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Using policy discourse analysis, the author analyzed 21 diversity action plans issued at 20 U.S. land-grant universities over a five-year period to identify images of diversity and the problems and solutions represented in diversity action plans. Discourses of marketplace, excellence, managerialism, and democracy emerged and served to construct images of the diverse individual as a commodity, entrepreneur, and change agent. These findings suggest that the dominance of the marketplace discourse may situate the diverse individual as a resource to be exploited and inspire entrepreneurial endeavors rather than change-making activism. Diversity action plans in their current form may unintentionally undermine the achievement of their equity goals.  相似文献   

郑珍之诗《黎平木》早已成为赞颂黎平杉木的佳作,但对其诗句"黎人拙常饶,遵人巧常饥"少有论述。黎人之"拙"在于混农林生态系统生产周期长,见效慢;黎人之"饶"在于混农林生态系统能把生态效益与经济效益很好结合起来;遵人之"巧"在于开垦荒山,得一时之利,遵人虽"巧"却"常饥"。  相似文献   

李清照是中国古代最伟大的女词人,她的词作被视为思想与艺术高度结合的产物。本文主要概括了李清照词作中对比艺术手法的表现,并由此探讨其发生的原因和阐述其出现的意义。  相似文献   

Sophian C 《Child development》2006,77(6):1554-1556
Do children have coexisting but contradictory beliefs about things like magic? Some patterns of behavior that seem to reflect contradictory beliefs may stem from children's recognition that their knowledge about events is incomplete and therefore things may occur without them understanding how. In addition, children may hold certain beliefs that are inconsistent with the rest of their knowledge in a way that is very much like the premises of a game of make-believe. These beliefs are recognized to be "not really true" but children act as if they were true under specific circumstances. It is concluded that children do not hold contradictory beliefs except in this special sense.  相似文献   

Nóvoa  António  Alvim  Yara 《Prospects》2020,49(1-2):35-41
PROSPECTS - This Viewpoint argues that the debates about the future of education and the need to rethink the school model started long before the pandemic crisis. But the situation we are...  相似文献   

This paper reviews research on private supplementary tutoring, widely known as shadow education, during the initial decades of the present century. It takes as its starting point the first global study of the phenomenon, published in 1999, though notes some scattered national and subnational literature prior to that date. During the initial two decades, great expansion of the research on shadow education brought more depth and stronger awareness of commonalities and differences in different cultures. From initial mapping and identification of factors shaping demand came work on ecosystems with deeper sociological and economic analyses, together with greater attention to research methods. The agenda ahead will need to keep up with changing times, e.g., through the impact of technology, and develop stronger interdisciplinarity to explore additional domains. It will also need continued attention to definitions and methods.  相似文献   

“玫瑰“是安徒生童话中常见的意象,并被赋予了多层次的象征意义。尽管西方文学中的玫瑰意象常表达出爱情的甜美,但在安徒生童话中,这种象征却较少出现。在许多作品中,玫瑰都被用来形容美丽的事物、美好的思想,表达出作者对美的阐释。此外,在更多的童话中,“玫瑰“象征着人与上帝之间的情感,具有浓郁的宗教意味。而这些都使安徒生童话在浅近平淡中呈现出一种悠远静穆的诗意。  相似文献   

The recommendation that we encourage children to be open-minded has been gathering strength. Yet given the everyday meaning of 'being open-minded about something', we may decide to reject this recommendation because it proscribes teaching and learning. There again, recent philosophical accounts of open-mindedness seem to oppose everyday meaning and lead to the absurd conclusion that the Pope is open-minded about the existence of God. This paper suggests two ways of looking at these problems, the second of which reconciles ordinary usage with open-mindedness as a desirable educational objective.  相似文献   

QUERIES 'N THEORIES provides a parallel to the strong inference approach to scientific method — designing experiments, observing data, and theorizing. The reiterated use of the DOT approach (Design, Observe, Theorize) in the problem-solving required by the game mirrors the regular, systematic application of strong inference in some areas of science (e.g., high energy physics and molecular biology) that have moved ahead much more rapidly than others. Moreover, the game embodies and provides practive in two aspects of scientific theorizing and designing which John Platt has pointed out as central to scientific advance: (1) the usefulness of multiple hypotheses and (2) disproof as science's mode of advance.Players of QUERIES'N THEORIES assume the roles of a native and of linguists (querists) who are attempting to understand the native's language in a defined sense. Using strings of colored chips, the native secretly constructs the basic sentences and the replacement rules (if any) of his language. The querists ask questions by constructing queries (strings of colored chips) on the query mat. They seek to achieve an understanding of the language such that when the native in turn asks them about it by constructing queries on the query mat, they will be able to answer correctly. The goal is to ask the fewest number of questions necessary to achieve the specified understanding.By presenting a programmed series of sample games that gradually and steadily increase in complexity, the author attempts to demonstrate that QUERIES'N THEORIES offers its players the opportunity to learn a powerful analytic skill. He concludes that the examples are sufficiently persuasive to indicate the value of rigorous empirical investigation of a series of hypotheses about the merits of QUERIES'N THEORIES as a vehicle for practicing and improving skill in the use of the strong inference approach to scientific method.  相似文献   

创办民办学校的实践,使我深感要办好民办学校就必须:抓基点,办学定位要准确;抓亮点,办学特色要凸显;抓动点,办学机制要激活。要努力服务经济,适应市场,创出品牌。  相似文献   

Abstract: Cuttance, P. 1980. Coleman, Plowden, Jencks, and now, Rutter: An Assessment of a Recent Contribution to the Debate on School Effects. Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research 24,191‐205. The general context of the debate on school effects in which the Rutter et al.study is set, is outlined, and a brief overview of the study is given. A critical assessment of the study is then undertaken via an evaluation of the methodology, statistical procedures, substantive educational findings, and the testing of the main hypothesis. I argue that the study fails to provide scientific evidence which is relevant and capable of corroborating its major hypothesis: that there are educationally significant differences between schools, and that these are explainable by ‘school processes’, after adjustment is made for the differences in intake between schools.  相似文献   

独立学院,作为中国高等教育改革中新出现的一种办学形式。它既拥有公办高校的优势资源,又广泛吸纳了社会民间资本,对扩大高等教育资源,促进公办、民办高等教育协调发展起到了一定的积极作用。但是任何事物的发展都绝非一帆风顺的,独立学院也不例外,都需经过不断摸索才能逐渐成熟起来。本文以独立学院的产生背景为研究起点,以独立学院的发展现状及未来走向为研究重点,对其存在的有关问题进行剖析。  相似文献   

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