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Li Tao is twenty-six years old. He finds work in a factory after he leaves school. He doesn’t know what the workers make and some workers take some bags away from the factory. The  相似文献   


School choice is associated with increased educational inequality and across-school segregation. This article documents the organisational practices and logics affecting school segregation and inequality. Through an institutional ethnographic study of principals’ responses to school choice within the context of immigration in Malmö, Sweden, I find that principals work to align their schools with generalised conceptions of a ‘good’ school – a ‘Swedish’ school without many immigrants. Principals pursue the image or reality of ‘Swedishness’ through choices about the presentation of the school, approaches to managing enrolment, selection of programmes of study, and even decisions about where schools are located. Through their administrative work, principals write presumed preferences for Swedishness into the structure of the school system. The results suggest that, when addressing the link between school choice and equality, group preferences of school choosers cannot be considered independently of the organisation of schooling accomplished by principals and other organisational actors.  相似文献   

This research focused on the changes in stimulus control that influence an animal’s ability to master a behavioral skill. We assessed stimulus control by (a) predictive environmental cues (panel lights) and (b) practice cues resulting from the subject’s own behavior, as rats learned to complete a left–right lever-press sequence. Following a demonstration of overshadowing by Reid, Nill, and Getz (Behavioural Processes 84: 511–515, 2010), in which stimulus control by the panel lights overshadowed control by practice cues, four additional experiments replicated and assessed this overshadowing effect. In Experiment 1, we discovered a powerful asymmetry: Rats failed to adapt to a lights → reversed-lights transition, but adapted immediately to a reversed-lights → lights transition. Experiment 2 was designed to measure the interactions between these stimulus conditions and practice cues. In Experiment 3, we measured the effect of these stimulus conditions on acquisition rates. Finally, in Experiment 4 an ABA design was used to assess the effects of prior exposure to condition A on B → A transitions, and we found that prior exposure generally reversed the effects observed in B → A transitions presented first or in isolation. We discuss feature-positive bias and spatial S–R compatibility as potential explanations of the observed insensitivity to cues that should be, at face value, highly predictive of food during the acquisition of a behavioral skill. Perfectly predictive cues in behavior chains do not always guide behavior.  相似文献   

Naive “observer” rats that interact with conspecific “demonstrators” fed a distinctive food increase intake of the food their demonstrators have eaten. Here we found that observer rats that had interacted simultaneously with 2 demonstrator rats, 1 fed a distinctively flavored, protein-poor food, the other a distinctively flavored, protein-rich food, did not prefer the former. Similarly, observer rats ate equal amounts of two distinctively flavored foods after interacting simultaneously with 2 demonstrator rats, 1 that had consumed all food available to it, the other fed from a surplus of the second food. Last, observer rats that had interacted with both a “trustworthy” demonstrator (1 an observer had learned ate only nutritious foods) and an “untrustworthy” demonstrator (1 an observer had learned ate noxious substances) did not prefer unfamiliar foods eaten by trustworthy demonstrators to those eaten by untrustworthy demonstrators. These findings suggest limits on social information observers use in selecting foods.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to understand how lecturers delivering college-based higher education viewed their workloads, and how this (if at all), influenced their engagement in scholastic activities, which may then enable them to become more knowledgeable in their chosen field of study. The research was of a qualitative nature, whereby semi-structured, in-depth interviews were undertaken with 26 individual lecturers employed at different further education colleges throughout the Yorkshire and Humber region. It was found that lack of time and onerous administrative responsibilities on top of their current workload were two of the major issues these lecturers were facing in their current roles. As a result, it is recommended that an independent audit be conducted to ascertain FE lecturers’ contact time with students and that ways in which to reduce their administrative duties be considered.  相似文献   

International studies have raised concerns about the academic and social implications of inclusive policies on school engagement and successful learning and, in particular, on the ways in which friendships are formed between students with SEN and other students. This article stems from research findings which show that Irish children with special educational needs like school less than their peers without SEN in mainstream settings. Using data from a large scale longitudinal study of 8578 9-year-olds, this paper uses a child centred research approach to investigate why this is the case particularly when they are in receipt of supports. To do this, we focus on processes underlying their dislike of school such as their academic engagement and social/peer relations. We measure academic engagement by looking at their interest in the subjects mathematics and reading and the extent to which they complete their homework. We examine the social/peer relations of students with special educational needs by assessing the extent to which they report liking their teacher. Using the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ) Scale and the Piers-Harris Self-Concept Scale we also examine the nature of peer relations among children with special educational needs in mainstream settings. Both academic engagement and social engagement play a central role in understanding the broader school engagement of children with special educational needs. By simultaneously examining the role of academic and social relations in shaping the engagement of children with SEN, the analysis provides a unique opportunity to fundamentally assess the barriers to true inclusion for children with special needs.  相似文献   

The impact of participation in adult literacy programmes on learners’ identities is examined through an interrogation of their past and current experiences and the assessment of the effect of particular pedagogies. The findings show how learners’ positive experiences in their programmes had caused them to re-evaluate their previous understandings and enabled the construction of new identities as people that are able to learn. These changes had come about through the challenging of negative discourses, the creation of new figured worlds and imagined futures, and the use of a learning curriculum where learners’ experiences were utilized as positive resources.  相似文献   

漫长的暑假。很多时间里你是不是会一动不动躺着看电视,一边觉得自己太无聊呢?为什么不把看电视的时间利用起来,你可以在看肥皂剧的时候转一转呼啦圈,或者做一套眼保健操舒缓一下长久紧绷的眼部神经。其实看电视时能做的简单锻炼太多了,好好利用起来,你的心里就不会有愧疚感了。[第一段]  相似文献   

Although a great deal of previous literature has explored the ways in which social class affects parental engagement in educational processes, there has been surprisingly little discussion of the way in which social class shapes the parent–professional interaction that occurs in school exclusion processes specifically. School exclusion processes are complex and those parents who become involved in them have to negotiate not only the formal processes that surround the use of permanent and fixed-term exclusion but also the less well-regulated and increasingly favoured processes that are associated with the use of alternatives to exclusion from school. This paper draws on the perspectives of professionals working in a wide variety of roles and contexts in one local authority in England and on those of a small number of mothers of children with longer and more complex histories of involvement in school exclusion processes. It argues for greater recognition of the impact of social class on parent–professional interaction in school exclusion processes because of the way in which it helps to perpetuate an intergenerational cycle of social and educational disadvantage.  相似文献   

The authors use their own experiences with social software to argue for the need for caution in its uses in education. They particularly draw attention to difficulties in engagement, the effects on identity, an emphasis on superficial issues, lack of coherence, and problems with authenticity and trust. While Facebook and Second Life appear to have potential for educational applications, the disquiet associated with them may need to be taken into account: and this can affect both students and their teachers. One of the authors is a student on an online course and extracts from her blogs and journal capture the emotional and psychological effects of engaging in these new worlds at the time it happened. Both authors have noticed changes in their responses over time and point to the need for integration and coherence for “virtual identities” to play an appropriate part in higher education. The paper raises more questions than it answers and suggests that there is an urgent need to theorise online identity, the roles of academics and students, and the codes of practice in such environments. If social software has a serious place in academic life, these issues will need to be widely debated.

Eine Welt, die ich nicht bewohne: Unruhe und Identität in Second Life und Facebook

Die Autoren lenken die Aufmerksamkeit auf Schwierigkeiten beim Engagement, der Wirkung auf Identität, die Betonung auf oberflächlichen Angelegenheiten, dem Mangel an Kohärenz und Probleme mit Authentizität und Vertrauen beim Verwenden von Facebook und Zweiten Leben. Während Facebook und Zweites Leben Potenzen für Bildungsnutzung zu haben scheinen, sollte die mit ihrer Nutzung entstehende Unruhe sowohl von Studenten als auch ihren Lehrern als Beeinflussung in Betracht gezogen werden muss. Beide Autoren weisen auf die Notwendigkeit nach Integration und Kohärenz hin, damit “virtuelle Identitäten” einen angemessenen Anteil in der höherer Bildung spielen können. Das Papier wirft mehr Fragen auf, als es beantwortet und weist auf die dringende Notwendigkeit hin, Online‐Identität theoretisch zu klären und die Rolle von Akademikern und Studenten sowie die verwendeten Codes in einer solchen Umgebungen zu analysieren.

Un Monde dans lequel je n’habite pas: inquiétude et identité dans Second Life et Facebook

Les auteurs attirent l’attention sur les difficultés à s’engager, les effets sur l’identité, l’accent mis sur les problèmes superficiels, le manque de cohérence et les problèmes d’authenticité et de confiance qui surgissent lorsqu’on utilise Facebook et Second Life. Bien que Facebook et Second Life semblent offrir des possibilités pour des applications éducatives il est peut‐être nécessaire de tenir compte de l’inquiétude qu’ils suscitent: cela peut en effet affecter aussi bien les étudiants que les professeurs. Les deux auteurs insistent sur le besoin de cohérence et d’intégration pour que les « identités virtuelles » jouent un rôle approprié dans l’enseignement supérieur. Cet article soulève plus de questions qu’il n’apporte de réponses et avance l’idée qu’il y a un besoin urgent de théorisation de l’identité en ligne, du rôle des professeurs et des étudiants et des codes de pratique dans des environnements de ce type.

Un Mundo en el cual no vivo: inquietud y identidad en Second Life y Facebook

Los autores llaman la atención sobre la dificultades de comprometerse, los efectos sobre la identidad, el énfasis en las cuestiones superficiales, la falta de coherencia y los problemas de autenticidad y de confianza que surgen cuando se utiliza Facebook y Second Life. Aunque aparentemente Facebook y Second Life tienen cierto potencial para ofrecer aplicaciones educativas, puede ser necesario tomar en cuenta la inquietud que conllevan; esto puede afectar tanto a los estudiantes como a los profesores. Ambos autores indican que hay una necesidad de integración y coherencia para que las « identidades virtuales » puedan desempeñar un papel adecuado en la enseñanza superior. Est artículo plantea muchas preguntas y no responde a todas y apunta la idea de una necesidad urgente de teorizar la identidad en línea, los respectivos papeles de los profesores y estudiantes así como los códigos de actuación en esos entornos.  相似文献   

A major research concern for teacher education is the impact of university credentialing programs on K-12 teaching and the disjuncture between university-promoted practices and what teachers actually do in their classrooms. In particular, mathematics-credential programs typically promote reform-oriented methods, while mathematics teaching in the US remains largely traditional. Proposed explanations for the limited uptake of university-promoted mathematics-teaching methods have included new teachers’ struggle to bridge the “two worlds” of the university and school, the relative difficulty of reform-oriented teaching, and the failure of the standard teacher-preparation model that teaches general pedagogical concepts prior to specific teaching tools and practices. In this study, interviews of 19 first- through 4th-year secondary-level mathematics teachers—graduates of a single credential program—investigated the factors, internal and external to the credential program, that these teachers perceived to support or impede their implementation of certain university-taught practices. The findings are used to examine previously proposed explanations for limited uptake, and recommendations are made for credential programs and employing schools.  相似文献   

卢娜 《辅导员》2013,(15):44
1974年诞生了一个新词——职业倦怠(Job burn out),这个词真是形象传神,burn out意即燃尽,Job-burn-out意即工作的热情燃烧殆尽了,剩下的不就是倦怠吗?人常说教师是园丁,是人类灵魂的工程师,当职业倦怠心理出现在这个群体的时候,后果则可想而  相似文献   

卢娜 《辅导员》2013,(10):44-44
<正>1974年诞生了一个新词——职业倦怠(Job burn out),这个词真是形象传神,burn out意即燃尽,Job-burn-out意即工作的热情燃烧殆尽了,剩下的不就是倦怠吗?人常说教师是园丁,是人类灵魂的工程师,当职业倦怠心理出现在这个群体的时候,后果则可想而  相似文献   

The importance of alternative forms of information is undeniable in a democratic society. Yet mass media often ignore important issues as well as grassroots struggles and victories. Over the past two decades, citizens of one small Canadian town have initiated a documentary film festival as a means to learn about diverse problems and/or share stories of successful community development and victorious social movements around the world. This sparked a series of documentary film festivals in other small Canadian towns. This article examines a study of two of these documentary film festivals and the learning reported by members of the audience.  相似文献   

Since the Children Act 2004 in both England and Wales, schools are expected to give due attention to the issue of children’s rights, particularly respect for the views of pupils in matters that affect them, as outlined in Article 12 of the UNCRC. However, one theme that has been relatively unexplored in the literature on children’s rights and education is religion and the role it plays in everyday school life, an issue that has relevance for Article 12, but also Article 14, which refers to freedom of thought, conscience and religion. This article approaches the topic of religion, schooling and children’s rights empirically, through a focus on rural church schools. It draws on in-depth qualitative research with pupils and other stakeholders from two case study schools in order to explore the significance of ethos values and experiences of religious practices for debates in this area.  相似文献   

This research embedded in the National Study of Writing Instruction examines higher- and lower-achieving adolescents’ stances toward content-area writing through a qualitative discourse analysis of interviews with 40 students in California, Kentucky, New York, and Texas secondary schools. The study asked: (1) How do students’ stances toward writing compare in general and across disciplines? (2) How do stances compare among middle and high school students and among students with different achievement histories? Results suggest that adolescents generally hold positive attitudes toward writing that allows for the expression of subjective stances, which they report is more commonly assigned in English language arts classrooms. Implications for the adoption of new US standards for disciplinary writing are discussed.  相似文献   

Reading and Writing - Although research on cognitive correlates of spelling has been conducted, these studies generally do not distinguish between different types of targets that need to be...  相似文献   

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