reasons why media management researchers should add this area to their field of study. Not only are the managers of PSM corporations in great need of scholarly inspiration from outside. Even more important from an academic perspective is the fact that PSM provides management researchers with a sample of reasonably comparable cases of media companies and managers exposed to radical and very similar changes in their operational environment.  相似文献   

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