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树立科学发展观的核心在于坚持以人为本   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
党的十六届三中全会明确提出了“坚持以人为本 ,树立全面、协调、可持续发展的发展观 ,促进经济社会和人的全面发展” ,其核心和本质就是坚持以人为本。以人为本 ,体现了马克思主义的基本观点 ,是贯彻“三个代表”重要思想 ,坚持立党为公、执政为民的本质要求 ,也是进一步发扬党的优良传统和作风的具体体现  相似文献   

Since the early 1990s interest has surged in developing edutainment software, namely applications that possess the allure of electronic games while achieving educational goals. In the rush to adopt this new seemingly harmless technological fad, both educators and parents overlooked its long-term harmful effects. The aim of this article is to draw attention to these effects, particularly to the inflated expectation in the learners that the process of learning should always be colourful and fun, and that they can acquire information without work and serious study. It argues that what is essential is realizing that education is concerned with the development of cognitive structures and that educational technology is a medium, not a pedagogy that is useful in creating such learning environments. In this context, it may be time to examine critically the educational potential of edutainment software together with the advantages and disadvantages it might bring to the instructional process. The discussion begins, after a brief definition of edutainment, with an understanding of what technology and education entail. Then the discussion broadens to a critique of problems with edutainment drawing on the findings of educational psychology.  相似文献   

The skill set required of biomedical researchers continues to grow and evolve as biology matures as a natural science. Science necessitates creative yet critical thinking, persuasive communication skills, purposeful use of time, and adeptness at the laboratory bench. Teaching these skills can be effectively accomplished in an inquiry-based, active-learning environment at a primarily undergraduate institution. Cell Biology Techniques, an upper-level cell biology laboratory course at St. John Fisher College, features two independent projects that take advantage of the biology of the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans, a premier yet simple model organism. First, students perform a miniature epigenetic screen for novel phenotypes using RNA interference. The results of this screen combined with literature research direct students toward a singe gene that they attempt to subclone in the second project. The biology of the chosen gene/protein also becomes an individualized focal point with respect to the content of the laboratory. Progress toward course goals is evaluated using written, oral, and group-produced assignments, including a concept map. Pre- and postassessment indicates a significant increase in the understanding of broad concepts in cell biological research.  相似文献   

一、我国民办(私立)高等教育在改革开放中蓬勃发展,趋势喜人 本世纪八十年代,民办高等学校在我国中断了30多年之后重新登台亮相。近20年来,一大批热爱民办高等教育的志士仁人,以强烈的使命感和责任感,以真诚和执着,汗水和智慧,改革探索,艰苦创业,构筑了中华高等教育领域一道绚丽的风景线。截至1999年底,全国民办高校和高等教育机构已达1200余所,其中,经教育部批准参与普通高等教育统一招生、具有颁发学历文凭资格的学校37所,进行高等学历文凭考试试点的学校370所,其他民办高校教育机构800余所,共有在…  相似文献   

在人类社会昂首迈入新世纪的今天,新经济浪潮已经扑面而来,每个人都真切地感受到它那随之带来的激烈竞争。诸如"网络经济"、"学习型组织"等新经济名词频频见诸报端,令人目不暇接:什么"数字化社会"、"虚拟化生存"云云,时时刻刻给人类的生存状态带来新的挑战。所有这些五彩缤纷的社会经济新现象,说穿了,其实质都是从不同的角度反映了传统层面上的物本经济正在向人本化经济发展的大趋势。在当今以"人本经济"为主体的社会环境中,"以人为本者胜"已经成为个人,企业乃至国家生存竞争和超越发展的制胜法则。 --就个人而言,比尔·盖茨何以成为世界首富和知识经济的时代英雄?就是因为他拥有由世界顶尖智慧的头  相似文献   

21世纪教育需要加强创新意识培养,改革教学方法,积极采用启发式、讨论式、研究式教学方法用现代教育技术手段组织教学,培养学生的科学批判精神和探索发现能力,引发学生的创新潜能。论述了面向应用的生物医学工程专业的教学模式,强调注重学生实际能力的培养,以期取得较好的教学效果。  相似文献   

Although science education intends to help students learn to think, research in this area does not usually use psychological research on how people think. The purpose of this article is to describe one type of research, commonly called information-processing psychology. Its goal is understanding how people think while doing complex tasks. It uses detailed data, usually from individual subjects, and develops precise yet powerful models of human performance, often by using a computer. After describing information-processing research, we illustrate it with two studies. The first shows how computer models are used to explain thinking. A computer program models the knowledge needed to understand and use a physics textbook. The second study shows how information-processing approaches can be used systematically but more simply. This study clarifies why students find it so difficult to master the “factor-label” method for converting chemical units. The article concludes with a discussion of guidelines and suggestions for using information-processing ideas.  相似文献   

以ESA杂拼型理论为指导,从培养兴趣、以"输出"促进"输入"、注重多个ESA的循环运用这三方面,谈英语"视听说"教学.  相似文献   


In studies of academic resilience, researchers seek to identify factors that protect against adverse effects caused by risk and stress, and which ultimately assist students to be academically successful. However, because relatively few studies are conducted in Asian settings, Western-based research may have limited application for policy and prevention in the Asian context. It is therefore important to expand the context and culture in which resilience research takes place. This paper highlights academic resilience factors among Asian students that are located in the multiple levels of the social ecology (including individual, peers, family and school). This is consistent with results from the Western context. However, it also reports on some differences in academic resilience factors that are found both within Asian countries and between Asian and Western countries. From these results, we might thus conclude that alongside pan-human factors, Asian students’ academic success can also be considered in part due to uniquely Asian attributes. This reaffirms the importance of considering culture and national context in studies of academic resilience. Taken as a whole, this collection of papers showcases multiple approaches to building academic resilience and empowering students and their educators and caregivers across the Asian region.  相似文献   

日本极右分子田边敏雄搜罗在承德服役战败回国的宪兵们编造的谎言,否认在承德制造水泉沟,人坑的罪行。水泉沟人坑掩埋着三万多抗日儿女的儿骨,它是日本侵略中国的罪证,无论是日本宾兵,还是极右翼分子都永远抹不掉的史实。  相似文献   

人本思想在教育管理中的运用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
人本主义的思想源远流长,起源于古希腊文化,形成于文艺复兴,发展于启蒙运动,在现代社会得到不断地完善,同科学主义一道互相竞争、相互补充,共同构成了西方文化的基本精神,影响着人们的思想和行为。在当今中国教育改革的过程中,把人本思想纳入教育管理,是实施创新教育,深化素质教育的一个新课题。  相似文献   

Gender inequalities in schools have implications for life chances, emotional well-being and educational policies and practices, but are apparently resistant to change. This paper employs Judith Butler’s conceptualisation of performativity in a study of young people and consumption to provide insights into gendered inequities. It argues that how the young people ‘do’ gender in focus groups frequently involves the discussion of young women’s bodies and clothes in ways that are ‘culturally intelligible’. The focus on young women’s bodies produced joking relationships and a taken-for-granted understanding of gender in some same-sex interactions, but sometimes created tension and divisions in mixed-gender groups. Discussions of sexualisation in single-sex and mixed-sex groups were similarly emotionally loaded. The paper argues that attention to gender inequalities requires detailed attention to the differential power relations in which boys express desires to control feminine bodies and girls police their own and other girls’ bodies. Methodologically, the paper suggests that focus group discussions constitute an ethnographic site for analysis and that researchers co-construct young people’s narratives of embodied gender practices in ways that mediate young people’s gendered performances.  相似文献   

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