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This article discusses the management of quality in education systems. Indicator systems are discussed in the section that follows and the relationship between indicators, development and accountability is addressed in the context of the strategic management of improvement in school systems. A system of indicators developed to monitor the effectiveness of practice is then discussed. The final sections of the paper discuss these indicators in serving a dual purpose of school development and quality management. These indicators were developed to continuously monitor and review the quality of the education provided for students. Information from the monitoring of the effectiveness of school practice and functioning is discussed in the final section.  相似文献   


This paper discusses a series of recent critiques of school effectiveness (SE) research from within the academic community and the responses to them by SE researchers. It uses these as a basis to explore the nature of current SE research and its relationship with government policy. It is argued that much SE research has been too closely concerned with specific government policies as well as having weak theoretical and empirical support. The general response of the SE community to these criticisms is judged to be inadequate and recommendations for future directions are made.  相似文献   

State and federal policy constitutes a significant component of the educational environment. School leaders stand at the intersection of policy and practice in attempting to implement systemic school reform. This report begins with a brief overview of (1) recent federal policy alignment initiatives, (2) the Comprehensive School Reform Demonstration (CSRD) grants program, and (3) the general policy environment in North Carolina. We then draw on evaluation data from North Carolina schools receiving CSRD grants to suggest that initial school efforts are marked by two significant absences, chiefly, the absence of comprehensive design perspectives to guide improvement efforts and the absence of critical analysis during application of improvement models. We close by offering suggestions for school leaders engaged in systemic reform efforts.  相似文献   

在现代范式中,生命意义的寻求、发现与实现是每个个体生命的生存使命。从生命的视野看,个体生命只能成为生命的独一无二的自己,成为生命“所是”和“所能是”的自己。这一答案从生物学、伦理学、心理学等领域的研究成果中得到有力支持。当今人类的发展为个体生命成为自己提供了可能,当代教育改革正朝着有助于个体生命成为自己的方向发展,教育有义务帮助一个人以一切可能的形式去实现他自己。  相似文献   

混凝土污水管的抗侵蚀寿命设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
预制混凝土污水管是世界各国污水系统中广为采用的材料,混凝土污水管的设计寿命是整个污水系统设计寿命的一个关键因素。根据混凝土污水管受污水侵蚀的机理及过程,在混凝土污水管的整体设计方案中,除了污水管的强度设计外,还必须进行混凝土污水管的抗侵蚀寿命设计,以保证整个污水系统的设计寿命。  相似文献   

小学场域中并非所有的教育惩罚都发挥了教育功能,有些惩罚没有触及学生的心灵。教育惩罚是一把双刃剑,是一种高难度的教育技术,如果使用不当,易于异化为一种破坏性的力量,成为奴化学生肉体和心灵的工具。我们应理性审视教育中的惩罚,走出"滥用惩罚"的误区,探寻惩罚的张力和实践限度,回归"惩罚"本真。  相似文献   

How might we balance assistance and penalties to intelligent tutors and educational games that increase learning and interest? We created two versions of an educational game for learning policy argumentation called Policy World. The game (only) version provided minimal feedback and penalized students for errors whereas the game+tutor version provided additional step-level teaching feedback and immediate error correction. A total of 105 university students played either the game or game+tutor version of Policy World in a randomized, controlled, two-group, between-subjects experiment, during which we measured students’ problem-solving abilities, interest in the game, self-reported competence, and pre- and posttest performance. The game+tutor version increased learning of policy analysis skills and self-reported competence. A path analysis supported the claim that greater assistance helped students to learn analysis better, which increased their feelings of competence, which increased their interest in the game. Log data of student behavior showed that debate performance improved only for students who had sufficiently mastered analysis. This study shows that we can design interesting and effective games to teach policy argumentation and how increasing tutoring and reducing penalties in educational games can increase learning without sacrificing interest.  相似文献   

为了加强学校与家庭的合作伙伴关系并增进学校效能促进学生发展,英国教育与就业部(DfEE)在“1998年学校标准与框架法”中提出中小学校和家庭签订协议书的教育政策。目前在许多英国中小学校正在实施该政策。本文主要分析英国中小学校家庭学校协议的教育政策的形成背景与主要内容,并考察了该政策的实施的效果与存在的主要问题。  相似文献   

学校撤并前后,西北六县的学校数量大幅减少,而学校规模、平均班级规模和学校班级数明显扩大。学校规模对数学、语文成绩合格率具有显著的负影响,对辍学率具有显著的正影响。此外,"经历学校撤并学生比例"对教育质量也产生了负面影响。由此,义务教育均衡发展进程中,应确保农村学校规模适度,以教育质量提升和公平原则为优先,并理顺大规模和小规模学校的关系,促进农村学校多元化发展。  相似文献   

统计资料显示,截止2000年,全国有中学千余所,北京市现有中学754所。[1]这些中学分为重点中学和普通中学,到1982年末,北京市有53所重点中学,占整个北京市中学的6.5%。[2]重点中学与普通中学之间,由于人为的因素,形成很大差异。学校之间的这种差异,使学生认为进入什么样的学校,或多或少地就决定其将来的升学机会甚至人生。袁振国教授认为,这种差异即有隐性的也有显性的。[3]显性差异主要表现在经费、师资、设备、校舍等方面,显而易见,本文关注的是该差异中的隐性因素。教育具有社会化功能和选拔功能。当学校制度具有强有力的选拔功能时,人们的…  相似文献   

社会分工造成的定势,导致了教育政策的决策者、教育理论的研究者、教育实践者三者工作的明显分离,不能适应新形势对教育的要求。寻求教育政策、教育理论、教育实践三者的最佳融合,关键在于重建校长教育话语的"中间地带"。这是基于当前学校境遇寻求话语突破的理论诉求。  相似文献   

社会分工造成的定势,导致了教育政策的决策者、教育理论的研究者、教育实践者三者工作的明显分离,不能适应新形势对教育的要求。寻求教育政策、教育理论、教育实践三者的最佳融合,关键在于重建校长教育话语的"中间地带"。这是基于当前学校境遇寻求话语突破的理论诉求。  相似文献   

2006年春季中国开始对西部农村义务教育阶段中小学生实行“两免一补”政策。而这项政策没有把西部民办中小学校的农村学生纳入补贴范围。笔者提出给2006年上学期末仍在西部民办中小学校上学的农村学生发放相当于西部公办中小学校农村学生所享受的“两免一补”补贴面值的教育券。保证这些民办中小学校的农村学生同等的受教育权,保证这部分学生家长不“双重付费”,并保证这部分学生与家长的特殊需求。  相似文献   

Motivation is a key factor in promoting academic success, and intrinsic motivation is especially important for developing autonomous learners. Reluctant learners, in particular, benefit from intrinsic motivation that makes learning relevant to their lives. In this article, the author describes commonalities of reluctant learners and presents definitions and frameworks for understanding motivation. The author also suggests a variety of strategies and activities for turning reluctant learners into inspired learners.  相似文献   

政策工具研究是教育政策学的一个重大基本理论问题.加强政策工具研究,不仅具有重大的理论价值,而且蕴含着重要的现实意义.本文阐述了政策工具在教育政策系统中的地位、政策工具研究是教育政策学的工具论基础及政策工具的能量等观点,并分析了政策工具研究与转变政府职能的关系及其对教育政策运行的影响,同时,本文指出应警惕"工具主义"所带来的危险.  相似文献   

我国教育政策在实施过程中陷入了困境。究其原因在于我国学校在制度化过程中的内在价值分裂,即显性制度化和隐性制度化的出现。要摆脱这一困境就必须进行学校制度的变革,对我国学校进行“自组织”建构。  相似文献   

Policy responses to disparities in education have proven to be largely inadequate in reducing persistent differences in academic outcomes, commonly referred to as the achievement gap. In this article, we identify some of the ways in which the fragmented nature of public policy generally, and education policy specifically, has contributed to the problem. We draw upon research from a variety of disciplines to argue that the most effective way to address the broad array of social and economic conditions impacting low-income children and their families is through the adoption of an ecological approach, similar to those used in public health. In order for education policies to promote equity in academic outcomes, they must explicitly address the ways in which race, class, language, and culture, as well as implementation processes, reproduce and reinforce disparities in academic achievement. We propose a new, comprehensive framework for equity-based education policy that makes it possible to respond to the social and economic factors that impact, and often undermine, efforts to improve academic outcomes. An analysis of California’s Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) and interviews with senior county leaders allows the authors to draw connections to the new policy framework, generating recommendations for strengthening education policies like LCFF.  相似文献   

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