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在分析了大量的英语比较句的基础上,本文提出联系具体的上下文和语境是理解和翻译英语比较句最准确、最可靠的方法。  相似文献   

Using sequences of coin flips as a model of serial independent events, we asked schoolchildren in grades 1 through 5 to estimate the likelihood of the next flip. Most children in each grade expected short patterns to continue.  相似文献   

This article analyses the link between learning and well-being from the perspective that it is important to take into account the individual patterns of how young people learn and to encourage ways in which they can learn how they learn. Consideration is first given to recent insights and research in education and the cognitive and natural sciences that offer possibilities for new ways of thinking about learning and 'learning how to learn'. Using these trends as a background to her own 30 years of action research, the author offers a simple proposal: even very young children can explore their own unique learning processes. Building this capacity for exploration and encouraging the ongoing engagement in this activity are presented as vital to how well-being, and well-becoming are perceived by the learner. An approach that focuses on exploring individual processes of learning is introduced and the conditions for using it are discussed, including the role of teachers and parents in helping children bring forth their needs for learning in specific ways. Implications of this approach for classroom management and teacher training are also considered.  相似文献   

饶星 《宜春学院学报》2003,25(1):64-65,73
以《左传》为例揭示了古籍中的言语交际歧解现象,并对《左传》二例中学者们由此导致的误解进行了辨正。  相似文献   

Three issues about students reasoning, proving and understanding proof in number patterns are investigated in this paper. The first is to elaborate the features of junior high students reasoning on linear and quadratic number patterns. The second is to study the relationships between 9th graders justification of mathematical statements about number patterns and their understanding of proof and disproof. The third is to evaluate how reasoning on number patterns is related to constructing proofs. Students in this study were nationally sampled by means of two stages. Some new findings which have not been discovered in some past researches are reported here. These findings include (1) checking geometric number patterns appears to have different positions between the tasks of the linear and the quadratic expressions; (2) proof with the algebraic mode is easy to know but hard to do; (3) disproof with only one counterexample is hard to know but easy to do; (4) arguments with empirical mode or specific symbols were hard for students to validate but very convincing for them; and (5) reasoning on number patterns is supportive for proving in number patterns, and reasoning on number patterns and proof in algebra should be designed as complementary activities for developing algebraic thinking.  相似文献   

闻一多先生1925年自美返华前致梁实秋函中所录一组旧诗,对于研究其新诗创作从《红烛》到《死水》的发展,亦即从当时流行的自由体到格律体的转变,对于了解他的以建立新诗格律为中心、为旨归的崭新诗学理论,以至对于今天研究新诗现状、思考新诗发展,都具有宝贵价值。  相似文献   

解释学:对理解的理解   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
解释学是在西方发展起来的一门研究理解问题的学问 ,对学术研究提供了一种新的视野。本文从解释学的研究对象、理解的结构、理解的目的、理解的条件、理解的性质、理解的方法几个主要方面对解释学理论作了简要的介绍和评论 ,并附有必要的参考文献  相似文献   

数学学习强调理解,理解是数学学习的关键。理解记忆是学习数学的一种很重要的方法。文章就数学理解的作用与理解记忆的重要性作一简要论述。  相似文献   

Understanding is a bridge between teachers and students.Once I copied my desk mate’s paper during an exam and handed it in.The next day,my teacher told the whole class about it.I lost face and I hated the teacher.A few days later,the teacher had a heart-to-heart talk with me.He said he could  相似文献   

国际理解教育在我国已推行数年。与其他新生项目的推行过程一样,开始是少数学者呼吁,继而少数学校开展实验,之后通过不断的研讨、论证、推广,一个有益的教育项目逐渐普及。目前我国  相似文献   

<正>Understanding is a bridge between teachers and students.Once I copied my desk mate’s paper during an exam and handed it in.The next day,my teacher told the whole class about it.I lost face and I hated the teacher.A few days later,the teacher had a heart-to-heart talk with me.He said he could  相似文献   

这段小文描述作者希望与人交流的心情和在得到了一位素不相识的笔友时的喜悦。本文原无标题,根据内容命题为“Understanding”(理解)。初练英文写作的同学要注意用词的准确,多用简单的“小”字。另外提请同学们注意,写英文时标点符号和前面的词中间不空格,与下面的词空一格。  相似文献   

化学学科理解是一种学习活动,其主体是高中化学教师,其功能是使教师丰富化学学科教学知识、完善化学学科教学思维、提升化学教学能力,为落实“素养为本”的教学目标做好理解方面的准备。教师应从以下三个方向来增进化学学科理解:既要关注知识的成立条件,又要关注知识的依存条件;既要基于知识内在结构进行完整性理解,又要基于知识结构化进行关联性理解;既要关注知识的科学属性,又要关注知识的实践属性、辩证属性等其他属性。  相似文献   

一切理解活动的发生都必须以理解对象的客观存在为前提.文本一经产生便具有了自身的意义,文本意义不因理解者的理解而改变,文本意义相对于理解者而言具有客观性.在对马克思文本的理解过程中,我们应当坚持客观性理解原则,反对主观性理解立场.  相似文献   

爱情是带刺的玫瑰.如果没有尖刺,恐怕任意摘取,随手抛弃的人就多了. 爱的寻觅就像深山探宝,没有谁能保你一定成功;但是,不去寻觅,永远不能如愿以偿.爱的寻觅不仅凭眼睛,更要靠心灵的感受.  相似文献   

分析了学术界对王国维《人间词话》中“无我之境”观点理解上分歧的原因,从审美体验的角度论述了“无我之境”的含义。  相似文献   

Complex human interactions involve more than just performance toward pre‐determined goals. For this reason, systems that measure and seek to improve performance must adapt to a wide range of ever‐changing patterns of individual and group behavior. Historically, HPT professionals have recognized these complexities and responded in a variety of ways. This article uses a case study of community change to explore principles from human systems dynamics (HSD), an emerging field of theory and practice that explores the intersection between nonlinear dynamics and the wide range of social sciences. Given that human performance technology (HPT) draws methods and measures from a variety of disciplines to solve problems and pursue opportunities to improve, HSD and HPT could be mutually informing. The case study and analytical model described in this article draw metaphorically from the nonlinear dynamical concept of attractor patterns. Patterns are recognized, and their influences on performance are explored. Each of the patterns captures options for action to observe, measure, evaluate, and intervene in human systems to improve performance.  相似文献   

[教学目标]1.初步认识乘法,会列乘法算式,并能正确地读写。2.在经历乘法产生的过程中,培养学生的学习兴趣和自主探索、合作交流的良好习惯。3.沟通加法与乘法的关系,初步感受知识的产生是源于实践需要的观点。[教学重点]初步认识乘法的意义,正确地列出乘法算式。[教学难点]理解乘法计算比较简便的道理。[教学过程]一、情境引入(多媒体显示古人打猎记数的故事)教师:在很久很久以前,我们的祖先是以打猎为生的。如果这位猎人每天打两只猎物,两天能打几只?看谁最快列出算式。3天能打几只呢?5天呢?10天、100天…  相似文献   

理解儿童要基于儿童特点。从“思维能力”、“双重生命”、“心理预置”、“幼态持续”、“儿童的原始特质”及“儿童世界的丰富性”等几方面采理解儿童。就是为了更好地去对儿童进行教育。理解儿童的教育,要相信“人可以教育”;要尊重自然,引导自由;要关注成长“关键期”;要重视游戏的价值。理解儿童就要走进儿童的世界。鉴于此,要尊重儿童本能;要坚持儿童立场;要关注儿童成长的完整性;要构建“润泽课堂”;要重视教师的人格引领以及文化熏陶对儿童的影响。  相似文献   

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