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This article briefly describes the services provided by Chinese health science libraries and the factors which influence service provision. Driven by new technologies and national initiatives, the key services delivered by Chinese health libraries in the last 10 years have been research support services (such as research impact assessment, support for data management), evidence‐based medicine, systematic reviews, the promotion of health information literacy, and the development of institutional repositories. J.M.  相似文献   

This paper describes a national survey designed to determine trends in videodisc use, development, and production in academic health sciences libraries throughout North America. In the winter of 1989, 131 four-page survey instruments went to library directors in academic health sciences institutions. Of these, 63 (48%) survey forms were completed and returned. Survey results indicated a wide range of videodisc technology use and development and a growing production of both Level I and Level III videodiscs within academic health sciences libraries. Videodisc technology delivery for student use was centralized within many medical libraries, although videodisc development was not centralized within academic health sciences centers. Most libraries (67%) have purchased videodisc technology and over one fourth (28%) are repurposing a videodisc within their institution. Over one fourth (25%) of respondents have already begun to develop their own videodisc software, and almost one fourth (24%) of respondents have a Level III videodisc in production. Clearly the use and development of videodisc technology for biomedical instruction is expanding within academic health sciences libraries.  相似文献   

A review of the literature reveals scant information on the application of ergonomics to health sciences libraries. Ergonomics research has identified and validated many genuine health hazards in business offices and industrial settings. While appearing innocuous, the library environment is affected by these hazards. As sophisticated technology and machinery are introduced into libraries, the human factors must be considered. This paper examines the hazards of the library environment as identified through ergonomics research and makes recommendations for alleviating or eliminating these dangers.  相似文献   

Six factual queries were unobtrusively telephoned to fifty-one U.S. academic health sciences and hospital libraries. The majority of the queries (63.4%) were answered accurately. Referrals to another library or information source were made for 25.2% of the queries. Eleven answers (3.6%) were inaccurate, and no answer was provided for 7.8% of the queries. There was a correlation between the number of accurate answers provided and the presence of at least one staff member with a master's degree in library and information science. The correlation between employing a librarian certified by the Medical Library Association (MLA) and providing accurate answers was significant. The majority of referrals were to specific sources. If these "helpful referrals" are counted with accurate answers as correct responses, they total 76.8% of the answers. In a follow-up survey, five libraries stated that they did not provide accurate answers because they did not own an appropriate source. Staff-related problems were given as reasons for other than accurate answers by two of the libraries, while eight indicated that library policy prevented them from providing answers to the public.  相似文献   

A survey of audiovisual (AV) practices in health sciences libraries was conducted by the Audiovisual Standards and Practices Committee of the Medical Library Association. The objective was to determine the variety and extent of AV practices currently in use in health sciences libraries, as a preliminary step toward developing AV standards.  相似文献   

Active learning is a method of instruction which involves the students/attendees in the learning process by having them participate and reflect on that experience. It is a process which has received much publicity in the educational literature and is being incorporated in many fields within the health sciences. Health sciences librarians are beginning to incorporate active learning into instruction sessions, and a number of techniques being used in other settings could also be adopted. Examples are offered for using active learning in teaching the use of indexes, end-user database searching, Internet navigation, and problem-based learning.  相似文献   

Health administration is an interdisciplinary profession practiced in various settings. This paper presents a core list of journals for libraries responsible for supporting the study or practice of health administration in any of these settings. This paper initially examines and defines the parameters of the field of health administration to guide in the selection and organization of the list of core health administration journals. The organization of the list is based on the definition of the field as presented in the paper. The most important journals have been indicated, and sufficient information is given to facilitate ordering.  相似文献   

A management decision to discontinue manually correcting errata in medical journals is based on a five-month study and is justified in terms of the cost of identifying and correcting errata, the haphazard way such errors are reported, and the fact that online errors are not corrected. Additional questions raised by the study address emerging problems with online Full text databases, and with whom the responsibility for correcting errors in the medical literature should rest. Concern is expressed over the sense of responsibility librarians may feel as they provide reference referral to sources of information which may contain uncorrected information.  相似文献   

Increasingly we hear of "electronic publishing" in the form of books and journals made available as databases, either through traditional online services or through electronic message services. This paper explores its potential impact on the medical library community and on the relationship between end user and librarian. The librarian's new roles as intermediary, facilitator, and advocate for end users are examined. The question of developing expertise for evaluating information as well as facilitating access is addressed.  相似文献   

This paper reports the results of a survey undertaken by the World Health Organization of health sciences libraries in Southeast Asia. It includes information on clientele, budget, personnel, collections, lending policy, dissemination of information, and reference services. The survey indicates that the collections in most of the health sciences libraries in Southeast Asia are deficient and that services provided to readers are inadequate. Recommendations for improvement are outlined.  相似文献   

Libraries have always organizationally supported the continuing education (CE) objectives of their respective institutions. As CE experts increase their understanding of the learning process and the factors that make CE opportunities successful, it is important that health sciences librarians use this knowledge to enhance their positions as key players in the CE field. This paper surveys the literature related to the roles of health sciences libraries in CE, reports an informal survey of health sciences librarians, and identifies innovative services that integrate the library with the lifelong learning processes of its users. Four distinct support areas are identified in which the library relates to CE (resources, content, education, and information management), illustrating traditional library CE roles and suggesting new opportunities. To be successful in improving the library's role in CE, librarians must attend to their own lifelong learning needs, increase collaboration with educators and CE providers, participate in research that addresses the learning and information assimilation processes, and actively involve the library in the quality filtering process.  相似文献   

Crime is a part of life that has become more evident in libraries through reports in journals, newspapers, television, and other media. As the result of a sharing session, a survey was conducted of the libraries composing the South Central Chapter of the Medical Library Association. This survey looked at the incidence of major and minor crimes in the libraries and their institutions; security measures, regulations, or policies that were in effect prior to these or having been initiated since; and the effect the crimes and/or security measures have had on the institution and its employees.  相似文献   

Given similar demographics (age, size, and user population), to what extent do community hospital libraries differ in collection content? It is sometimes assumed that hospital libraries are relatively homogeneous and therefore subject to standardized procedures and collection development guides. This study compares the holdings of two community hospital libraries in Illinois to determine similarities and differences.  相似文献   

Economic issues are among the most important factors affecting health sciences libraries in Nigeria. These issues are influenced by the political, cultural, geographic, and demographic characteristics of the country. Significant economic issues are the dependence of the national economy on a single commodity, large foreign debt and spiraling inflation, stringent foreign exchange control measures, and inadequate realization by authorities of the role and importance of health sciences libraries. With shrinking budgets, resources, and staff, health sciences libraries can neither grow nor afford library automation. Health sciences librarians must take initiatives for cooperative activities to increase and make the most of resources, pursue nontraditional methods of fund-raising, educate authorities about the role and importance of libraries, and develop and implement a plan for the development and growth of health sciences libraries in the country.  相似文献   

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