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本研究旨在探讨职高学生校园欺凌行为与其人格倾向、心理健康状况之间的关系.研究抽取了168名职高学生,采用EPQ与MHT对被试进行测量,并通过班主任和学生干部的评价来选定欺凌者.研究发现:欺凌者比非欺凌者更外倾,精神质更高,且欺凌者较非欺凌者更容易冲动,女生欺凌者比男生更容易获得恐怖感和更容易过敏.此外,研究还对校园欺凌行为的危害和干预措施进行了探讨.  相似文献   

防治校园欺凌的重要基础在于明确校园欺凌的具体行为。当前学界从不同角度对校园欺凌的概念和定义进行了探讨,始终没有达成共识。学界普遍采用的主观意图恶劣、违背他人意愿和重复性、持续性等传统特征已不能适应新时期校园欺凌问题的实际情况。校园欺凌是当前社会和政府关注的热点问题,为政府管理人员和教育工作者提供确切的、具有可操作性的校园欺凌定义,明确校园欺凌的具体行为,对于现有政策法规的进一步修订和现实问题的解决具有重要指导意义。  相似文献   

采用欺负行为问卷和中学生心理健康诊断测验(MHT)对中职院校学生进行调查,结果发现:中职生校园欺凌检出率较高,在欺凌类型中排在首位的是言语辱骂,其次是直接的身体攻击;教室和寝室是发生校园欺凌比例最高的场所;绝大多数中职生不曾主动制止身边发生的校园欺凌,且对正在遭受校园欺凌的同学表现出冷漠的态度;老师、父母对校园欺凌的关注与干预较小;中职生校园欺凌与心理健康之间存在相关关系,欺凌者在对人焦虑与过敏倾向两个因子中显著高于被欺凌者与未卷入者。应针对这些特点,国家应树立法治思维加强立法工作,学校主要聚焦在教育预防、批评惩罚和事后援助三个方面,家庭采用民主的教养方式,父母多与孩子进行沟通交流,学生自身应加强校园欺凌防范意识和提高自我保护能力。  相似文献   

本研究对农村中学生校园欺凌与心理健康之间的相关性进行了分析,进而为改善农村中学生的心理健康状况提供实证依据。本研究采用心理诊断测试(MHT)和个人调查问卷的方法,运用描述性统计和OLS的回归方法对8 536名农村初中生的心理健康和欺凌情况进行了分析,分析结果表明:10%的农村初中生被测出心理状态欠佳,37%的学生正在遭受校园欺凌,校园欺凌与心理健康有显著负向相关关系,即校园欺凌发生率越高,学生的心理健康水平越差。因此,应加强对农村地区校园欺凌的干预,以减少农村初中生心理健康问题的发生率  相似文献   

近几年来,校园欺凌事件频频发生,引起了社会各界的广泛关注。流动儿童由于自身、家庭、学校、社会等诸多因素的影响,更是成为校园欺凌的高发群体。本文分析了校园欺凌对流动儿童心理健康造成的影响,并提出了相关防范对策,以期促进流动儿童身心健康成长。  相似文献   

校园欺凌是儿童青少年中反复出现的、存心的、实力不均的一类特殊性攻击行为.在校园欺凌行为之下,大量校园受欺凌现象随之出现.校园受欺凌是指在校园场所内频繁受到某个或多个欺凌者有意的言语羞辱、敲诈勒索、殴打、谣言、诽谤等负面行为,感受到明显的伤害、不舒服等体验.儿童青少年校园受欺凌群体的身心健康遭到了严重损害,其学习、生活、人际交往都受到了极大的消极影响.对受欺凌群体的心理干预,可以降低干预对象的抑郁情绪和受影响程度,提高干预对象的心理健康水平,对儿童青少年校园受欺凌群体有显著的保护性作用.这对干预策略实效性的推广有着重要启示,能为学校开展儿童青少年受欺凌的早期预防和后期治疗提供参考.  相似文献   

以中国知网期刊全文数据库中CSSCI期刊收录的2006~2020年以来有关中小学校园欺凌研究的文献作为研究对象,进行了分析.据此可知,国内校园欺凌研究的热点主题集中于成因研究、干预策略的实证研究、欺凌防治的域外经验研究,以及符合我国教育实际的欺凌防治的路径探究.在此基础上,为能探索适合我国教育实际和社会现实的欺凌防治路...  相似文献   

近些年来,随着互联网的推广以及普及应用,校园欺凌事件频发,导致对于整个社会以及学校的教育都产生了相对比较严重的影响。人们对校园欺凌事件进一步关注,也更加重视对于小学生的培养。本文针对小学生校园欺凌行为产生的具体影响因素以及相关的应对策略进行研究,希望能够从多个方面有效地防止小学生校园欺凌行为的进一步扩散以及严重化。  相似文献   

In this paper the four authors explore the experience of school bullying, drawing on stories of bullying generated in a collective biography workshop and on fictional accounts of bullying. They counter the current trend of reading bullying as individual or family pathology with a post‐structuralist analysis of subjectification and power.  相似文献   

Previous research has found a link between active school transportation and bullying victimization among school-aged children. However, the link with other school travel modes (such as car, school bus, and public transportation) and bullying victimization is largely unknown. The purpose of this study was to investigate the association between school travel mode and report of bullying victimization among Canadian middle and high school students. The sample consisted of 5065 students aged 11–20 years (mean age: 15.2 ± 1.9 years; 56% females) who participated in the 2013 Ontario Students Drug Use and Health Survey (OSDUHS). Overall, 24.7% of students reported school bullying victimization in the past year. Females (27.2%) were more likely than males (22.3%) to be victims of school bullying (p < 0.01). After adjustment for age, ethnicity, subjective socioeconomic status and parental education, multivariable logistic regression analyses indicated that, compared to active school transportation, school bus travel to (adjusted odd ratio (OR) = 1.83; 95% confidence interval (CI) = 1.25–2.68) and from (OR = 1.79; 95% CI = 1.70–2.67) school was associated with greater odds of bullying victimization among males, but not females. However, the use of public transportation to get to school was associated with lower odds of bullying victimization compared to active transportation among females only (OR = 0.59; 95% CI = 0.36–0.97). These findings suggest that school travel mode should be considered when considering risks for bullying victimization. Bullying prevention efforts should target school buses to make children's commute a safe and enjoyable experience.  相似文献   

The current study compared eye fixation patterns during word and sentence processing in a consistent and an inconsistent alphabetic orthography. German and English children as well as adults matched on word reading ability read matched sentences while their eye fixation behavior was recorded. Results indicated that German children read in a more small-unit plodder-like style with more diligent first-pass reading and less rereading. In contrast, English children read in a more large-unit explorer-like style with a greater tendency to skip words, and more regressions. It is important that these cross-linguistic processing differences largely persisted in the adult readers. Orthographic consistency thus influences both local word recognition and global sentence processing in developing and skilled readers.  相似文献   

本研究旨在探讨数字故事对大学生心理健康教育课程学习效果的影响,作者随机选取国内修完《大学生心理健康教育》课程的38名2016级和2017级在校大学生,参加数字故事(DST)的学习、制作和交流。根据ARCS动机模型的四个维度(注意、关联性、自信和满足感)进行分析,结果显示,在DST教学模式下,学生在注意、关联性、自信和满足感方面与传统教学模式比较,呈现显著性差异。  相似文献   

Web‐based learning (WBL) is synonymous with on‐line learning, and is defined as learning that is delivered wholly or in part via the Internet or an Intranet. This paper first covers the advantages and concerns of using WBL in the corporate environment. It then examines the acceptance of WBL in American corporations, revealing who is using it and why, and who is not using it and why not. Finally, this paper discusses issues, challenges, and opportunities presented by WBL to corporations, the instructional designers and researchers.  相似文献   

Today, an increasing number of students are suffering from different kinds of mental health problems. Still, we know little about how professionals in secondary school and other professionals in society handle and collaborate around these issues. The findings from the present study make an important contribution to the research field regarding professionals’ efforts to meet the needs of vulnerable students. The present study investigates how school professionals in two Swedish urban schools and the local police describe their experiences with meeting the needs of students who are suffering from mental health problems and drug use. The study draws on semi-structured interviews with the professionals and observations of the schools’ student welfare team meetings. The findings reveal that self-medication, through use of pills or drugs (or both), has become quite common among adolescents, who see it as a way to ‘solve their mental health problems. Although students’ wellbeing and school safety were reported to be major concerns, the professionals’ collaborations were sometimes obstacles. Issues connected to the complexity of adolescents’ mental health not only highlight the importance of collaboration between schools and other societal institutions, but also indicate the necessary resources for such collaboration.  相似文献   


In recent years, China and Germany have become invaluable partners in business, politics, and science. However, psychological research indicates that the countries’ large-scale affinity does not translate onto the individual level, with many Germans expressing more reservations towards China than vice versa. Previous content analyses have connected this effect to imbalances in media tonality, as German media mostly criticise Chinese politics, contrasting with idealised portrayals from the other direction. Acknowledging the particularly high number of Chinese exchange students in Germany, we investigate mutual stereotypes (both explicit and implicit) in the context of a German university, while also exploring students’ perceptions of media tonality. Despite observing mostly positive explicit stereotypes, we find that both groups strongly prefer their country of origin on an implicit level, matching their generally sparse contact in university life. Based on our results, we discuss implications for students, educators, and decision-makers in the media.  相似文献   

Schools are increasingly recognized as a critical venue for the provision of comprehensive behavioral and mental health services for students. Unfortunately, difficulties associated with operating programs in schools often prevent evidence‐based practices from being implemented and sustained as intended. In this study, the experiences of school and community providers who were funded through the Safe Schools/Healthy Students Initiative to implement mental health services in a large, urban school district were investigated using a qualitative focus group methodology. Providers identified the major challenges they encountered with implementing, operating, and sustaining their programs as well as the strategies that they used to overcome those challenges. Strategies to enhance support of school‐based mental health programs are discussed. © 2005 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Psychol Schs 42: 361–372, 2005.  相似文献   

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