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文章从现阶段制约我国饭店业进一步发展的因素入手,从21世纪旅游饭店战略竞争力角度出发,提出只有核心竞争力才能医疗我国饭店业所患症结的观点,并就如何提高饭店核心竞争力提出自己的几点思考。  相似文献   

SARS疫情作为一个突发事件 ,给了我们 ,特别是饭店业一个惨痛的教训。本文对我国饭店业在SARS期间所暴露出的问题进行了分析 ,并提出我国饭店业亟待解决的问题 ,包括建立危机管理体系 ,提高饭店行业应对危机的能力 ;健全社会失业保障系统 ,维护饭店和员工利益 ;规范市场秩序 ,避免恶性竞争 ;扶持饭店协会的成长 ,持续稳定地发展饭店业 ;形成地理分布网络化 ,提高饭店集团的竞争力。  相似文献   

英国经济学家情报所等在《未来的组织设计》中提出:未来的竞争是知识的竞争;大企业的核心是知识;不学习即消亡。随着教育改革和知识经济进程的加快,一所学校,教师和学生的持续发展及其所具有的竞争力,促使校园文化的发展面临着深刻的嬗变。校园文化作为一种管理组织文化,在现代社会,其核心是促进组织及其成员的学习力的形成。学习力体现了以人为本的组织管理理念,学习力的提出使学校、教师、学生相互促进,和谐发展。一、学习力是促进人的发展的根本动力康奈尔大学有一个“煮青蛙”的实验:一个青蛙在一个锅里,如果直接给它以热水它会迅速作出…  相似文献   

随着社会经济的发展,旅游业成为了社会发展的新亮点,而旅游行业中饭店业也存在激烈的竞争。本提出了要增强饭店竞争力,提高经济效益,就要树立饭店品牌、提高饭店服务质量、加强饭店的营销手段,以此来培育饭店的忠诚宾客。  相似文献   

英国经济学家情报所等在《未来的组织设计》中提出:未来的竞争是知识的竞争;大企业的核心是知识;不学习即消亡。随着教育改革和知识经济进程的加快,一所学校,教师和学生的持续发展及其所具有的竞争力,促使校园文化的发展面临着深刻的嬗变。校园文化作为一种管理组织文化,在现代社会,其核心是促进组织及其成员的学习力的形成。  相似文献   

创建学习型饭店的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,越来越多的企业纷纷致力于创建学习型组织,并且很多企业取得了显著的成绩。饭店业作为一个在改革开放后才真正发展起来的产业也不例外。该文首先根据学习型组织的内涵及饭店业的特点,对学习型饭店的内涵进行新的界定,然后在分析创建学习型饭店过程中出现的主要问题的基础上,从学习理念、学习方式、培训体系、知识共享等几个方面提出创建学习型饭店的具体策略。  相似文献   

随着经济全球化发展趋势以及知识经济的成长,现代企业核心竞争力是企业生存的关键,而企业核心竞争力的不断提高又依靠着企业的每一个细胞——职工。企业职工的学习、实践和创新能力制约着企业的发展,因此现代企业要在竞争的大环境中因地制宜,创建成为一个学习型企业,提高企业的核心竞争力,最终使企业立于不败之地。  相似文献   

旅游度假区内的饭店实施绿色营销是饭店业可持续发展的必然之路,也是提高饭店核心竞争力,创建绿色企业文化的有效途径。旅游度假区内的饭店只有实施绿色营销战略才能开拓新的客源市场,提高综合效益。武夷山国家旅游度假区饭店产业集中,旅游资源优势突出,利于企业创新绿色产品和服务,提升饭店绿色文化内涵,实施和谐发展的绿色营销理念。  相似文献   

当今的社会是学习的社会,当今的企业是学习型的企业,科技水平的高低决定了一个企业在市场竞争中优胜劣汰,职工的素质高低决定着一个企业的兴衰,一次性教育对我们来说已远远不够,人人都要实现向终身教育的转变。企业开展继续教育无论对员工、还是对企业都是势在必行的,因为企业要在激烈的市场竞争中生存和发展,关键要提高其核心竞争力,而要提高企业的竞争力,首先要提高人的竞争力,国家实施科教兴国战略,对于企业来说就得实施科教兴企,人才强企,只有提高了企业全体员工的知识水平和素质水平,才会大大提高企业的竞争力,才能抢占市场竞争制高点,…  相似文献   

饭店企业要想在竞争激烈的市场上求得生存和发展,就必须提高服务质量,而饭店服务质量的好坏,在很大程度上取决于饭店员工素质的高低。所以,饭店业需要通过培训来提高员工素质,进而提高饭店服务质量。饭店业培训员工必须从八个方面来进行。  相似文献   

Learning in the circumstances of practice stands as the commonest and most enduring way occupational capacities have been learnt across human history, and, likely, are currently learnt. Yet, a comprehensive account of this means of learning remains absent, which limits the legitimacy of workplaces as sites of learning, the learning arising from them and understandings of how to organize, promote and evaluate that learning. When advancing this account, it is necessary to avoid being constrained by the discourse of schooling and orthodoxies of schooled societies, which can distort considerations of learning through practice on its own terms. When reviewed, anthropological and historical literature on learning occupational practices outside of educational provisions offers fresh suggestions including that such an account likely comprise elements of practice curriculum and pedagogies and personal epistemologies, albeit set within particular complexes of cultural, societal and situational factors. A key distinction arising from such a review is the emphasis on individuals’ active processes of learning and how these are enacted in the circumstances of practice, rather than on teaching or instruction. Such a distinction runs deep in this literature and has consequences for conceptions of understandings and efforts to promote and improve learning through practice.  相似文献   

学习是学习力的源泉,人们通过学习不断积累知识、技能、策略,提升能力、适应变化,为终身发展积聚能量.学习力在学习过程中生成,并随着学习的进行而得到提升,同时,学习因学习力的提升而得到加强,这是一个相互依赖、相互促进的过程,并且是一个动态发展的过程.该文从学习力的内涵与学习过程的实质出发,探索学习力与学习过程的内在联系,并给出一些学习力提升的建议.  相似文献   


This paper considers the nature of learning and the role of institutions in general and schools in particular in structuring learning. It outlines and commends a view of learning as a process whereby we discover ourselves as persons and thereby act to create the contexts in which we live and work. Central to this view is the idea of the ‘learning school’.  相似文献   

大学的英语学习不同于中学的英语学习。为了提高自身的英语水平,大学新生必须学会在不同的学习阶段明确英语学习的目的,转变英语学习的观念以及调整学习的方法。文章通过分析大学新生英语学习中存在的问题,探寻提高他们英语学习效果的对策。  相似文献   

To equip graduates with the capability to meet complex demands of work and life, it is important that higher education teachers engage students in self-sustained learning – the persistent, self-initiated pursuit of expertise development in one's subject area. This requires building a positive synergy between learning and teaching, which implies various potential difficulties for teachers. Based on a critical analysis of these difficulties, it is proposed that self-sustained learning can be nurtured when teachers activate a form of dialogic reflective practice that prioritizes students’ subject expertise development. Relevant strategies are suggested and potential difficulties in implementing them are examined. These strategies are synthesized as the ISEE framework: (1) employing Inquiry-based Scaffolding Tasks to motivate students’ learning interests and scaffold their progress; (2) encouraging Engaging Classroom Dialogs to help students’ development of subject expertise and an active learner identity; and (3) using Engaged Critical Reflections to build close and trusting teacher–student relationships.  相似文献   

教学设计理论中亟待研究的几个问题   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
目前的教学设计理论存在脱离教学实际,对教学问题的诊断、解决力度不够的缺陷,究其原因,我们认为教学设计理论本身存在着一些没有解决的问题。这些理论问题主要包括实用化的教学问题诊断方法、学习行为的分析方法、学习任务的设计方法、学习环境的设计方法和针对综合性教学目标的教学决策的依据。  相似文献   

The authors examined the relative stability and variability of self-regulated learning (SRL) in kindergartners across various contexts (teacher-directed activities, small-group work, and independent work). They assessed the role of temperament and context on children's use of SRL while seeking to identify if there are optimal contexts for promoting SRL in particular children. The results revealed that although temperament was not related to SRL, children's regulation strategy usage was heavily dependent on context, contradicting the idea that children are either high or low self-regulators. The relative stability of SRL varied by child, with some children showing more sensitivity to context than did others. Optimal contexts for eliciting SRL also differed by children, with some children exhibiting elevated regulation during small-group activities and others during teacher-directed activities.  相似文献   

“基于问题的学习”(PBL)以情境性的、结构不良问题为核心,以描述与定义问题为导向,构成自己独特的学习过程模型,其问题对学习者的学习发挥导向、监控和评价功能。PBL模式在教育心理学课程中的应用需分析外部情境条件、学习者内部条件和问题特征等因素,与传统教学相比,PBL尤其关注师生关系的定位,重视学生之间的交流与合作,强调学生对知识生成过程的体验。  相似文献   

信息技术的飞速发展引发了学习领域的深刻革命,信息技术环境下大学生的学习方式设计已成为当务之急。结合信息技术环境下高校大学生学习的实际情况,论述了一种新的综合学习方式——“三步式”综合学习方式的组成和具体内容,以及其在实际教学中的应用和现实可行性。  相似文献   

This paper reconceptualised the interrelated learning constructs in higher education based on the Dynamic Systems Theory (DST). The university students' learning experience before, during and post the Emergency Online Learning (EOL) was investigated to explore the dynamic changes among the learning constructs in higher education. A case study of a Chinese university was conducted, and one hundred and ninety-three university students participated in the questionnaire. The data collected from this empirical research identify different hierarchical constructs of the conceptualised learning environment and reconceptualise the period of system reformation influenced by the EOL. The key findings include the identifications of the attractors and repellors framed by the DST and the impact on the changes in the learning constructs. The results of this paper contribute to further understanding of the university constructs' changes to better plan and support students' active learning in higher education.  相似文献   

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