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家长参与学生家庭作业的类型及其价值   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
家庭作业是学校教师布置给学生,让他们在课外时间完成的任务。家庭作业作为学生学习的重要任务,其完成的质与量是检验学习效果、衡量教学质量的重要指标。家长参与学生的家庭作业具有不同的类型及表现形式,对学生的学习会产生不同的影响。通过探讨家长参与学生家庭作业的类型,以期为学校教育和家庭教育提供借鉴。  相似文献   

在文献分析基础上,结合开放式问卷调查及访谈结果,提出家长参与小学生家庭作业行为方式问卷的维度设想,并编制初测问卷。初测和正式施测被试均为南京市和芜湖市的小学生家长。结果表明:家长参与小学生家庭作业行为方式问卷具有良好的信度、效度指标,可作为小学生家长参与家庭作业行为方式的测量工具。  相似文献   


Parental involvement research has greatly expanded over the past decade, but findings are mixed, reflecting in part the conceptual and methodological limitations of many studies. On the basis of longitudinal questionnaire data from 1,685 sixth-grade students, the authors studied parental help with homework because it is the most common and most controversial type of parental involvement. Distinguishing between the quantity and quality of parental homework involvement, the research shows that completely different conclusions about the effectiveness of parental homework involvement will be reached if its quantity is assessed instead of its quality: How often parents helped with homework was negatively associated with the development of achievement, whereas homework help that was perceived as supportive had positive predictive effects, and homework help perceived as intrusive had negative effects. Moreover, the results show that effect sizes would be overestimated if students' prior achievement and family background were not controlled.  相似文献   

For high school and middle school principals, the ability to create and maintain positive recognition and identity both personally and for the school is crucial for support from all stakeholders. Finding proactive ways to do this is not much different than the way a large corporation develops a campaign for a major product. Nine principles for developing a positive persona for a school are identified as steps to take to achieve this goal. Beginning with these in mind starts the process for administrators to know who and what they are.  相似文献   

该文对164名特殊学生家长、58名特殊教育教师和274名正常学生家长进行了调查,主要发现:(1)特殊学生家长对学校教育活动的参与程度是不均衡的;(2)特殊学生家长比普通学生家长更积极地参与学校教育;(3)特殊教育教师希望家长能更多地参与学校教育。  相似文献   

Parental involvement is seen as an important strategy for the advancement of the quality of education. The ultimate objective of this is to expand the social and cognitive capacities of pupils. In addition, special attention is paid to the children of low‐educated and ethnic minority parents. Various forms of both parental and school‐initiated involvement are examined. On the one hand, the connections between a number of characteristics of parents and schools such as the social and ethnic background of the parents and the composition of the school population will be examined. On the other hand, the connections between a number of outcome measures such as the language and mathematics skills of the pupils will be examined. Data will be drawn from the large‐scale Dutch PRIMA (primary education) cohort study, which contains information on more than 500 schools and 12,000 pupils in the last year of primary school and their parents. An important finding is that predominantly schools with numerous minority pupils appear to provide a considerable amount of extra effort with respect to parental involvement, but that a direct effect of such involvement cannot be demonstrated.  相似文献   

本研究采用自编问卷调查北京市孤独症儿童早期干预中家长的参与态度和行为,并初步探讨其可能的影响因素。研究调查了三所有代表性的孤独症康复中心和一所医院的47名家长,结果表明,在孤独症儿童的早期干预中,家长参与态度较积极(M=3.77),但行为频率较低(M=1.75),参与效能感也比较低(M=1.81)。很多因素影响着家长的孤独症知识水平,但影响家长参与的因素较少;只有家长学历、家庭收入和孩子是否参与过ABA(应用行为分析)这三个因素。  相似文献   

论全纳教育中的家长参与   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:5  
全纳教育乃当今特殊教育界讨论的一大热点 ,也是国际上特殊教育发展的一大趋势。而无论特殊教育发展到何种阶段 ,家长参与的作用都不可忽视。因此本文试图从全纳教育和家长参与的基本概念、家长参与全纳教育应树立的观念及应采取的措施三方面来探讨全纳教育中的家长参与。  相似文献   

对特殊儿童家长参与学校教育的思考   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
特殊儿童家长参与学校教育是现代特殊教育的重要议题之一。与世界发达国家相比,我国特殊儿童的家长参与学校教育的问题在理论和实践上都还显得很不深入。以笔的第一手研究材料为基础,参照西方学关于“参与模式”、“家长需求”、“家长角色”和“家长的心理压力”的理论论述,对“家长参与”这一世界性的重要议题可以进行切合实际的探讨和思考,并由此提出了促进家长参与的几项策略。  相似文献   


Since a significant percentage of students facing the risk of school failure, educational systems struggle to improve equity in education. Researchers argue that the missing link in establishing educational equity is parental involvement (PI). Τhis study examines three dimensions of PI (home-based, school-based, parental dispositions) as to effects on risk for school failure across two competencies (language and mathematics), while controlling for other variables, e.g. prior achievement and demographic factors. Data is drawn from the national ‘Program for Functional Literacy’ involving 6865 Year 6 students from 226 Cyprus public primary schools. Logistic multilevel modeling analyses, with students nested within schools, lead to interesting findings. Parental dispositions appear to relate significantly to the risk for failure in language and mathematics, confirming that this dimension holds the strongest impact. In addition, from the home-based PI dimension, the availability and number of books at home have statistically consistent effects on the risk across both competencies. Other dimensions or components of these dimensions relate significantly to risk for one competency only. These findings are further discussed in the context of future policy and research directions.  相似文献   

本研究采用心理量表的研究方法,对Walker,J.M.T.等人父母卷入的量表进行编译,在江苏省3市4所小学进行测量,以探讨江苏省父母教育卷入的程度因素之间的影响。结论:(1)江苏省家长的教育卷入水平总体偏高。(2)母亲比父亲在认知上拥有更多的效能感。(3)父母卷入程度与子女成绩显著相关,卷入越高,子女成绩越好。(4)家庭收入显著影响父母的角色建构与知觉。(5)江苏家长较高的认知卷入水平与实际上的卷入水平并不匹配。  相似文献   

聋童家长参与学校教育的研究报告   总被引:6,自引:4,他引:2  
本研究揭示,聋生家长与聋校教师对“家长参与”的看法普遍存在分歧,在一定程度上影响了家长与教师伙伴关系的形成,影响了家长的参与行为。本文讨论了分歧产生的原因,并提出通过协商解决分歧。此外,学校应举办家长学校,以帮助家长提高参与意识,增强参与能力  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the relationships among the attitudes and perceptions of parents, teachers, and family support staff toward parental involvement in prekindergarten programs for children identified as being at risk for later school failure. Focus group interview data identified, from multiple perspectives, factors that encourage or discourage parents from assuming an active role in their young children's education. Results are discussed in terms of future research and program development efforts aimed at helping family support professionals and early childhood educators better meet the needs of the diverse groups of children and families represented in prekindergarten programs.  相似文献   

随着我国城市化进程的加剧,城市流动人口子女的教育问题日益突出,特别是义务教育阶段的流动儿童教育问题已经受到社会各界尤其是学术界的普遍关注,政府和教育部门相继出台了各种政策来解决流动儿童的教育问题.但是预期成效并未显现.本文试通过概述流动儿童的教育现状,以家长参与理论为主要依据,阐明家长参与流动儿童教育的重要性和必要性,以期为解决流动儿童教育问题提供可参考的途径.  相似文献   

父母参与对幼儿的发展起着重要的影响。研究发现,父母参与整体上处于相对较高的水平,较高的父母参与水平反映在侧重于家庭的父母参与上,侧重于幼儿园的父母参与水平相对不高;在家庭内部,母亲的参与水平明显高于父亲;社会经济地位和父母参与之间的关系是不确定的,父母对男孩的参与程度高于女孩。  相似文献   

通过对家长参与幼儿园教育文献的梳理,总结了当前学者对家长参与幼儿园教育的概念研究、家长参与教育的政策与权利研究、价值研究、问题与对策研究、影响因素研究和国外经验的介绍及启示研究等方面研究成果,并在此基础上对未来研究方向做出展望。  相似文献   

家长参与特殊儿童教育模式的不同,其影响也不相同。传统模式中,家长往往不能发挥其应有的作用;心理学模式从信息交流的角度强调家长的参与;消费者模式引进市场经济的概念,强调家长的决定作用。家长与教师的有效协商,无疑更有利于问题的解决。无论何种模式,目的都是为了使家长与学校相互配合,共同搞好特殊儿童的教育,促进其发展  相似文献   

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