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在张爱玲的《沉香屑:第二炉香》中,通俗的情节通过精致的比喻和意象而传递出了超越文本的深刻内涵,那就是作者对人性与生命更为深刻的理解——人是孤独的个体,生命是苍凉而无奈的,挣扎是徒劳无益的。  相似文献   


June 2019 saw the 25th anniversary of the World Conference on Special Needs Education, which was co-organized by UNESCO and the Ministry of Education and Science of Spain, and held in the city of Salamanca. It led to the Salamanca Statement and Framework for Action on Special Needs Education, arguably the most significant international document that has ever appeared in the field of special education. In so doing, it endorsed the idea of inclusive education, which was to become a major influence in subsequent years. The articles in this special issue illustrate the ways in which the Salamanca Statement has and still is influencing the development of policies and practices across the world. In this editorial, we provide readers with some relevant background to these developments.  相似文献   

The history of the Coalition for Improving Maternity Services as part of a global effort to promote normal birth is described. The principles underlying the Mother-Friendly Childbirth Initiative are presented, the Ten Steps of Mother-Friendly Care are identified, and the evidence basis for the Ten Steps is introduced.  相似文献   

In this article, the details of the methods used to determine the evidence basis of the Ten Steps of Mother-Friendly Care are presented and discussed.  相似文献   

A consumer advocate, two childbirth educators, and a certified nurse-midwife each provide commentary on the effectiveness of and potential uses for the Evidence Basis for the Ten Steps of Mother-Friendly Care.  相似文献   

This article argues for the importance of studying the moral meanings that young people attach to their aspirations and plans for the future. Drawing on semi-structured interview data with 29 young people from a sixth-form college in a disadvantaged area of East London, I show that aspirations are closely connected to the formation of individual and group identities, and the making of inter-group boundaries. I argue that young people develop aspirations as part of a normatively evaluative narrative about who they are and the kind of person they hope to become. Focusing on moral meanings helps us to better understand young peoples’ range of motivations for pursuing particular goals, and may help to explain why aspirations can remain high even in the absence of capitals, resources, or opportunities.  相似文献   

Rishi Sriram, T. Laine Scales, and Meghan Oster share how the assessment efforts of Baylor University's Engaged Learning Groups have led to effective advocating for program improvement as well as increased administrative support.  相似文献   

本文通过对党的制度建设历史的回顾与反思,结合邓小平同志强调新时期“着重从制度上建党”的理论,阐明注重制度建设问题,是我们党走向成熟的重要标志。并论述了加强党的制度建设,对于坚持党的基本路线不动摇、提高党的执政和领导水平、确保社会主义市场经济的健康发展具有深远的现实意义。从而指出,制度建党,是历史与现实的必然选择。  相似文献   

This paper discusses segmentation of the potential MBA student market according to demographic criteria, based on the assumption that student success (identified as completion of the degree within five years) is indicative of client satisfaction. The University of Western Australia's MBA program began in 1973. Using the records for this period, demographic variables are tested as predictors of student success. It is found that students who have been admitted without taking the Graduate Management Admissions Test (GMAT) do significantly worse than average, as do those students whose previous degrees were in the professional fields of Medicine, Law and Architecture. Women do less well than men, though this is explained by the facy that a larger percentage of women have been admitted without GMAT scores. It is also found that, for those students admitted to the couse, the GMAT score (except for very high scores) and the years of work experience are not significantly related to success. This result is interpreted as indicating, not that GMAT score and work experience are unrelated to success, but rather that these criteria have been appropriately weighed against other criteria in the selection procedure.  相似文献   


This report summarizes the experimental evaluation of one reading improvement program (Perceptual Development Laboratories, “Advanced Reading Program”) used in an Air Force population. The program consisted of twenty-six 1-hour lessons presented via a specially designed projector. The subjects were primarily Air Force retrainees though some permanent cadre personnel were included. To eliminate a “novelty” effect, the evaluation was performed during the second year the program was used. Using the P, D. L. reading achievement test, pre-test and post-test scores were obtained and compared. Differences were obtained (t = .01 level). Data from twelve separate groups of about sixteen subjects each were reported, i.e., the program was repeated monthly. Each group showed a statistically significant gain in speed of reading without a significant loss of comprehension. While considerable individual variation was present, the groups consistently demonstrated about a 60 percent increase in reading achievement.  相似文献   

19世纪美国著名女诗人艾米莉·狄金森在其生命的最盛之季(30岁时),亦即其生命的最后20多年里离群索居,独身不嫁,为后人留下诗稿1700余首。一个多世纪以来,狄金森隐居之谜与其诗作一样倍受关注。纵观诗人的一生及其诗作书信,不难发现诗人的精神世界里充满着梦想与现实、生与死、爱情与独身、宗教盛行与其怀疑主义等各方面的二元对立。而这些对立和冲突发展到不可调和之时,诗人毅然选择了隐居,从而解构并诗意地超越了这些二元对立。  相似文献   

The integration of children with severe learning difficulties into mainstream schools is threatened by the 1988 Education Reform Act. Its continuation and expansion may largely depend on the type and degree of support available from LEAs and individual schools. Barry Carpenter and Jeremy Fathers, head and deputy head respectively at Blythe School, Ann Lewis, lecturer in education, Warwick University, and Rosemary Privett, integration support teacher at Blythe School, describe Blythe's integration projects and the role of the integration support teacher, which will be crucial in maintaining mainstream links 'at a time when … integration might wane'.  相似文献   

The reality of long term mass youth unemployment has produced a ‘new social condition’ for many young people—especially when the concentrations of class, race, geography and qualification are taken into account.

This ‘condition’ shifts the grounds upon which our theoretical debates have stood and must renew the questioning of certain fundamentals. It also places or replaces on the agenda just what is supposed to be the working class interest in state education.  相似文献   

The sampling (probability) distribution for the sum of dice is presented graphically as a compelling demonstration of the Central Limit Theorem.  相似文献   

The techniques used in massive open online courses (MOOCs) are compared with supersizing in the fast food industry. Similarities include the profit motives, marketing techniques, criticisms, industry defences, and evolution of the two controversies. While fast food restaurants strategically increase the size of their meal courses and consumer base, MOOC providers increase the size of their student enrolments and the amounts of online course material they provide for the students to consume. In the two contexts, franchise owners and educational administrators deliver the supersized courses to their customers with apparent disregard for their widening negative effects. Educational institutions are encouraged to consider the ethics of these practices in order to prevent the unmonitored spread of junk education.  相似文献   

The author explores the role existential philosophy can have in expanding the present foundations of education for the gifted.  相似文献   

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