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What components should be included in a portfolio of student work? How can the contents of portfolios be scored? How is reliability affected as the number of entries in the portfolio increases? What will it cost to obtain reliable scores?  相似文献   

In research and development designed to assess the writing skills of third-year college students, the University of Wisconsin Verbal Assessment Project developed and tested procedures for assessing writing portfolios from students in courses representing each college in the university. Following the work of Britton (1970) and 1:he National Assessment of Education Progress, we defined expository writing as sustained reflection in which the writer focuses and processes information to various degrees. Basing our work on this construct, we assessed writing samples in each portfolio in terms of both degree of reflection and extent of text elaboration. Results of two studies are presented. In Study 1, raters scored each text from a given portfolio before rating texts in the next portfolio. Reliability estimates were low to moderate for both scores. In follow-up Study 2, involving a comparable group of students, several changes were made to improve reliability: (a) Raters scored all texts written in response to a given prompt or assignment within a class before moving to the next set of texts; and (b) each time readers dealt with a new task, they read several examples together, coming to agreement about how various texts were to be rated. Estimates of reliability for both scores were somewhat higher and suggest that the modifications improved reliabilities. Results demonstrate that adequate reliability should be expected if texts are rated by task across portfolios within classes. Based on these findings, we contend that, because writing normally varies by topic, genre, and other variables, writing portfolios are better characterized by scores for each piece than by a single writing-skill score.  相似文献   

《Educational Assessment》2013,18(4):265-296
We investigated the ways that portfolio evidence of students' competencies with writing processes was created and interpreted in 4 classrooms. Our study was conducted during preliminary classroom trials of California Learning Assessment System portfolios, when teachers and students were challenged with the new task of preparing portfolios that demonstrated students' competency with the "dimensions of learning." Drawing data from teacher and student interviews as well as portfolios, we considered three issues regarding the meaning of portfolio indicators of writing processes (a) Students' opportunities to learn to use a range of resources, processes, and standards in ways that enhance the effectiveness of their writing; (b) students' opportunities to produce "hard copy" evidence of their uses of processes; and (c) students' capacities to analyze their writing processes. Further research is needed to understand how participants in a large-scale portfolio assessment program develop shared understandings of the ways that evidence of writing processes is considered in the scoring and how the programmatic needs for comparability of evidence can be reconciled with the personal needs of young writers, whose uses of processes will vary with the purposes and contexts of their writing.  相似文献   

现代教育评价强调要在日常教育教学中发挥评价的激励和发展功能,学生成长记录袋正是适应这种要求的一种质性评定方法。本文以国内外成功经验的基础,介绍了学生 成长记录袋的理论背景与主要特征,并探讨了通过行动研究推进这种方法的具体策略。  相似文献   

教育界已经开始呼吁利用学习档案对学习和教学进行形成性评价,培养学生自主学习能力和反思能力。在这一背景下,本研究选定安徽科技学院英语专业某班学生为受试者,研究在他们学习语言学的过程中,学习档案对其产生的影响。结果表明:学生的自主学习和反思学习意识大大增强;学习档案有力地督促了学生坚持规划和实施学习。多数学生对学习档案持认可态度。发现的问题有:尽管学生自主学习和反思学习的意识增强了,但还未来得及彻底转化为有效行动。有些学生未能充分理解这一形成性评价工具的目的和作用,影响了学习档案的效果。  相似文献   

This research describes and assesses Critical Race Theory (CRT) pedagogy in a higher education ethnic studies course for police officers. CRT pedagogy aims to help students overcome “color-blind” thinking, which minimizes awareness of racism, by raising their critical understanding of racism and framing it as a pervasive and institutionalized reality that everyone has a responsibility to change. Using the Color Blind Racial Awareness (COBRA) Scale, critical awareness in three cluster areas, white privilege, institutional discrimination, and blatant racism, is measured among those completing the ethnic studies course and a comparison group of officers completing a different college course for police. Conclusions reflect on the impact of the course on students’ awareness of racism, the correlation of identity and awareness of racism, the hypothetical impact of such awareness in policing and possibilities for future research.  相似文献   

档案袋评价是形成性评价中的一个标志性的评价工具。它通过使学生反思和评价自己的作品,让学生发现自己的长处和不足,形成自主学习的能力和对学习负责的态度,有效促进学生学习英语的积极性和自信心,从而达到“以评促教”和“以评促学”目的。  相似文献   

档案袋评价:关注学生学习与成长的评价   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
档案袋是对学生学习与成长过程的追踪记录,指的是通过对档案袋的制作过程和最终结果的分析而对学生发展状况所作出的评价.与传统评价方法相比,它对于调动学生学习的积极性,促进学生的有效学习与成长等具有重要的意义.  相似文献   

为了解我国研究性学习档案袋评价的实践状况,我们选取了上海市大同中学做为研究对象,对该校课题研究的档案袋评价做了较深入的研究。大同中学于1997年已经开始了研究性学习的前期准备,1998年始,构建了以问题研究为中心的高中研究性学习课程体系,对于档案袋评价已经积累了一定的经验。  相似文献   

高考内容改革对高考历史教学产生影响。本文通过对近两年高考历史学科试题的分析,考查历史学科核心素养在高考试题中是如何体现的。挖掘高考试题所蕴涵的学科核心素养,有助于理解试题的内在价值和把握高考命题的方向,对高中教育教学有指导性意义。  相似文献   

当前幼儿园档案袋评价存在的问题与解决对策   总被引:11,自引:4,他引:11  
当前幼儿园在运用档案袋评价时通常存在如下问题:重结果轻过程;对幼儿作品的选择存在盲目性;对幼儿作品缺少必要的说明;档案袋评价结果构成不全面等。档案袋评价作为一种发展性评价,要想达到促进幼儿发展的目的,教师必须改变或纠正这些不正确的观念与做法。  相似文献   

《美国学校数学课程与评价标准》把"问题解决"作为一切数学活动的核心,要求教师在教学中加强学生数学素养和数学能力的培养。表现性评价作为多元化地考核学生高层次学习能力(包括问题解决能力)的有效评价方法而受到美国小学的青睐。本文以美国米尔沃基的帕布里克学区为例,对美国小学数学教育中表现性评价档案袋的收集与评价实施过程进行了探讨。  相似文献   

在美国纽约州AASP项目中,采用低成本、高效度的工作单模式来评价地理探究能力.本文结合"地壳下沉"案例,从评价目标、探究任务、评分细则和评价结果等方面,介绍工作单在地理探究能力评价中的具体运用及结果.  相似文献   

本文在分析了目前护理教育评价体系的现状基础上,提出了应用档案袋评定护理教育方法。介绍了档案袋评定方法的概念、优点,提出了档案袋评定方法的具体应用思路。  相似文献   

中国科举选拔文官的两千年历史,是一个信度、公平性和效度之间互相争斗的历史.在这一斗争中,信度和公平性渐渐占到上风.选拔的方法、过程、结果越来越可靠,越来越准确,越来越公平,可是选拔结果也越来越与选贤拔能的初衷脱节,最终效度变得非常低.  相似文献   

成果袋评价注重汇集学生优秀作品的样本,形象地展示学生的进步状况,让学生体验成功的快乐。成果袋评价可以展示评价内容的多元化,体现评价主体的互动化,实践评价过程的动态化,确定评价方法的多样化。从实验结果看,学生对成果袋评价总体上持欢迎态度,学生学习积极性进一步提高,解决实际问题的能力得到很大提高,采用成果袋评价对全面提高学生的语素养十分有益。  相似文献   

《Educational Assessment》2013,18(3):147-194
This article contains findings from a yearlong case study of a quasi-experiment of a language arts portfolio assessment system in a northern California middle school. Students in the alternative assessment classrooms were issued report card grades determined by an external examination committee made up of local English teachers who applied a locally developed rubric to student portfolios. In contrast. students in the customary assessment classrooms were issued report card grades determined by individual classroom teachers. Measures of reading achievement, writing achievement, and motivational goal orientation examined the effects of placement in 1 or the other assessment condition. A significant effect on reading achievement favored the alternative assessment students. No significant effect on writing achievement was found. Students in the alternative assessment classrooms registered significantly higher levels of learning-goal orientation than did students in the customary classrooms, but there were no differences on scales measuring advancement and approval-goal orientations. Qualitative data are presented that illuminate the quantitative findings. In this article, I discuss why the school chose not to adopt the portfolio assessment system schoolwide, despite substantial evidence that students learned more in the portfolio classrooms than other students learned in the nonportfolio classrooms. I conclude that portfolio assessment systems are unlikely to be used to their full potential, even if they are shown to be effective instructional tools, if adequate resources are not allocated for their implementation.  相似文献   

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