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Whilst adventure-based experiential education traditions have long-standing claims of progressive, democratic learning potential, little research has examined practice from within democratic theories of participation and learning. Focusing on a complex network making up a disturbing interaction in an outdoor education programme, I posit forms of structural management privileging institutional design blockaded democratic forms of interaction when bids arose, while simultaneously identifying the peripheral ‘un-structured’ symbolic spaces beyond the care-gaze of educators as necessary sites of creative emergence. Drawing on the work of Lather [Lather, Patti. 1996. “Troubling Clarity: The Politics of Accessible Language.”Harvard Educational Review 66 (3): 525–546], I explore the peripheral boundaries of traditional ethnographic writing, decentering norms of finality and conclusivity, and invite the reader into a critical interaction with ‘a shifting text’ [Babich, Babette. 1994. Nietzsche's Philosophy of Science: Reflecting Science on the Ground of Art and Life. Albany: State University of New York Press, p. 27] and a chaotic moment in the programme.  相似文献   

跨文化交际不仅是语言的互动,而且是文化的互动,是交际双方语用规则相互影响的过程。探讨跨文化语用和语境差异。实现不同文化的交融和互补,敏锐的语境意识有助于创造出较为理想的交际环境,因此,语言语境、文化语境和社交语境的认知是实现成功的跨文化交际的先决条件。  相似文献   


Gifted Students participate in interdisciplinary humanities courses that are student centered and project oriented.  相似文献   

The experiential education field is new and growing and so are the problems of communication within the field. Terminology is being developed which is not clear, or is ambiguous, or is inappropriate. Four suggested typologies from the literature for classifying program types provide a base for analyzing this problem of nomenclature in experiential education. A recommended typology of program types is presented along with the positions supporting the types selected as well as those rejected.  相似文献   

中西方文化背景的差异和价值观不同导致人们对同一事物及其象征意义的理解可能完全不同,作为以促销商品为目的的广告翻译首先要考虑目的地语言文化,本文针对风俗习惯、宗教信仰、历史背景、审美观、价值观等跨文化因素对广告翻译的影响,结合实例探讨了跨文化广告翻译的技巧和应注意的问题。  相似文献   

作为一种全新的学习方式,体验式教学正在教育领域引起广泛的关注并付诸于实施。上海棋类运动的普及程度高且成绩斐然,但棋类教学的内容和形式却有待突破。为回归棋类教育的本真,实现棋类项目人才培养的可持续发展,有必要开展体验式棋类教学的实践,设计和开发符合青少年认知特点和规律的体验式课程。  相似文献   

目的评估个体在体验学习四种学习环节的侧重以及个体的四种基本学习方式取向.方法通过随机分层抽样抽取我校2007、2008、2009级共6个专业的509名本科学生进行调查,其中男生92人,女生417人.四种学习环节的侧重以及个体学习方式的评估采用<体验学习方式量表>.结果1)不同专业学生体验学习量表各维度的得分比较在抽象概括(P=0.000)、具体体验(P=0.044)和抽象概括-具体体验(P=0.010)维度比较具有显著性意义;2)不同专业学生四种基本学习方式的分布具有显著性意义(P=0.001);3)男生与女生在体验学习量表抽象概括(P=0.009)和抽象概括-具体体验(P=0.036)在各专业比较具有显著性意义,男生与女生四种基本学习方式的分布具有显著性意义(P=0.010).结论本研究表明不同专业学生在体验学习的四种学习环节具有不同的侧重以及个体的四种基本学习方式具有不同的倾向.本研究可以认为是对体验学习理论的实证研究.  相似文献   

翻译是两种语言、两种文化之间交流的媒介。语用学关注的焦点是语言的使用者以及使用的环境。而语言的使用又受到诸多社会文化因素的制约与影响。在翻译实践中译者必须关注跨文化交际中出现的语用暗示。本文将通过相关例证来陈述跨文化语用在翻译中的重要性。  相似文献   

对于“经验的实在性”的问题,理论界一直比较忽视,相应的专著、论文少有。其实对于“经验的实在性”问题的探讨,关于“经验的实在性的”的内涵、特点和时代价值的追寻.才能让我们找到真理的根基。  相似文献   

The project-syllabus is an outgrowth of the individual contract system used in experiential education. It is a mass-produced contract containing experiential objectives, field resources to be tapped, a listing of topical inquiries, grading procedures, and a format for preparing reports. The mass-produced form eliminates much of the cost of faculty working individually with students to devise an experiential program. Yet, flexibility to fill individual needs and interests is assured in two ways: (1) more options are provided than are required to be completed, and (2) other areas may be substituted for listed topics. Through these choices students convert a standardized system into a unique experience.He serves on the editorial boards of several national professional publications and was a founder, and currently is Secretary-Treasurer, of the Society for Field Experience Education.  相似文献   

Attention to experiential instruction is needed if the learning process is not to be left totally to chance. This paper proposes a theory of experiential instruction based on ideas of Jerome Bruner. Four general requirements of a theory of instruction (attention to the learner's predisposition to learning, appropriate structuring of knowledge, meaningful sequencing of concepts and timely feedback) are examined in light of the instructional role in experiential settings. The discussion concludes with a call for research and development to refine and improve the practice of experiential instruction.This paper will appear in somewhat different form in a volume tentatively entitled Service-Learning in Higher Education: A Guide for Faculty, currently being prepared for the National Student Volunteer Program, a part of ACTION. The author extends his appreciation to NSVP staff for permission to adapt ideas originally developed for work contracted to NSVP. The ideas and opinions in this paper do not necessarily reflect the position or policy of NSVP, ACTION or the Northwest Regional Educational Laboratory, and no official endorsement should be inferred.This article is based on a presentation at the 1978 SFEE/NCPSIP annual convention.  相似文献   

英汉写作中修辞的跨文化差异   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
关于修辞的概念,在中西方文化里是不完全等同的,人们对其内容的理解也有所不同。这里主要从文化的角度,根据古典修辞学的基本要素,从构思、组织、风格、记忆等四个方面.对表现在写作中的中西方修辞艺术的差异进行比较,以期增强英语学习中的跨文化修辞意识,从而在英语写作的过程中自觉地进行文化转换。  相似文献   

沉默语是一种能传达丰富信息的非语言交际行为,但是不同文化背景下的人对它的理解不同。中国人认为“语言是银,沉默是金,”相信“静水深流”。而西方人对沉默语的理解则是负面的,认为“我说,故我在”。本文介绍了中西方在文化与教学上对沉默语的不同理解,详细分析了这种差别的文化渊源,强调了语言学习与文化的密不可分。在学习一种语言的时候,我们不仅要学习它的言语知识方面,还要有非言语方面的知识。作为非言语交际的一个方面,沉默语是我们成功地学习一种语言,避免跨文化交际的失败所必须要了解的一个方面。  相似文献   

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