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As an outstanding modernist female writer in the early twentieth century, Virginia Woolf appeals for women ’s libera?tion in literary productions. Focusing on her most significant feminist criticism ...  相似文献   

散文的概念在演变中不仅有散文与非散文的区别,也有文学性散文和实用性散文的区别,在文学领域内,后者的区别更为本质,但常为人忽略,虚构作为一种创作技法,在大学性散文中的存在是由文学的形象性要求和话语叙述的特点决定的。虚构与真实并非不相容的概念,合理的虚构以生活真实为基础,使散文走向更深层次的真实。  相似文献   

青少年网络犯罪思想:特征、成因与对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着计算机的迅速发展,互联网通过影响青少年的学习和生活,进而改变着他们的思想道德观念;由此也诱发了青少年网络犯罪这一负面效应的产生,并还有发展蔓延的趋势。为此,如何在高科技环境中因势利导,引导青少年健康成长,尤其是提高他们的思想道德教育,是我们教育界特别是中学教育界要引起高度重视并加以解决的当务之急。  相似文献   

There are many areas of overlap between history and fiction. Teachers of history have long recognized this connection and used a range of fictional accounts in their teaching. In this article, we argue that fiction is a double-edged sword that must be handled carefully. On the one hand, it presents compelling characters and accounts that provide powerful connections with the past often missing from school history. On the other hand, the narrative force that draws the reader in and connects him or her to the experience of the characters also mitigates against alternative readings of the situation, undercutting the reader’s ability to understand the past in complex and critical terms. We contend that in the hands of effective teachers, the double-edged sword of fiction can be a valuable and effective tool in the teaching of history. We begin by exploring three scholarly conversations around the nature of history, history education and learning theory. We then discuss the general relationship between history and fiction, move on to describe two broad categories of fiction and their particular connections to history and history teaching and consider some of the tensions between history and fiction. Finally, we investigate pedagogical implications for effective use of fiction in the teaching of history.  相似文献   

e-Books share some key features with traditional printed picture books, but also include distinct features such as live animation, interactive components, and the operation of the technology that require new approaches to shared reading with young children. The purpose of this paper is to better inform adults working with young children (teachers, child care providers, and parents) of important factors to consider when choosing and sharing e-books with young children. We discuss why to share e-books with young children; types of e-books and how to evaluate them; how adults can best support young children’s language and literacy development through shared readings of e-books, including examples of shared readings of an e-book with young children; and an exploration of the potential of e-books to support meaningful interactions around texts.  相似文献   

锡德尼、华滋华斯、琼生都是英国诗歌史上负有盛名的诗人。三位诗人分别移情于明月,渴望童心永驻,用秋波向恋人祝酒,体现了中西文化在形象思维过程中的些许差异。  相似文献   

Holocaust education in England and Wales received a major boost in 1990 when, as part of the National Curriculum, it became a mandatory subject of study for all secondary aged students in the maintained sector. Many schools in the United States have also been teaching the Holocaust for some time (usually to students in grades 8 to 10), but in contrast to the United Kingdom the way the subject is taught has aroused considerable opposition. Among the more censorious of the critics was the historian, Lucy Dawidowicz, who examined a range of Holocaust curricula in 24 states and in New York City. Reporting her findings in Commentary in 1990 she castigated the majority of the curricula for their inadequate coverage of the history of anti-Semitism prior to Hitler (particularly its integral link with Christianity), role-play exercises likely to produce trauma, and the drawing of inappropriate parallels with other genocides. She said nothing, however, about the value of literature as a vehicle for learning about the Holocaust—a surprising omission in view of the prominent coverage it receives in the best known of the curricula Facing History and Ourselves. Due to the paucity of research in this area, the editors would welcome letters from teachers who have used Holocaust literature in the classroom.  相似文献   

Correlations were obtained between scores or ratings on 17 variables derived from a review of the research and theory on the problem of selection and rated levels of empathic understanding, genuineness, and respect provided by 19 graduate students to clients during the counseling practicum experience. The results revealed that empathic understanding and respect are significantly related to two similar personality variables: tolerance of ambiguity and need for order. Ratings from Carkhuff's Index of Communication were significantly related to empathic understanding. None of the variables investigated was significantly related to genuineness. Suggestions are made for further research and the improvement of existing selection instruments.  相似文献   

This paper describes some of the key findings from a recently completed PhD, which examined the role of empathy in teacher–pupil relationships and its relevance to moral modelling. The project collected data through interviews and classroom observations and used grounded methodology theory for the analysis. The literature considers the latest research in neuroscience and the significance of emotions in moral decision making alongside older psychological research on affect and empathy in learning.
Despite an overwhelming desire to support, care for and relate deeply to pupils, teachers were continually constrained by the conditions in which they worked. Time was stolen from them by the nature of the current education system; the fragmented and rigid curriculum; the time poor nature of their working conditions; the bureaucracy of modern education and the large numbers of pupils and low frequency of contact. The moral model available for students becomes degraded and needs remain unmet. Teachers are obliged to show lack of care towards individuals, the reverse of what they believe to be necessary and what their pupils want and need.  相似文献   

Facilitating discussions about race can be challenging for even the most experienced educator. In this article, Anthony Keith provides a framework for using multimedia resources to guide student reflection and discussion on race.  相似文献   

Linguistic minority students have been both under-researched and underserved in the context of research on minority students’ access to and retention in higher education. The labels ascribed to them have typically failed to capture the complexity of their identities. Additionally, much of the literature in higher education on minority students’ access and retention has focused on structural barriers rather than on how students negotiate these barriers. By bringing linguistic minority students into the forefront of this conversation, we show how four linguistic minority female students draw on their community cultural wealth and different forms of capital (Yosso, 2005 Yosso, T. J. 2005. Whose culture has capital? A critical race theory discussion of community cultural wealth. Race, Ethnicity and Education, 8(1): 6991. [Taylor & Francis Online] [Google Scholar]) to access and navigate college while experiencing differing advantages and disadvantages based on institutional labeling. By employing critical race theory and its conceptualization of capital, we illustrate how students use, resist, and negotiate labels in attempts to access resources and services at a four-year institution. We conclude by calling for more research on this population as well as additive university practices and policies that reflect the richness of linguistic minority student identities.  相似文献   

Four groups of children in first grade were compared on early literacy tasks. Children in three of the groups were bilingual, each group representing a different combination of language and writing system, and children in the fourth group were monolingual speakers of English. All the bilingual children used both languages daily and were learning to read in both languages. The children solved decoding and phonological awareness tasks, and the bilinguals completed all tasks in both languages. Initial differences between the groups in factors that contribute to early literacy were controlled in an analysis of covariance, and the results showed a general increment in reading ability for all the bilingual children but a larger advantage for children learning two alphabetic systems. Similarly, bilinguals transferred literacy skills across languages only when both languages were written in the same system. Therefore, the extent of the bilingual facilitation for early reading depends on the relation between the two languages and writing systems.  相似文献   

《中学生鲁迅读本》是一本关于如何引导中学生阅读鲁迅其的本。读本指出,了解鲁迅其要有一个过程,即:感受鲁迅一阅读鲁迅一研究鲁迅,从而引导学生走进鲁迅的世界。总之,“读点鲁迅”的目的是为了使学生成为学习的主人,充分发挥他们的主动性、积极性与创造性。  相似文献   

Ongoing research is providing new insights into the biological rudiments of empathy and its neurobiological underpinnings. There is also growing awareness that tablet technology, when used educationally and ethically, can aid adolescents and young‐adults' empathic learning. However, there has been little attempt globally to translate this new knowledge into the learning and teaching of empathy in early years education. This small‐scale study aimed at enhancing 3–6‐year‐olds' empathy by designing a tablet game and evaluating its developmental impact by combining teachers' observation with pre‐electroencephalogram (EEG) and post‐EEG. Children in one Australian preschool, were invited to (1) attend to and perceive emotionally salient events in a story, (2) actively share the emotions of the characters identified, and (3) take others' perspectives, reasoning why a given emotion arises within the context. Repeated measures analysis of both EEG and observation data indicate that interacting with the tablet game enhanced participating preschoolers' empathic learning.  相似文献   

With the advent of the Next Generation Science Standards in engineering (NGSS, 2013), teachers of multiple subject areas are being asked to do more than ever before—not only to teach engineering content in the K-12 classroom but also to engage students in authentic disciplinary reading and writing as part of content learning. These standards sound good, but they beg several questions; namely, what do we know about how, why, and when do engineers read and write as they do their work every day? What do teachers charged with engineering education know about the daily practices of engineers, let alone the literacy practices? In short, little is known about the literacy practices of engineers in the course of their daily work. This article draws on participant observation, interviews, and document analysis of one research engineering laboratory to illustrate the literacy practices of one group of engineers and begins to draw implications from this work for teacher practice in achieving the NGSS engineering education standards.  相似文献   

How are entrance examinations for college used in Sweden? What is measured by these examinations? What kinds of research have been conducted? Have gender differences been found on the tests?  相似文献   

1. This article contains the specific yearly requirements of the National Curriculum for the Six-Year Elementary School Language Educational Program. It is the sequence for the edited education materials and for the implementation of instruction. It is based upon the principles of: from shallow to deep, near to far, simple to complex, perceptual to conceptual. It provides the specific educational standards by year for "character, word, sentence, article; listen, speak, read, write" and other areas. These different areas of educational standards are inextricably interrelated.  相似文献   

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